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  1. Stringtheorist

    Still no input signal in Reaper: Please help me troubleshoot my setup

    USB/DIGI Out Source was set to Output 1. I have set it to Input but I'm still not getting a signal. USB works for firmware updates, Axe-Change, etc.
  2. Stringtheorist

    Still no input signal in Reaper: Please help me troubleshoot my setup

    I had this all working fine several firmwares back but lately I cannot get an output from my Axe-II into Reaper via USB. I'm using the same template and device preferences in Reaper that I used before, so I figure this has to be an Axe issue. I have USB Adapter Mode ON and MIDI Thru ON. What...
  3. Stringtheorist

    Tips on getting rid of pick attack?

    I usually find I can't get enough pick attack for vintage rock style stuff, even with the Pick Attack parameter.
  4. Stringtheorist

    Fishman Triple Play - Wireless midi pickup

    TriplePlay sees Axe-FX II audio Input (and Output). I tried sending PC messages using the usual IA switches I use to trigger patch changes on my GR-33 but it didn't appear to do anything in TriplePlay.
  5. Stringtheorist

    I've lost my Axe's input signal in Reaper

    OK, tried reloading the drivers for Mac but it doesn't seem to have helped.
  6. Stringtheorist

    I've lost my Axe's input signal in Reaper

    Thanks... I don't see these options at all, and I thought I downloaded the latest version of Reaper just a few days ago. I have version 4.402.
  7. Stringtheorist

    I've lost my Axe's input signal in Reaper

    I don't see "Select ASIO". :/ This dropdown box is where I select "Aggregate Device".
  8. Stringtheorist

    I've lost my Axe's input signal in Reaper

    Another reason why I think this is an Axe setup issue is because I also get no guitar signal when I try to use the Axe as a soundcard with my TriplePlay software (and Guitar Rig/Amplitube).
  9. Stringtheorist

    Fishman Triple Play - Wireless midi pickup

    Is anyone here using TriplePlay live? I'm trying to work out how I might switch patches in TriplePlay using my MFC. Is this even possible using the ethernet cable hookup?
  10. Stringtheorist

    I've lost my Axe's input signal in Reaper

    Where are you seeing "enable inputs"?
  11. Stringtheorist

    I've lost my Axe's input signal in Reaper

    Guitar track says "Input 1: Mono"
  12. Stringtheorist

    I've lost my Axe's input signal in Reaper

    My audio interface is set up as an Aggregate Device. The rest is as you describe. I can't help thinking this is an Axe issue rather than a DAW one, since my Reaper setup has been working fine until now.
  13. Stringtheorist

    I've lost my Axe's input signal in Reaper

    I don't do much recording so I have a template made up in Reaper with all the routings set up, ostensibly so that I can start a new project easily without having to figure out all the routing and setting up each time. Since I last recorded I now notice that I can no longer get a guitar input...
  14. Stringtheorist

    Fishman TriplePlay users - Anyone using this live?

    I've had my Fishman TriplePlay a couple of days... just enough to find my way around the supplied software. However, I would eventually like to use it for performing live. Right now I'm wondering what kind of interface I would need to make the software send MIDI to my pedalboard so I can switch...
  15. Stringtheorist

    What's the best guitar synth unit?

    Cool, thanks. Do any of these apps exist for iPhone?
  16. Stringtheorist

    Muse - Knights Of Cydonia drive sound (V11)

    Can anyone replicate the tone of the crunch rhythm guitar in this song? I'm using a Strat (probably not the ideal guitar) and fw 11... No cab simulation (Atomic 50/50 and 2x12 cab with V30s). Here's a sample:
  17. Stringtheorist

    Synth options

    I use a GR-33 but I don't have it at my feet. I situate it on top of my axe and cabinets. I use the MFC to control patch selection and have 4 MFC IA switches programmed to select the patches I need.
  18. Stringtheorist

    What's the best guitar synth unit?

    What VIs are you using for the iPad? I'm thinking of getting a Triple Play, but I had a laptop in mind. iPad would be a more portable solution.
  19. Stringtheorist

    Intermittent silence still occurring since V10

    I haven't had this issue reoccur since I did as you suggested with problematic presets. However, I have still experienced random X to Y switching. This was using a brand new preset created using Fw11.0b, loading the preset using the MFC.
  20. Stringtheorist

    New Live Axe-FX II Videos: Led Zep, Fleetwood Mac, Alanis Morissette

    Cheers Scott. I'll pass on the feedback. :)
  21. Stringtheorist

    New Live Axe-FX II Videos: Led Zep, Fleetwood Mac, Alanis Morissette

    Haha, yes! That's because someone else had control of the sound. She was complaining afterwards that the sound guys hadn't given her enough reverb. She was very proud of having ditched the idiot sheets though. :)
  22. Stringtheorist

    Are power conditioners snake oil?

