Suggest some headphones


I am currently using some Sennheiser HD280 Pro headphones with the Axe, but I have the urge to try some semi-open or open cans. It just seems a little fatiguing to play for long periods of time through closed back headphones.

I have been looking at the AKG 240's - they seem like a pretty good deal ($72 on Amazon). I know everyone likes Beyerdynamic, but I would really like to keep it around $100 if possible. Any other suggestions?
Queuing Luke and an appended 0... :)

Check out the Sennheiser HD 518. They are close to your price range.
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I've tried several different pairs of headphones on the Axe in various price ranges and I keep coming back to my Grado SR60i's. Grado's are known for an enhanced treble response, which they do have, but I've found that if I drop 2k and 8k some in the global graphic EQ on the Axe it makes the SR60's sound much more "flat", EQ-wise. They sound very musical and are not harsh. I really am starting to prefer the open design because it allows me to hear myself physically picking the strings. They, however, are not good if you're playing in a noisy environment or if you don't want any sound to leak.

Check out for frequency response graphs of different headphones and try to pick a set that don't have huge dips or bumps in the curve, especially wide dips or bumps because they'll be more difficult to adjust for in the global EQ. However, note that bumps in the upper treble region (8k onward) are normal for just about all headphones.
Queuing Luke and an appended 0... :)

Check out the Sennheiser HD 518. They are close to your price range.

These look pretty good. Looks like some people are saying the 555 or 558 are worth the ~$50 more. I would be willing to pay up to 2 bills if absolutely worth it. I'm just convinced I could be happy with the right headphones for a little less.
Two reasons I was gravitating towards the AKG 240's: price (only $72 on Amazon) and the fact they have a detachable cord.

They are "semi-open", though. I wonder if it would be worth owning both semi-open and open headphones.
Grado makes great headphones at a very low price. My pair of SR225 is over 10 years old and has been sent back to the Grado factory for replacement cable once. Grado customer service is excellent and the cost to replace the cable was very reasonable.

I have read very positive reviews about the Grado SR60i and SR80i headphones which are in your price range.
Koss Porta-Pros - small portable headphones that sound insane and give 'pro' phones a run for their money. Comfortable open design too.
I've had some Grado SR80i phones for maybe 8-10 years that I I like quite a bit. I have some HD280's as well, but only used them for heavier isolation (tracking with live drums in the room, etc.). Don't care for them otherwise and don't use them much anymore. I'd like to try some higher end Grados or the Senn HD600's, etc. if I had the cash. In the end, I try not to use phones as much as possible for playing.
Like I said, I want to try open/semi-open and keep it around $100.

Seriously, anyone have experience with the AKG 240's with the Axe-Fx?

I tried some AKG 240's in a guitar center once. To my ears, they sounded like they might work well with the Axe though I was just listening to regular music through them. What you want is a headphone that isn't too hyped or under-hyped in any particular frequency area (no headphones are truly flat). I didn't buy them because they just didn't feel as durable as what I'd prefer in a set of headphones.
I switched from AKG 240's to ATH M50's (Audio Technica).

Not specifically because of the AxeFx II though.

Though more expensive than 100, not too much over that.

And much better for general studio use IMO than the 240's.

I have a set of original 240s that I've had for decades. I am forced to use them at the moment since my Audeze cord broke and I am awaiting a warranty replacement. I've had to adjust the global EQ from 2K and higher to get closer to flat, but overall I'm spoiled and can't believe I use to like those things.
I have been using the AKG 240's for a few months with the AXE II and I really like them. They are comfortable to wear for a long time, they sound good and I like the fact the cord can be replaced.
Thanks to all for the input. Will probably order some in the new year, so still open to more suggestions. Leaning towards trying the Grado 60's for a true open headphone next to the 240's, the "standard" semi-open headphone.
I ran some ATH M2X cans for quite a while. I found the tone satisfactory and I didn't have any issues dialing in presets for use with my K8s. When the upgrade bug hit, I tried the M50 and didn't find them to be significantly more satisfying than the $20 M2Xs I was looking to replace. When I found a set of B-stock Beyer 880s for $235, I bit the bullet and got 'em.
The ATH M50-s are killer in that price range-I tried the grado's-I thought and still do that the ATH M50's blew them out of the water. I paid $159
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