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  1. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Acoustic Electric Guitar / Carol Ann OD-2 and Metal (yeaah)

    I wasn't after that, but they have been my big crush since Blackwater Park 2001. And also, winter plus scandinavian blood does some tricks. :) That was a big compliment to me, thanks.
  2. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Acoustic Electric Guitar / Carol Ann OD-2 and Metal (yeaah)

    I was afraid that the sound would irritate me to the point of not wanting to carry on after the first riff, because i loved it how it sounded full acoustic. I was wrong, because played through Axe inspired me to continue the whole song, it gave me something different and i was suprised of the...
  3. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Acoustic Electric Guitar / Carol Ann OD-2 and Metal (yeaah)

    Thanks man, i think i found something in me in process, so i most definetly will pursuit for more. :) Yeah! There's a really big difference in those, some resonate really loud and bright, some sound almost silent. I like that idea and would love to hear!
  4. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Acoustic Electric Guitar / Carol Ann OD-2 and Metal (yeaah)

    Hello! It's been a fair while. I hope you're all feelin dandy! Lots of awesome clips popping out here all the time. I don't have my electric guitars at home so all i have is my old faithful Yamaha A1M. I desided to drop her tune to standard A# and do something different soundwise to me. I...
  5. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Chris Isaak - Wicked Game

    Really nice vibe!
  6. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Moody as hell clean channel stuff and B7K Ultra on bass

    Left a comment in the track, i love this so much man!
  7. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Mysterious BASED ON MESA IR's From ML Sound Lab (yeah it's heavy again)

    Thank you very very much sir. Those words are a lot. :) We have 13 songs or more ready, it will be released during this year, but hopefully the wait isn't too long!
  8. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Trichorus Q8.01

    This is really cool! Jazzy vibe. Would work really well in a meshuggah style b section in a song.
  9. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Mysterious BASED ON MESA IR's From ML Sound Lab (yeah it's heavy again)

    Ah hell, sorry man, it's already longer and will be a full song. :) It's just that many of the clips i do are early stage demo songs for my band, that are going to become a full song in an album or EP later on, so i don't want to "ruin the surprise" if you catch my drift here! I'm humbly...
  10. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Mysterious BASED ON MESA IR's From ML Sound Lab (yeah it's heavy again)

    Sorry for the late reply, i was away few days! Thanks man! I love the IR's, but i don't love my pickups in the LTD though. EMG 81... ew ew ew. But it still rocks to chug away with these :D I have a spare Dimarzios around im throwing in at some point. :) FFFF)¤#) yeah you did, too far man...
  11. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Mysterious BASED ON MESA IR's From ML Sound Lab (yeah it's heavy again)

    Hey! We've been testing these new BASED ON MESA ir's with the team, and im happy to day that even if the CP13 was outstanding, these new ones are beyond the capabilities of it. These have more depth and when the CP13 was incredibly textured in mid range, these are incredibly heavy and more...
  12. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Just another GGD2 and groovy metal!

    Thanks buddy! I've recognized you like many of the clips! That means a lot to me. :)
  13. apescaleconflict

    Legacy FW 7.02 Herbie CH3, no pedal, no filters, no eq. wtf, how

    It's most definitely beefy as hell!
  14. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Just another GGD2 and groovy metal!

    Wow that Ion Dissonance reference made it to homebase, i've loved them since Minus the herd but obviously all of their stuff is great. Thanks a lot man!
  15. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Just another GGD2 and groovy metal!

    I think it's somewhere there, could be LOUDER but yeah. Thanks! :)
  16. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Just another GGD2 and groovy metal!

    Hey! Been away alot because mixing my bands EP and few other projects atm, but meanwhile some third party editing is been done i got finally time to swing that GGD2 with this idea i had in mind. Hope it tickles yer titties!
  17. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Riffin' out - Trying out new Rhythm Tone

    Im not surprised that i found my self pitting this on the floor painted in blood and shouting demonized words. Amazing riffing and sound! I can't pop the new updates for a while, buhuuu.... :D
  18. apescaleconflict

    Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 7.00 Firmware Release

    What. This update is unbelievable! I can feel the weight in the sound. Really REALLY big thanks!!
  19. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Fender Vintage Combo Synth Ambient Metal test. Yeeeah, you heard it right...

