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  1. D

    How to increase sustain on lead tones?

    There's a ton of different things that can be done to increase sustain. I find that a lot of the time the choice of amp and even cab makes a big difference. For example, the Bludojai Lead amp has sustain for days, assuming drive and MV are high enough. Generally, you need more mids for a...
  2. D

    Tone experts, need your help..

    This is my Andy Timmons- Deliver Us preset.
  3. D

    Yngwie Malmsteen Patch ... Sorta.

    I like it! It's actually very similar to my Yngwie preset we were talking about in another thread. Yours has more presence (I've always liked smooth, somewhat dark tones) and the cabs are slightly different.
  4. D

    Can anyone post a video of Axe 2 Vs. YJM100?

    Here's my version. Surprisingly, it's very similar to Johnnyh64's patch. His does have more treble and the cabs we're using are slightly different, but very close! I tried the 50w Plexi, but it just seemed too thin (not enough beef) for what I was aiming for.
  5. D

    Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO 80 Ohm vs DT880 Premium 32 Ohm Headphones

    I'm not sure about a difference in tone, but a 600 ohm version would most definately need a headphone amp (and most headphone amps do color the tone slightly). With the 250 ohm version, I'd guess the output knob on the Axe would have to be fairly high. I used to have the 80 ohm version of...
  6. D

    Pickup Advice...

    I'm actually kind of in the same boat as you with my strat, in fact I have the exact same model. I'm undecided on pickups but if you're looking for pre-wired options check out these: Serenity Wiring Products If you did into the details on these wiring kits, the amount of options available...
  7. D

    Suggestions for monitor to dial tones in bedroom?

    IMO you're not going to find anything that's going to translate perfectly to the HD1221, especially at a low price. If I were you I'd just get another HD1221 or transport your current one back and forth and play it at low volume at home.
  8. D


    I totally believe you Cliff. Wouldn't be the first time I've seen where 2 amps weren't exactly alike. I was floored by how much gain my 6505 head had when I first got it.
  9. D


    I have a 6505 head (not the +) and it definately has more gain on the same settings compared to the Axe. I never go past 3.5 on the gain on the real amp. On the Axe, I'm around 6.5 to get the same amount. The tone controls, however, seem almost spot on given the same settings.
  10. D

    Can anyone post a video of Axe 2 Vs. YJM100?

    Thanks for this. The "Shred Dist" drive is one that I had not played around with much. Last night I was using it with the Plexi 100 amp and ended up with just an insane 80s type shred tone. Drive and master was high on the Plexi. I kept the drive fairly low and the level around 7 or so on the...
  11. D

    Can anyone post a video of Axe 2 Vs. YJM100?

    Anybody have one of those DOD overdrive pedals that Yngwie uses? Wondering which drive in the Axe sounds closest to it.
  12. D

    Tips for Mid-Gain "Warmth" in V10?

    There's a few things I do when I find a preset is struggling for warmth. Increase Depth Increase 125k in amp EQ Select a different IR (or different mic)- for example, greenback cabs with the 67 cond mic is warmth city. Sometimes only one of the above is necessary. What sometimes...
  13. D

    For bedroom player, CLR Wedge or Cab?

    I can't speak for anyone who's already posted in this thread, but I have noticed that some people believe a wedge is just overkill in terms of power and volume for bedroom use. Personally, I disagree. A lot of people do use wedges at home. For me, though studio monitors do sound great, they...
  14. D

    Help "Bigger" sound

    Sounds like you're competing too much with bass and drums. Having a fair amount of low end is great when you're by yourself. In a band situation, you want to leave a lot of lows out. The bass and kick drum needs that space. Where the guitar comes in is the midrange. Next time you're with the...
  15. D

    Tone experts, need your help..

    To my ears, I've come amazingly close (at least through my setup) with: Studio compressor block (stock settings) TX Star Lead (high MV, high treble, high mids, very low bass)- seems like I might turn up the low cut a bit in the advanced parameters. BB Drive Block Stereo cab with...
  16. D

    Dyn Presence and Dyn Depth - who's using them?

