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  1. javajunkie

    Quick Question about Scenes

    You are welcome.
  2. javajunkie

    Effect Guru Question

    Here is a quick clip:
  3. javajunkie

    Effect Guru Question

    Here is a better variation: Still doesn't have that near that "squeaky swing" sound and I've veared off from the original to something more my liking:
  4. javajunkie

    Question: Legacy Axe Edit vs Axe Edit 3+

    Yes you can run them at the same time. I haven't tried it on a mac, just be sure they install to different locations (I'm pretty sure they do).
  5. javajunkie

    What Preamp's are you guys using in the Cab block?? or are you.

    I all depends on how loud the amp block is set, If the amp level is low you have to turn the drive up.
  6. javajunkie

    Quick Question about Scenes

    Be sure the MIDI CC values are atdefault on the XL (IO-CTRL). The values are in the manual page 183, scene select should be 34. In IO-MIDI make sure your mapping mode is set to none.
  7. javajunkie

    Effect Guru Question

    Oh, I forgot to add; add either and envelope or pedal control to the volume block to get the input smoothed out on the pitch. I was using a volume pedal, I took it off because it can cause others issues. What, I did was basically parallel route vol-reverb-pitch-muti-delay plex detune. The pitch...
  8. javajunkie

    Effect Guru Question

    The H8000 preset is a bit different from that example (none the strange resonances) . Plus that pitch down thing at the end doesn't happen on it. BTW I found another video by this person that has this preset and it doesn't sound as strange as the example here. I did come up with variation that...
  9. javajunkie

    Effect Guru Question

    I sounds a bit like a pitched multi-delay where the delay time is moving. As the delay time shifts, it causes a change in pitch.
  10. javajunkie

    Effect Guru Question

    I didn't remember this until late last night. I try and see what I can do when I get home from work.
  11. javajunkie

    Rainbow in the Dark Cover

    Love Dio!
  12. javajunkie

    Palm Mutes are too loud!!

    Try using the character parameter in the amp block. Set it to peaking, adjust the freq and Q to where the palm mutes are standing out. Set the character amount to a negative value. Btw peaking means louder than the other notes, like the peak of a mountain s the highest point.
  13. javajunkie

    Palm Mutes are too loud!!

    Try turn ing dynamic depth down in the amp block. It only turns down the depth when the signal peaks.
  14. javajunkie

    Is "Sat Auth" supposed to do something?

    Try it on the double verb.
  15. javajunkie

    Is "Sat Auth" supposed to do something?

    Ideal doesn't just compensate for the volume drop. It is not 100% accurate to the mod. That is why authentic was added in the first place. There was no ideal after Cliff changed it, he passed the ideal back after many requests for it.
  16. javajunkie

    Axe FX II vs Torpedo technologies

    I mean, I don't they do a very good job of emulating a good poweramp. It just doesn't sound very good to me (the poweramp compression isn't as dynamic and interactive as the Axe-fx. It is unneeded for my purpose because I tap the signal after the poweramp on my real amps. The presence control...
  17. javajunkie

    Is "Sat Auth" supposed to do something?

    It works here, I used FAS Lead 2. It is very amp dependent. Double verb does nothing, there is a tiny change in ac-15 (no vol drop though), HBE works as you would expect. I imagine it depends on the topology of the amp.
  18. javajunkie

    Axe FX II vs Torpedo technologies

    I use the torpedo live as a load box for real amp. It is awesome for that. Cab simulation stuff is pretty standard with the addition of being able to place the mic on IRs in their format. I prefer 3rd party cabs though. The poweramp simulation is very basic and is no where in the same league as...
  19. javajunkie

    Furman AR-1215 and EMI

    For the Axe-fx, by the time you get enough EMI to garble any communication, you going to have so much noise you would be able to stand playing. Whether that tape will work or not I think would depend on how much EMI the unit is putting off. Really the best thing is to put it somewhere else or...
  20. javajunkie

    Furman AR-1215 and EMI

    That wasn't straight from furman? That was some one saying they were talking to a furman rep. I doubt the EM field is going to be great enough to damage circuits. And I have certainly not heard of an confirmed instance of this. If the furman is eminating an EM field that string, it should be...
  21. javajunkie

    Cabs in the Attic!!!!