    Yeah, actually the idea is a bit old but put in a modern context. If i remember correctly i've read that Korn used to do same stuff in the earliest days, they overdrive some small combo so it sounded like it's on a verge of immolation. I can't say anything about the genres, it's all there i...
  20. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Fender Vintage Combo Synth Ambient Metal test. Yeeeah, you heard it right...

    Haha, to be quite honest, some lower notes started to get alerting fart symptoms. I tried a bigger cab too, but the sound altered so much that i liked the focus of the fender.
  21. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Fender Vintage Combo Synth Ambient Metal test. Yeeeah, you heard it right...

    Yeah, im still into the genre i usually do, but im just learning to use more stuff in advance with the writing process! Thanks mate! I was going after something that nobody would do with the Fender Combo and the inspiration took me in this state of mind and used it to learn how i could combine...
  22. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Fender Vintage Combo Synth Ambient Metal test. Yeeeah, you heard it right...

    I agree, but i have to admit that i normally do much more heavy stuff. Im really happy how the overall sound came out in this one, i think i can use it in advance for future stuff! :) No i had to cast a spell summoning it, now im back to normal ;p Ayyyyyy! Damn decent of you. You're very...
  23. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Fender Vintage Combo Synth Ambient Metal test. Yeeeah, you heard it right...

    Thank you! It's nice to experiment with some ambient slow going riffs and synthwise, so adding them in layers to the songs or creating interludes becomes more easy. Makes painting more easy, when you know what colors you can use! :) That game reference was funny, i kinda had a some sort of...
  24. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Fender Vintage Combo Synth Ambient Metal test. Yeeeah, you heard it right...

    Hey! This clip doesn't probably get anybody to the exstacy of "i gotta have it" but i challenged my self to do something totally different with it than what people may assume it to be used most likely. Im truly sorry. :D It's smeared with Modern delay stuff, synths and heavy guitars. May as...
  25. apescaleconflict

    Legacy So, what do guys like about this? Does it D...?

    I dig that the riffs and melody has a really more professional touch than before. You're getting better :)
  26. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Ownhammer vs ML Sound Lab IRs Test, who is better?

    Im not here to put any weight on camp OH or ML, but i'll say that you sure got these all sound amazing! I like your groove a lot!
  27. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Quantum 7.00: I found a PERFECT amp + cab pairing!

    I started to sing after few seconds to this. Really musically rich tone!
  28. apescaleconflict

    Legacy "As The Dust Settles" - Fender Tweed Deluxe with ML Tweed IRs

    Haha! Im on it dude! It's just been that frikkin busy, but im on it. I gotta hand it out that i wasn't going to put the metal effort on this one, but i guess im the guy that is supposed to test even the creamiest and beautiful ir's in an environment of deep anguished brutality and metal. :D
  29. apescaleconflict

    Legacy "As The Dust Settles" - Fender Tweed Deluxe with ML Tweed IRs

    Creamy and crispy! Love the vibes and the tone! Mr. Feelgood. :)
  30. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Absently - "Dayzed" Guitar Playthrough (FAS Modern + Friedman HBE)

    Chord progression melodywise is absolutely brilliant! Aaaaand everything else too.
  31. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Quantum 6 + 5153 50w and this ML Brit collection can be lowwwwwwwww too. F tuned clip!

    Here's the preset for MK II and the picture.
  32. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Quantum 6 + 5153 50w and this ML Brit collection can be lowwwwwwwww too. F tuned clip!

    Thanks man! Yeah i can, i think i tweaked the preset already but sure no problem, when im home later today. :) Hope you got it to work! Is there somekind of problem that is distracting there? Ha! Glad you like this now ;D
  33. apescaleconflict

    Legacy An AXE-FX in the northern sky... BLACK METAL content!

