Intermittent silence switching presets with MFC since V10

Thats an interesting point - as I do bring presets in from saved files then tweak them , they've probably been around since v7, with tweaks on every upgrade. But funnily enough the preset that didnt have an issue was a preset I know I created from scratch - so you might be onto something - it will be easy to test by overwriting a problematic preset and rebuild it.

Thanks very much
Well I think Ive found out how the issue manifests

I send PC changes and the axe cycles up and down with no issues all amps at X value which is default, then I use a change scene - by sending a value of 127 to CC 123 or 124 to cycle up and down the scene and then when changing preset with a PC message then defaults to the Y value of the amp on all subsequent PC's
If I reset the LF+ then sync the pedal to the Axe and do not attach an I/A to the amp block X/Y then the behaviour of selecting the Y amp block stops? Do I need to set something so the IA trigger of the IA Amp XY when flipping pages on the pedal so that it defaults to X block?
I don't use scenes and my amp states keep changing. Can't pin it down to any particular preset or reason for the behaviour.
I found a work around don't assign an I/a slot to amp x/y - I swap amps with scenes for the time being until we find a solution

I think the setting up of the I/a when swapping presets doesn't set the amp block back to the default
I resolved my sound drop out issues in June, by overwriting the 2 presets that were exhibiting this behavior and building them from scratch again in v10.whatever that was out at the time. My presets that had this issue were probably created in v9 when scenes was introduced. If you don't want to destroy a preset, you could try to fix this issue by deleting your amp block, save the preset with no amp in the chain, then add the amp block back into the chain and set up the tones, gains, master volume afresh and anew. Since this is an amp block output issue, there's no need to trash your chorus, reverb, and delay settings and create more work for yourself. Just refresh the amp block so that it takes advantage of firmware 10's series.

I think you'll find that this amp zero output/switching to the Y-axis all by itself, phenomenon is happening with old patches that you've been nursing along through multiple firmware upgrades, and they just got glitched up by the jump to version 10.
I resolved my sound drop out issues in June, by overwriting the 2 presets that were exhibiting this behavior and building them from scratch again in v10.whatever that was out at the time. My presets that had this issue were probably created in v9 when scenes was introduced. If you don't want to destroy a preset, you could try to fix this issue by deleting your amp block, save the preset with no amp in the chain, then add the amp block back into the chain and set up the tones, gains, master volume afresh and anew. Since this is an amp block output issue, there's no need to trash your chorus, reverb, and delay settings and create more work for yourself. Just refresh the amp block so that it takes advantage of firmware 10's series.

I think you'll find that this amp zero output/switching to the Y-axis all by itself, phenomenon is happening with old patches that you've been nursing along through multiple firmware upgrades, and they just got glitched up by the jump to version 10.

Great... Thanks for this! I haven't been able to tie it down to any specific presets yet but when it happens again I'll just make a mental note of which presets it happens with and I'll edit as you suggest. I use global amps for all my presets so it won't take a minute.
I just did a test again the other day. I updated to FW10.11, to 3.1.3 on the Liquid Foot + 12 +. Axe Edit was not running and I ensured the process was closed via Task Manager.

I deleted all banks on the Axe FX reset it. Loaded up the latest Banks A, B and C and then used Autoload on the Liquid foot which had been reset to defaults to learn all presets. The same X/Y behaviour was seen on some presets when setting one I/A as Amp X/Y. Resetting the amp would bring back sound, save, but then as soon as you move from that preset and then re select it as before with a foot controller the silence returns. In all presets that did this the X/Y state of the I/A differed to those that were working. Changing this on the foot controller editor and then syncing to the Foot controller solved this.

One of the affected presets was 026 CA3+ Clean.

However when using autoload without an I/A set for Amp X/Y there was no issue as there is nothing then in the foot controller to trigger a preset going to Y.
I have the same issue when assigning an I/a to the amp x/y on the LF+jr+ with automatic syncing

If I do not assign an I/a to the amp block x/y then I do not have the issue

It must trigger something when you switch pages when the LF+ checks the state of amp block in the preset to set the I/a state?

