Question about scenes and PC/CC messages


I'm just trying to iron things out with my current rig -- Axe Fx 2 XL with an Eventide H9 in the FX loop.

Say I have my preset loaded with scene 1 activated, but I'd like to switch to scene 2 while simultaneously changing presets on the H9. First, is this even possible? Second, if it is possible, would this be a global command sent whenever I activate scene 2 on any preset or can it be programmed per preset?

On the same token, if a program change via scene is not possible, can I change the bypass or hot switch status (for those not familiar, it lets you toggle between any 2 different settings on the H9)?

Or is this more of a midi controller issue? Can the MFC-101 do this? I don't have one yet, but I'm planning on that or something from Liquid Foot.

It is a MIDI controller thing. The liquid-foot will do that, no problem. With MFC-101, you would need to set the switch to a general IA instead of an Axe-fx specific one. then you Can do a scene change on the Axe-fx and preset change on the H9 at the same time.
With MFC-101, you would need to set the switch to a general IA instead of an Axe-fx specific one. then you Can do a scene change on the Axe-fx and preset change on the H9 at the same time.

OR, pitch the Eventide and use the AFX effects ;) . That was my suggestion... It is possible with the MIDI out on the MFC though.

Curious what the H9 has that's better than the AFX built-in effects??
I'd like more than anything to just use the Axe Fx for my entire rig, but there's specific sounds that I've been using on the Space and Pitchfactor (now an H9) that I can't quite cop. The Quadravox, Resonator, and Harmodulator, for example, aside from just the parameters involved, just have a particular tone to them that I really like. Conversely, I've programmed many things on my Axe Fx that I could never do with anything else, so it's just a matter of preference, not necessarily a competition.

Also, I haven't had many struggles with CPU usage in the Axe Fx, but having a lot of FX horsepower in a small box (H9) is a nice bit of insurance should I run into that.
Also, I haven't had many struggles with CPU usage in the Axe Fx, but having a lot of FX horsepower in a small box (H9) is a nice bit of insurance should I run into that.

Understood, that's pretty cool. I know the Eventide has some pretty cool effects that are proprietary similar to Strymon. I'm still trying to convince my buddy that the new FW 17.02 Reverbs are better, almost got him there ;)

Enjoy mate, the MFC is an amazing rig!
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