    Love the BM covers!! Fact that they sound 180% better than originals, if you're not a puritanical fan that is, makes them kick ass even more :D
  34. apescaleconflict

    Legacy What's the best DAW for a guitar player with an AxeFX II XL+ and Windows?

    +10 to reaper too, but cubase is really nice too. Reaper isn't anywhere near as good in piano roll midi editing as cubase. Offcourse this is a personal opinion and you can get it to look ok with a minor tweaks in reaper, but still cubase is way better in that. I still use reaper, as it doesn't...
  35. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Testing Washburn´s Solar PX170C (Ola Englund´s signature)

    That's so sleek! Sounds pretty Ola'ish to me :D
  36. apescaleconflict

    Does anyone else do the 590Hz and 1060Hz cuts/notches on certain IRs?

    No not really, but sometimes if the weird IR's is being weird and has some resonating going on in certain frequencies, but i'd say there's something wrong with the ir itself then. Also what stated above, might be a room issue that is triggered with an IR that tickles the problem frequencies in...
  37. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Quantum 6 + 5153 50w and this ML Brit collection can be lowwwwwwwww too. F tuned clip!

    Oh you don't even have a clue (unless you've tried it, then you definetly have a clue) :D Love you love it. :) Nah, merely a mortal fart :D
  38. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Quantum 6 + 5153 50w and this ML Brit collection can be lowwwwwwwww too. F tuned clip!

    Heya! This pack of beastjuice just dropped in the store! It's pretty awkwardly versatile... You can do whatever you need with the ir's, vintage rock to this following kinda F tuned "deathcore'ish" blablabla. I used the Greenbacks with two sm57 and r121 combo can't stop chugging with it.
  39. apescaleconflict

    Remove Legacy Version Option from Firmware - Mark l/Mark ll

    Just to bump the thumbs up to this, i never go back on the older FW:s either. I guess there's people (or where are them?) that use the older FWs in their patches. Well, we'll see.
  40. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Upcoming ML Sound Lab Cab Pack. This thing is OLD and HEAVY and super versatile.

    Maby it's a bit more organic approach i guess, im not in my homefield with it i should say, BUT i dig it anyway! Thanks man. ;) Yeah the F%¤#& ate all my cheerios too, that bi%#h! This wasn a compliment right? hehe Im as dirty as it can get :D
  41. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Release of my Blues CD has finally happend

    No problem man, thank you for creating the pleasure! Yeah, it's a bitt offscale though, moustaches are not long enough and my beard isn't quite as long but almost :D
  42. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Release of my Blues CD has finally happend

    Definetly gonna give it a swing! Congratulations.
  43. apescaleconflict

    Legacy My Brit 800 redone with fw 5 plus patch.

    Sounds pretty damn awesome man!
  44. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Simple recording software

    +1 to reaper. Cheap, easy and comes with stock plugins, that will serve you for a long time even if you want to polish your stuff a bit.
  45. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Q5.00 Ruckus Drive + Hook Amp

    Yeah it sounds pretty much spot on now, really nice! Made me want to make love to my guitar. :D
  46. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Upcoming ML Sound Lab Cab Pack. This thing is OLD and HEAVY and super versatile.

    Heyyyyyy there! Im beta testing this package that Mikko is cooking up and what the H"#%. Cab is like at least 45 years old, and sounds absolutely ridiculous. I can't wait to get my hands on more in depth ir's. This one is once again more heavier sort. Like always. Because it makes me chuckle...
  47. apescaleconflict

    Legacy HM-2 Patch

    This is so cool, im trying this out as soon as i can! Thanks very muchos!
  48. apescaleconflict

    Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 5.00 Public Beta

    Wow, i'm really happy to notice a support for MK II/I also! Even though i know it can't last forever.
  49. apescaleconflict

    Legacy How brutal can you get with the 5153 100W Blue Channel?

