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  • Hey Brian! How was Maui?? Hope you had a great time! Just wanted to reach out as you had requested when you get back. If you can still sell those please give me the instruction/information for your PayPal if possible. Thanks!
    Sunny and 85! Came home to Philly 45 and rainy :( The surrounds are too big to fit a padded flat rate envelope so I'm trying to find the right size padded envelope. Looks like it'll be $8 to ship priority. If it ends up more than that I'll take care of it. If that works for you you can send to:
    I love the rain! Maybe that’s because I live in San Diego and we never get it. Our state is always on fire because it’s so dry :/
    Anyhow, I sent you a little extra as a thanks for being so kind as to offer these to me. Thanks again. I included my address in the notes, and sent as a gift to avoid you being hit on fees.
    Hope you're not near those wildfires! You guys could certainly use some rain. I received the $, I'll be sure to get these out to you first thing tomorrow! All the best!
    Hey do you still have those zenrigs tags? Would you be interested in selling?
    No worries my brother, I live in San Diego California
    I'd do $50 + shipping BUT, I leave in the morning for Maui, won 't be back until Nov 10th. Reach out to me then if you're still interested. Thx!
    Unless ZenRigs gets his store up by then, I will still buy yours to hold me over should that day arrive. So once your back let me know and I will send payment over, once you find out shipping. A bubble envelope will do, nothing fancy needed. Thanks!
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