Search results for query: freqout

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  1. RevDrucifer

    What "extra pedal" are you running with your FM9?

    EV-1, EP-1 and possibly a Digitech Freqout, I haven't decided that yet. I probably will, just in case I can't crank up my cabs as loud as I'd need.
  2. Adman103

    What "extra pedal" are you running with your FM9?

    ...on the waitlist for a 9, but I've gone through a bunch of iterations on exterior pedals, and I've landed on running a Microcosm followed by a Mimiq in the loop, and a Freqout before the Axe. I have an Echofix I sometimes mess around with in the loop, but that mostly ends up with my regular amps.
  3. Piing

    AFIII Starting to work on my Gilmour/PULSE tones

    ...close to the string to pinch small harmonics And a quick test. EMG SA with SPC at 10 and EXG at 2 I am playing with headphones and don't have a FreqOut, so I cannot get feedback when extending the notes note: I have changed CAB to User1#890, to match with my location of "YA412 FN50 421-CE 2"
  4. D

    AFIII Starting to work on my Gilmour/PULSE tones

    I'm pretty sure the Alembic is basically a rackmount Twin preamp with higher quality parts. (I actually have one, but my way younger self did unspeakable things to it, and in such in a horrible way, I'd be ashamed to let anyone near it. I've done some pretty cool builds and mods in my day, but...
  5. RevDrucifer

    Best placement for Freqout pedal in the grid? Out 2's to them because I'll be mic'd and going direct in the band I just joined. I'm still deciding if I'm going to buy another Freqout for this rig or not, as the one I already have is in the III rack, well...hanging out on top of it. I use the pedal quite a bit, even when I can crank up...
  6. jyflorida

    Best placement for Freqout pedal in the grid?

    Definitely make it the first one in the chain. I had one (when it worked) and went from guitar -> Freqout -> Axe.
  7. RevDrucifer

    Best placement for Freqout pedal in the grid?

    This is a preset I moved from my III to the FM9 (my III isn't hooked up to my computer right now or I would have used AxeEdit), but I'm doing exactly that. I always put it first, but I'll drop the stuff I won't be using at the same time under it. I can't hit the momentary switch at the same time...
  8. warlockII

    Best placement for Freqout pedal in the grid?

    I use a rack wireless, so I'll definitely need to trigger it using my midi pedal.
  9. Adman103

    Best placement for Freqout pedal in the grid?

    I messed with placing it in the loop and before the Axe. Both worked fine, but I eventually settled on in front of the axe to free up the loop, and because it seemed to work best using the switch on the freqout.
  10. GlennO

    Best placement for Freqout pedal in the grid?

    It's important to put pedals that do pitch detection, like the FreqOut, before any effects that shape the guitar signal (for example the amp block). I don't use an effects loop at all for my FreqOut. I put my FreqOut, and my Drop, between the guitar and the AxeFX.
  11. H

    Best placement for Freqout pedal in the grid?

    ...optimal placement. I've been using simulated feedback in most of my presets, but I wanted to get back to pitchblocking, so I'm sending out a freqout today. Like some of you, I want to permanently place the pedal in my rack and run it through in/out 3 while utilising a momentary switch on my...
  12. Adman103

    Best placement for Freqout pedal in the grid?

    I had the most luck with it as early as possible in the chain, but I’m by no means an expert user of the Freqout.
  13. warlockII

    Best placement for Freqout pedal in the grid?

    ...for the Frequout pedal. I've been running the simulated feedback in most of my presets, but wanted to regain the pitchblock, so I have a freqout being shipped today. I'm planning on permantly mounting the pedal in my rack and running it through in/out 3 and using a momentary switch on my...
  14. unix-guy

    Only one pitch block...Very Disappointed

    I haven't used it so I'm not sure the details, nor if the Ring Mod would work for that use. However, that's only a single use case.
  15. C

    Only one pitch block...Very Disappointed

    Valid point, but wouldn't the freqout effect be much more authentic with the ringmod block?
  16. R

    Only one pitch block...Very Disappointed

    Let me know if you find a way to duplicate that on the FM9 w ring mod would love to see the patch and settings
  17. flcmcya

    Only one pitch block...Very Disappointed

    Using my Axe3...... I set up a Freqout type momentary feedback with one and Virtual Capo on the other. Kinda miss that.
  18. RevDrucifer

    Which effects do you actually use?

