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  • Users: Fro
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  1. Fro

    MFC101 Mk III with Axe Fx III

    This is the one thing I haven't messed with yet, "Scenes" that is, since I wasn't ever using them anyway. Some of the others have though, so hopefully they can chime in. I've just been sticking strictly with Presets and IA's, and in that type of setup it works quite well after initial block...
  2. Fro

    Have some fun!

    When we go to restaurants, we usually put in the name "Marco". Then when they call our name, we yell back "Polo!"
  3. Fro

    [Linux] USB issue when powering on unit

    I always had a similar problem with the AX8. I had the wait for the unit to fully power on before I could connect it to the computer, otherwise Fractal-Bot wouldn't see it. I've just followed the same protocol these days with the II and the III, but I can see where that would be a nuisance for...
  4. Fro

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Version 1.06
  5. Fro

    MFC101 Mk III with Axe Fx III

    I believe so. I'm not at the MFC right now, so I'm going from memory. I think when the unit isn't in "Axe Fx" mode and you select a preset, all you have to do is select the IA switch to change it to "on" and then hit the "Edit/Save" button. You'll see that the edit button flashes when you select...
  6. Fro

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Version 1.06

    I think this is the thread where Cliff bought the amp. Not sure if it helps explain anything.
  7. Fro

    Rick Beato

    Subscriber here too. I really enjoy the "What makes This Song Great" series. There's quite a lot of very useful info in his other videos as well. We don't have cable anymore at home, and network TV reception is non-existent. So we either watch old TV shows on DVD, or I watch music related...
  8. Fro

    Guitars and String Gauge Discussion

    I know how it works with other companies. D'Addario, for instance: Regular 10 Guage set is 10 - 13 - 17 - 26 - 36 - 46 Balance tension set is 10 - 13.5 - 17 - 25 - 34 - 46 The idea is that when tuned to pitch, the balance tension strings will all feel like they have the same tension to them...
  9. Fro

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Version 1.06

    OK, that new Plexi is tasty. I'm definitely going to be switching some patches over to that one. Great job!
  10. Fro

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Version 1.06

  11. Fro

    So, I did something silly.

    FWIW - I think a lot of my presets were in the 80% range on the II, and in the 60% range on the III.
  12. Fro

    So, I did something silly.

    I have the 5F8 Tweed in my Country patches, and it put a big smile on my face at our show over the weekend.
  13. Fro

    So, I did something silly.

    Since the Atomic CLR’s have 2 inputs, I had my II and III running side by side through the CLR at the same volume. I programmed identical patches, and then quickly switched between the 2 units. The differences were more noticeable to me at higher volumes, or extreme settings, like rolling back...
  14. Fro

    RJM Mastermind GT/22 Compatibility?

    I only assigned CC #’s in the Axe Fx III to the blocks I immediately needed, and I used the same CC #’s that were used in the II so that if I was referencing existing lists or literature, it would match. There are some blocks I may never use, plus some where even though they are in almost every...
  15. Fro

    MFC101 Mk III with Axe Fx III

    In MFC-Edit, 2nd tab over. "PRESETS & EXT. DEVS". In the middle of the screen is a row of buttons labeled "Instant Access Switches initial state". The numbers correspond with the switches on the MFC. Click on the one you want to be "on" when the preset is selected. Green indicates an "on" state...
  16. Fro

    MFC101 Mk III with Axe Fx III

    You need to set the initial state of the IA's per preset, which is really easy to do with MFC-Edit. So if the drive block is already "on" when you select a preset, you just need to manually set that up ahead of time. Once you set that up, you won't really notice the difference from that...
  17. Fro

    Axe Fx III Maiden Voyage

    Great question. I have the output blocks for 3 and 4 in every patch, and I have the Main Out level in those blocks set to 5db instead of 0db. That was just enough boost so that if the output knob was turn up all the way on the Axe Fx III, it was just below clipping on the input of the CLR with...
  18. Fro

    Axe Fx III Maiden Voyage

    I had my first show with the Axe Fx III last night. Bottom line: everything worked as expected, it sounded great, and I’m super happy. I’m a longtime Axe Fx user. I started with the Standard, then moved to the II, and now the III. I also have an AX8 for a backup. I originally bought the...
  19. Fro

    Recover licenses after reformat ?

