Setting up and Using the MFC-101 with the Axe-Fx III

I get that you would pay for it already! You've said that like 4 or 5 times... I don't doubt that nor did I question it.;)

How do you know how long the FC12 is? They have posted nothing about it's dimensions... It's been asked a number of times. It has 6 buttons in one row. Exactly the same as the MFC. I would be surprised that it is much wider, if at all.

I mention that due to you saying they are a small company, limited resources, etc. I'm not looking for a freebie & I doubt I'm alone in this issue & the willingness to pay for this. As far as the dimensions, I'm just going by the way it looks in the pictures but they may be misleading & it may only look so long in comparison to the FC6. After I posted I realized what you said about it having 2 rows of 6 buttons, although it does seem to have more room on either side so maybe a little wider than the MFC. Still many unknowns until more details come out about the FC's, especially cost!!
Wooooot pretty excited right about now. Spent the evening trying to setup the MFC to function with the Axe FX III and have made some decent progress. What I have so far is...................

3 expression pedals functioning, can assign to whatever
5 scene switches functioning, Could do all 8 but personally I try to keep it at 5
Tuner switch activates the AXE FX III on screen big tuner
Bank up and down in increments of 5
Used MFC Edit 8.0 to display song names I have yet to program in the III

I'm a scene user so I really don't care if the other Ai switches activate anything but it should be pretty easy to make this work. I'm stuck at 127 presents as I haven't figured out how to switch to the next banks B/C as of yet. I'm thinking I should start a new thread how to make MFC work AXE III with instructions and maybe for the daring my syx file you could just load into your MFC for demo sake. Ideas?
Wooooot pretty excited right about now. Spent the evening trying to setup the MFC to function with the Axe FX III and have made some decent progress. What I have so far is...................

3 expression pedals functioning, can assign to whatever
5 scene switches functioning, Could do all 8 but personally I try to keep it at 5
Tuner switch activates the AXE FX III on screen big tuner
Bank up and down in increments of 5
Used MFC Edit 8.0 to display song names I have yet to program in the III

I'm a scene user so I really don't care if the other Ai switches activate anything but it should be pretty easy to make this work. I'm stuck at 127 presents as I haven't figured out how to switch to the next banks B/C as of yet. I'm thinking I should start a new thread how to make MFC work AXE III with instructions and maybe for the daring my syx file you could just load into your MFC for demo sake. Ideas?
That would be very generous so yes, do it!
Wooooot pretty excited right about now. Spent the evening trying to setup the MFC to function with the Axe FX III and have made some decent progress. What I have so far is...................

3 expression pedals functioning, can assign to whatever
5 scene switches functioning, Could do all 8 but personally I try to keep it at 5
Tuner switch activates the AXE FX III on screen big tuner
Bank up and down in increments of 5
Used MFC Edit 8.0 to display song names I have yet to program in the III

I'm a scene user so I really don't care if the other Ai switches activate anything but it should be pretty easy to make this work. I'm stuck at 127 presents as I haven't figured out how to switch to the next banks B/C as of yet. I'm thinking I should start a new thread how to make MFC work AXE III with instructions and maybe for the daring my syx file you could just load into your MFC for demo sake. Ideas?

Are you using 1 or 2 Midi cables?
Unix-Guy - thank you very much for your response..

Tom Morris - posting a "how to" to help others program the MFC would be very, very helpful to technically stunted guys like me...

Bakerman - thank you for pointing out how to set up alternate patches on the MFC.

Guess that I'll take the plunge when my invite comes up, suffer through some pain in setting up the MFC and jump on the FC-12 when it becomes available.
Ok, so I set Scene Select to 34 on the III. I went into the MIDI setup on the MFC and got to the page where I pick the CC# for IA01 and set CC to #34. I exited out of that. I press 1 on the MFC and I’m on preset 1 on the III. I press the Reveal buttton in the MFC and press button 1 and it jumps to Scene 8 on the III. If I press it again it jumps back to Scene 1. Guessing I need to put in the Value but I don’t see where to put that in on the MFC MIDI menu. I’m so close I can taste it. What did I miss or stillneed to do?


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Guessing I need to put in the Value but I don’t see where to put that in on the MFC MIDI menu. I’m so close I can taste it. What did I miss or stillneed to do?

I found this on Page 56 of the MFC-101 manual. Does this help?

EDIT : MIDI : PAGE" (9x)

IA Switch CC# ON/OFF Values is used to specify the ON and OFF data values for each of the two CC# commands of a selected
IA Switch.

Use the "PARAMETER" footswitches to select from Instant Access Switch Number, Command Select, Data Value OFF, and
Data Value ON parameters. IA Switch numbers 18-41 are reserved for future use.

This function allows you to use the onboard footswitches send any data value when turned ON or OFF. This makes it possible,
for example, to use an IA switch to toggle between volume levels of 100 and 127.

A setting of “OFF” for either state will cause it to send no data. This is useful for controlling functions where ANY incoming data
value is seen as a trigger (example: Axe‐Fx Tempo, Axe‐Fx VOL INCR/VOL DECR, etc.).
Somewhere I need to put in the value for each scene. Just don’t know where.
CC Values, Scenes
0 = Scene 1
1 = Scene 2
2 = Scene 3
3 = Scene 4
4 = Scene 5
5 = Scene 6
6 = Scene 7
7 = Scene 8
Somewhere I need to put in the value for each scene. Just don’t know where.
CC Values, Scenes
0 = Scene 1
1 = Scene 2
2 = Scene 3
3 = Scene 4
4 = Scene 5
5 = Scene 6
6 = Scene 7
7 = Scene 8

I'm thinking you put the numbers here. If you want a switch to only access one scene, then use the same number for both "On" and "Off" values. Or, if you put something like "0" as the on and "1" as the off, it would toggle between Scene 1 and 2. I'm totally guessing, of course.

I'm thinking you put the numbers here. If you want a switch to only access one scene, then use the same number for both "On" and "Off" values. Or, if you put something like "0" as the on and "1" as the off, it would toggle between Scene 1 and 2. I'm totally guessing, of course.

@bishop5150 - I just replied to your similar post in another thread, but this is the answer. Set both the Off and On to the scene data value you want (because you want this button to always select the desired scene, there is really no "off").
So I’ve been reading some of these threads and am still confused. Can the Mfc III function with the axe iii the same as it does with the axe ii?
Can it still be powered via cat5?
Can the Mfc III function with the axe iii the same as it does with the axe ii?

"Same as", no. MFC will only work with a MIDI connection with AxeFX III. Also it will not support "AxeFX Mode" or bidirectional communication (so no synced IA light switch states or tuner display that sort of thing). However, it will work as a generic midi controller for the three, yes, provided you set the AxeFX mode to "None", and setup any of the CC/PC values for it you want transmit to the AxeFX III via MIDI.

Can it still be powered via cat5?
No Ethercon connector on the back fo the III. There is only MIDI in/out/thru and FasLink II (which is not compatible with the FasLink I that MFC talks). You'll have to power the MFC via the wall wart (there's no phantom power on MIDI In anymore either)
You'll have to power the MFC via the wall wart (there's no phantom power on MIDI In anymore either)
Bestronics makes a 5 to 7 pin midi cable so you can keep the wall-wart in the rack with the Axe III and simply run the midi cable out to the MFC
This is disappointing. I think it changed my mind about getting the axe 3 for now. I wasn’t planning on getting a different controller and running a wall wart at the front of the stage to power the Mfc is not ideal in my situation. Oh well.
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