    Hahaha I so under use mine in comparison to these- Kitchen sink template Comp Loop 3 out (Digitech Freqout) Wah Pitch (Classic Whammy) Loop 3 in Phase (Univibe) Chorus Drive Drive (Sometimes I use different boosts for rhyth/lead) Amp (Usually 3 or 4 per preset) Gate Cab Rotary Pan/Trem Delay...
  19. warlockII

    AFIII Starting to work on my Gilmour/PULSE tones

    Right when I've gotten the idea of buying a freqout out of my head ;). I dig what you're doing!
  20. RevDrucifer

    AFIII Starting to work on my Gilmour/PULSE tones

    ...are my absolute favorites of Gilmour's. The audio is coming straight from Logic, not my phone. I'm getting the feedback from a Digitech Freqout, but the signal chain is pretty much what he's using live, just recreated in the AxeFX and not particularly in the same order. And of course, I...
  21. RevDrucifer

    What would you use an external switch for?

    ...I use 3 different switches with my FC6, two dual’s and a single. Tap/Tuner, Preset Up/Down and a momentary switch that I generally use for my Freqout to turn the loop on. If I do add anything to the FM9 board aside from the two expression pedals, it’d be the Freqout, but I’d just keep the...
  22. RevDrucifer

    Am I RTFMing this right?

    I use stand-in switches for my III/FC-6 rig. The black one on the bottom is generally for my Freqout, but you can assign it to do whatever you want. I downloaded someone else's preset the other day and they had a Whammy assigned to FC Pedal 1 (which is the black switch on my board) and it...
  23. Joe Bfstplk

    FM9 vs Axe Fx III - the sound

    I must be the exception that proves that rule, then. Had one for about 3 weeks. Sold it to get a springless one. Gotta love reusing things instead of having to update them....
  24. RevDrucifer

    FM9 vs Axe Fx III - the sound, I think a pedalboard I built years ago will be the right size for the FM9 and the two expression pedals. Still not sure if I’m going to add a Freqout to this rig or not. I use it all the time with my III, but I’m also generally playing that through studio monitors and not cranked very loud.
  25. RevDrucifer

    Let's see those FM9 rigs!

    ...I'm living in an apartment and building shit isn't as easy, but it'll be back to a bigger board. I'm not sure if I'm going to be putting a Freqout on the FM9 board or not. I have one in my III rack and use it a lot, but the FM9 is intended on being my live rig with a couple 2x12's (or...
  26. flcmcya

    2 Pitch Blocks

    1 for capo and 1 for Freqout! ;)
  27. MicroMort

    Sticking with the FM3? Upgrading to FM9? Why?

    I have some extra pedals (freqout, glitch, etc) that I would still need to use with the FM9, so the extra space is a no go. Sticking with the FM3. also this: I use a dual footswitch to change presets... then, with all my scenes set up per song - I have my 3 buttons set up to get...
  28. M

    Suggestions for additions to my pedal board?

    What about firmware 4.02? ;) Seriously, I think you can get quite a long way with what is currently onboard. I personally sometimes could see the use of a Digitech FreqOut pedal but then again... is it worth it?
  29. rushfan

    Anyone sell all their tube amps?

    I also have my wireless receiver in my rack, and I have my Freqout pedal in the rear running through one of the loops - I have to remember to press the button on it to turn it on sometimes!
  30. jetdriver1775

    Is little to no feedback just the way it is with modelers?

    I have a FreqOut pedal for times when old school volume isn't an options.
  31. B

    Is little to no feedback just the way it is with modelers?

    As others have mentioned, there are a lot of factors (the main one being volume). I have a DigiTech Freqout pedal on my board for generating controlled feedback and I'm pretty happy with it, although just like any other tool, it takes some getting used to.
  32. Greg Ferguson

    Gary Moore long sustain with FM3

    There's also the E-Bow, which has a wide range of sounds available when someone learns to use it. So, 4 choices based on technology, plus the regular old analog way....
  33. GlennO

    Gary Moore long sustain with FM3

    In addition to Piing's clever solution, you have 3 choices: 1) Use a feedback simulator preset like Simeon's. 2) Use a Freqout. 3) Use a sustainiac pickup. I have both a Freqout and a Sustainiac. Option 1 has the advantage that it requires no new equipment but option 3 sounds the best.
  34. sprint

