About to move all data from IIMK1 to XL, quetion


Power User
Just got the XL and about to move all data from the AxeII MKI to it.
So I know the XL can receive the II presets without any problem, my question is if I can make a global copy and dump it to the XL, meaning general definitions etc.?
Anything else I should know prior to that?
If you have user cabs you will have to reassign those once imported In the XL, there is an offset of 27 in the numbering.
If you mean system parameters/global settings, then no. They do not port over.

Hmm, I thought it does copy all cause when I'm doing a backup, one of the options over FRACTAL BOT is "Back up system settings"
So, what is backed up under " system settings"?
It backs up, but it will not load into the XL
Yap, just tried to load it but the XL refuse to have the file :(

I've noticed few strange things…
After moving all my presets + cab IR to the same place over the XL, there are few presets that sounds terrible, I mean really bad (tried update all amp – no good).
Overall sound is a little different, some presets for the best and some not.
The XL arrived FW16.2 and first thing I did before even play it is to upgrade to 16.04.1, than loaded 3 banks from the MK1 + cab IR.
So, there is a specific preset where I run 2 recto + 3 different cabs and many FX, the CPU is working hard but the MK1 run it without any problem.
When playing the same preset over the XL, it starts to cough and crack, it can't handle it.
What do you think?

I got 2 rehearsal this week, one is tomorrow evening and a big gig on Friday…
I have to finish setup the XL + MFC MK3.....
Way too much pressure for me to handle. :miserable:
Did you check that you have the same cabs in both presets on the II and the XL? The user cabs will not match in the XL when importing presets from the II.
Like said many times, the XL is more CPU hungry, if you're on the border with the II, it will crack in the XL. You must clean the presets, delete some blocks or use less CPU consuming effects.
The XL handles more X/Y functions and more instances of some blocks, that could be a part of the added CPU flow.
Ok…finished setting up the XL, all racked instead of Mr. MK1…
Actually the swapping was easier than I thought, had a bit of a head ache @ the beginning but got up today all fresh (took a day off of Couse!) and yea, all programed, tested and ready to rock!

BTW, I've went through all my presets (around 40), I have 3 conclusions:
1. When transferring a II banks backup into an XL, you should go through each preset as they are copy with most of the blocks ON even if in the preset these specific ones were OFF.
2. Check cab IR selected - The original installed are same location (@ least over my presets, didn’t have to move anything) but it will not identify the user ones so you have to select the cab IR you want manually (user).
3. The XL eats a little more CPU than the MK1!
I run both Axe's, MK1 FW 16.02 and XL FW 16.04.1 together with AE running om 2 PC's and there is around 4% difference for example same preset MK1 = 93% XL = 97%.

First run today evening rehearsal.
Yap,2 X amps, 3X cabs,bunch of FX...
You reach 95 +/- very easy.

Woah, I don't think I've ever broke the low 70% range on anything if I've even made it to 70% lol. I run just a wah/amp/cab/delay/reverb set up. Occasionally an EQ or Gate. Maybe a drive over a clean channel for a lil blues grit. Pretty much no other effects.
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