    I use them, but as mentioned previously, a little goes a long way. I find them very useful. They change the tone in different ways than the regular presence and depth. I find the dynamic depth useful in adding "more meat" to the tone and it seems to help in making the sound seem like its...
  17. D

    Pick Attack

    Basically, strong pick attack is when the sound of the note develops very quickly. It hits you right away. CLICK!
  18. D

    Is there a scientific method to adjusting global EQ?

    You primarily just have to use your ears and be familiar with the sound of each frequency band that you're adjusting. However, here's one thing I've tried: If you can find a frequency response graph (Google is your friend) for whatever speakers, headphones, etc. you're using you can adjust...
  19. D

    Anybody Mix n Match Monitors (Wedges)?

    Just curious. Has anyone ever ran different sized wedges together? 12" and 10"? 12" and 15"? ...etc? What about just running two different brands together at the same time? QSC with an EV? Matrix with an Atomic? ...etc? If so, what did you think? I only ask because I know sometimes you...
  20. D

    USA Lead amp help!

    For me, the trick with the USA Lead is to dial the bass control way down. I usually have it at "1". After that I find it sounds great with a variety of cabs, but I prefer that model with V30s.
  21. D

    Who are 100% satisfied with their Axes now after 10?

    I'd say I'm 99% satisfied. There's always room for improvement with any product. Nothing is perfect. Really, the only thing I can think of that I'd like is more IRs. The IR influences the tone more than anything else. I'd like to see the addition of IRs that are really unique. IMO, there's...
  22. D

    So Input Trim Can Essentially Render My Use of a Tubescreamer Useless?

    That's part of it (the boost). The drive pedal also changes the EQ, as mentioned previously. The primary part of the EQ that most guys use is the tightening of the lows, which really is nothing more than just cutting some of the lows before the signal hits the amp. I frequently just raise the...
  23. D

    High gain with PAF?

    I've got a PRS with Dimarzio 36th Anniversay PAFs in it and it does just fine for high gain stuff. In fact I like them much better than higher output pickups. They seem clearer-sounding to me and give me a lot more dynamic range. I can be more expressive with them. A lot of high output pickups...
  24. D

    At the end of the mockery the curtain falls...

    I don't quite understand the term "smooth" being applied to digital modeling gear. To my ears, most digital modelers (i.e. the Pod) have a certain harshness to them, that "digitalness" to them that I could never get along with. That's the major reason why I always preferred real tube amps...
  25. D

    Has the gate been improved, or is it just the way the amps interact?

    I've noticed it too. In previous firmware versions, I preferred having the gate completely off. Even at low settings it seemed to make for a stiffer feel when playing. With FW 10, not so much.
  26. D

    System re set works!!

    Wondering the same thing myself. Anybody do a system reset even though they were happy with the sounds they were getting from FW10? Any change?
  27. D

    Setting Hi/Low Cut in Amp vs. Cab

    I use the amp block most of the time, especially if the extra low/high end is inherent to the amp model I've chosen. I previously used the cab block exclusively but to my ears doing it in the amp vs. cab block results in less loss of the "character" of the tone. In other words, it seems more...
  28. D

    Fizzy Factor FW ver 10

    +1000. The Axe is extremely sensitive to the guitar itself and pickups used. Even more so in FW10 IMO. Personally, I've had the best luck with balanced-sounding medium or low output pickups. I used to be a high output pickup type of guy but no more. Switching to lower output pickups has been...
  29. D

    Producer Pack IRs

    Yours may have Celestion Vintages in them but brand new both the 1960AX and 1960TV come with 25W Celestion Greenbacks. Can't say for sure that's what are in the cabs the IR was shot from, but I would assume so. Those IRs sound like Greenbacks to me.
  30. D

    Anyone using speaker drive or motor drive since about 6.0?