    Gary Moore long sustain with FM3

    I use a digitech freqout pedal - not perfect particularly if I try to bend while the pedal is generating sustain (warbles) but good enough for the odd time I want it playing at low volume in home music room. I tried sustaniac but hated the complexity it created in my guitar electronics (I've...
  35. CipherHost

    Simeon's Feedback Simulator for the III

    ...Right IR" video and added the synth block in parallel before the amp; just like in your preset. Switched from CS3 to expression pedal 3. You do have to be careful, but it will follow slow, mild string bends. Sounds awesome! I think it sounds very natural, but I've never used the FreqOut. Thanks!
  36. yek

    Simeon's Feedback Simulator for the III

    Working fine here. Very creative and simple, much easier to set up than Pitch+Comp. It's less forgiving than the real FreqOut, you have to watch out for chirps when ending the note. For some reason the low E string doesn't track well.
  37. simeon

    Simeon's Feedback Simulator for the III

    here you go. CS3 is rigged up to engage the effect. change that as necessary. you can save the synth block into your block library and then drop it into any preset you like. remember, it's monophonic. i actually prefer this to the freqout, but ymmv
  38. 6

    Buy Axe-Fx III?

    I ditched a ridiculous board with 3 drives, comp, gate, the 3 big strymons, ditto, drop, Freqout, and a BOSS ES-8 switcher. I was able to easily recreate the FOH sound of my 65Amps Ventura and that board with the Axe3. The only thing I still have is my FreqOut in a loop. Get it, you'll sell...
  39. Dimi Guitar

    Digitech Freqout or Sustainiac - Thoughts?

    I use the freqout. One has to be careful with how they bend strings or the pedal may go bonkers and sound like some kind of broken robot. Even some vibrato can throw it off, at times, depending on how wild it is. And you must also bear in mind that sliding downwards as you end lead phrases...
  40. RevDrucifer

    Digitech Freqout or Sustainiac - Thoughts?

    While I certainly know better than to assume if Cliff has it in his possession it’s going to end up in there, sadly, this is the best news I have had in my life for the last couple weeks.
  41. Admin M@

    Digitech Freqout or Sustainiac - Thoughts?

    The FreqOut is cool. @FractalAudio has mine, so maybe someday. Meanwhile, check out the "Sustain Maniac" preset in the new Axe-Fx III factory banks!
  42. wtfoley3

    Options with a third expression pedal?

    Are you an octopus?
  43. plyall

    Options with a third expression pedal?

    How'd you pull that off? I thought the AFX3/FC12 only supports 4 pedals as controllers. On top of that, how do you keep track of all of that? Do you gig? OMG - the pedal rig onstage must be overwhelming.
  44. RevDrucifer

    AFIII No More Tears-era Zakk Wylde Preset

    ...AxeFX already! Just a quick clip to demo the preset before anyone downloads. There's also a loop in the preset for out/in 3, as my Digitech Freqout is in that loop. It's setup for momentary switching remotely, so just delete it if it's of no use. Oh, I also titled my scenes like a child...
  45. sprint

    Options with a third expression pedal?

    I have 8 to maximize my expressiveness: Wha Whammy Gain Post Amp time based fx volume. Output Volume. Delay Mix. Mod Parameters (mostly rate). Sustaining signal from freqout pedal
  46. TravisG406

    How to record a dry signal for re-amping later along w/amp/cab model for tracking?

    Ah yes, I was wrong, I was thinking for some reason that it would record off that point if there was an output 3 on the grid but it doesn't
  47. RevDrucifer

    How to record a dry signal for re-amping later along w/amp/cab model for tracking?

    Huh? I use a Digitech Freqout in a loop using Out/In 3, it has no effect on the USB out.
  48. RevDrucifer

    how do you control fx distortion

    Not sure what you've got in your rig, but you can put it in loop 3. I do this with a Digitech Freqout, this is what it looks like in AxeEdit- And here is the Output 3 Level settings I changed to get it to work with a momentary switch, I'm not sure if this will help at all since you're...
  49. W

    feedback with headrush frfr 108 ?

    +1 on the FreqOut. The only pedal I use besides the Axe
  50. Jumpback

    feedback with headrush frfr 108 ?

    Hahaha I gotta try one of these how kewl!
  51. L

    feedback with headrush frfr 108 ?

