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  1. javajunkie

    Axe FX II 17 digital clipping with preamp high and reverb high quality [NOT A BUG]

    Yeah, if the cpu use is too high and you use the preamp sims that is exactly what happens. you need to reduce your cpu load. that is why there are different qualities for the reverb and preamp. they use a lot of CPU at there highest qualities.
  2. javajunkie

    Headphone Jack

    There could be something wrong with the jack(loose wire) or the adapter . You should just need a standard stereo 1/8 to 1/4" adapter.
  3. javajunkie

    Important thing to consider when using the preamp simulation in the cab block

    This will be obvious to most, but I thought I would bring it up. If you are using or have downloaded a patch with the preamp simulation on in the cab block, remember changing the signal level before the cab block will have an affect on the preamp simulation. It is level dependent. So you if...
  4. javajunkie

    Cab Preamp

    It is a Mic preamp simulation. To record a cab in real life, you need a microphone. A microphone usually needs a mic preamp. One side effect of some mic preamps is they can add a pleasant form of distortion. This adds harmonic content to the signal which can make the signal stand out.
  5. javajunkie

    NU presets?

    I'm sure they will, but they have a lot of other things going on that are taking their time. They are a small company and have quite a few things going on (that they've told us about - probably more than that) that I'm sure they want to prioritize.
  6. javajunkie

    Axe-Edit 3.1.3 released!

    keeps getting better and better.
  7. javajunkie

    Ruckus drive pedal

    Good to know about this one.
  8. javajunkie

    Flanger models

    I have a few Blogs on effects here: The patches are very old and probably wont sound right, but the information on the original effects still pertains.
  9. javajunkie

    Flanger models

    Looks like it was in Draft mode. Try it now
  10. javajunkie

    Flanger models

    It does here, I just clicked on it. go to the top on the forum, click on the blog tab in the upper left under the Fractal Audio logo.
  11. javajunkie

    Flanger models

    Pop flanger is one, a phase reversed thru zero flange, a couple others I can't remember the names of. Mistress type would just be an analog flanger (it just a standard BBD style flanger with modulation. The matrix mode just stops the sweep . you can check my blog here...
  12. javajunkie

    Axe-Fx II Firmware 17.00 Released

    High Quality shouldn't really drastically change the sound, it should stop any aliasing going on. You would most likely start to hear aliasing using highly distorted sounds or the preamp turned up really high.
  13. javajunkie

    Axe-Fx II Firmware 17.00 Released

    You cannot bake saturation/distortion (nonlinear) into an IR. So, no not redundant. This is after the IR. Think of the signal flow cab-mic-mic pre-console.
  14. javajunkie

    Axe-Fx II Firmware 17.00 Released

    Don't let the VU levels get over the line. Like a real preamp if you set it to high it will clip.
  15. javajunkie

    So M@ is sporting a shiny new 17 avatar

    It is really sweet.
  16. javajunkie

    What's your cleanest amp model in 16.03

    Lonestar Clean, Tremolux, Shiva, USA Clean.
  17. javajunkie

    Tone help ... AGAIN!

    The Angel Savage model could be a good place to start, then one of cab pack 7 cabs.
  18. javajunkie

    CLASS-A 30W HOT(based on Vox AC-30 HW)

    soooo many amps, so little time:)
  19. javajunkie

    Line 6 variax acoustic and axe fx

    Are you talking about the direct box that comes with and powers the the variax acoustic? If so, it is fine.
  20. javajunkie

    Would really appreciate some help with 4cm prob

    As you have noted, for unity gain in the 4 cable method you turn both volume knobs on the front of the axefx all the way up. You should not have to turn the level on the input/gate up. That is boosting the level from you guitar into the added grid (like using a booster in front of an amp)...
  21. javajunkie

    Quick test of A/D noise with a cranked EVH III 100 watt

    Nothing outboard. The bypasses are buffered on the fx-8.
  22. javajunkie

    Quick test of A/D noise with a cranked EVH III 100 watt

    2 - one for pre out to the amp input and one for post out to return of the loop.
  23. javajunkie

    Would really appreciate some help with 4cm prob

    Those are the input levels not input mode. Input mode is under the Audio tab of the IO menu. But the input levels of instr input and input 2 should probably not be at minimum. You need to adjust the levels of the instr input until your hardest strumming just tickles the red on the input meters...
  24. javajunkie

    Would really appreciate some help with 4cm prob

    humbusters will not remove hiss, they will only remove ground loop hum.
  25. javajunkie

    Volume pedal routing

    Level rather than master would be better. Master will effect the gain and take more cpu when you move the expression pedal.
  26. javajunkie

    Quick test of A/D noise with a cranked EVH III 100 watt

    1. It seems so from what Cliff has stated. 2. Yes 3. Default pad settings.
  27. javajunkie

    Thunk parameter removed!

