System re set works!!


Fractal Fanatic
Last night I did the system re set per Yeks suggestion (Thank yo Yek)and Fw 10 did sound 90% better! I am not done with adjustments but have come up with several very good pre sets. Aother However, as I crank it to band volume and stand back there is a bit of top end the so far I cannot get rid of even with the peq filter 5 trick.
Part of the very real issue is we have grown accustom to the plethora off tone shaping options in the A2 and going to a more exact amp tone is well ,..different. I like many of you al have owned many high end tube amps and have gotten rid of them over time all due to the Axe II and what it offers. Balance is key with most of life so I guess I am still in processing mode here as I felt like the tone I had with Fw 9.02 was as good as it gets, But I am not done trying to make v10 work. For the record Bot and Edit work perfect for me to go back and forth and save my work !!
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Yes it is what everyone is suggesting to those are not 'all in' with v10.
I should have added I had no Eqing in global amp or signal path apart from filter5 peq. Re 'CUT' could be, good point!
QUOTE=genome;828820]Are you referrring to Reset System Parameters in the Utility menu?[/QUOTE]
So I think v10 sounds great. Does that mean I don't have to do a system reset? Or if I system reset, will it sound even better?
I'd like to see some hard evidence of why the resetting of system parameters fixes anything aside from forcing you to manual set them again. This fix has been recommended but realistically I see a few reasons why it would work - all of which the ussr should check manually as they are common issues:

Power sim turned off
Cab sim turned off
Global eq not flat
Model version set to something other than 10 (mine defaulted to 8 but still wouldn't warrant an unhappy face)
Suboptimal io settings.

Is there something else that could cause the sound to suck after updating to fw10? Does fractal have any evidence of this? If not, I would rather inform users to check specific settings rather than a blind reset. That way they'd understand what is actually in the system settings and how that affects the sound. Otherwise we'll create the voodoo "just zap the pram"
solution" (sorry, a Mac reference) instead of addressing the real issue be it a big or user misunderstanding.
Well, a system reset worked for me too and I checked all of my system settings before I did the reset (I really only change a few from the defaults). So, it was definitely not "user error" on my part.
Can you define "worked"? What did it sound like before and after? Do you have audio examples? Don't get me wrong, I believe you. I would like to know so that we can help others.
So I think v10 sounds great. Does that mean I don't have to do a system reset? Or if I system reset, will it sound even better?

Wondering the same thing myself. Anybody do a system reset even though they were happy with the sounds they were getting from FW10? Any change?
Just did. Didn't notice a change in anything, but about the only thing I alter is the offset# on my presets. Just did it because I was curious. Had no issues before I did it.
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I keep hearing folks talking about "too much high end", etc. but I'm getting the opposite and not sure if it is good or not. I can dime the treble and presence on a lot of presets and doesn't ever get harsh or trebly at all.
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I also did the reset after playing with v10 even though I didn't have the issue. I wanted to see what resets due to the claims that it fixes people's issues. It had no affect for me other than having to manually change the io back to what I had previously.
Yek said it may have problems under the hood. Likely due to it being a computer, amount of Fw upgrades or other issues that may arise. Bottom line is **it does Not effect any of your settings** it is not just placebo if it is needed, some need others do not. Again my total conjecture here is the A2s that have been around a little longer may be more likely to need it
I'm pretty sure the system reset did something positive for me too. It could be my imagination but my first preset now have more sustain and sounds better to me.

thanks for the tip - even though it could be my imagination. I have no proof other than I'm still happy :D

EDIT: nope, I'm sure! the first preset now sounds really like my clean preset, the way I like it. it's rounder and fuller.

I'm pretty sure!

EDIT 2: yup, the first time - before the system reset, I was thinking that the first clean presets sounded a bit like there was something like a acoustic simulator going on. it had more of a DI feel. Now I find it closer to firmware 9 - and by that I mean that it's more amazing than the acoustic DI thingie.

I don't know if this is true or not - I have no proof other than this is how I feel about it and how it seems to have been in my situation.

hope this helps someone else. Try it - but record a sample of the before result, just to see if something is actually happening :D
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This stuff is still a bit of a mystery sometimes. Some people had their systems default to v9 modeling, others have cab sims turned off when they upgrade. I do think that doing it is probably good practice after an upgrade even though I didn't this time.

If it sounds good than you are probably doing it right. Can't argue with results.
Adding to the OP's comments: in some cases, due to unknown causes, something may be set wrong under the hood.
Maybe caused by a corrupt preset, weird global EQ settings (even though they seem correct visually), an old Axe-Edit bug etc.
A system reset is easy to perform, and modified Global and I/O settings are easy to re-enter.
Axe edit is screwing up everything with my old presets.
reinstalled 10 with fractal bot. system restore. loaded presets in with midi ox and i am back where i need to be.
Sounds killer now, guess I can't use axe edit, which is not a big deal to me really as this is my first time using it.
Doing a system reset worked for me aswell... First i LOVED fw10 when it was released, but then something happened when i first used it with axe-edit. I got the same problem as everyone's been talking about. That all my presets sounded WAY to brittle.. I did a system reset and now its back to normal :)
Axe edit is screwing up everything with my old presets.
reinstalled 10 with fractal bot. system restore. loaded presets in with midi ox and i am back where i need to be.
Sounds killer now, guess I can't use axe edit, which is not a big deal to me really as this is my first time using it.

I'll offer this advice (absolutely un-official just my opinion/experience ONLY here): you can use Axe-Edit but some advice based on a LOT of testing and work on my part working with it:

- make parameter changes deliberately; or enter them directly via clicking into the parameter settings value and using your keyboard's numberpad
- work at a slower place; don't spin values and click all over the place backing up the values exchange between the beta editor and the II. (*This is very important).
- save your changes on the hardware. Do *NOT* save changes with the editor via the 'save' button; just hit "Store" "Enter" "Enter" on the hardware after you make changes.

I am of the opinion that a lot of these issues either have been or directly are caused by use of the editor and corrupted values getting sent at some point. The system reset is important to pay attention to because over time some settings can be messed with unintentionally.

Also keep in mind that corrupted data in a preset, a TMA block or a cab IR can be the cause of a lot of these issues. It's important to note when the issue happens and if it seems to always happen to a certain preset, etc..
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