    108 can get quite loud so as easy to get feedback as with any other speaker really, same rules apply.... that said, I find a Digitech FreqOut invaluable for being able to generate a feedback effect at any volume level. Obviously not the same thing but so cool just hitting an “A” letting it...
  52. brainleaf

    Digitech Freqout or Sustainiac - Thoughts?

    I haven't tried the freqout, but I have a 7 string with a sustainiac on it, and it is super fun. It may be a product of me not knowing how to use it correctly (or a dead/low battery), but I have noticed that it doesn't work on all notes. Also if you're fucking around with a floyd rose, it can...
  53. honeypat

    On stage monitor for good sustain / feedback?

    You better adapt a pedal called FREQOUT from DiGiTech, instead of looking for decent FRFR. It really work any time you need a feedback in front of the input of an amp. It sounds great!
  54. oconnorbro

    Sustain without compression?

    What speaker do you use w/AXE fx 3? Powered monitor? Of course old school with amp interaction works.
  55. MicroMort

    It's finally time to say goodbye to my pedals.

    I usually reply to these types of threads and the good news is my list is getting smaller. Freqout, and a few glitch/stutter pedals are all I really need. I do have an Instant Lo-Fi Junky on my board atm but that’s cause I’m too lazy to recreate it.
  56. L

    It's finally time to say goodbye to my pedals.

    Still have my FreqOut and a bunch of fuzz pedals, but the Axe more than replaced all my mod pedals, delays, wahs etc
  57. sprint

    It's finally time to say goodbye to my pedals.

    ...pieces that can be modelled but require significant cpu resources so the pedals are convenient in that respect. TC Mimiq. Digitech Freqout. Digitech Mosaic. A couple of other keepers that have some different character in them that I like. Eventide H9 Line6 M5 Source Audio Nemesis Delay...
  58. 6

    It's finally time to say goodbye to my pedals.

    I have my Freqout dual locked in my rack case on the bracket my wireless is mounted to. It's ran in input 3, I just click the button with my finger when I power up the rack case. I use it one specific way, so it always is set the same. I haven't had any success getting what it does any other...
  59. RevDrucifer

    Expression and Feedback pedal advice

    ...other expression stuff, but I’m way too much of a wah junkie with far too many users on a Dunlop enclosure to give it up now. As for the Freqout, that and the Talk Box are the only two pedals I still use from my previous rig(s). There’s a preset or two that kinda do it, it’s been brought up...
  60. GitGuy513

    Any anti modelers have religious conversion?

    I can relate, but it’s good to make the distinction between digitally controlled FX processors and preamps and software/firmware based “amp modeling”. There’s quite a big paradigm difference. I usually don’t sell stuff. As you can see I agonize over purchases and when I land on something it’s...
  61. Sleestak

    Any anti modelers have religious conversion?

    ...FC12, plus a second "grab and go" rig that is an FM3. I don't use any other system or signal processing (except that single pedal: a Digitech Freqout). So, yes. I suppose I became converted to Fractalism. The things that really made me a convert weren't "things". It was this forum...
  62. Sleestak

    Fractal Audio Price Increases is worth every penny I paid. I spent that much on a single amp more than once in my life. The AxeFX III has replaced all of my tube amps, and all but one of my pedals. I still have a Digitech Freqout, because it's just too cool, and I haven't been able to dial that effect into the AxeFX yet :)
  63. RevDrucifer

    How To Prank A Guitar Player

    ...funniest humans I've ever met. But he's also extremely gullible and quite naive when it comes to gear. Like, really naive. I have a Digitech Freqout in the loop of my III, it's triggered by a momentary switch on my pedalboard. He was over here last night having a few drinks when I played...
  64. R

    Verb Drones

    ...compresser sustain to max turn the highs and presence up at the same time as engage a delay hold Using it as a momentary switch then used the expression pedal to mix in the pitch like a freqout would and octave up probably a lot of work but curious something like that can be...
  65. la szum

    Let's see those FM3 rigs!

    I get the on the fly tweaking, but man oh man for all the Friedman hype in the past 5 years or so I could not get rid of the BE-OD fast enough. Tried it again recently for the 2nd time thinking it was just my weak ears and bad taste. Probably still is. ;)
  66. TD77

    Let's see those FM3 rigs!

    Nice. Can I ask what MIDI cable you are using for the airstep and possible link if you have. I can’t find a slim profile cable anywhere. Thanks
  67. F

    Let's see those FM3 rigs!