    Cool video and sounds man! I already know you can get pretttty heavy with 5153, and heavy is what i love! 5153 blue mentioned, i also think it sounds a tad better too than the 100w.
  50. apescaleconflict

    Legacy My band... recording almost done, how the guitars sound?

    I love the groove! And that gnarly sound is fantastic too. Im having QOTSA vibes with side of Clutch :)
  51. apescaleconflict

    Legacy It's time for the "Upcoming Cab Pack" tease...

    Oh yeah, this thing is astronomically massive.
  52. apescaleconflict

    Legacy ML Sound Lab Heavy IR Trio test with GGD drums / CP13 (Mesa), CP24(DZL) and CP25 (Zilla)

    The full song has an interlude / bridge that is really Korn issues -era vibey and simple :D I bet you'd like it! My new favorite apporach, combining an Alloy with an single mic. In this one, there was SM57-SM57 20, and MD421 A3. Now in this new song im writing, i have two alloys together and...
  53. apescaleconflict

    Legacy ML Sound Lab Heavy IR Trio test with GGD drums / CP13 (Mesa), CP24(DZL) and CP25 (Zilla)

    Me likey you likey! Actually i discussed this elsewhere too, but im realyl building an deeper love towards that DZL. I just LOVE how it feels when played. Not too chimey on leads though...
  54. apescaleconflict

    Legacy ML Sound Lab Heavy IR Trio test with GGD drums / CP13 (Mesa), CP24(DZL) and CP25 (Zilla)

    G'day! Here's what the title promises in a one clip of a song that i did for my band. New album coming out somewhere spring next year though. Meanwhile just enjoying to tweak these demo songs to hell and back. Every clip is with the same setup, SM57 + SM57 + MD421, i tried to choose the ir's...
  55. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Diezel Herbert + Mesa cab

    Dig the riffs a lot! My old favorite Herbie in action, such an amazing amp. Nice to hear some in here, and it sounds great!
  56. apescaleconflict

    Buzz On Tesseract Clean Patch

    I've had occasions that an compressor in front of my presets increases the unwanted noise if there is an signal of error present, but it's mainly when you don't play. Sounds really weird indeed, have you tried closing the blocks one by one and try to narrow the problem to its roots?
  57. apescaleconflict

    Buzz On Tesseract Clean Patch

    Ha, indeed. I Listened again with volume up and now hear it... My TV was on earlier so i couldn't hear anything else but those fret buzzez, my bad. I had that same issue and that was an interfere noice from my cpu fan.
  58. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Goood ZILLA! NastyMixTest

    Yyyyep i sure do love me dem dandy beard avatar pictures righty o dead nugget! You make sure to do that nao!
  59. apescaleconflict

    Buzz On Tesseract Clean Patch

    IDK it just sounds like a fret buzz to me, can't hear anything wrong anywhere else. If that, lift strings or loosen the neck a bit.
  60. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Goood ZILLA! NastyMixTest

    The purr is strong in this. Finish the song, it's beautiful yet angry!
  61. apescaleconflict

    Legacy some hbe and acoustic stuff (melodic death/black metal in Bb)

    Coool riffing and that acoustic tone is great. I underline the old In Flames vibe too which is nice, i used to be a die hard In Flames fan back in the late 90's :D Also nice to hear heavier stuff too in here. :)
  62. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Short Rock Idea

    Ha! i got the same FOO vibe from the beginning! :D Really groovy stuff man!
  63. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Slow F powerchod sludgefudgeheavies with ZILLA 2x12

    I think that's very flattering to hear such an compliment! Thanks a lot man! Congratulations for having the pack! IR is from the misha mix folder Misha 01 Full D!
  64. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Slow F powerchod sludgefudgeheavies with ZILLA 2x12

    Yo! Because im low like that, i'd like to throw in a slow sludgy F tuned clip to show just a bit how this little big cab does in this kinda stuff. It's nothing special riffwise, but trust me i've been juicing my brains out for riffs towards our bands album, so sorry for that :D I just felt...
  65. apescaleconflict