    With fw10, I find that I'm not using it much. However, it does seem to make some cabs sound a little less muddy. For example, the new Cali cab has a really unique tone that sounds cool with a lot of high gain amps. Sometimes it seems a little muddy depending on what amp you're using. Increasing...
  31. D

    Amps that have surprised & impressed you in V10

    Lovin the Bogner Red, all the Peavey 5150 type models, Brit Mod, Plexis, Triaxis, Super Reverb, 59 Bassguy, JVM, and Bludojai Lead. Probably a lot more, but just haven't had the time to mess with very many other models yet. The Bludojai is just insane for getting a thick, smooth, sustaining...
  32. D

    USA PRE YELLOW AND GREEN- Cliff, you nailed it!

    According to the Mesa website, green is "medium gain boogie lead", whatever that means. Yellow is "classic boogie lead (Mark IIC+/Mark IV). Not sure if this reflects the model in the Axe, as Triaxis units have changed over the years (though I think yellow was always a IIC+). Having owned a...
  33. D

    USA PRE YELLOW AND GREEN- Cliff, you nailed it!

    I'm loving the Triaxis models too. I'm using them with the sag up (power amp modeling engaged) but they sound great either way. I used to have a Triaxis. I used it with a Mesa 2:90 and 212 Recto cab. The new models with sag up and Petrucci cab sound VERY similar. Too bad I don't still have...
  34. D

    V10 - don't know what to think yet

    In my experience, whenever an amp seems to have too much low end (or bass just isn't tight enough), I simply just increase the lo cut in the amp block. Anywhere from 120hz to 400hz depending on what amp and cab I'm using. I rarely have to mess with drive blocks, PEQs, or filters. Increase lo...
  35. D

    The new IRs (the mix series)

    +1000. With v.10, I was actually looking forward to the new cabs more than the changes in amps. The new firmware delivered. I'm loving the Basketweave cabs (especially AX) and Petrucci for medium-high gain stuff. The new Cali cab brings an interesting flavor to some amps too. Love the...
  36. D

    Firmware 10 issues

    I don't get it either with all these posts about "my presets sound horrible now" and "can't get rid of fizz with new V.10 models". My presets sound a helluvalot better with v.10. All I did was reset the amp model, adjust drive and MV a bit (rarely very much at all), and adjust depth/presence...
  37. D


    I played with this model just briefly a couple of days ago (V.10). Seemed like it had vastly changed with the update. Used to be a great model for leads. Now, not so much. Luckily, there's tons of other models that do leads superbly!
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    Funding Gear

    The gear slowly stacked up over many years of playing. Now, when I want something new I typically have to sell something old. I can also add a little from what I have left over after paying bills and such, but not much (maybe a couple hundred bucks a month if I'm lucky). I try to make sure...
  39. D


    I just wish I had time to pursue hobbies outside of music. Not sure how you guys find the time to do so many things. I don't, so music (guitar and bass) are the top priority (actually wish I had more time available than I currently do). It seems in my life that time is my ever-present and...
  40. D

    Name 7 guitar players you really like...

    Chris Poland Warren Haynes Mikael Akerfeldt Andy Timmons Neil Zaza Randy Rhoads Dave Mustaine
  41. D

    My hottest guitars don't hit the red

    Personally, I've never been able to tell a difference tone-wise between hitting the red and not.
  42. D

    Brand New Axe FX II......Hmmmm; not too happy! Help!?!

    Totally agree. Actually, if you look at the frequency graph (check it out on you'll see they have a big dip from 2k-6khz. Due to this, you primarily end up hearing the highs and lows which make them sound mid-scooped. The DT770s sound great for movies or games but not...
  43. D

    If only I can get QSC K12 to sound like my headphones ~~~

    The problem could just be that you're way too used to the DT770's. Those headphones are far from a flat frequency response. They have a big dip in the 2kHz to 6kHz range, which makes them sound much more "present" than anything else with a flatter response. I'm not familiar with the QSC's, but...
  44. D

    Getting stuck in skill level ... what to do?

