Led Zep - Whole Lotta Love

That sounds really good, although possibly a little dark. Would you care to share the patch? Or let me know which amp model you used?

The amp model I used was the Buttery model. I've thought about revisiting it with FW10 using the Supro model. A few days ago I got shockingly close with a non-Tone Matched tweaking, but the save-bug in Axe Edit prevented me from saving the file to disk, and all was lost.
The Tone Match was done using FW8.. Patch is here: Axe-Change - Download Preset - Whole Lotta Main - by Womac911

It does sound a bit different with FW10.

Since this patch was done with my Tele and my own pickups, you may get a better match using the right channel of the track I posted above to do a TM with - Right side is the original track taken from the multitrack files.
please don't hate me :)
i have a axe fx standard (so can't tone match) with a Gibson LP or an SG standard.
could someone be kind enough to walk me through how to obtain a good whole lotta love tone (studio version)

cheers :)
Try the Plexi Treble. I used to have a pretty convincing patch....if I can locate it in my backups I will post it.
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