    Okay, great job Matt! :)
  22. javajunkie

    How to: Have multi delay come on and into sound via expression pedal?

    This is probably the smoothest way of doing it. Although, Auto engage with the bypass mode set to mute fx in will work too.
  23. javajunkie

    Some Confusion and Questions About VU Preset Leveling

    Locking this thread down. It is being handled in support. The volume leveling issues should be brought up in the wish list section.
  24. javajunkie

    Some Confusion and Questions About VU Preset Leveling

    The overall preset volume option has been topic of discussion in the wish list section even before the preamp was an option. If you do a search there you'll find a few topic on the subject. I support the idea if feasible and does mess with people that use scene by scene leveling.
  25. javajunkie

    A *quick* video clip...

    Nice shoes Cooper. Are they the Fractal Audio signature series?
  26. javajunkie

    Furman AR-1215 and EMI

    EMI from a power condition damage the Axe-fx? That is the first I have heard of that. Where did this information come from? It might be able to cause signal inteference, but damage the Axe-fx?
  27. javajunkie

    Some Confusion and Questions About VU Preset Leveling

    "Lastly, I noticed that changing the level in the amp block has a rather drastic effect on the VU meter in the cab." This is normal. As you raise the amp level, it sends a stronger/weaker signal to the cab block, the VU meter in the Cab block picks it up. If if it adjusted the level in the...
  28. javajunkie

    Anyone with any experience using AVB protocol for audio?

    How was the preformance (stabilty, latency)? MOTU released a Switch. I have it on the way. I also got the Echo network card w/ ASIO drivers for the PC so I ca go 64 ch in/out, Mac has AVB built in. I like the MOTU interface because they seem to have really upped the hardware components. I also...
  29. javajunkie interview with Gibson CEO

    Don't get me started with Henry and Gibson...........................Grrrrrrrrrrr. After my Dark Fire Fiasco and there poor quality control as of late. I'm pretty much done with them.
  30. javajunkie

    Anyone with any experience using AVB protocol for audio?

    I decided to go for setting up an AVB network in my studio. I haven't ran into many people with much experience with it. Any around here?
  31. javajunkie

    Presonus sceptre s8 pair or atomic clr?

    They would really need to be in the relatively same position to be valid for an A/B and the CLRs are way too big for that and way too heavy to go back n forth with at least they way I have thing laid out in the room.
  32. javajunkie

    Cab in series vs. Stereo Cab

    Yes, there is an option to do serial.
  33. javajunkie

    Question about scenes and PC/CC messages

    It is a MIDI controller thing. The liquid-foot will do that, no problem. With MFC-101, you would need to set the switch to a general IA instead of an Axe-fx specific one. then you Can do a scene change on the Axe-fx and preset change on the H9 at the same time.
  34. javajunkie

    Frozen green screen at boot :(

    If the problem happens, it normally happen when you do a firmware update. If anything goes wrong during the firmware writing process this can happen. It is fairly uncommon. This round of firmware updates didn't appear to happen to more people than usual. There is no evidence that Fractalbot had...
  35. javajunkie

    Presonus sceptre s8 pair or atomic clr?

    I have the S8 and the CLRs. For reference monitors the s8 worked better for me. the form factor is better and they are designed from the ground up as reference monitors. The S8 has been a excellent reference monitor for me. The CLR has been an excellent sound reinforcement/FRFR cab for me.
  36. javajunkie

    Whether to get Axe Fx II XL for recording

    give time, you'' push that CPU :). Greatest guitar tool ever for recording IMO.
  37. javajunkie

    Downtuning with pitch shifter in FW15.. sound not great

    I'll try, but you will have some latency and it won't 100% natural. This has always been the case (and is the case with every live pitch shifter I've used). you should be able to get usable results though. For me, I just use another guitar and am happier. You shouldn't hear the dry signal though.
  38. javajunkie

    Live tone EQ tip

    Stupid ipad spell correction. Yeah, I'll use the global EQ if it is something with the room. On a preset to preset level, the amp block was great because it has an eq built in. Now we have the cab block which can be even easier.
  39. javajunkie

    Cab in series vs. Stereo Cab

    cablab :)
  40. javajunkie

    Frozen green screen at boot :(

    Yes, I know. I do support for Fractal :). I was referring to "Something to do with fractalbot and the new firmwares"
  41. javajunkie

    Ducker Control Help

    It normally less about getting cool sounds and more about clarity while playign. You can reduce your delay and reverb level while playing then when you stop the delay and/or reverb can increase. This way you can have delays and reverb be prominent in quiet section but subdued in louder sections...
  42. javajunkie

    Axe FX II refuses to turn on....

