Suggest some headphones

Thanks to all for the input. Will probably order some in the new year, so still open to more suggestions. Leaning towards trying the Grado 60's for a true open headphone next to the 240's, the "standard" semi-open headphone.

I think you'll probably like the Grado's. Grado's have long been known for a great sound for rock-ish types of music (guitar-oriented music) so they work really well for the Axe. They wouldn't be my first choice for different types of listening such as gaming or watching movies, but for hard rock/metal music they're tough to beat, especially at their price range.

If there's too much high end, just roll it back in your global EQ. That's what I do, though I tend to like tones that are a little more dark. They seem to translate well to my monitors too.

A lot of people like the Audio Technica M50's, but I passed them up because I like open designs and they seemed too hyped in the lows for my taste.
@M50's hyped in the lows,

If you are used to open cans and A/B with closed, the lows definitely sound bumped. But to my ears, the M50's don't have a low end bump. They sound like they have a slight presence peak, like a Shure Sm57 mic, probably for vocal clarity.

But I play a lot of bass and also mix kick drums pretty up in my mixes, so I might not be objective here :)
I use Sony MDR7509
they sound very good to me...

I wouldn't do any mixing with them [or any cans for that matter]...
but they are light weight and super comfortable so you can wear them for long periods of time...

they're great for really time consuming jobs when you can't get the volume up but need to..
things like:
- mix prep [looking for crap in the audio that needs to be automated out, fixing timing / phrasing problems, setting up automation etc]
- composition / song writing / instrument programming
- practice sessions / technique workouts / playing for fun
- recording
Good point clarky about what the cans are going to be used for.

For me, it's tracking with open microphones.

I mix on nearfields and create presets on nearfields too.

Very rarely I do have to listen to mixes on cans if its late at night but not often.
I think it's good to have both types of monitoring [nearfields and cans]..

like you, I do all the 'tone critical' stuff on nearfileds..
mixing / preset creation etc..

and with cans I feel like I can get real close to the sound and listen out for and find all the little details that need mending...

and also, when practicing the set for a tour
I'll be in my lil' studio.. cans on, volume up, coloured lighting on..
no one can hear what I'm up to...
but Clarky's lil' brain thinks it's throwing down on stage at the Hammersmith
Love my Sennheiser RS 220 wireless for practicing and playing for fun. Comparable to HD650's.
Love my Grado GS1000i for listening to produced music. I have always been a fan of that "Grado sound".
Love my Shure E5C in-ears while biking and exercising.

Use my nearfields for mixing or patch creation.

WIth that said there are times when high volume during patch creation isn't possible and I have used cans to do so. If you are familiar with your equipment you can compensate for the differences and get it close to where only minor adjustments are needed with the nearfields.
WIth that said there are times when high volume during patch creation isn't possible and I have used cans to do so.

that's the time to hire a rehearsal room and take all the big boxes....
and then try to cause diplomatic incidents by generating complaints from other countries...
FWIW, I second the recommendation on the Sonys ... I have had a pair of MDR-V6 phones for over 25 years, and use them on my iPhone/iPod, in the studio, and pretty much everything else. The fact that they have lasted so long and still sound so good is amazing to me. I have only replaced the earpiece covers with some plush ones. I recently ordered a pair of 7506's (their functional replacement), and they sound pretty good too. They are not hyped as I see it, and I wouldn't think twice about doing at least a rough mix on them.
May be a little late on answer, but I use the 240 mII and have had great luck with them.Amazon like 135
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