Will any new IRs be included in FW9?

Not true. If the IR is bad, then you can tweak all you want with extra EQ etc, it will still sound bad. You can't polish a turd. Also, some amps are not that responsive with their tone controls (Pretty much nothing happens with the tone controls when you crank a plexi), so there the IR is ever more king that it usually is. Just saying...

I wouldn't want to see any of the stock cabs go away either. As much as I love the new OH Beta IR's, at this point they're still just one "flavor" (Bogner V30). What I've been doing lately is mixing the new OH cabs with stock cabs. Changes the "flavor" and makes things more interesting.
Adam, is there anyway that the existing cabs could be re-examined as it sounds like whatever James and Ownhammer are doing at the moment seem to be more realized. Now don't chew my head off, I personally have no problem with the existing cabs, I'm just asking because someone eventually will. I Love James's IRs and I have downloaded the beta of the Ownhammers, which I agree do sound better in the right context. I also own the Redwire ones as well, which I use occasionally. So I'm just asking out loud, if this has ever been discussed.
They certainly could be re-examined but it would be hard to replace the stuff that's in there without causing a huge fuss. I've not discussed this with Cliff specifically but my hunch is he shares my belief that building up Axe-Change is the more likely path forward for expanding the available IR selections.
I for one dont like the ownhammer ir's... too hi-fi sounding to me.

+1, after some time of listening and comparing I feel the same. With "real" amps, I always found, that I prefer the sound of a brighter amp into a darker cab than vice versa, and to me this is no dfferent with the Axe and IRs....
They certainly could be re-examined but it would be hard to replace the stuff that's in there without causing a huge fuss. I've not discussed this with Cliff specifically but my hunch is he shares my belief that building up Axe-Change is the more likely path forward for expanding the available IR selections.

Sounds good Adam, and I guess I would agree. I'm just getting the question answered for posterity. By the way I still listen to Flying colors every once in awhile, you?
There was mention by FAS of going into a studio and amp matching and shooting IR's.

But that died down before AxeFest West.

IIRC, a really nice JCM800 was matched too.

Are any of those sessions still in the works for AxeChange posting?

Adam, I curious if you can explain something. It's been mentioned already in this thread that IR syx files are extremely small. Why is there such a tight limit on user slots, and instead of replacing existing stock cabs, why can't they just be added to the end of the stock list? Just curious. The axe II is such a monster, it seems weird that we're even talking about 10kb files. Thanks - not complaining, just asking 8)
I didn't realize 50 user slots is a tight limit :). Seems like a lot to me.

There's definitely memory space available for future expansion. Perhaps we'll use it for cabs or perhaps we'll use it for something else. I don't really have any definitive answers other than what I've already mentioned about Axe-Change being a likely path forward for expanding the selection of IR's available.
I didn't realize 50 user slots is a tight limit :). Seems like a lot to me.

There's definitely memory space available for future expansion. Perhaps we'll use it for cabs or perhaps we'll use it for something else. I don't really have any definitive answers other than what I've already mentioned about Axe-Change being a likely path forward for expanding the selection of IR's available.

Fair enough :). I was just thinking in terms of current computer memory. It's so cheap, and the current 50 user slots take up a 1/2 megabite which is miniscule by today's standards. That's all, not a complaint. I appreciate all you guys do to continually make things even better. I'd sell my dog before I sold my Axe II, and he's the only one in my house that understands me :shock
+1, after some time of listening and comparing I feel the same. With "real" amps, I always found, that I prefer the sound of a brighter amp into a darker cab than vice versa, and to me this is no dfferent with the Axe and IRs....
IIRC, the new beta Ownhammer IRs were branded "modern" voiced. I think Kevin mentioned that all new IRs will be available as "neutral" and "vintage" as well...
I didn't realize 50 user slots is a tight limit :). Seems like a lot to me.

I would love to have more than 50. With all of the IRs that make up these collections, it's nice to put a bunch into the Axe and cycle through them quickly for comparison. You may not likely use 50 actively, but if you have a number of the slots filled with ones you're using and you want to do some auditioning of IRs, you can run out of space fast. Cliff always makes the point that IRs are the (or one of the) most significant factor to the equation, so it would be nice to have more. Gets my vote if it's possible.
I would love to have more than 50. With all of the IRs that make up these collections, it's nice to put a bunch into the Axe and cycle through them quickly for comparison. You may not likely use 50 actively, but if you have a number of the slots filled with ones you're using and you want to do some auditioning of IRs, you can run out of space fast. Cliff always makes the point that IRs are the (or one of the) most significant factor to the equation, so it would be nice to have more. Gets my vote if it's possible.

You can still audition the IRs in a computer folder and only load the ones you like into the Axe via Axe Edit when it is back in play.
I would love to have more than 50. With all of the IRs that make up these collections, it's nice to put a bunch into the Axe and cycle through them quickly for comparison. You may not likely use 50 actively, but if you have a number of the slots filled with ones you're using and you want to do some auditioning of IRs, you can run out of space fast. Cliff always makes the point that IRs are the (or one of the) most significant factor to the equation, so it would be nice to have more. Gets my vote if it's possible.

I agree with this- I've been filling all 50 slots with various IR's (Santiago's, OH, etc.) to demo them. Would be nice to be able to get more in there. But I'm assuming once Axe Edit is back up, we'll be able to demo this stuff a little easier. At least that's what I'm hoping.
Guys, remember you can literally shoot a Tone Match of your preset and currently chosen IR; then save the TM block with the preset and free up the IR space.

So you could - literally - have any number of presets all with custom IR's saved within the preset as a TM block and use ZERO IR slots.

I don't have a link to the thread describing the procedure, but it is a workable solution to the 'make more IR slots available' request.
Guys, remember you can literally shoot a Tone Match of your preset and currently chosen IR; then save the TM block with the preset and free up the IR space.

So you could - literally - have any number of presets all with custom IR's saved within the preset as a TM block and use ZERO IR slots.

I don't have a link to the thread describing the procedure, but it is a workable solution to the 'make more IR slots available' request.

I like this. Does anyone now how to actually do this, like in a video somewhere? I definitely like this concept.
I didn't realize 50 user slots is a tight limit :). Seems like a lot to me.

There's definitely memory space available for future expansion. Perhaps we'll use it for cabs or perhaps we'll use it for something else. I don't really have any definitive answers other than what I've already mentioned about Axe-Change being a likely path forward for expanding the selection of IR's available.

50 can get tight if you have User IRs you're using taking some slots at the same time you're shooting a new batch of IRs which take take up slots quick (at least for me as I shoot now and sort/review later).

No new IR's at this point in the new firmware.

If I had to guess, I'm thinking you will probably see new IR additions moving forward mostly in the form of special "packs" (artist or studio or whatever) on Axe-Change rather than in the factory IR slots.

For an artist pack I vote for Picasso.
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