Someone please help!


hey there im loving my axe fx 2 but whenever i record it in cubase and try to listen to my mixes or even just the guitar tone it sounds different it. it seems theres a loss of quality going on. My tone sounds fine through my monitors which are krk rokit 6s im also using the usb to record. What am i doing wrong, and its also not just my tones even the presets sound bad :(
Sounds like something is not routed or connected properly.
Also, you might have disabled power amp and cab sims in
the global menu.
Okay, so by routing I mean something like this:
Your Axe is connect to your PC via USB.
Your monitors are connected to Out1 or Out2 on the Axe-fx.
Your DAW (Cubas in this case) is running at 48,000Hz.
All else fails, check with headphones directly out of the Axe
and see if you are still getting the same results.
The very first time I recorded using Cubase it sounded horrible. Then I realized I had recorded using a patch with stereo effects to a mono track. I also had the Axe's output set to "stereo".

What works for me is to set output 1 on the Axe to "L+R Sum" and record to a mono track in Cubase. I avoid stereo effects (such as the enhancer or stereo delay) when recording to a mono track.
oh ok so ill just change my output to l+r how about the input though should i mess around with that? and thanks guys
you can record stereo tracks in cubase too ;) just avoid clipping out 1 and adjust your input to tiggle the red .. but that shouldn be the problem ^^ my axe sounds still fine with input at 10% while im usally at 50% ^^
oh ok so ill just change my output to l+r how about the input though should i mess around with that? and thanks guys

The input on the axe or input in Cubase?

I believe the input on my Axe is set to "Left" and I have the input gain at 30-50%, depending on what guitar I'm using.

In Cubase, just check the meter. I try to record at as high a level as possible without clipping.

You could record a track in stereo to Cubase as well. Just make sure if you're going out of the Axe in stereo, you're recording to a stereo track. If you're going out of the Axe in mono, record to a mono track.

Generally, I just double-track guitars in mono and pan one 85% left and the other 85% right in Cubase.
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