    Good to hear.
  43. javajunkie


    Hmmm. I think it would be easier just to recorded into a daw or iphone for that matter, easier for syncing too.
  44. javajunkie

    Headphone level super loud

    That means you overall levels have increased. Headphones out are the same as output 1If you want a quick fix go to the Global menu and in out 1 lower the gain if you need to.
  45. javajunkie

    Frozen green screen at boot :(

    Where did you get that?
  46. javajunkie

    Live tone EQ tip

    Yeah, I'll the global EQ is it is something with the room. On a preset to preset level. The amp block was great because it has an eq built in. but now we have the cab block which can be even easier.
  47. javajunkie

    Clark Kent's JP Matches

    Yep, that what I'd did, put them in series and matched the mix levels in the 2nd cab block. It worked great.
  48. javajunkie

    Wish You Were Here - Intro

    I use Matt's W@rped Vinyl preset for that all the time. It works great.
  49. javajunkie

    Axe-Fx II: Sorrow - Pink Floyd

    I love that tone.awesome.
  50. javajunkie

    Effect Guru Question

    I have an h8000, I'll try and match the equivalent preset.
  51. javajunkie

    Clark Kent's JP Matches

    Nice. I love the Damage Control One.
  52. javajunkie

    Freebie IR of my Zilla Fatboy 2x12!

    Looking forward to checking it out.
  53. javajunkie

    Microphone simulations/User cabs?

    Cliff also mention that he might add a none option to the cab block in a future firmware.
  54. javajunkie

    Tuner is way off

    Hmmm, never knew that you could tune through S/PDIF. Learn something new everyday!
  55. javajunkie

    Solo or Boost!?

    I just put acivil block at the end and a button dedicated to it for solo boost. In hindsight a Peq would have given me more flexibility but I already have the vol blocks in all my presets.
  56. javajunkie

    Wah wah problem !

    You can also reverse it so it turns off at the toe instead of heel. I use a pedal with a toe switch and no auto engage.
  57. javajunkie

    The Mic preamp effect just without a cab?

    Did some one mention to use the null cab? :) I think Cliff mentioned that he might add a none option in an upcoming firmware.
  58. javajunkie

    Is it time for Fractal to upgrade the DSP chips in the Axe FX II/Xl

    It already has 2 of the fastest tigersharcs.
  59. javajunkie

    Using pedals with the fx8?

    yep, that is the way to go.
  60. javajunkie

    Drives in v. 17

    Ts-808 type drives were updated for greater accuracy a few firmwares ago. What is your level parameter set at in the drive block?
  61. javajunkie


    The MFC-101 is able to store a max 0f 384 presets. By defaults the MFC-101 maps these 1 to 1 with presets on the Axe-fx. In order to access the higher presets on the MFC-101, you must use the Axe-Fx TxMap function found in the MIDI menu of the MFC-101. It will map an MFC-101 preset to a...
  62. javajunkie

    Does this signal chain work well?

    Look in the manful for 4 cable method. What you are describing is outlined there. There isn't a problem with impedance, Axe-fx inputs are high impedance (1Mohm), outs are low(600ohm).
  63. javajunkie

    Eventide Undulator Effect

    In addition, I believe I made that patch a long time ago for the ultra then then ported it to the Axe-fx II. I believe it is Stock Preset 203 "Undulation". I haven't compared it to the original since FW 1.0 though.
  64. javajunkie

    Intelligent noise gate question

    A gate can only do so much. If it turns off too quickly it will either stutter with the threshold lower or cut off unnaturally with the threshhold higher. You need to find the right balance of raising the threshold and lowering the release. The best thing to do is find the source of the noise...
  65. javajunkie

    How often are you using your USB/Midi In, Midi Out/Thru jacks?

