Amps: If you like / you'll love / should try

The cab IR is far more important. People get caught up on the amp when it's the cabinet that supplies most of the tone.

I think many people are used to saying "amp" but it's really the "amp/speaker" combo they're thinking about, since it's the turnkey package they have used over the years. So, the mindset is amp but with the Axe-FX we have to select both an amp and a speaker.

To foster a change of mindset I think it would be a good idea in threads like this to identify both parts. In that spirit. . . .

I had been using the 1987X Treble / internal G12M25 but switched to the Division13 CJ with a Redwirez G12M25 mix. I am really enjoying the warm, round sound from this combination. I recently stared using the Suhr Badger 18 / Redwirez EVM-12L mix as well. The EVM-12L really takes the Badger into an interesting place. I'm still feeling my way with this one, but I'm enjoying what the EVM-12 does to this model.

Also, in the WIKI, Yek listed the types of cabs that is recommended for certain amps. It makes a world of difference. Though those are not strict rules, you will be able to appreciate how the actual amp/cab combo was intended by the manufacturer of specific amps.
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So true about the cabs.
@ home I run my II through a Mesa 2:90 and out into 2 Mesa cabs 1x12" each (EVM12L speakers), it sound VERY nice and I'm happy with it.
@ the studio most of the time I'll go direct unless there is an interesting amp, anyway we were rehearsing last Saturday in this new place where they had a Marshall MODE4 half stack, although I'm not a big fan of Marshall I thought to myself, well way not trying this amp.
So as usual I plugged to its return and my good lord I was bombed !!! and so were the rest of the band members.
We play rock / grunge / heavy metal covers, I'm using plenty of different presets, something like 25, each one of them was nailing out, and the crunch and above all the high gain presets, it was like heaving a bunch of angry and starving lions chasing you from behind, I was playing soooo loud, could feel that mean 4x12 kicking my ass.
Felt good.
The sound, not the ass thing ;)
Then your *actual* cab makes a huge difference. Same exact principle applies.
Totally true. But I think Jefferski's point was that when you're running a physical cab, changing IRs isn't an option, and your choice of amp model becomes a bigger portion of the tone recipe.
If you like the Friedman sims, try the Cameron.

I love the Friedman HBE. Was my go to amp for a while (i go through phases and have had MANY go to amps)

I found a while back that there was pretty much no setting I could put on the Friedman HBE that didn't sound just ever so slightly better and more organic when I switched to cameron ch 2.
I'm mainly a high gain player. My faves for a more modern tone (mainly rhythm) are the Herbie, FAS 6160, VH4, Das Metal, and JVM.

For 80's type metal/hard rock tones and leads I favor the Brit Pre, Soldano X99 pre, Leggy, and the Brit Brown.

My absolute favorite model is the Euro Red. I use it for both modern and 80's stuff. My world would turn upside down if Cliff ever got rid of this model.

IR's really do make a ton of difference. I recently recorded a bunch of clips using different amps but the same IR's. In a mix, they sounded very similar even though the amps changed. The overall sound didn't seem to change by a large amount until I started fooling with different IR's.
I usually stick to six models for all of my songs (from clean to heavy) ... I feel that those models have the most "destinct" sound. Other amps might also have a flavour, but they are usually too close to one of those amps to really make a difference. For the cab, I usually stick to one of the OHs and instead let the amps multiband EQ do the rest of the tone forming.

Deluxe Reverb - AC30 - Friedman HB - Brit Brown - Recto - Das Metall
The cab IR is far more important. People get caught up on the amp when it's the cabinet that supplies most of the tone. Try those new Ownhammer beta IRs.

Then again for those of us playing live through an actual guitar cabinet rather than using the cabinet sims, the cabinet is a constant in the equation so we must rely on the amp block for most of our tone.
Live, I'm finding the Friedman BE and HBE to be pretty amazing. the trick is to keep the gain lower then you initially think.

...But I'm in same boat as you. Other then the Friedman, I basically stick to the Plexi Treble for most of my gigs. But keep in mind, what most folks don't really care to pay attention to is that there is only SO much variation an amp can make to a guitar signal. Most of the time, the difference between on amp to another in the real world is pretty tiny. We exaggerate their differences as players, but once put into a mix, especially live, the differences start to fall away.

Personally...I'm not too worried about having to use more then one or two amps. its the gain levels, EQ, and effects applied to those couple of amps that make the most variation live.... at least for me.

Please stop saying "then" when you are supposed to be saying "than". I presume you were taught English at school. Yes, I know, grammar Nazi and all that but you've done it twice in the same post so I'll presume it was not a typo. I just don't understand why people do that. You've got some great things to say but sounds stupid when you use the incorrect words. I'm on a crusade to stamp this out. Sorry, I'm done.
Please stop saying "then" when you are supposed to be saying "than". I presume you were taught English at school. Yes, I know, grammar Nazi and all that but you've done it twice in the same post so I'll presume it was not a typo. I just don't understand why people do that. You've got some great things to say but sounds stupid when you use the incorrect words. I'm on a crusade to stamp this out. Sorry, I'm done.

