How to: Have multi delay come on and into sound via expression pedal?


Fractal Fanatic
Have multi delay set for a IA button, but would rather free up that button for another effect and would rather bring in on and into sound via expression pedal. How?
You need some "manual reading": Axe-Fx and MFC. It's all in there.

Axe-Fx: attach the "external controller" used for your pedal to Input Gain in the Multi Delay block.
MFC: make sure your connected pedal is assigned to the MIDI CC of that external controller.
Add auto engage to what yek suggested and the pedal movement will turn it on and off for you. I love that feature on the exp pedal settings!
no need to turn the block on or off. just attach the pedal to inout gain and when you're toe up, no signal will pass into the delays.
no need to turn the block on or off. just attach the pedal to inout gain and when you're toe up, no signal will pass into the delays.

This is probably the smoothest way of doing it. Although, Auto engage with the bypass mode set to mute fx in will work too.
no need to turn the block on or off. just attach the pedal to input gain and when you're toe up, no signal will pass into the delays.

I do mine the opposite of simeon. For me toe down engages the delay ( w/ my overdriven sound ), then toe up disengages the delay ( w/ my clean sound ).

Use modifiers like this to get you started:

Input Gain –
Source: Extern1
Auto Engage: Off
PC Reset: Off

Min: 0.0%
Max: 25.0%
Start: 0.0%
Mid: 50.0%
End: 100.0%

Slope: 50.0%
Scale: 1.000
Offset: 0.0%
Damping: 0 ms
Off Value: 5.0%

I should also tell you I set up my patches w/ the Delay ( or Multi-Delay in your case ) in parallel. So my 'Mix' is always set to 100% and then I use the Input Gain to determine how much delay I want in the sound .... That's why the min = 0% off & the max =25% in the example ....

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Input gain is how I do this. I have a multi-delay feeding into a big reverb in parallel with my main signal path. Expression pedal dials in how much or little ambiance I want.
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