    unless you have a MIDI interface. I never use the Axe-fx to update the mfc-101. I use the MIDI IN and THRU constantly with my foot controller and other audio devices for midi control.
  66. javajunkie

    Amp "bright" parameter

    In this case the high cut, is a basic control on the amp.
  67. javajunkie

    FW17 Plexi 50W Jump

  68. javajunkie

    Fx8 modes

    Scene,stombox, preset/bank, and looper mode.Preset/Bank mode isaccessed by holding down the Preset/Bank button. You can set preset and scene select modes to stick in the global menu.
  69. javajunkie

    FX8 Drive Pedals?

    correct. Exactly the same as the Axe-fx.
  70. javajunkie

    Fx8 modes

    You can also make it a default mode.
  71. javajunkie

    Preset leveling idea: constant sine wave into VU meters

    I just record a reamp track and play it back from my DAW.
  72. javajunkie

    Amp "bright" parameter

    I would certain turn down the high cut first.
  73. javajunkie

    Quick questions about volume knob output

    It is all going to depend where your patch levels are set at. If you have quieter average levels, you are probably going to turn it up more. If you have louder patches you would turn it up less. I keep my average level around -8 to -9 db in the Axe-fxs VU meter. Normally I would go for ~0db but...
  74. javajunkie

    Adding External Controllers to New Flanger Block

    All will be well soon :)
  75. javajunkie

    Cab preamp differences

    Personally, I think about it as a saturation/exciter effect. Something to add a touch of added harmonics or just saturate the sound.
  76. javajunkie

    Choose how tremolo kicks in

    Try it. With the square wave, 0 seemed to be with sound, 180 was half the time off off then on, 360 was off right away.
  77. javajunkie

    Real EVH 5153 vs Axe Fx 5153

    I did an initial test on channel 3 and they very close with mine. I'll try to get a recording up later.
  78. javajunkie

    Real EVH 5153 vs Axe Fx 5153

    No two amps are one to one. They are 1 to 1 to Cliff's 5153. Caps and pots have tolerances of sometimes 10-15%, usually less some times more. add all these variations up and you can get a significantly different result with the same settings. You have to use your ears here. If you signal level...
  79. javajunkie

    Choose how tremolo kicks in

    If you want it to follow the tempo. Use the tempo paramter (1/4, 1/8, 1/2, 1, etc.). To set if it starts on or off use start phase. For example with a start phase of 360 and a square wave, the trem will start silent every time. At 0 it will start with sound every time.
  80. javajunkie

    Real EVH 5153 vs Axe Fx 5153

    I have a 5153 100w here. I can test the real thing connected to a two notes torpedo passing the uncabbed signal to the daw and the axe-fx 5153 with no cab to the daw and put the same cab sim on each. I wouldn't put the same setting on both because that doesn't make much sense. Tolerances of...
  81. javajunkie

    VU Meters in Axe-Edit?

    The Axefx would have to transmit the values but real time shouldn't be an issue. The execs already does it with the tuner.
  82. javajunkie

    Sharing Cabs between Axe-Fx II and XL Users (cab.syx vs. cab_XL.syx)

    You cannot load an XL preset on a II. They are talking about user cab IRs.
  83. javajunkie

    VU Meters are the bees knees...

    Very handy tool.
  84. javajunkie

    Cab Pre Settings...

    Drive will be totally dependent on how loud your amp and signal before the cab is.
  85. javajunkie

    Trem parameters (amp block) not working (XL) .

    Yeah, it uses the powertubes for the tremolo effect, so turning the poweramp simulation off will defeat it.
  86. javajunkie

    Wish List: VU Meters in Axe Edit

    It would be nice if possible.
  87. javajunkie

    Important thing to consider when using the preamp simulation in the cab block

    Yeah, works great for getting a distorted bass sound that stands out in the mix.
  88. javajunkie

    New Axe FX Class on CreativeLive by Cooper Carter 12-12-2014

    I'll be there on chat all day.
  89. javajunkie

    Axe-Fx II Firmware 17.00 Released

    The more a mess with the flanger the more I love it.
  90. javajunkie

    Headphone Jack

    It could be a loose wire in the headphone connection in the Axe-fx. Contact support, we'll figure it out.
  91. javajunkie

    Trem parameters (amp block) not working (XL) .

    All amps? or a particular one?
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