    I've been in plateau type situations several times during my guitar playing days. The thing I've learned about playing guitar is that I never improve unless I challenge myself. I enjoy challenges, but they can also be frustrating, as I'm not the most patient guy in the world. Not challenging...
  45. D

    True Fire

    I've been using Truefire for about a month now and absolutely love it. I've been primarily a metal/hard rock guy most of my life and thought it would be good to learn some blues/jazz and expand my theory knowledge at the same time. I've just been on the free student trial (lasts a month, I...
  46. D

    What is the typical Fractal user like? ;)

    1) How many years do you play guitar? 26, though for the majority of those years I focused on bass nearly exclusively. Now, guitar is the focus, yet I still play bass regularly. 2) Do you consider yourself an amateur, semi-professional or professional musician? Amateur. I do, however, play...
  47. D

    WOW! I just found the BEST headphones for the money!

    Good to know. I'd like to try the SR-80's. I've got a pair of SR-60's and absolutely love them for the Axe. I make a couple of adjustments on the global EQ (I drop 2k and 8k a bit) and they sound perfect. I've tried several different headphone models of various brands but it's really...
  48. D

    Dimarzio Evolution DP159 or Fred DP153 + Axe FX II anyone?

    I've tried the Evo2 in a couple of Ibanez guitars. Great pickup for lead, but only with the right amp IMO. To my ears, it worked best with darker, more midrange-heavy amps. It sounded excellent with my old Mesa Triaxis/2.90. For rhythm, it was just ok. Nothing special, but it did the job...
  49. D

    Lets talk guitars

    For me, it's primarily based on the woods. I've learned that I just can't bond with any guitar that has a maple neck and/or fingerboard. It's only mahogany for me from here on out. I greatly prefer very dark, smooth fingerboards, especially ebony, but I can tolerate a dark rosewood as long...
  50. D

    Well...a day of tweaking this thing and.....

    Good to hear that you're giving your ears a break. I made the mistake of not doing that the first few months I had the Axe. I'd tweak for hours trying to find "that perfect tone". What I didn't realize was that the more I tweaked, the further away I'd actually get from my goal (because my...
  51. D


    That hasn't been my experience with headphones at all, and I use headphones with the Axe nearly exclusively. I get tons of sustain and rarely does the bottom end get flubby with the headphones I've used. Of course, there are certain tricks that make headphones sound a WHOLE lot better. I...
  52. D

    Two Rock amp rocks!

    Here's my 2 Rock/Brit Silver patch. I usually keep the master on the 2 Rock right around noon. Note that on this patch I have the gain set pretty high. I like setting it at about the max that I'd ever use it and then just rolling the volume down on my guitar. Typically, I'd use this patch...
  53. D

    Two Rock amp rocks!

    I'm loving the Two Rock too. So fat and creamy with all its midrange. I've found that blending it with other amps, especially Marshalls like the Brit Silver, give you some really cool tones of a slightly different flavor.
  54. D

    Recommended EQ for down (drop) tuning

    Just another little tip: instead of using a drive block you can just increase the low cut parameter in the amp block to around 400 hz. This tightens up the low end without the coloration from the drive block. Sometimes I do it that way if I don't like how the drive block colors the tone...
  55. D

    Guitar Tone Woods And High Gain Axe-Fx II

    Pickups do make a difference in tone but in my experience the actual guitar (woods, construction, trem vs. non-trem, etc.) has a much greater influence. I've done a lot of experimentation with different pickups over the last couple of years. Usually, I'll try the same pickup in all my...
  56. D

    Guitar Tone Woods And High Gain Axe-Fx II

    It's really hard to say. Could be the individual guitar, how the pickups mesh with the guitar, Axe settings, or a million other things. I've had 3 Ibanez guitars since I've owned the Axe, and to me they all sounded a bit harsh. I attribute this to the fact that all 3 had maple necks. My...
  57. D

    How many of you EQ before Amp?

    I occasionally use a GEQ near the beginning of my chain for higher gain patches. I usually just take out a couple of db at 125hz. Seems to tighten it up a bit. Sometimes I'll also drop 500 hz by 2-3 db. That seems to improve clarity on some patches. I usually only do this on amps that are...
  58. D

    Tone Gurus... I need your help!

