Dual amp, phase switch problems


Honorable dudes and dudettes...

I'm used to phasing one signal into two different amps.
I tried this on the axe yesterday, but the sound wasnt as expected.

My chain looks like this:

INPUT -> CPR -> DRV -> GEQ -> AMP 1 -> CAB 1 -> DLY -> CHO -> GEQ -> OUTPUT
| |
-> AMP 2 -> CAB 2 ->

Will the axe auto phase the signalchain??

Or do I need to tweak something on somewhere?

The sound did not act like it should..
Holy crap, that didn't show itself as I wrote it :p:p

Main point: I'm splitting the chain in TWO after the first graphical EQ, I put in two amps, and two cab blocks, and then unite the signal agin, to continue with delay, chorus, and what not..
I've only experimented with this type of setup (two amp/cab), but don't recall any phase issues

You should provide more detail regarding the sound your getting with this setup and why it's not what you expected. Providing an audio clip would also be helpful to those wanting to respond to your post.
Hi there,
Just saw your post and have no possibility to try out your routing right now but I think i know what's happening. I think the phase problem is induced by the lookahead in the compressor. I noticed you have the compressor in only one of your parallel paths. Bypass the compressor or temporarily delete it to test my theory. The lookahead introduced a very small delay, which I have used to phase correct signals going out to a physical amp, so it is very likely it is causing your problem.

wow, I wouldn't have thought of that either as you said you split the signal After the 1st EQ which is after the Comp. didn't think it would effect it down the line like that.

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