    I did a similar thing about a year ago, switching to a new computer. I just contacted Fractal Audio support. I believe they needed to know the email address I used for iLok. Then they revoked the original license and sent me a new one. I had to do that for Cab Lab and the Reverb plug-in.
  20. Fro

    Is It OK To Tickle?

    Cool. Thanks!
  21. Fro

    Is It OK To Tickle?

    This is a question in regards to setting the input level. I just thought I should confirm this since the terminology is slightly different in the Axe Fx III manual from what I remember in the past. It could just be my failing brain. I remember the phrase “tickling the red” being used in the past...
  22. Fro

    what are your favorite IRs?

    #58 and #59 were the factory cabs I was thinking of that were from Cab Pack 8. I just double checked in the Wiki: 058 — 4x12 TV MIX C1 (ML) — IR mix, based on a 4x2 Marshall TV with G12M25 greenbacks, UltraRes (Cab Pack 8). 059 — 4x12 TV MIX C4 (ML) — IR mix, based on a 4x2 Marshall TV with...
  23. Fro

    what are your favorite IRs?

    ML Brit TV SM57-R121 from the ML Brit collection. I’ve been using this ever since it’s first appearance in Cab Pack 8, which then became part of Cab pack 20, and I forget exactly what it’s called now. Every time a new collection from anyone comes out, I always look for a replacement...
  24. Fro

    Powering the MFC MKIII to use w/AxeIII

    My vote is still for the polarity. But it looks easy enough to take apart the end that the barrel is on and just flip the wires, if that is the case.
  25. Fro

    Powering the MFC MKIII to use w/AxeIII

    I wonder if the positive and negative are going to the wrong pins.
  26. Fro

    Parametric EQ Screen Refresh Issue?

    Will do. And thanks for looking into it.
  27. Fro

    Expression Pedal Positions Resetting After Using Tuner

    I'll try some different settings and see what the best workaround is. I'm sure I can get myself in the routine of moving the pedals after tuning for now. Things like the Synth block being active for a brief moment on patch change is harder to work around, if it's even related to this or not. I...
  28. Fro

    Expression Pedal Positions Resetting After Using Tuner

    Yes Either from the front panel, or from the MFC. It happens with activating it both ways. On the modifier page of the Axe Fx, I have the start value as 0 and end value set to 100. The expression pedal is toe down, and the modifier is at 100. When I engage and disengage the tuner, the pedal...
  29. Fro

    Expression Pedal Positions Resetting After Using Tuner

    When I attach my expression pedals to a block like Wah or Volume, I always set my Auto-Engage to Medium Position and my Off Value to 95%. I leave all of my expression pedals in toe position when not in use. With the Axe Fx II, there was always this thing I would have to do when I first turned...
  30. Fro

    Parametric EQ Screen Refresh Issue?

    This time was with 1.05. The first time was with 1.04.
  31. Fro

    Parametric EQ Screen Refresh Issue?

    This was only the 2nd time it's happened in the last week, and I can't purposely reproduce it. It happened on the same preset both times, although it may be the only preset where I have 2 parametric EQs.
  32. Fro

    Parametric EQ Screen Refresh Issue?

    It happened again, and this time I got a picture. Here is Parametric EQ1 with the correct look. Here is Parametric EQ2 with the correct look. Here is Parametric EQ1, looking like Parametric EQ2, even though it has the other settings.
  33. Fro

    Setting up and Using the MFC-101 with the Axe-Fx III

    I'm thinking you put the numbers here. If you want a switch to only access one scene, then use the same number for both "On" and "Off" values. Or, if you put something like "0" as the on and "1" as the off, it would toggle between Scene 1 and 2. I'm totally guessing, of course.
  34. Fro

    Setting up and Using the MFC-101 with the Axe-Fx III

    I found this on Page 56 of the MFC-101 manual. Does this help? EDIT : MIDI : PAGE" (9x) IA Switch CC# ON/OFF Values is used to specify the ON and OFF data values for each of the two CC# commands of a selected IA Switch. Use the "PARAMETER" footswitches to select from Instant Access Switch...
  35. Fro

    Parametric EQ Screen Refresh Issue?

