I'm getting killer chunkage from Das Metal, Boogie Mk IV and 5153 red...I'm enjoying the best metal tones I've ever acquired :D I can't find enough time in the day to tweak out the others cuz I'm having so much fun riffing... I can hear the potential brutality in most of them...anyone have some suggestions on the Powerball? For some reason I seem to be having a hard time dialing that one in...
i must throw in my 2 cents as well. i agree that its amazing. i absolutely love the 5153 red channel, the dizzy channel 4, FAS modern, the new 6505 model (forgot the name), spawn nitro, and amazingly enough the spawn q rod is freaking awesome. very bay area moded marshall thrash tone!! but i havent had much luck with the uberschall, engls, or the mesas. my "real" amp is a 2 channel dual rectifier rackmount loaded with el34s and a maxon 808. the mesa models just dont do what the real one does yet. they are cool but not what my beast delivers. for now i use the 5153 sim through a matrix gt1000 into 2 4x12s loaded with celestial g12-k100s. it actually sounds better than a real 5150 all day.
Yeah, I like the new 6160 II sim too but feel there's no way near the same amount of distortion available on the model as compared to the real head (given the same settings). Or is my memory deceiving me?

I have a 6505 head (not the +) and it definately has more gain on the same settings compared to the Axe. I never go past 3.5 on the gain on the real amp. On the Axe, I'm around 6.5 to get the same amount.

The tone controls, however, seem almost spot on given the same settings.
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I have a 6160 head (not the II) model and it definately has more gain on the same settings compared to the Axe. I never go past 3.5 on the gain on the real amp. On the Axe, I'm around 6.5 to get the same amount.

The tone controls, however, seem almost spot on given the same settings.

The gain in the model exactly matches the particular head we used as a reference.
I've had both block letter and II(+) verisons of the 5150s
block letter gain at 3.5 is about equal to 5-6 on the II
I totally believe you Cliff. Wouldn't be the first time I've seen where 2 amps weren't exactly alike. I was floored by how much gain my 6505 head had when I first got it.

True... two amps not exactly alike despite being the same brand in model happens. Maybe if you really need more gain, you can use the input trim.
Whereas in V9 my distortion preset was based on a mix of the FAS 6160 and FAS modern amps into a stereo cab of the Recto and the Peavey (I forget the cab numbers, 44 and... 51?), now in V10 I feel I need only the FAS modern into a stereo cab of the Uber T75+V30 and the new Peavey mix. Gain set somewhere in the middle, slightly pushing the master volume, bass/mid/treble all hovering around 4, presence around 7, depth at 3, dynamic presence at +4 and I think I turned down the XFRMR match just a tad (0.85 or so). Suddenly it was midnight. :)
My main high gain amp still is the 5153 Red - love it.
The (new) Uberschall is a real monster, though.
Maybe I'll change the main amp from time to time.
Tried it with the new OH Mesa V32 IRs yesterday. Sounded KILLER!
My main high gain amp still is the 5153 Red - love it.
The (new) Uberschall is a real monster, though.
Maybe I'll change the main amp from time to time.
Tried it with the new OH Mesa V32 IRs yesterday. Sounded KILLER!

Which OH Mesa cab/mic were you using?
Thinking of getting the new OH cabs myself. Are they similar to the producer mix where you don't use a mic? Right now I have the Axe recto (OH) and (RW) running in stereo with the 121 and 57 mic.
Dizzy Channel 4
The gain in the model exactly matches the particular head we used as a reference.

Why not just make gain availability INSANE , go to 15 or whatever, to satisfy the gainiest of freaks? Have a Gain knob like the new master volume trim knob?
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