Some V10 Plexi Love. Led Zeppelin Content

Jeez, if I heard that track on the radio, I wouldn't have given it a 2nd thought. Absolutely dead on sound and playing. Tremendous job!!! Looking forward to the presets.
Great job. Man, I am in the Plexi camp as well. It is the sound of ROCK!!! Instant VH, Zep etc..... The calluses on my fingers are all shredded from playing.... LOL....
Funny thing is the Plexi tones prior to version 10 were out of this world. I didn't realize they could get better.

Hell the plexi tones on the Ultra and Standard were fantastic.

I wonder if truly the difference we are hearing on the version 10 plexi is the vintage plexi Cliff picked up. If I remember correctly he had the reissue, blew the transformer on it, then got a classic and said it sounded much better.

Anyway, I am running out of adjectives.
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