    The main reason I use one is that it provides convenient power sockets to connect my other devices such as my wireless without having loads of cables running down the back of my speakers to the outlet. :D
  23. Stringtheorist

    Odd MFC behaviour... Row 2 switches not working

    All the switches on row 2 or my MFC seem to have stopped responding entirely. LEDs don't light up, page buttons don't work, etc. Would returning my unit to default settings help? Anyone else had this issue?
  24. Stringtheorist

    Brian May

    The preset won't load with Sysex Librarian. Which firmware did you make it with? I'm using 10.11.
  25. Stringtheorist

    Brian May

    Great job! Did you use a BM Red Special guitar here?
  26. Stringtheorist

    Running through a 2x12 (Orange PPC212)

    Yes, I use a pair of 2x12s loaded with CL80s and V30s, driven by an Atomic Reactor 50/50 rack amp. I was previously using the GT1000FX but I felt that the valve power amp sounded more "alive" somehow, so I went back to the Atomic despite the weight.
  27. Stringtheorist

    Intermittent silence switching presets with MFC since V10

    Great... Thanks for this! I haven't been able to tie it down to any specific presets yet but when it happens again I'll just make a mental note of which presets it happens with and I'll edit as you suggest. I use global amps for all my presets so it won't take a minute.
  28. Stringtheorist

    Error updating to 10.11 with Fractal Bot

    Never mind... Third time lucky.
  29. Stringtheorist

    Error updating to 10.11 with Fractal Bot

    I have tried twice to update to 10.11 with Fractal Bot but received an error. What can I do?
  30. Stringtheorist

    New 10.10 firmware thoughts?

    I welcome what's been done with the Wah block, however in practice I don't hear as much difference between the models as I expected to, although that might be down to lack of first hand experience with the original units. Something peculiar seems to have happened to the amp blocks. There seems...
  31. Stringtheorist

    New 10.10 firmware thoughts?

    I've been requesting this for yonks.
  32. Stringtheorist

    Intermittent silence switching presets with MFC since V10

    I don't use scenes and my amp states keep changing. Can't pin it down to any particular preset or reason for the behaviour.
  33. Stringtheorist

    Intermittent silence still occurring since V10

    Several f/w updates later and I am still having this issue. (Intermittent output loss when changing presets.) This invariably occurs at shows when I'm using my MFC (and in any case I always have my MFC connected, even at home) so I have not been able to determine whether it's an Axe problem or...
  34. Stringtheorist

    Touchup paint

    Mine's chipped too but I don't carry it in a case... it's exposed all the time.
  35. Stringtheorist

    Uberschall experience

    What speaker/amp are you using to amplify your Axe?
  36. Stringtheorist

    My first gig with the Axe FX II

    Like your influences and your music. :)
  37. Stringtheorist

    Some live Axe-FX II for you - Rush Floyd Zeppelin

    Just backline. No monitoring, although I do have two Deeflex sound deflectors on the bottom cab.
  38. Stringtheorist

    Some live Axe-FX II for you - Rush Floyd Zeppelin

    Yeah, I know. She doesn't even need them but she uses them as a crutch. It's annoying but she won't get rid of them.
  39. Stringtheorist

    Some live Axe-FX II for you - Rush Floyd Zeppelin

    Thanks. Yeah, we do need to spend more time collectively on our FOH mix. I don't think Penny will change her FX settings though... She's quite picky about what she likes.
  40. Stringtheorist

    Some live Axe-FX II for you - Rush Floyd Zeppelin

    Thanks for the feedback.
  41. Stringtheorist

    Some live Axe-FX II for you - Rush Floyd Zeppelin

    Our singer always likes to have loads of reverb. :D
  42. Stringtheorist

    Some live Axe-FX II for you - Rush Floyd Zeppelin

    Some recent performances by my band Nightshade. Axe II into Atomic 50/50 into two Zilla 2x12 cabs (backline only, no FOH):
  43. Stringtheorist