    I didn't think to snap a picture of this, so I'll see if this makes sense. I have a patch that has 2 Parametric EQ blocks in it. I put all of my settings in the first block. When I made my way to the second block and hit Edit to start inputting my settings, the EQ "looked" like it already had...
  36. Fro

    Showtime....WHO HAS USED THEIR III LIVE? (evidence welcome)

    I don't do any scenes or channel changes, so I already have the MFC-101 programmed and rocking. 2 rows of presets and a row of IA's plus 2 expression pedals. That was actually the easy part. It's the presets themselves on the III that are taking up my time. I really do feel for all of you that...
  37. Fro

    Showtime....WHO HAS USED THEIR III LIVE? (evidence welcome)

    The timing was perfect for me. We had a few weeks off, which is unusual, but it's giving time to get the patches programmed and the rack wired up. The next show is April 14th, and I'm just going to dive right in. Looking forward to it. It's been time consuming though. The front panel is great...
  38. Fro

    Output options..........

    Perfect! Thanks!
  39. Fro

    Output options..........

    Yeah, setting Boost/Pad to 18db at least makes the meters look even, but the actual output is still quite a bit quieter. I'm intending on using 3 and 4 to power my Atomic CLRs. As long I can adjust the input control on the CLR to get me to where I need to be, no problem. Otherwise I may need to...
  40. Fro

    Output options..........

    I think what I'm learning is that I need to read the manual. I see 1 and 2 have different settings than 3 and 4, so I guess it stands to reason that they are going to react or output differently, maybe?
  41. Fro

    Output options..........

    I'm getting lower output out of 3 and 4 as well. I have an output block for each output at the end of my patch. However, I noticed as I was playing that the output meters on 3 and 4 are lower, so the signal is quieter before it even leaves the Axe Fx. I do not know why as it's not intentional.
  42. Fro

    Amp Block and Effects DSP Percentages

    I've been recreating all of my patches. It looks like a lot of the patches that were at 80% on the II (idling, not playing) are now at 60% on the III. That's just quickly skimming through the patches and eyeballing it.
  43. Fro

    Optical Compressor

    How do the LED, Tungsten, and El Foil options compare to Optical 1 (Peak Detector) and Optical 2 (RMS Detector) in the Axe Fx II? Is there also an Instrument/Line input option in the III, or is that not applicable? I figure I can just mess with it and see, but curious what matches what if I'm...
  44. Fro

    Tremolo In The Amp Block

    I told you my eyes were buggy. I'm comparing the values to my Axe Fx II via Axe Edit, which has it labeled Tremolo Frequency and Tremolo Depth. The Axe Fx III has the word Bias in front of each, and my brain was not processing that information. I guess it's time to take a break and eat...
  45. Fro

    Tremolo In The Amp Block

    Admittedly, my eyes are going buggy from programming patches, but I can't seem to find Tremolo Frequency or Tremolo Depth in the amp block. Is it not there on the Axe Fx III? Maybe this was mentioned already, but... well.... can't remember, and eyes are buggy. Thanks!
  46. Fro

    I would like to post a rant

    I’ve had one card reissued at least 3 times in the past 2 years. I have another that will let my purchases go through, but the bank will immediately contact me to verify the purchase. Another just flat out declines them, and then calls me to verify the declined purchase. That company doesn’t...
  47. Fro

    Wish Recall Effect From Another Patch

    Recalling an effect from another patch would definitely speed up my process of programming my patches. I know that once Axe Edit is up and running for the III, it makes this a little unnecessary. But I am one of those who never used Axe Edit with the Axe Fx II, and I used this feature a lot. So...
  48. Fro

    Axe-Fx III wait list: Let us know when you get notified...

    In my house, I buy gear and she gets another dog. Truth is, I don't mind though. (We have border collies, and she's a sheep herder)
  49. Fro

    Axe-Fx III wait list: Let us know when you get notified...

