How to record a dry signal for re-amping later along w/amp/cab model for tracking?


I know this should be an easy answer as a lot of people do it but i have not yet been able to figure out how to do this. Recording with USB into ableton, using the 2 stereo tracks to track with, but want to also record one DI track from the axe fx for possible re-amping later without hearing it while tracking, just hearing the 2 sterero modelled tracks, but also recording the 3rd blank DI dry track so i can re-amp later if i so choose?

I assume i just come off the input down to a lower shunt block then over to like a different output block? that's where I get lost and have no idea what to set it to or anything or what to select in ableton for that track. I assume i'd just select no for monitoring that track in ableton, but not sure what the other settings should be to achieve this say track 1 and track 2 being amp/cab models going to channel 1 and 2 in on ableton from the axe fx, but not sure how to set up the 3rd track for dry DI input.

I don't know how to use Ableton, but the AxeFX puts the DI in the USB output 5, so open a track in Ableton and set the input to Input 5, hit record and you should have your DI.
I don't know how to use Ableton, but the AxeFX puts the DI in the USB output 5, so open a track in Ableton and set the input to Input 5, hit record and you should have your DI.
Oh awesome, so do i not have to set anything for an output in the axe fx at all just record like normal and arm a 3rd track in ableton with input 5 as the source and just turn the monitoring off and record that alongside the 2 other axe fx tracks i do hear with the modelling and i'm good to go? that sounds awesome if so.
Oh awesome, so do i not have to set anything for an output in the axe fx at all just record like normal and arm a 3rd track in ableton with input 5 as the source and just turn the monitoring off and record that alongside the 2 other axe fx tracks i do hear with the modelling and i'm good to go? that sounds awesome if so.

As long as there isn't some funky thing you have to do to create and arm tracks in Ableton, that's it, man!

That's literally all I do when I track in Logic; open 2-3 tracks (depending if I'm doing something stereo or not) the amp sounds come into Input 1 and Input 2, the DI is Input 5. Arm them and press R, done!

Now when you send it back INTO the AxeFX, you have to change the Input 1 source. Super easy-

Front panel-

Setup > I/O > Audio page > Input 1 Source > Change from Analog to Digital

Now in Ableton, you need to set the output of the DI track to Output 5 (Or 5-6 if it was a stereo track). When you press Play in Ableton, you'll hear the DI coming through your AxeFX on whatever preset you have it on.

Just remember to go back into your AxeFX and switch the Input Source back to Analog or the next time you plug in, you're going to panic over why you're not getting any sound out of your guitar. I do it at least once a week.

I've had to limit the amount of times I'll allow myself to re-amp something. The first few weeks of Cygnus, I was re-amping 10-15 different amps in one song just to hear how I could blend them....and I kept doing it with everything I did and would never finalize anything. It's very easy to get caught up in options due to how easy it is!
oh nice yea it looks like it comes back DI over 5 and 6 in stereo, i was wondering how to route it back to the axe-fx for different amps so i gotta switch the input from analog to digital, gotcha, thanks!
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