    Updated board Fm3 Airstep Ep booster (always on) Freqout Friedman be-od (not because it sounds better, it doesn’t sound better than the newly updated drives, because I like easy access to tweaking on the fly) Morningstar ml 5 loop switcher controlled by midi from the fm3. (because I like to...
  68. Bruce Sokolovic

    Effects to supplement your AxeFX 3?

    Definitely a talk box, yes. I have a TC Helicon Talkbox Synth pedal on my board with my AX8. It completely eliminates the unhygienic tube and sounds great. Actually easier to say obnoxious things than with a talk box. Check one out sometime.
  69. sprint

    Effects to supplement your AxeFX 3?

    Digitech Freqout, Mosaic, TC Mimiq Also an H9 and Source Audio Nemesis Delay - not needed but I like having them in a post loop.
  70. Adman103

    Effects to supplement your AxeFX 3?

    I have a FreqOut, and a Mimiq in the loop, and I keep a single drive pedal on my board, but that's just a preference thing. The drives in the box lack nothing- they sound fantastic. The effects are absolutely great- unless there's a really specific pedal that you love, you aren't missing...
  71. W

    Effects to supplement your AxeFX 3?

    +1 for the FreqOut. All I find I need though if I did use a talk box, I would agree with @RevDrucifer MM
  72. RevDrucifer

    Effects to supplement your AxeFX 3?

    The only two things I haven’t been able to successfully replicate to do the exact same thing in the AxeFX; a Digitech Freqout and a Talk Box. I don’t want close impersonations of them, I want to be able to use them to their fullest extent, like saying obnoxious things with the Talk Box. Ya can’t...
  73. Andy G

    Effects to supplement your AxeFX 3? add anything. There may be some very particular pedals that you find you can't replicate (e.g. some people will use an outboard Digitech Freqout pedal), but on the whole the effects are top-notch. If it's modelled in the Axe-Fx, chances are you'll be very happy with the quality of any...
  74. 6

    Axe-Fx 3 Rack Case Suggestions

    I use a 4U SKB roto, it's fairly shallow, but my patch cables from my wireless, and the FreqOut that lives in there in Loop 3 stay connected all the time. I only plug/unplug the FASLink to my FC12, and Out 1 to my CLR. I don't even worry about it, the AxeFX is built with good parts. If I wear...
  75. Sleestak

    Control Switch - Not Sending Action Until Second Press

    ...that block engaged when I'm holding down the button. I'm on FW 15.01 I've attached my preset. BTW, I use this same basic config (Out 3 for Freqout) in a few presets. It has worked in the past using a different controller, so I'm pretty certain the issue is my newness to the FC as a...
  76. D

    FM3 pedalboard suggestions

    I use a Rockboard 3.1. It’s the Same depth as the fm3. I have an ev2 a mission 2 button foot switch and a digitech freqout on it
  77. Muad'zin

    Digitech Freqout or Sustainiac - Thoughts?

    I installed 7 sustainers/sustainiacs. Installing then was relatively easy, providing you don't have to rout a cavity for the circuit board. Sustainiacs are easier to install then sustainers, and I must be one of the few people who does like the neck PU sound. Then again I do not have the Golden...
  78. RevDrucifer

    Digitech Freqout or Sustainiac - Thoughts?

    I keep it in loop 3 of the AxeFX by itself and just turn it on/off with a momentary switch on my pedalboard. I can post the block later when I get home, I had to tweak the Scale, if I remember right, a little bit to get a perfect 45 degree angle on the axis screen. The loop is on a parallel...
  79. sprint

    Digitech Freqout or Sustainiac - Thoughts?

    Sounds like you're able to bend notes while sustaining via Freqout - is that correct? Where do you place the Freqout? I have mine at the beginning of the chain in a loop controlled by expression pedal - works well but it goes all warbly if I even sligjtly bend notes while sustaining via freqout.
  80. RevDrucifer

    Digitech Freqout or Sustainiac - Thoughts?

    The Freqout is one of the only pedals I still use. I‘m not trying to use it for long, sustained notes though. I use it mostly at the ends of phrases, like how Gilmour would get some feedback swelling in at the end of a phrase before starting a new one. It’s also great for jumping octaves without...
  81. D

    Digitech Freqout or Sustainiac - Thoughts?