    So here is a recap of how it all went down for me: 1/29/18 - 9:08 AM EST - Waitlist Confirmation Email 3/20/18 - 4:21 PM EST - Invite received, Ordered with 2nd Day Air Option 3/21/18 - 9:24 AM EST - Shipped And Received Tracking Info 3/23/18 - 12:10 AM EST - Axe Fx III Received!! 3/23/18 -...
  50. Fro

    Separate Outputs To Separate CLRs

    Got it. So if I don't actually have humbuster cables, start with regular TS 1/4". Do you know if TS to XLR would be ok instead of TRS to XLR? Would that safely bypass the humbuster wiring? Just wondering if there was any way to connect to XLR at all out of Output 3 or 4 in case I wanted to run...
  51. Fro

    Separate Outputs To Separate CLRs

    If I wanted to run Output 3 to one Atomic CLR, and Output 4 to another Atomic CLR, what kind of cable do I use? I was thinking of trying it this way so that I have separate volume control for each CLR rfrom the front of the Axe Fx. I know these are labeled as Humbuster 1/4" outputs, so I don’t...
  52. Fro

    Power Over Midi

    Cool cool. Thanks guys. I've got one order. I'll let you know how it works out.
  53. Fro

    Power Over Midi

    Not sure if the Sweetwater link above worked or not, but this midi cable is 5 pins on one end along with a barrel receptacle for plugging in a wallwart, and then 7 pin on the other side. I was assuming that the positive and negative of the barrel was wired directly to pins 6 and 7 on the other...
  54. Fro

    Power Over Midi

    I should have specified. I'm using the MFC with the Axe Fx III in standard midi mode. The III doesn't have 7-pin midi and doesn't supply power over midi. This would be in lieu of what would normally be available on the older units.
  55. Fro

    Power Over Midi

    If I wanted to keep the power supply for my MFC-101 in my rack case, would a midi cable like this work to supply power over the midi cable.
  56. Fro

    Axe-Fx III wait list: Let us know when you get notified...

    My tracking number says it was picked up from Fractal today, and delivery is on schedule (Friday). Crossing my fingers that it's trip to Wisconsin can avoid all of the nasty weather. Should be a fun weekend!
  57. Fro

    Axe-Fx III wait list: Let us know when you get notified...

    Waiting List Confirmation: 1/29/18 - 9:08 EST Invite Received: 3/20/18 - 4:21 EST Ordered and totally stoked!!
  58. Fro

    Setting up and Using the MFC-101 with the Axe-Fx III

    I’m actually pretty stoked now. I felt really behind the times not utilizing scenes or x/y at all. But since I never did, this is looking pretty simple for my setup. Bottom 2 rows are presets, and the rest are just IA’s for Drives, Delays, Pitch, Phase, and an EQ block for boost. I use 40...
  59. Fro

    Setting up and Using the MFC-101 with the Axe-Fx III

    Got it. I think that makes sense. Having only ever used the MFC in Axe Fx II mode, and set exactly the same way for the past 5+ years, I kinda forgot what it's capable of doing, and other ways it can be set up. Out of site, out of mind, I guess. It will be fun getting this worked out. I'm always...
  60. Fro

    Setting up and Using the MFC-101 with the Axe-Fx III

    OK, I think I understand. I figured the III wouldn't automatically send block state info back to the MFC, but I didn't know if it could manually be done with the Midi block and lots of configuring per patch. Does that mean I will run into the same issues I have with older Midi controllers where...
  61. Fro

    Setting up and Using the MFC-101 with the Axe-Fx III

    I’m trying to gather as much info as I can on this as well. Crossing my fingers and hoping my spot on the Axe Fx III wait list comes up soon. This is what I understand so far. - Set up the MFC as a regular Midi controller, so the mode is set to None. - I’ll need to use the power supply that...
  62. Fro

    The Long wait.....

  63. Fro

    Modeler Stress Test

    By my rough count, 14 people picked the real amp and 19 people did not. They were either undecided or picked incorrectly.
  64. Fro

    Anybody on a diet?

    I’ve really enjoyed this thread. Every post has been a wealth of information, and I’m learning a lot, so thanks. When I was in weight loss mode, I stayed around 1500 Net calories for the day, calories in minus calories burned. Again, I was using to keep track. And it’s not just...
  65. Fro

    Anybody on a diet?

    I lost 50 pounds about 5 years ago and have maintained it since. No specific diet. I lust logged what I was eating on and stuck to the goals I set. I stopped drinking soda, and stopped eating cheese. I’m from Wisconsin, so cheese is on everything. I had already stopped drinking...
  66. Fro

    III Avatar competition ?

