Well...a day of tweaking this thing and.....


...the hype is definitely justified.

It's not just the honeymoon phase talking either. In the last 24 hours I've gone through the entire cycle.
Absolute joy-->buyers remorse(10 minutes of it. I get it anytime I purchase anything expensive)-->the interface "clicking" with me and getting close to "my tone." Then I refreshed my ears by going to sleep.

This morning I throw it on as soon as I could an it's like a punch to the face. The tones coming out of this thing are quite remarkable.

Right now I'm digging the Energyball, FAS Modern, 6160, and Citrus amps the most for high gain sounds.
For cleans, I'm REALLY loving the Bulb Clean patch. Sounds so crisp and clear. Also usable with any pickup configuration.

Can't wait to get my guitar back form the shop(using my friends Dean with dead ass strings on it). Also waiting for a USB cable.

Oh, and the interface is a damn breeze after messing with it for a couple of hours or so. Inviting some guitar friends this weekend. I'm sure I'll see some jaws drop.
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Grats man! Mine arrives tomorrow... can't wait. Waiting for it (and obsessively tracking it twice a day) has made this the longest week of my life, heh.
Good to hear that you're giving your ears a break.

I made the mistake of not doing that the first few months I had the Axe. I'd tweak for hours trying to find "that perfect tone". What I didn't realize was that the more I tweaked, the further away I'd actually get from my goal (because my ears would become "corrupted" (that's how I think of it). The next day I'd fire up the Axe expecting to hear magic with what I spent hours working on the night before, but instead I'd end up saying "what was I thinking?!"

For me, I've found that keeping it simple usually works best...minor tweaks in the amp block and then finding the ideal cab for the tone I'm looking for (which I think is the hardest and most time consuming part).
Good to hear that you're giving your ears a break.

I made the mistake of not doing that the first few months I had the Axe. I'd tweak for hours trying to find "that perfect tone". What I didn't realize was that the more I tweaked, the further away I'd actually get from my goal (because my ears would become "corrupted" (that's how I think of it). The next day I'd fire up the Axe expecting to hear magic with what I spent hours working on the night before, but instead I'd end up saying "what was I thinking?!"

For me, I've found that keeping it simple usually works best...minor tweaks in the amp block and then finding the ideal cab for the tone I'm looking for (which I think is the hardest and most time consuming part).

Yeah, I definitely learned that with my first mixing experience a while ago. Ears can get fatigued. And I like to go louder on the volume too so that makes it happen much quicker.

Did some more tweaking with this thing yesterday, and this morning I booted her up again, and the tones were MAGIC. I love the fact that now I have different patches with different amps and they all actually sound usable! With another company's modelers, I always found maybe one or two amps in every iteration that were usable. The rest sounded like crap to me.

Your advice on keeping it simple is DEAD ON. Especially for high gain modern tones. The more crap you add the more convoluted it gets and the stranger it sounds. I started getting crazy with dual cabs and microphones and some of my tones were atrocious. Stripped them back down and simplified them and BAM, I hit some nice tones.
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