    Could it be something as simple as the gate in the Axe-Fx? A while back I noticed that all my presets lacked something. Sustain wasn't quite where it should be and playing just felt too "stiff", making it feel more difficult to play. One day, I tried messing around with the gate. I notice...
  59. D

    Neck through guitars.

    I've had several guitars with maple necks, including a Carvin neck-thru (it had alder body wings). Every single guitar I've owned with a maple neck (regardless of the type of body wood) had something similar going on tonally in the 2-4khz region. It's a bit harsh to my ears, but I tend to...
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    Bonamassa licks video

    I agree. I love most of the higher gain Marshalls for hard rock and 80's type metal tones but on their own they're a little thin for fat mid-heavy blues and blues-rock. For these applications I've had great success mixing the Two Stone with the Brit Silver or Brit Super. Very fat with a lot of...
  61. D

    About to order a custom Carvin DC727... Anyone here have one? Thoughts?

    I used to have a DC127. It was a great guitar in terms of quality and playability. I could never get along with its tone, though. I tried several different pickups in it and still just couldn't live with it. It was alder with a maple neck-thru. Strangely, it was actually a somewhat dark-sounding...
  62. D

    Best Head Phones for Axe Fx II?

    I strongly DO NOT recommend the DT770's. They sound really good for some types of music (bass -heavy), gaming, and movies. However, I really do not like them for guitar-oriented music and hence, the Axe II. They have a big dip between 2khz to 5 khz, which is an important frequency range for...
  63. D

    Any E.T.A on Misha/Nolly Presets???!!!!!

    What will be interesting to me is seeing how the patch sounds vs. the way their guitars sound in a mix with all the post-processing plus the interaction between the bass and drums. Frequently, when a hear a patch that sounds stunning in the final mix it sounds horrible by itself. A lot of...
  64. D

    Do you use tonematch or regular tweaking to make sounds?

    +1. I've never tried a TM preset or have done a TM myself that I thought sounded better than tweaking a regular preset from scratch. Who knows, maybe they'd sound good in a mix, but on their own I couldn't jive with any I've tried.
  65. D

    More Pinch Harmonics via Para Eq?

    I've noticed that having fairly new strings drastically affects my ability to get really good pinch harmonics.
  66. D

    Found my ideal metal tone, with one button press.

    Interesting. I'll have to try this out when I get home. I can't imagine the FAS Modern with boost + saturation. Seems like it has more than enough gain with no boost at all.
  67. D

    FAS Modern. Boost or no boost?

    I agree. I hardly ever use and even try to avoid using the boost (in the amp block) on most models because it makes it sound too "hairy" or "fizzy" for my tastes. There are a few models that I raise the input trim on just slightly. On most high gain amps (including the FAS Modern) I usually...
  68. D

    Slowing down with age.

    Playing fast is one of those types of things where if you don't use it, you lose it. In my experience, if I don't continually work on speed in my practice routines, I take "a step back" and then have to work it back up to speed again. I'm sure there are exceptions, but I think most older...
  69. D

    Looking for The Faceless and Born Of Osiris tone/presets

    See this thread:
  70. D

    The Faceless' tone?

    Try these out. Once I heard Wes was using the CornCob and Brit Super I started experimenting. With my equipment, they sound somewhat Faceless-esque. Who knows, on your equipment they may sound like poo. That's usually how it works for me when I download others' presets. Maybe with a little...
  71. D

    Finally...Rush inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!

    Rush inducted into the r&r hall of fame...along with Public Enemy.
  72. D

    Suggest some headphones

    I think you'll probably like the Grado's. Grado's have long been known for a great sound for rock-ish types of music (guitar-oriented music) so they work really well for the Axe. They wouldn't be my first choice for different types of listening such as gaming or watching movies, but for hard...
  73. D

    Suggest some headphones

    I tried some AKG 240's in a guitar center once. To my ears, they sounded like they might work well with the Axe though I was just listening to regular music through them. What you want is a headphone that isn't too hyped or under-hyped in any particular frequency area (no headphones are truly...
  74. D

    Need help choosing a bass ...