    Questioning Boy: Mr. Owl, how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop? Mr. Owl: Let's find out. A One... A.two-HOO...A three..
  67. Fro

    Help - Restoring Factory Banks

    Hi All, I wanted to restore the factory banks on my Standard and I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. I'm on a MacBook Pro running Sierra. I'm using an M-Audio Midisport 1x1 with SysEx Librarian. I backed up all of the banks, individual patches and system file using the "Dump To Midi" in the...
  68. Fro

    Presenting... The Axe-Fx III

    Is there a wait list for the new controller(s) as well?
  69. Fro

    Help Identifying Guitar Pick

    Thanks for the tip. The Brain Snarling Dogs picks were actually my second choice, tied with the standard Dunlop Nylon. (FWIW, I also like Jazz III's for the other side of the spectrum). I've used the Brain picks off and on for a couple of years. They are similar to the Mel Bay, at least close...
  70. Fro

    Help Identifying Guitar Pick

    Finished doing a little more research, and they are definitely Mel Bay guitar picks, which were manufactured by a company called G&G. I believe that Mel Bay sold the mold to a company in Texas who are no longer in business (that might be G&G). Mel Bay is now making them again, and I did order...
  71. Fro

    Help Identifying Guitar Pick

    Thanks! This also helped a lot! And the winner is.... Mel Bay! I also stumbled across a thread on another forum where a guy posted the exact same question, and they went through all the same guesses. I did find them on Amazon. I wonder how many variations of thickness there are? And on...
  72. Fro

    Help Identifying Guitar Pick

    That's right, Bono gave it to me!! Or not, but this definitely gives me more to research. So we all know what The Edge uses for a pick. But what does Bono use?
  73. Fro

    Help Identifying Guitar Pick

    Hi All, Like most of you, I have piles of picks scattered all around the house. Well I stumbled across one the other day that I like quite a bit, but it has no markings on it that I recognize, and no brand name. It's the only one I have that's like it, and I have no idea where it came from. I'd...
  74. Fro

    New EP - By Accident or Design (Ax Fx Guitars and Bass)

    Hi All, We just finished up our new EP, "By Accident or Design". All of the guitars and bass are Axe Fx, sans a couple minor guitar parts our drummer did on one track. It's a variety of styles, and the Axe Fx was so easy to use for it. I actually ended up scrolling through the factory presets...
  75. Fro

    Van Morrison - Into The Mystic

    We were asked to play this song for an upcoming wedding and decided to put our own spin on it. We were happy enough with how the arrangement turned out that we decided to record it and put it out as a single. Guitar and bass is all Axe Fx. Enjoy! Edit: I almost forgot to mention, FAS-FX Reverb...
  76. Fro

    New Live Album - All Axe Fx Guitar And Bass!

    Hey All, I'm super excited that my band just released a new live album. The funny bit is that although the album is new, it's actually from a show we recorded 4 years ago. I was consolidating hard drives to make room for some of the new material we've been working on, and I stumbled across this...
  77. Fro

    Axe Fx Changing Patches On It's Own

    I was wondering about the value knob as a possibility. If it should do it again, I'll spin the big knob first and see if it stops. It did always change patches in the same direction (going down) and it always stopped once it got to the first patch, so that would make sense. Thanks!
  78. Fro

    Axe Fx Changing Patches On It's Own

    OK, the short story is that my Axe Fx was changing patches on it’s own. Now I’ll try to give you all of the info on the equipment, and the longer story. I have an Axe Fx II Mk I that’s my main unit, and I have one as a backup. I have an MFC Mk II for my main unit, and an MFC Mk I for the...
  79. Fro

    Converting Live Drums To Midi

    Thanks for the suggestions. I did wonder if it was more effort than it was worth. I also wasn't thinking that cymbals/overheads wouldn't work with all of the bleed. I was just going to program the parts in by hand, but thought this might be an alternative. I may still experiment. I figure it's a...
  80. Fro

    Converting Live Drums To Midi

    Hi All, I have quite the collection of multitrack recordings of my drummer from various rehearsals, recording sessions and live shows. I thought it would be fun to build up a midi library of his drum parts. Can anyone point me in the right direction? FYI - I'm running a Mid 2010 MacBook Pro...
  81. Fro

    Mastering Suggestions?

  82. Fro

    Mastering Suggestions?