    Amp X and Y intermittent switching

    Oops. I meant 10.06. :o
  44. Stringtheorist

    Amp X and Y intermittent switching

    I don't know. I always have it plugged in.
  45. Stringtheorist

    Amp X and Y intermittent switching

    Upon switching presets, some of them intermittently call up the wrong Amp block X/Y state. For example, I save it in X but it calls up Y, etc. When this happens, I can bank up/down to the next preset and back again, and the correct state will be called up. I have not determined whether it is any...
  46. Stringtheorist

    Intermittent silence switching presets with MFC since V10

    Ugh. It happened again at my latest gig. So embarrassing when you go to play and nothing comes out. I'm just going to have to routinely test my guitar's output before each song by "scratching". So annoying!
  47. Stringtheorist


    QR (at least, their first four/five albums). Dream Theater bore me sh**less.
  48. Stringtheorist

    Intermittent silence switching presets with MFC since V10

    Also, I don't know whether it's related to this issue but sometimes I save a preset with the amp block in X state, and when I recall the preset later the Y state is called up (or vice versa). Anyone else getting this?
  49. Stringtheorist

    Intermittent silence switching presets with MFC since V10

    It happened to me at my gig on Saturday. Switched presets and started playing... No sound. Switched presets up and back again and there it was. Annoying.
  50. Stringtheorist

    Any experiences with DIY adding a piezo bridge?

    I fitted a Graphtech LB63 bridge (piezo loaded Floyd Rose trem) to my Custom Shop Strat along with Hexpander and Acousti-phonic preamps, 13-pin jack, etc. Had to do some routing to get all the electronics in. It's a great solution but a DIY job might not be for you. In fact, with hindsight I...
  51. Stringtheorist

    Continued frustration with live sound vs. home sound

    Where are your presets, Yek?
  52. Stringtheorist

    Continued frustration with live sound vs. home sound

    There's a Global EQ bypass button? Where?
  53. Stringtheorist

    Continued frustration with live sound vs. home sound

    Yek... How loud does your band play? How much tweaking do you do to your presets from the default settings? Do you modify the graphic EQ curve in the amp block at all?
  54. Stringtheorist

    Continued frustration with live sound vs. home sound

    How many of you have one set of presets for live use and another for home practice/recording? I know this subject has been beaten to death but it's a source of immense frustration for me that using my live presets for practice is no fun because they sound like ass at low volume. I'm not even...
  55. Stringtheorist

    QOTSA / Stoner Rock Preset

    Awesome! Thanks. :)
  56. Stringtheorist

    QOTSA / Stoner Rock Preset

    Anyone got a good QOTSA patch to use with V10?
  57. Stringtheorist

    Love my new Custom Stomp Labels from !

    I just bought this mixed set of labels from which includes 7 custom designs. (I supplied the artwork.) I think they look fantastic! The Wah is an old label I'm still using, as I have yet to find a good image for that.
  58. Stringtheorist

    Bought a real Wah Wah again today......

    I had a regular Mission pedal and sold it in favour of the Boss FV500, purely because I couldn't deal with constantly having to tighten the treadle with an Allan key to stop the toe dropping forward. I guess a sprung version would be the answer.
  59. Stringtheorist

    How to dial out harshness (V10)?

    Oh right, I've done that. Some folks seem to think it's necessary to load V10 firmware twice. Is it really so?
  60. Stringtheorist

    How to dial out harshness (V10)?

    What do you guys mean by "starting fresh"? I've just dialled to the next amp model in the list and back again to reset it, made a few tweaks from there. Is that sufficient?
  61. Stringtheorist

    How to dial out harshness (V10)?

    This is something to do with Axe Edit. I don't use Axe Edit or cabinet modelling.
  62. Stringtheorist

    How to dial out harshness (V10)?

    I've already performed a system reset using the front panel. What's the V10 SYSTEM RESET.sys?
  63. Stringtheorist

    Led Zep - Whole Lotta Love

    That sounds really good, although possibly a little dark. Would you care to share the patch? Or let me know which amp model you used?
  64. Stringtheorist

    How to dial out harshness (V10)?

    Great. Will do! Thanks. :
  65. Stringtheorist

    Led Zep - Whole Lotta Love

    Not a convincing one, no.
  66. Stringtheorist

    Led Zep - Whole Lotta Love

    Has anyone come up with a convincing preset for Led Zep's Whole Lotta Love (studio version)?
  67. Stringtheorist

    Presets wanted for these artists (amp/cab only)

    I would really love to get some other users' presets for the following artists to try at band rehearsal and compare with my own so I can figure out why I'm unhappy with my own results. I never have time at rehearsal to do major preset tweaking/construction. Can anyone help? Alice In Chains Iron...
  68. Stringtheorist

    How to dial out harshness (V10)?