    A lot of Justin Chancellor's tone comes from the overdrive. I've gotten similar tones using a Sansamp BDDI in front of my amp. Sometimes a little chorus effect helps too. That Spector should be an incredible bass and you should easily be able to get close with some overdrive and the right...
  75. D

    Two Questions regarding Axe II and Bass Guitars

    I play both guitar and bass. While I'm not really prepared to give you specific recommendations because I haven't really followed the bass market over the last couple of years, I will mention a couple of things. Generally speaking (and I stress "generally") you get less quality for your...
  76. D

    Suggest some headphones

    I've tried several different pairs of headphones on the Axe in various price ranges and I keep coming back to my Grado SR60i's. Grado's are known for an enhanced treble response, which they do have, but I've found that if I drop 2k and 8k some in the global graphic EQ on the Axe it makes the...
  77. D

    Anyone using speaker drive or motor drive since about 6.0?

    I use it a lot on high gain patches (motor drive). I usually have it set from 2.5-5.0. I can't really put it into words, but it doesn't something to the tone that would be hard to replicate with just EQ. I find it nearly essential for a lot of "modern" metal types of tones.
  78. D

    Help dialing in the bogner amp models.

    Euro Red is probably my favorite model because of its unique sound. I usually keep the bass fairly low (around 4), treble at 6-7, presence to taste (I like it between 9:00 and 11:00). I raise definition to 3 and have sag on 2. Lately I've been experimenting with damp and power tube bias. I...
  79. D

    New Guitar / Pickups or New Patch?

    I've found that the Axe will reflect the differences in a guitar and/or pickup's tone significantly more than when I use regular tube amps. Before the Axe, I was aware of subtle differences, but generally not enough to make me fuss over the guitar's woods and/or pickups. With the Axe, it's a...
  80. D

    OwnHammer Speaker Cabinets Public Beta (free stuff inside)

    I like the v2 beta IR's so much it's got me wanting to try out some of the v1 cabs. For those of you with experience with the v1 cabs, what can I expect in terms of differences in tone/feel between v1 and v2?
  81. D

    Just can't get this Djent patch right!

    It's really hard to say. Could be a million different things, from your Axe settings, what IR you're using, what you're listening to the Axe through, or even your guitar. In fact, I've got a RG7321 too. I bought it just to see if I'd like 7-strings (ended up deciding I simply prefer keeping...
  82. D

    Periphery Facepalm Mute Instrumental Cover

    I believe what he means is to use a PEQ near the end of your chain. Set up a blocking filter in the PEQ at 70 hz and one at 11khz. Then use a peaking filter in the PEQ to cut at 2khz.
  83. D

    Will any new IRs be included in FW9?

    I wouldn't want to see any of the stock cabs go away either. As much as I love the new OH Beta IR's, at this point they're still just one "flavor" (Bogner V30). What I've been doing lately is mixing the new OH cabs with stock cabs. Changes the "flavor" and makes things more interesting.
  84. D

    Just can't get this Djent patch right!

    I second this. Lots of good information in this thread. What IR or IR's are you using. The IR is going to make the absolute greatest difference in your tone. Personally, I think the Ownhammer IR's work best with high-gain, especially the new beta ones. I also get good results with mixing a...
  85. D

    Re-amping in cubase. How do?

    I think what most people typically do is record to mono tracks unless they're using some sort of stereo effect. When using a stereo effect, do not record in mono or you could have some phasing issues and your sound will suffer.
  86. D

    Periphery Facepalm Mute Instrumental Cover

    Your cover sounds awesome and thanks for the write-up on your settings for the patch. It led me to something new that I'd never tried before. I've fooled around with the damp control a few times before but until yesterday I had never turned it all the way down. I can't fully explain in words...
  87. D

    Why do patches I download sound like crap?

