
WOW :( Sharing your enthusiasm for the Axe' can backfire if you don't watch out :shock:
I posted a comment on a site run for a quite well known singer/guitarist who plays
some tasty retro music and writes good songs, asking if he had tried the unit and
generally praising it for recording, having just come out of a studio where the engineer
was awestruck with my own unit and the way I dialed in every sound he wanted and
nailed it. The result from the site was a barrage' of abuse, foul language, and comments
the like I have not seen since punk died . His sound engineer ? being the worst offender
displaying a- Digital-is-heresy and all who use it should be put to death mentality.He
has the attitude that guitar players stopped being born after Scottie Moore and none
of the current guys are worth considering , Sorry Steve, Joe,Carlos, etc. Well screw
them, I hope all their valves melt. I guess I will stick with the ones who know a good
thing when they hear it regardless of what is inside. I am now gonna fire-up the rig
and treat my elderly neighbor to some riff's, she can now beat on the wall in perfect
time to the song's so she must love them :lol: :lol:
For every adopter of the latest and greatest digital gear (i.e. the AXE FX) there is a tube purist that will curse it's very existance. It's what keeps the guitar world in balance. :D

But, seriously, they are only limiting their own growth as musicians and professionals in the industry by being so closed minded about digital gear and it's supposed inferiority compared to tube gear. I don't miss tubes at all!
it's a stigma that digital emulation will have for a long time to come. Regardless of what people think of digital emulation it's pretty damn hard to argue with results and the axefx can hold it's own in pretty much any head to head comparison of tone I've heard. Also, guys don't like the idea of people having the same gear they spent $100,000 for and a lifetime to collect sitting in our 2U racks for a fraction of the price, it makes them feel like suckers.
wowzers said:
rsf1977 said:
it makes them feel like suckers.

in all truth, they kinda are :lol:

I don't think they feel like suckers. I didn't. I had a refrigerator of a rack I hauled around the planet for a couple of decades. I made such a huge investment because I had to in order to get the sounds that only the best guitar gear could create.

It's just that the AXE-FX is a game changer and you can either change with the game or be left behind. There is nothing wrong with having a studio or garage or a warehouse full of great gear. I just got sick of maintaining it and schlepping it around.

I happily simplified my life with the Ultra. No more worries about tubes, temperature or minor voltage fluctuations giving my sound the fubar! :D I could of bought 4 Ultras with what I sold my old rig for and I've only gained in the sounds I'm now able to create.

Going from a 24 space rack at nearly 400lbs to a 2 space almost makes me want to learn to dance!
I can't wait to tap dance on the MFC101.
electronpirate said:
Moving to the lounge.

And who is the singer/guitarist? Especially one who's crew actually participates on the board...

I could/nt possibly say, even if he was ex-pulp , He is a great bloke and musician, pity those who tend his site are not as nice. The most crass' comment from Sound-Tech' was that these
bloody Digi-boxes make everyone sound the same,?? NO' they let us tweak our own sound
in a way that a couple of tone pots and vol. with limited e.q. can't. also waxing lyrical about
long deleted from production pedals being unique and integral to identity is hogwash'. With
this technology we can create any sound in our heads. :p
MusicManJP6 said:
I don't miss tubes at all!

For me this is the key to the whole SS vs. tube debate. I DON'T MISS TUBES AT ALL. I don't miss the heat, the fragility, the reliability issues, unstable sound from one room to another (as well as one tube to another), the maintenence, the cost of maintenence, and in general all the bad ju-ju that goes with using technology that's decades out of date. After all this is the 21st century and it seems that guitar players are the last people on the planet to be dragged kicking & screaming into the new millenia.

Besides that I haven't even had my Ultra for two weeks yet and last night alone I was able to absolutely nail both Eric Johnson & Robin Trower, something I couldn't do with the roomful of amps I was using until now.
the hipocrasy is unbelievable.i guess this is the recording interface they are using.[attachment=0:163qqy9o]computer.jpg[/attachment:163qqy9o]
:ugeek: I read this quote on the Skeptical Inquirer website that seems to fit:

Our brains and nervous systems constitute a belief-generating machine, a system that evolved to assure not truth, logic, and reason, but survival.

...I guess they can only survive with ancient technology ;-)
I think a lot of guys on this forum are ex tube purists. I was one - well, I did always have something digital in the fx chain, but considering anything else than tube as the main tone source didn't enter my mind... until the AxeFx.

It's funny in a way that when the legends of tube amps (Hendrix et al) were coming up with all these awesome sounds and being worshiped for it, they were using bleeding edge equipment. Now, people are attacked for not using decades old technology :roll:
tgunn said:
I think a lot of guys on this forum are ex tube purists. I was one - well, I did always have something digital in the fx chain, but considering anything else than tube as the main tone source didn't enter my mind... until the AxeFx.

It's funny in a way that when the legends of tube amps (Hendrix et al) were coming up with all these awesome sounds and being worshiped for it, they were using bleeding edge equipment. Now, people are attacked for not using decades old technology :roll:
That's a great point that many seem to conveniently ignore.

I mean does anyone here think that Hendrix would have passed up on a Floyd Rose equipped guitar? Does anyone think that there wouldn't have been a rack of effects including harmonizers and digital delays?

Gear is just a tool and you use what is available at the time. I love a lot of the vintage signature tones that have been recorded in history. That doesn't mean that they are the only allowable guitar tones to be used and it doesn't mean that you have to use the same dated technology to get the same effect "just because so and so did it that way".

Hell, it's about as smart as saying that real astronomy can't be done with the Hubble telescope. :mrgreen:
tgunn said:
It's funny in a way that when the legends of tube amps (Hendrix et al) were coming up with all these awesome sounds and being worshiped for it, they were using bleeding edge equipment. Now, people are attacked for not using decades old technology :roll:


Leo Fender thought Dick Dale was insane for wanting 100watts in an amplifier. The Who were using walls of various cab combinations to get their live sound - something NOBODY else was doing at the time. The Beatles drove a pencil through a friggin' speaker to get one of their sounds. Yet digital is the devil? It was a simpler time back then... before all the pretentiousness developed... though these are the very same guys responsible for that too.
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