    Legacy PRS Mark Holcomb SE Heavy Tone Test with ML Zilla

    I dig that Misha Full D ir too! IT's really balanced and cuts through. It btw suites fot the "undjentier" stuff too very well :D Nice mix and riffs!
  66. apescaleconflict

    Legacy My new single "Dayzed" - FAS Modern / Friedman HBE + ML CP 13

    This is absolutely fantastic. Everything sounds big tight and pro. Everyhing.
  67. apescaleconflict

    Legacy ML Sound Lab Dizzy V30 / SM57 + MD421 FW 2.04 Clearing off the spider webs!

    You should really cut down the shrooms and LSD Mikko! :D
  68. apescaleconflict

    Legacy ML Sound Lab Dizzy V30 / SM57 + MD421 FW 2.04 Clearing off the spider webs!

    The whole "ready" song is in the topic now for ones interested!
  69. apescaleconflict

    Legacy ML Sound Lab Dizzy V30 / SM57 + MD421 FW 2.04 Clearing off the spider webs!

    Wait till you hear the full song. The cow builds a long downwardspiral towards alcoholism an dies suffocating in his own hemorrhoids, but it's cool. Cool. Holy hell, i actually thought of that too at one point hahahaha
  70. apescaleconflict

    Legacy ML Sound Lab Dizzy V30 / SM57 + MD421 FW 2.04 Clearing off the spider webs!

    I've actually changed few ir's to the new mix and the song is almost ready now :) I will post the ready song this weekend for what it's worth anyway! Thanks, it's cool you like my style man!! As for the guitar sound, yeah, i kinda like my old tones better too, thing is that the Axe FW's has...
  71. apescaleconflict

    Legacy ML Sound Lab Dizzy V30 / SM57 + MD421 FW 2.04 Clearing off the spider webs!

    Haha what! I think i have the latest too did i load the wrong directory. :D Well screw you, too many amazing ones already. :D
  72. apescaleconflict

    Legacy ML Sound Lab Dizzy V30 / SM57 + MD421 FW 2.04 Clearing off the spider webs!

    Just use this preset. All you need then is the impulses, they play the part. I choose the amp and by it's character, then the impulses that i like, and fine tune the amp then. Usually i do barely nothing. Low resonance frequency tweak and character frequency tweak and that's the "hifi" part...
  73. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Quantum 3.00 melodic prog rock song! Recto's and OH DZL-FL from the HHC

    da da da da daaaa im loving it! Like always. Great job :)
  74. apescaleconflict

    Legacy ML Sound Lab Dizzy V30 / SM57 + MD421 FW 2.04 Clearing off the spider webs!

    Cheeers! I actually updated the new Q3.0 a while back and it sounds much better now! I didn't even record the first riffs again but made the song longer, let's see if im posting it online when it's ready :)
  75. apescaleconflict

    Legacy ML Sound Lab Dizzy V30 / SM57 + MD421 FW 2.04 Clearing off the spider webs!

    I can quarantee you won't be disappointed. Thanks for the kind words too! HBE V2 is amazing to me! :)
  76. apescaleconflict

    Legacy ML Sound Lab Dizzy V30 / SM57 + MD421 FW 2.04 Clearing off the spider webs!

    Hey dudes! Haven't posted a while, we moved to a bigger flat and i had a few projects to mix so i've been busy with family and stuffstuff. Anyway, Mikko has done these amazing impulses (again) from Diezel. There's the K100 also, but this is the V30 in a context of this song im working on! Amp...
  77. apescaleconflict

    Legacy ML Cab Pack 23 Citrus 2x12 - heavy fuzz rock/almost industrial

    Really cool tone! Reminded me about 2000's a lot haha! Nostalgic. You do it always so good that it doesn't even try to be cool, because it genuinely is. :)
  78. apescaleconflict

    The new HBE...