My work around is to not assign an I/a to the LF+ as I don't use the amp x/y at the moment
Do I understand correctly that the above is a LF issue?

Yek, I did contact FAMC a while ago about this and they don't believe that it is. Also the thread has MFC users experiencing the same thing.

I have only experienced this with Stock presets when using Autoload and with an I/A assigned as X/Y. The other day I only did this to see if similar results to what I saw before happened. I plan on not using any presets and setting most things up manually.

Also this only happens on some presets not all.

It would be interesting to see what results Mastermind GT users have using autoload with factory presets to see if there is a difference there. Or perhaps with Gordius if it has an autoload feature.
I assigned an Amp 1 XY switch on my MFC, and loaded factory preset bank A.
Tried preset 026. So far no problem.
I assigned an Amp 1 XY switch on my MFC, and loaded factory preset bank A.
Tried preset 026. So far no problem.

Interesting, possibly some sort of Sync issue between the two different boxes. Anyway, I don't think it is such a big problem in any case as it is tweakable and avoidable.
I still have the same problem. Just happened Sunday in church On preset 10, my chorus preset I switch to preset 4, my lead preset and then back to 10, i have silence. I use the MFC 101 for switching. And it doesn't do this all the time, but at least once during a session whether I go up in banks and come back or stay in the same bank.
I still have the same problem. Just happened Sunday in church On preset 10, my chorus preset I switch to preset 4, my lead preset and then back to 10, i have silence. I use the MFC 101 for switching. And it doesn't do this all the time, but at least once during a session whether I go up in banks and come back or stay in the same bank.

If it happens during a time where you can evaluate things do the following: go into the layout menu and bypass each block one at a time until the sound comes back. Then check the X/Y state of that block.
Do you think if I upload the 2 presets it seems to be happening on, someone can download them and try to troubleshoot them? One is a preset I made and the other is one called Southern Roads I downloaded.
Hi Cliff, I think I can replicate this error as it was happening frequently the week before last, until I deleted the AMP X/Y I/A switch on the midi controller, as I still have one or two presets I havent rebuilt since discovering the error, so I'll assign an I/A the LF+JR+ for the AMp X/Y again, and cycle through the presets until I get the error, and I'll let you know the intended X/Y state, and the actual X/Y state. But I can't do it until I'm home this weekend.
Hi Cliff I tried to replicate the issue.

I am running FW 10.11 on AXE and FW 3.13 on the LF+JR+

So I reset my LF+JR+ and auto synced the LF+ with the AXE ans assigned just 2 I/A's one to drive block 1 and one to amp x/y

I then cycled through the presets and got to my Kurtish preset which I only just setup today (so not a patch from a historical firmware) and I overwrote a default factory preset, so with a brand new preset from scratch I was surprised it happened on this one, I switched through the presets using the preset up function to increment by 1 to swap through my presets, and the axe swtiches into this preset with the amp set to Y, which is not the saved default amp position of X USA Clean.

So I went to the layout on the preset, and only the AMP 1 block is at its Y value.

The other blocks are at the default saved position of X.

I attach the preset here.

View attachment Kurtish.syx

The LF+JR+ backup is available on request as i cant upload the 300kB syx file - I backed up the LF+ as soon as the issue occurred.

I also deleted the amp and saved the preset, then added back the same amp block 1 - same issue occurred

I changed the amp type saved, then put back to USA Clean, and stored, and then swapped to the preset from the LF+ and back and again it defaulted to Y not X as stored.

Strange - hope this info helps
Rewddog, you will probably see in the LF editor that the X/Y state is not set as you expect. If you change it in the editor and sync to the LF the problem goes away. I don't think it is the presets. I think something is not syncing correctly during autoload.
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