Some V10 Plexi Love. Led Zeppelin Content


Power User
I absolutely cannot get enough of the plexi tones from V10. Honestly, I haven't spent more the 5 seconds on any other sim. The Plexi's just sound ridiculous.

Anyway, for the rhythm I was not trying to copy the Led Zeppelin tone, just get a nice plexi kerrang tone. I realize jimmy page used something like a mic preamp and two digital compressors to get his tone for that song on the album.

For the solo however, I was trying to copy his tone with the heavy reverb and flange before the distortion in the chain.

I am playing to a backing track from The guitar is all Axe FX II except during the solo when the background rhythm guitar is from the backing track.

So here it is. Sloppy solo and all

Solo patch here
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That is one of the all-time greatest solos ever, and I've never heard anyone come close to nailing it. Until just now! Awesome!
That track was great man.

I had largely ignored the Plexi pre-10. I jammed tonight with some friends, spent the entire evening on a Plexi/Plexi Bright patch and just flipped between the two amps using scenes. Big, stupid, happy grin on my face the whole time.
Thanks for the kind words.

Will post the presets shortly.

The rhythm preset is really nothing more then the Plexi Treble preset from the V10 Presets with the treble set to 7.05 and the drive dropped to 4.28

Solo preset changes are a bit bigger ;)
when you hear someone doing something wonderful with the axe like this its hard to believe people out there are having problems, dont like the tones out of the axe! This was awesome dude!
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