    Sorry, I was thinking about the Thump parameter that was removed many moons ago.
  28. javajunkie

    Quick test of A/D noise with a cranked EVH III 100 watt

    I cranked ch 3 of the 5150 III. Gain all the way up, volume at ~80%. No playing so the background noise can be heard clearly. Gate is off on the Fx-8. This is using the 4 cable method with humbucker, Guitar-FX8- EVH (with fx-8 in loop) - Torpedo Live. This is 1. Fx-8 no bypass 2. Fx-8 pre...
  29. javajunkie

    Thunk parameter removed!

    Dynamic depth has a similar effect
  30. javajunkie

    Rocktron Midi Mate won't sync up with the Axe FX 2

    What do you mean by Sync? Start with MIDI cables, makes sure you are transmitting on the same channel as the Axe-fx. Are your connections correct?. It is doing program changes OK or nothing?
  31. javajunkie

    Bypass dimely blinking

    Yep, completely normal.
  32. javajunkie

    Dry Track/Input 3 Clipping -

    Yeah, it sounds like you are clipping some where. again the key is to break down your signal chain. I'm not Sure what you mean by input 3? You said you were using S/PDIF, that only has 2 inputs/output. 1. Start with the guitar. Something could be wrong with the active pickups. Test on...
  33. javajunkie

    Volume pedal routing

    Quick and easy way.... on the axe-fx go to IO-CTRL, set out1 volume to none. Set input volume to 11. Or Use expression 2 on the MFC-101 (or program expression 1 to use CC#16) In Axe-edit, place a vol block where you want it, go to the Volume parameter, right click the center of the knob. In...
  34. javajunkie


    This would be extremely helpful.
  35. javajunkie


    If the Pitch Source is set to Global, it gets the tracking information from the Axe-fx Input. There should be no need to boost levels in blocks to get better tracking.For me the best sounding place for the harmonizer has been between the amp and cab.
  36. javajunkie

    Downtuning with pitch shifter in FW15.. sound not great

    Are you turning the voice 2 level down?
  37. javajunkie

    Axe Newbie: What Have I Done!?

    You wouldn't happen to be using active pickups?
  38. javajunkie

    Dry Track/Input 3 Clipping -

    "As for your second question, I'm not sure what you mean by 'showing' clipping." Generally you can see clipping (especially digital) in the waveform Do you have a recording of this we can hear?
  39. javajunkie

    Dry Track/Input 3 Clipping -

    Start taking things out of the chain, does it clip when the guitar goes straight in to the RME.The recorded track is showing clipping right, not just playback?
  40. javajunkie


    Cabs in the Attic are quickly becoming my go to cabs for all my class A type and marshall amps. I haven't even messed with the on the Fender Type amps yet.
  41. javajunkie


    Those clips sound outstanding. Enjoying the cabs.
  42. javajunkie

    Need urgent help with a recording situation

    That sounds right.
  43. javajunkie

    Need urgent help with a recording situation

    If you want poweramp simulation on with one output and off with another, you need to use 2 amps.
  44. javajunkie

    Need urgent help with a recording situation

    No (unless you change the level or balance)
  45. javajunkie

    Need urgent help with a recording situation

    Matrix power amps should generally have poweramp simulation on.
  46. javajunkie

    Need urgent help with a recording situation

    No poweramp simulation is not deactivated. Leave the IO settings at default (you could set out 2 mode to copy l-R but it is not necessary) and use out 2 L.
  47. javajunkie

    Need urgent help with a recording situation

    You can also put the fx loop in line and not branch off to a new row.
  48. javajunkie

    Need urgent help with a recording situation

    You do not need to do much of anything. Do not use Echo. just go amp-rev-fx loop-cabinet That will send a signal w/o cab emulation to the EHX (through the fx looP) and pass a signal to the cab sim and out output 1. If you do not have anything plugged in to input 2 the signal from the input of...
  49. javajunkie

    Fishman Triple Play + AxeFX II

    Yes, you can set FTP to use the Axe-fx USB audio as ts output. The Axe-fx will pass the audio out of output 1. You will also get the guitar processed signal coming out of output 1.
  50. javajunkie

    still a difference between front and rear inputs?

    The impedance on front and rear are the same. The rear (other than not having analog/digital processing to lower perceived noise floor and the ability to change/lower impedance (to emulate the impedance of fuzzes, wahs, etc)) is just optimized for a stringer signal. But absolutely right, it is...
  51. javajunkie


    There are quite a few drive pedals. Here is a list of some that are included: Drive - Fractal Audio Systems Wiki
  52. javajunkie

    Just my curiosity

    To address the OP comment. It is already a multi-core dual processor unit.
  53. javajunkie

    Reamp DI Track Front Input

    It won't matter. The impedance is the same (provided that it is not changed by the preset) and the signal level sent should still be very low so you are not likely to have to worry about clipping the input. As long as the input signals are set right, either way should be good.
  54. javajunkie

    Convolution inverses to take out mic character?

    There is one floating around.
  55. javajunkie

    post compression?

    Or set make up gain to on to compensate for volume loss. It works most of the time.
  56. javajunkie

    MFC 101 MKIII does not receive update

    Have you tried another midi cable?
  57. javajunkie

    Scene question: is this possible?