    Yeah i noticed it too, i was also a bit disappointed first, but with few tweaks im really happy again. First what i noticed though was way less gain. I had somewhere around 3-5 and now i need to roll up to 6 to achieve same results. Still, it sounds better, different, a tad more upmid "clanky"...
  79. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Dizzy V4 SLVR 3 with ML Dizzy K100 in a mix!

    Cool thing about redoing st.anger songs is that you never make them sound worse! But this sounds really wide and mickey roarky! I wanna hear the celebrity deathmatch tune played with that sound. ;>
  80. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Deftones-tones! Quantum JMP1/Brit Pre and OH G12K00 Dzl

    I saw the "reverse countdown" to it, but weren't at the speakers when it came out, and currently in work! Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitt!
  81. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Deftones-tones! Quantum JMP1/Brit Pre and OH G12K00 Dzl

    Ha! I might try something out out of a curiosity but it'll be damned from the scratch, it's a hard road for sure! I'll msg you if i get something decent out (which probably isn't gonna happen ;) )
  82. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Deftones-tones! Quantum JMP1/Brit Pre and OH G12K00 Dzl

    Believe me it's there! I've just nerded the band so throughoutly, that i'm a nihilist to the point of dickhead hahahaha.... I'd try scooping it by some mic phase or smth underneath to kill the mids a bit more, i think Carpenter has had that kind of a "faulty" phase in the gtr's that make it a...
  83. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Deftones-tones! Quantum JMP1/Brit Pre and OH G12K00 Dzl

    Sounds nice! Huge, HUGE fan of Deftones my self. :) Some kind of saturation in the high mids that isn't scoop enough for the "identical" deftones feel but sounds really nice in general! Really airy wide and beefy.
  84. apescaleconflict

    Legacy Tesseract's Dystopia cover - 5153 50W and Cab Pack 13

    Awesome job mate! I have an SC-607b as an normal superstrato model and that tele keeps looking more nice all the time to me! :D
  85. apescaleconflict

    Legacy ML Sound Lab little big boy 2x12" Mesa coming.... wait for it.... sooooon

    Thanks Amin, you mean the rhytm or the "clean rotary'ish" stuff? Rotary stuff is actually Fremens or yeks' "trichorus" with cab changed to this mesa 2x12 and few blocks added here there and tweaked :)
  86. apescaleconflict

    Eric Johnson 'Zenland' ... not tonematched, but programmed!

    Haha, you should do what feels right though! There's nothing bad at charging for presest, it's down to what you think is best. Personally i just think you'd need a lot of publicity like Misha Mansoor etc. to make some "real" dough out of it, but whatever rocks the boat i guess :)
  87. apescaleconflict

    Eric Johnson 'Zenland' ... not tonematched, but programmed!

    I love Eric Johnson! Post a clip of the clean tone when you get near!
  88. apescaleconflict

    Super Beginner Axe-Fx n00b (NEED HELP)

    Welcome mate! Basically what everybody said before me here, nothing much to add :D You'll love the community, awesome people here! Looking forward to hear some stuff from you! ^^
  89. apescaleconflict

    Thinking about buying CP 20 but....

    Mikko already brought it up but yeah, aces all the way, then expand when you know what you want. These IR's are full of amazing combos that work together astonishingly well. :)
  90. apescaleconflict

    Legacy ML Sound Lab little big boy 2x12" Mesa coming.... wait for it.... sooooon

    This is BTW the Seymour Duncan Nazgul now! :) Just came to my mind when you talked about the dynamics. And wow, thanks. Same goes to you dude, love your stuff \o/
  91. apescaleconflict

    Legacy ML Sound Lab little big boy 2x12" Mesa coming.... wait for it.... sooooon

    Hey thanks all! Didn't expect anything this sweet from you guys of this sort a clip! Im honored you think so, i hope i can maintain it that way in the future too thanks! Shaun? Can i call myself Shaun now? ;D As sweet an sexy beast my bud Shaun is, i think he'd more pleasantly possess that...
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