STP Plush tone


Fractal Fanatic
What amps would you all use for a stone temple Pilots tone? Also is there a bit of chorus on the tune 'Plush'?
Currently the JCM 800 is getting me close!

Dan DeLeo uses a demeter preamp with VHT classic power amp mixed with a Vox AC30 amp as well. Stereo distorted tone and then clean mixed in for his huge tone :)
If you are trying to reproduce this, a bit of chorus works wonders and maybe try mic=xing in a 2nd clean amp mixed a bit lower than the distorted tones.
There is a lot of layering on their studio stuff, making it hard to achieve with just a single guitar. Check out some of their live stuff and the tone, while still good, sounds a bit different and not the massive wall of sound they achieved off that album.
While I agree, the studio is a different animal, the rig I have mentioned above IS his live rig. Stereo distortion mixed with the Vox for cleans to give him a big, wide tone even live. Actually there was recently a picture of this live rig posted somewhere...sorry I can't temember where.

Anyway, this IS the LIVE rig he has been using since the 90's.
While I agree, the studio is a different animal, the rig I have mentioned above IS his live rig. Stereo distortion mixed with the Vox for cleans to give him a big, wide tone even live. Actually there was recently a picture of this live rig posted somewhere...sorry I can't temember where.

Anyway, this IS the LIVE rig he has been using since the 90's.

I wasn't trying to devalue the information you provided, its very useful and accurate. STP does have a nice live tone as well, I wasn't trying to suggest it poor by any means.

I simply wanted to ensure that the OP isn't trying to match the album tone, which can be difficult. He didn't specifically state if he was going for a live tone or trying to match a CD.
I find it interesting that people will go through all the trouble to see what the original artist used, while I have better luck picking amp models that just fit the bill.

I had great results using 2 amp blocks, I believe I used the 1987X, and a Deluxe Verb each into a stereo cab block, with an additional tone match block for essentially 5 cab blocks panned 5 way with the tone match mono/center. Used a mild chorus on the 1987X after the cab block and a stereo reverb post cab/tone match blocks. The trick to getting it right is the blend of clean and gritty, and really pushing the treble on the dirty and letting the clean handle the low end, which is also cut completely at like 125hz.

It's been a while since I looked at the patch though and we've not had it in our rotation for over a year so I may not have all my details 100%
Listen to the isolated gtr track and you'll hear how special/layered it is..even seems to have a lil MTD (delay) in it. And = Compression!

The right tone, compression, Chorus . A special tone - love it!
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I find it interesting that people will go through all the trouble to see what the original artist used, while I have better luck picking amp models that just fit the bill.

I had great results using 2 amp blocks, I believe I used the 1987X, and a Deluxe Verb each into a stereo cab block, with an additional tone match block for essentially 5 cab blocks panned 5 way with the tone match mono/center. Used a mild chorus on the 1987X after the cab block and a stereo reverb post cab/tone match blocks. The trick to getting it right is the blend of clean and gritty, and really pushing the treble on the dirty and letting the clean handle the low end, which is also cut completely at like 125hz.

It's been a while since I looked at the patch though and we've not had it in our rotation for over a year so I may not have all my details 100%


Sometimes the models that sound the most like a given amp actually aren't the model of the given amp....assuming that made sense lol

Same goes with knob settings etc. 0-10 on the Axe and 0-10 on the amp aren't always the same thing. 0-10 on a given amp or fx unit actually might be only 0-4 (out of 10) on the Axe, so putting a real world knob at noon isn't going to be the same as setting the Axe virtual knob to 5.

Best to just use your ears sometimes
I use the plexi 50w amp most of the time but for this tone the JCM allows more clean tone to ring through. I will try a 2nd amp, thanks for all the input fellas!
...all in all, I feel its the Chorus fx & compression that makes or breaks it. I posted a live demo some 4 mths ago..tweaked my patch since.
May I'll post it sometime.
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Lot's of good input here. As others have said, it's been a while since I played this one live as well. The chorus is a requirement for sure and the compression will help too. Probably can use a variety of Marshall-type amp models and adjust the gain to taste. Mixing a clean amp block in with that would seem to me to be "closer" to how Dan actually achieves his tone.

When you have your patch together, post a clip.
Okay, so I'm gonna necro this thread... anyone want to swap tones for STP sounds and collaborate on this? I'm working on often lately and would love to swap patches back and forth with a few people to tweak it. I'm looking for a Plush/Core sound, a big crunch sound for the No4 album stuff, and a small-amp-cranked sound for the Tiny Music era. Also, Interstate... probably have a preset for that one too with something different for the slide intro.
I'm using the 800 and it gets me close for both Plush and Interstate - however I'm also not trying to nail it. Just came up w/ something that works and I'm good with it. And yes, a touch of chorus on Plush.
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