Does this signal chain work well?


New Member
Hey all!

I found this video on youtube and I am woundering if this signal chain really works well..
Aren't there any problems with impedance and stuff?

guitar -> input 1(axe) - > output 2(axe) -> input (orange head) -> fx send(orange) -> input 2(axe) -> output 1(axe) -> fx return(orange) -> cab

What do you guys think?
Haven't watched the video, but sure, why wouldn't this make sense? That's just what I would do if I used the Axe as a effects processor. This way you can put effects in front of the preamp and after it. E.g. a delay must go AFTER the preamp, but a compressor is better put IN FRONT of it (of course nobody is keeping you from putting it after the preamp if you like that :D ).

If you use the Axe as an amp simulator as well, you also have effects in front of and after the amp. It's basically the same, the only difference is, that with the real amp you have the poweramp after all effects, whereas when using the Axe with the amp simulation, the poweramp is bound to the preamp. But that doesn't really make a difference!
Look in the manful for 4 cable method. What you are describing is outlined there.
There isn't a problem with impedance, Axe-fx inputs are high impedance (1Mohm), outs are low(600ohm).
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