You're on a musician's forum on the web... you're going to have a coronary if this type of thing gets to you. Rather then get all worked up here on something that really doesn't matter, just relax and have a beer, etc. 8)
The cab IR is far more important. People get caught up on the amp when it's the cabinet that supplies most of the tone. Try those new Ownhammer beta IRs.


I've just had a revelation regarding cab IR's and the new OwnHammer IR's in particular. If anybody is interested, I've posted a gig-report in the Axe-Fx II User Cabs and IRs section.
Please stop saying "then" when you are supposed to be saying "than". I presume you were taught English at school. Yes, I know, grammar Nazi and all that but you've done it twice in the same post so I'll presume it was not a typo. I just don't understand why people do that. You've got some great things to say but sounds stupid when you use the incorrect words. I'm on a crusade to stamp this out. Sorry, I'm done.

Life is too short to get all bent out of shape over such ridiculous issues.

Your crusade is going to be very difficult considering the millions of blogs and forums throughout the world written by many who don't consider English as their first language.

its all communication. As long as what I've said is understood, the words on the page did their job. Even if it gets your panties in a bunch.

...and I don't care if someone thinks I'm "stupid". If the actual content of my information is overlooked by someone who gets easily distracted by such small minded obsessions, then the information wasn't going to help them anyways.
"Red5 to Red leader: we're picking up tons of static.. then they drop on you out of nowhere..."
"Red leader to Red5: stay on topic"
"Red5 to Red leader: there's no room to maneuver - is it amps or is it IRs? I can't figure it out..."
"Red leader to Red5: stay on topic"
"Red5: must... find.. content..." (explodes)
Please stop saying "then" when you are supposed to be saying "than". I presume you were taught English at school. Yes, I know, grammar Nazi and all that but you've done it twice in the same post so I'll presume it was not a typo. I just don't understand why people do that. You've got some great things to say but sounds stupid when you use the incorrect words. I'm on a crusade to stamp this out. Sorry, I'm done.

Wow...really? LOL

I actually need to correct YOUR grammar a bit ;-) Corrections are in parenthesis. (All done in good fun mind you...)

Please stop saying "then" when you are supposed to be saying "than". I presume you were taught English [at](in) school. Yes, I know, grammar Nazi and all that(,) but you've done it twice in the same post so I'll presume it was not a typo. I just don't understand why people do that. You've got some great things to say but (it) sounds stupid when you use [the]("the" should be removed) incorrect words. I'm on a crusade to stamp this out. Sorry, I'm done.

Pot meet kettle...;-)
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You missed a couple. Corrections are in parentheses. :)

I actually need to correct YOUR grammar a bit ;-) Corrections are in parenthes[is] (es) .

Please stop saying "then" when you are supposed to be saying "than[".] (.") I presume you were taught English... Yes, I know[,] (—) grammar Nazi and all that[,] (—) but you've done it twice in the same post(,) so I'll presume it was not a typo. I just don't understand why people do that. You've got some great things to say(,) but...

Pot meet kettle...;-)
Of course, I never make mistakes like that. Perfection is me. :)

Actually, I'm a stickler for accuracy in language, but the first purpose of words is clear communication. If you've achieved that, then the rest is minor, and I won't call it out (unless I'm having fun, as I am here). Some people—including some brilliant people—have genuine difficulty with the rules of language, even if they're native speakers.

I'm not really sure if Fremen has them on his blog as the above states, but either way here's the Ownhammer direct link:

thanks loads for this....
they've been downloaded...
and when I eventually get to schedule in my 'sort out your presets for v8.01a' day..
I'll be sure to try these out..

out of curiosity, has anyone managed to try out the combination IR's with their little app??
the notes with the IR's recommends it
Wow...really? LOL

I actually need to correct YOUR grammar a bit ;-) Corrections are in parenthesis. (All done in good fun mind you...)

Please stop saying "then" when you are supposed to be saying "than". I presume you were taught English [at](in) school. Yes, I know, grammar Nazi and all that(,) but you've done it twice in the same post so I'll presume it was not a typo. I just don't understand why people do that. You've got some great things to say but (it) sounds stupid when you use [the]("the" should be removed) incorrect words. I'm on a crusade to stamp this out. Sorry, I'm done.

Pot meet kettle...;-)

Whilst I don't agree your corrections except for skipping the word "it" I'll let it slide. I think I made my point. Sorry for the thread hijack.
out of curiosity, has anyone managed to try out the combination IR's with their little app??
the notes with the IR's recommends it

These impulses stand strong alone, it's definitely not a requirement. Right now my main high gain patch is just using the sm57 - 7 alone. In saying that, there's a lot of fun to be had blending them together in various combinations. Well worth setting aside some time for.
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