Sidivan said:
tgunn said:
It's funny in a way that when the legends of tube amps (Hendrix et al) were coming up with all these awesome sounds and being worshiped for it, they were using bleeding edge equipment. Now, people are attacked for not using decades old technology :roll:


Leo Fender thought Dick Dale was insane for wanting 100watts in an amplifier. The Who were using walls of various cab combinations to get their live sound - something NOBODY else was doing at the time. The Beatles drove a pencil through a friggin' speaker to get one of their sounds. Yet digital is the devil? It was a simpler time back then... before all the pretentiousness developed... though these are the very same guys responsible for that too.

Key words right there... I think it's one of the main reasons that some guitarists don't like the digital all in one approach. Some think it's to convoluted which in a way I guess it kind of is but I believe the benefits far out weigh any hassles that the digital picture brings to the table of guitar tone. But even with that being said it still is way simpler not to mention easer to lug around then some of the 250Lb monster tube rack rigs I have seen.
Sixstring said:
Sidivan said:
tgunn said:
It's funny in a way that when the legends of tube amps (Hendrix et al) were coming up with all these awesome sounds and being worshiped for it, they were using bleeding edge equipment. Now, people are attacked for not using decades old technology :roll:


Leo Fender thought Dick Dale was insane for wanting 100watts in an amplifier. The Who were using walls of various cab combinations to get their live sound - something NOBODY else was doing at the time. The Beatles drove a pencil through a friggin' speaker to get one of their sounds. Yet digital is the devil? It was a simpler time back then... before all the pretentiousness developed... though these are the very same guys responsible for that too.

Key words right there... I think it's one of the main reasons that some guitarists don't like the digital all in one approach. Some think it's to convoluted which in a way I guess it kind of is but I believe the benefits far out weigh any hassles that the digital picture brings to the table of guitar tone. But even with that being said it still is way simpler not to mention easer to lug around then some of the 250Lb monster tube rack rigs I have seen.

Nice validation guy's. It is sooo' great to be among a community of open minded people
who are happy to embrace new-tech and run with it. In bygone days we would have
been executed as heretics by the valve-lords :shock: for our ungodly thoughts. I have
persuaded six players/engineers to order an Axe'-fx on the strength of hearing mine
as nobody is advertising them widely (shops won't as they can't sell them) so only by
owners spreading the word has it grown. :D
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