    Sustainiac is a PITA to install + cost (even more cost if you make someone do the job for you), but GIVES YOU infinite sustain. Freqout acts like a compressor and adds harmonics. It is fine, but not infinite sustain. I installed 2 sustainiac (I'm masochist) and they are cool but can react...
  82. Muad'zin

    Digitech Freqout or Sustainiac - Thoughts?

    +1 for the sustainiac too. I got a freqout and was disappointed by how the notes kept dying out after those 6-7 seconds.
  83. sprint

    Digitech Freqout or Sustainiac - Thoughts?

    Man - I paid over $200Cdn for my Freqout when it first came out. Been trying to find a Digitech Mosaic at a descent price but have seen none so far less than $230Cdn.
  84. L

    Digitech Freqout or Sustainiac - Thoughts?

    ...blowing them out when Harman dissolved digitech or whatever and fired all the designers. Carosa was $59, rubberneck analog delay was $119, freqout was $89, couple of the lesser known DOD reissue pedals were like $29. Only one that didn’t seem to get super cheap was the reverb pedal. They...
  85. sprint

    Digitech Freqout or Sustainiac - Thoughts?

    90$?? - what currency is that? Freqout sells for $250 Cdn up here in the great white north.
  86. L

    Digitech Freqout or Sustainiac - Thoughts?

    Also depends what your goal is. Freqout is a great pedal for under $100 if you just want to produce a pretty decent sounding feedback effect as part of a song. Totally different than the price of a whole new guitar with a sustainiac circuit and the musical things you can do with it as it’s...
  87. L

    Digitech Freqout or Sustainiac - Thoughts?

    I find that provided I have decent monitor volume I can actually use the freqout to coax an infinite sustain, aka real feedback, but at a much lower volume level than would otherwise be needed to produce feedback.
  88. Jimmykonsta

    Digitech Freqout or Sustainiac - Thoughts?

    The freqout does not provide infinite sustain and feedback. The note dies after 6-7 seconds. Hope that helps
  89. MicroMort

    Digitech Freqout or Sustainiac - Thoughts?

    ...that sorta come close in the AxeIII. If you need something that gets you closer to how a real speaker works, then I can vouch for the freqout - throw it in your loop always on and toggle your loop to use it... or just stick it at the very front. Of course, if you're super duper sensitive...
  90. deakle

    Digitech Freqout or Sustainiac - Thoughts?

    I am in the market for either a Digitech Freqout or a sustainiac equipped guitar and was wondering if anyone had used both and has any thoughts/comparisons of the two? Not much on line in the way of a comparison. The sustainiac equipped Schecter's are a good bang for the buck, but if the same...
  91. D

    FM3 pedalboard dilemma

    Bought a Freqout today. Should get it in a few days to give it a blast
  92. D

    FM3 pedalboard dilemma

    The Freqout is a good call. Just watched Pete Thorn demo and it sounds great. That said everything Pete thorn plays sounds great
  93. yek

    FM3 pedalboard dilemma

    TC Ditto Digitech FreqOut
  94. Daniele.Bucco

    FM3 for live use situation? I only play live and would still use some pedals in front of the FM3. If I'll go with the Axe 3 I would put them in a rack (freqout and drop) and probably don't use all the pedals since the CPU limit never seems to be a problem. Pedals would be Drop -> Freqout -> Wah ->...
  95. grandinq

    Are there ANY limitations with Axe-Fx 3?

    I’d love the Freqout pedal effect. But it’s not as though my playing is experience feels shortchanged by not having it. The Axe III is such a joy to play.
  96. RevDrucifer

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 4 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta

    I’ve got the MXR Talk Box with the built-in power. That’s coming out of Loop 4 with my Freqout coming out of Loop 3. When I first got it, I ran a mic into the XLR Input of Input 2 and tried setting up a signal chain where I could keep everything contained in the AxeFX, IE- no PA needed. It’s...
  97. skydog

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 4 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta

    I run Out 3 to a bridged Crown and over to my Talk Box. Very simple. Sounds great through a dedicated stage mic to FOH. Cygnus’ Marshalls through the talk box kick tail. The improved articulation and dynamics sound just like the old days, through my Marshall head, when this box was new. Has...
  98. RevDrucifer

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 4 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta

    The FreQout and my Talk Box are the only pedals I still use. I still have all my old pedals because I refuse to sell gear after too many regrets over the years. Maybe the AxeFX IV will have a spot to attach a talk box tube to! :D
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