    Hey Geezerjohn. That does help. I thought about looking into trying it myself. I don't know if I trust my ears, but I wouldn't mine experimenting with it even if it's just for learning purposes. It would give me an excuse to upgrade my speakers too. We've used Rodney Mills in the past (Lynyrd...
  83. Fro

    Mastering Suggestions?

    Who are you using for mastering these days? It's been about 8 years since my band has released anything, and just wondering what's out there these days. We're working on a live album, a new studio album, plus some things that we recorded years ago that we are finally getting around to finishing...
  84. Fro


    It was there. I downloaded it, but didn't install it. I guess I'll hold off and see if there is an update.
  85. Fro

    Scumback m75?

    I'm using this in my Axe Fx II Mk I and my AX8. I captured it with the Axe Fx II Mark I, and I don't recall if I had to do anything special when I moved it to the AX8, it's been a while. Someone else will have to chime in on use with the XL.
  86. Fro

    Scumback m75?

    Scumback M75 in a Marshall Jubillee 2x12 using an SM57 combined with a Sennheiser e906.
  87. Fro

    External Switch Help

    So even a momentary switch, which is always "off" in it's natural state, will sometimes be seen as "on". I'm not sure I see what the difference is then between using a momentary vs a latching switch.
  88. Fro

    External Switch Help

    This is my first attempt at using an external switch, and I'm running into user error. I'm trying to set up an external switch to turn an effect on/off. I'm using a Boss FS-5U Non-Latching switch. I have it set to Momentary in the I/O Pedal menu, and I'm assigning it to the effect bypass in the...
  89. Fro

    Control plate swap on a tele !

    I tried the reverse configuration and couldn't bond with it. I thought that I would like having the switch out of the way and the volume closer, but I ended up grabbing the tone control instead of the volume all the time, and the switch was too far away. I think if you've played a standard Tele...
  90. Fro

    NGD - 40 year old blonde

    Just received this today. I snagged it off of 1976 Telecaster. New frets and new machines, but that doesn't bother me. On the heavy side, weighing in at 10.5 pounds. But it plays and feels great.
  91. Fro

    Removing AX8 Feet for Velcro?

    M@, do you have link on where to find these screws? I've been Googling, but I keep coming up with M3x6mm and not M3.5x6mm. Thanks!
  92. Fro

    Valentines Day At My House....

    It's probably been posted before, but it never gets old. lol!
  93. Fro

    Axe-Fx II "Quantum" 2.00 Public Beta Deux

    In my 5+ years of owning FAS product (Standard and Axe Fx II Mk I) I've always had good days and bad days. That's mostly due to my own ear fatigue. I don't want to jinx it, but since I've loaded in this firmware, I'm not getting my ear fatigue. I'm having too much fun. I spent most of the night...
  94. Fro

    Bug? Quantum 2.0 Stereo Cab Bug?

    Ah, thanks! I never use Axe Edit, so that didn't jump out at me. I see it now. 2nd from the bottom on page 2. Now I can say I learned my new thing for the day! :)
  95. Fro

    Bug? Quantum 2.0 Stereo Cab Bug?

    It's been a long time since I've used a stereo cab. But when I turn the dial to select the left cab, the right cab also changes, and the right cab will change to whatever the left cab is. If I change the right cab, the left cab will stay as is. So the only way I can select 2 different cabs is by...
  96. Fro

    Help! - Acoustic Tone Match Gone After Update

    Occam’s Razor I knew the amp modeling had changed, but I was so certain that what I was hearing had to be something else. So, I disabled each effect block one by one so I could see if something was set weird somewhere in the chain. The only thing the amp block was doing was providing a very...
  97. Fro

    My Take. The Meaning of Life: Chasing Moments

    This reminds me of the Bill Murray quote from his Charlie Rose interview: "I live a little bit on the seat of my pants, I try to be alert and available. I try to be available for life to happen to me. We’re in this life, and if you’re not available, the sort of ordinary time goes past and you...
  98. Fro

    Help! - Acoustic Tone Match Gone After Update

    I need some help troubleshooting this one. I know Cliff warned us that our sounds may change after the update, but I think there is more to this one than just a change in the amp modeling. This is a tone match I did of my acoustic. I know it’s not the best sounding patch, but it does work for...
  99. Fro

    Whose line is it?

    Why am I reading these?
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