    You could use steps in the LF to cycle thru the scenes you want in the preset. You cannot skip scenes on the axefx with scene incr/decr
  58. javajunkie

    About to move all data from IIMK1 to XL, quetion

    it has not been stated why, but it does.
  59. javajunkie

    About to move all data from IIMK1 to XL, quetion

    It backs up, but it will not load into the XL
  60. javajunkie

    MFC assign issue

    It is not a command to move incrementally, it is preprogrammed to do that. You can set the program changes to different values. They don't have to be incremental.
  61. javajunkie

    MFC assign issue

    Make sure you are not in reveal mode. Male sure your bank size is set to 5. Be sure your Perfmode is set to Preset
  62. javajunkie

    About to move all data from IIMK1 to XL, quetion

    If you mean system parameters/global settings, then no. They do not port over.
  63. javajunkie

    FX8: The grid??

    The he axefx uses a 4x12 grid layout where you can pretty much program the signal flow any way you wish.
  64. javajunkie

    FX8: The grid??

    8 blocks, you can divide the effects pre and post. Effects blocks can be configured serial or parallel.
  65. javajunkie

    16.05 Test

    Isn't the frequency response linear in an IR?
  66. javajunkie

    16.05 Test

    He he spoke about the inverse IR in other threads.
  67. javajunkie

    16.05 Test

    See posts 99 and 105, he addressed that. Yes, he can remove the frequency response coloration for the mic pre. You capture the response of the mic pre and then apply the inverse of that to the IR. From his previous responses, it does not sound like he likes to do that though.
  68. javajunkie

    About that 0.06mS Delay

    Right, the Haas effect or precedence effect, which you are describing only comes into play ~2-50ms (or higher depending on source material). Very different from what is being described in this thread.
  69. javajunkie

    when were the presets last updated and housekeeping tips

    If you are 16.01, you don't need to update amps when you upgrade. The last presets were updated back in fw 15. If you want to back up all your presets, use fractalbot. If you want to choose which ones use Axe-rdit-Tools-Axemanage Presets
  70. javajunkie

    Intelligent Gate mode, where is the HOLD parameter?

    There never was a hold in the input gate, you need to use the expander/gate block if you need that.
  71. javajunkie

    About that 0.06mS Delay

    Now when you have 2 different cabs, things get interesting.
  72. javajunkie

    Axe-FX II XL Memory Capacity Question

    The XL actually uses slightly more CPU.
  73. javajunkie

    Reverb hold

    extremely nice
  74. javajunkie

    16.04 Plexis model showcase

    I liked 2 and 4.
  75. javajunkie

    Help me decide

    Overkill is underrated.
  76. javajunkie

    STP Plush tone

    I use the Buttery amp sim. I used it here. That is taken straight off the board from a gig a year or two back.
  77. javajunkie

    Setting output levels

    amp block level here.
  78. javajunkie

    Axe-Fx II as a cabinet simulator?

    It can go in the loop out input 1 rear. For an inexpensive reactive load box. I like the Rivera Rockcrusher as a load box. Good quality reactive load box that isn't too expensive.
  79. javajunkie

    16.04 Reverb stress test

    very notable improvement
  80. javajunkie

    I loving the new reverbs in FW 16

    Sweet, lost in space :)
  81. javajunkie

    New Reverbs - What to Listen For

    Listen for a change in the granularity of the early reflections, this carries over into the tail as the early reflections reverberate.
  82. javajunkie

    Time alignment Delay ???

    there doesn't appear to be a time alignment problem with that patch. You may not like they ways the amps and cabs blend (notably - cabs blocks blended can cause deep notches). Adjust the the time alignment can help in these cases. In the cab blocks you will notice a delay parameter. You can...
  83. javajunkie

    Time alignment Delay ???

    The link you posted seems to be bad.
  84. javajunkie

    Do I need Scenes?

    Please take the religious topics to elsewhere on the Internet. Discussions about genres (includng praise and worship, gospil, etc.) and enviroments were you play are fine. Discussion about religion should be taken elsewhere. The posts regarding that discussion were removed. Thank you.
  85. javajunkie

    Scrolling through patches

    I'm not sure what you mean by cue up? If protools is doing the patch change, then there is nothing to cue up (just put the patch change message in the MIDI track in the right place), it just makes the patch change? Do you mean you foot controller? If that is the case it would depend which foot...
  86. javajunkie

    New Dweezil Zappa Album in the works...

    Awesome, I will be supporting his new album. It is a long time coming.
  87. javajunkie

    Buy Dweezil's Fractal Presets

    I'm with you. If you like it, buy it. If you, don't, don't. Personally, I'd rather make my own though.
  88. javajunkie

    Drive Block In Parallel Causes Phase Issues

    Yes, the look ahead is just a micro delay so the compressor can react as quickly as possible. The detector detects in real time but the signal is delayed slightly to give the compressor a chance to react to very fast transients.
  89. javajunkie

    Axe-Fx II Firmware 16.03 Released

    It certainly might be.
  90. javajunkie

    Axe-Fx II Firmware 16.03 Released

    Yes, it save ~3% and it easier to tweak.
  91. javajunkie

    Fun With Reverb

    Wow! Love it!
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