Wah wah problem !


Hi guys, I have a little problem which is my Mission SP1 pedal acts as my wah. In the presets I have made its fine but in the ones I havnt touched, I go to one and by default the wah is on but the pedal isn't working so I can't really turn it off. I know I can manually turn it off, that's not the problem.....the question is why is auto on ?

Thank you
Because most people use the spring loaded Mission pedals with auto-engage (which IMO is the best way to turn the wah on/off)

Just make sure your leaving your pedal in a full heel down position if you don't want it to auto engage, or turn auto engage off. Personally, I'd suggest you try it with auto, I think it works so much better than a toe switch, which doesn't always work for me
Most expression pedals do not have a toe switch, so auto engage eliminates the need to move your foot from a separate wah bypass switch back to the expression pedal if you want to engage it on the fly.
You can also reverse it so it turns off at the toe instead of heel. I use a pedal with a toe switch and no auto engage.
So you basically have it set up where your using the toe switch to change what the pedal controls, and when your going all the way toe down, its also turning off the wah, which you'd naturally want given you switched what your pedal is now controlling, correct ?

Pretty clever implementation there if so. I thought it might be nice to have a switchable pedal so I could have it do whammy or wah but didn't know how to use it with auto engage, your method just might work.

I do enjoy my spring loaded Mission though with auto engage though....
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