    Out of curiosity, is there a "Bypass Advanced parameters" switch somewhere in the Axe system setup? Just wondering why none of the controls seem to do much (if anything).
  69. Stringtheorist

    How to dial out harshness (V10)?

    I tried messing with all those parameters in the Amp block and I could hear hardly any difference to the tone at all in any direction. Maybe I've already rolled off too much high now for those parameters to work. I'll start with a fresh preset later and play around with them again. Factory...
  70. Stringtheorist

    How to dial out harshness (V10)?

    Since updating to V10 I'm finding most of my presets sound harsh, even after doing a system reset and re-EQing. Knocking back the treble and upper mid frequencies in the amp's graphic EQ helps somewhat but I still don't know how best to soften the aggressive attack that seems to exist by default...
  71. Stringtheorist

    Intermittent silence switching presets with MFC since V10

    Since updating to V10 I now occasionally experience complete loss of output when changing presets with my MFC. It doesn't happen very often, and doesn't seem to occur when I switch presets with the Axe front panel. Anyone else getting this?
  72. Stringtheorist

    Loading V10 factory banks using Axe Edit

    What is the best way to load the factory banks? I tried using Axe Edit (v1.0.307) but I was suspicious when all the preset names seemed to be the same as before. Is this correct? Can anyone show me a list of what the preset names should be in case I'm recalling old factory banks somehow by mistake?
  73. Stringtheorist

    Speaker problem?

    Can anyone tell me what's likely to be causing this crackling noise around the notes? I only notice it on cleaner amp models. Axe-II is running through an Atomic 50/50 and pair of 2x12 cabs. The sound is audible through both cabs. Could I have an amp or speaker problem...
  74. Stringtheorist

    Some V10 Plexi Love. Led Zeppelin Content

    Solo tone is spot on! Care to share the preset?
  75. Stringtheorist

    Mapping Tonal Harmony

    The download link is for v4.2. Is 5.0 available for download yet? If not, can I upgrade for free later if I download 4.2?
  76. Stringtheorist

    Where can I get custom made labels for my MFC?

    Yes, Sascha, I have sent you email. Cheers!
  77. Stringtheorist

    Where can I get custom made labels for my MFC?

    I've made my own stomp labels for my MFC but the execution is a bit rough and ready. I printed them off on my home printer, laminated them and stuck the designs to some magnetic strip. They turned out OK but I'd be happy to pay to have a set made to a smarter finish as the edges are curling up...
  78. Stringtheorist

    What is the best way to use a GR-20 guitar synth with AxeFxII?

    I use a GR33, and keep the guitar and synth signals entirely separate. To mute the guitar, I tell the IA switch I am using for the synth patch to send an Amp Bypass command to the Axe.
  79. Stringtheorist

    What's wrong with my MIDI setup? (Roland Synth/MFC/Axe-II)

    But if I don't set MIDI Thru to On, no messages are sent at all.
  80. Stringtheorist

    What's wrong with my MIDI setup? (Roland Synth/MFC/Axe-II)

    I don't want to send any messages on any channels, except on 4-5 presets.
  81. Stringtheorist

    What's wrong with my MIDI setup? (Roland Synth/MFC/Axe-II)

    Thanks but I don't get it. The MIDI channel specified says 01 so how come it's sending on all channels?
  82. Stringtheorist

    What's wrong with my MIDI setup? (Roland Synth/MFC/Axe-II)

    How do I change this in the MFC?
  83. Stringtheorist

    What's wrong with my MIDI setup? (Roland Synth/MFC/Axe-II)

    Do you have any idea why unwanted PC messages are being sent to my Roland each time I change presets on my Axe? The channel numbers it is sending start at 641 for Axe preset 001, 642 for Axe preset 002, etc. Why would it be sending messages on MIDI channel 2 that I haven't programmed it to do?
  84. Stringtheorist

    What's wrong with my MIDI setup? (Roland Synth/MFC/Axe-II)

    Where did you find the info?
  85. Stringtheorist

    What's wrong with my MIDI setup? (Roland Synth/MFC/Axe-II)

    That's it... Cheers! A11=PC00, A12=PC01, etc. :)
  86. Stringtheorist

    What's wrong with my MIDI setup? (Roland Synth/MFC/Axe-II)

    OK thanks, the Roland presets are now changing but not to the right presets. #011 is selecting #041 and #012 is selecting #034. :/
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