    I've had a similar experience. I'd say very few presets that others have uploaded sound good to my ears when playing solo. The problem is that most of the time we're hearing it in a recorded mix. The guitars are being mixed in with bass, drums, etc. and there's usually some additional...
  88. D

    TIP: how to get a better (closed) headphone experience

    The room level setting in the cab block is really helpful for getting good tones from headphones. I prefer it vs. using a combination of far field and near field IR's. I also think that using the enhancer (make sure your output is STEREO) makes a world of difference when using headphones...
  89. D

    Axe FX II Showcase Ep.03. Peavey 5150 II - Metal

    I can only speak for myself, but this has been my experience: When playing solo (just practicing) I tend to favor a somewhat dark, thick tone. I really don't like tones that could be described as overly bright or harsh. I like tones that are more smooth, fluid, and liquid. Many of my solo...
  90. D

    axe fx II not fat enough?

    I have a Dimarzio Crunch Lab in one of my guitars too (not loving it for the Axe, but that's another story) and I can't go over 30% on the input without hitting the red too much. It's a really hot pickup. Are you sure yours is installed correctly?
  91. D

    Axe FX II Showcase Ep.03. Peavey 5150 II - Metal

    Kostein, I just want to thank you for making these types of videos. They've helped me in 2 different ways: First, you led me to Ozone 5, which has significantly improved the sound of my recordings. Second, you've reinforced the fact (for me) that a guitar's solo tone sounds completely...
  92. D

    Axe FX II Showcase Ep.03. Peavey 5150 II - Metal

    Maybe to a slight degree, but these effects are all multiband in Ozone. What that means is that you can completely change the way each effect is applied to different ranges of frequencies. For example, more compression on everything below 80hz or more excitation on frequencies over 8khz. This...
  93. D

    Piece Of Mind- Iron Maiden rythm tone test

    Not sure at what point in their career they starting using them, but Maiden is known to have used the Marshall JMP-1 preamp quite a bit. I'm assuming they didn't start using them until at least the mid 80's. I think it's pretty easy to get a Maiden-esque tone with the Brit Pre model. I've...
  94. D

    Amps: If you like / you'll love / should try

    I'm mainly a high gain player. My faves for a more modern tone (mainly rhythm) are the Herbie, FAS 6160, VH4, Das Metal, and JVM. For 80's type metal/hard rock tones and leads I favor the Brit Pre, Soldano X99 pre, Leggy, and the Brit Brown. My absolute favorite model is the Euro Red. I...
  95. D

    axe fx II not fat enough?

    +1 to the comments about IR selection. The choice of IR makes all the difference in the world. +1 to the comments about the bass guitar. If the bass guitar and regular guitars aren't EQ'd properly for the mix or if the level of the bass guitar is simply too low in the mix, the overall sound...
  96. D


    I absolutely love the DT770's for listening to music. HOWEVER, I thoroughly do not suggest them for the Axe. As you can see in the frequency graph posted above, they are hyped in the lows and high highs. There is a big dip from around 1.5khz to around 5khz. This is the range that is...
  97. D

    Someone please help!

    The input on the axe or input in Cubase? I believe the input on my Axe is set to "Left" and I have the input gain at 30-50%, depending on what guitar I'm using. In Cubase, just check the meter. I try to record at as high a level as possible without clipping. You could record a track...
  98. D

    Scott: speaker settings

    I've found that when recording, turning down the low resonance seems to make things a whole lot easier. Really tames the lows and helps the guitar tracks sit in the mix better (this, of course, is assuming that the low end is going to be covered by the bass guitar). I still use a high pass...
  99. D

    Someone please help!

    The very first time I recorded using Cubase it sounded horrible. Then I realized I had recorded using a patch with stereo effects to a mono track. I also had the Axe's output set to "stereo". What works for me is to set output 1 on the Axe to "L+R Sum" and record to a mono track in Cubase. I...
  100. D

    Getting Better "in the room" sound with headphones

    IMO getting a good sound through headphones is really simple with the Axe: raise the room level in the cab block to 30-80% and use an enhancer block (set to taste). I also often use a reverb block, usually with small or medium room settings. Make sure your output 1 is set to stereo. Of...
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