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  • Users: Rane
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  1. Rane

    Front vs. Back Instrument Input

    I love this about the III. I have a rack breakout panel, and with the Axe II I had to route the cable from behind the rack panel back through to the front of the Axe. I'm looking forward to being able to keep all the cables cleanly in the back of the rack.
  2. Rane

    Cliff, can you get RJM the Midi spec he needs?

    Not sysex, though. The tuner stuff and pedal states I don't think can be done manually.
  3. Rane

    Cliff, can you get RJM the Midi spec he needs?

    lol I think as far as Fractal is concerned, they're both one and the same. RJM sounds like they'll be on top of it... hopefully FAMC is as well. :)
  4. Rane

    Cliff, can you get RJM the Midi spec he needs?

    Interesting. That does explain a bit. I had noticed that FAMC seems to have had issues occasionally (just from seeing posts about it). That said, I've never had any problem getting in touch with support, and they've always been helpful.
  5. Rane

    FAMC Liquid foot ?

    I LOVE my Liquid Foot+ 12 (no lcd's). It's the perfect form factor for my needs. I'm really hoping they release a firmware update with III sysex support, but I honestly wouldn't hold my breath for it any time soon (though, Jeff from FMAC has said he'll look into it). That said, the Liquid...
  6. Rane

    Hooking up external preamp

    Just as you said. Plug the Axe’s output into the pre’s line in, then into the interface. I assume the speaker is powered? If so, just plug your preamp output into it.
  7. Rane

    Cliff, can you get RJM the Midi spec he needs?

    That X-Series is quite the phantom. I haven't even been able to find so much as a picture of one. o_O
  8. Rane

    Post Your Axe-Fx III Rigs Here!

    Yeah, it's a pretty cool little pedal. I usually attach it to the amp gain modifier. It's actually not continuous. It's got an LED that varies in intensity to show the roller's position. It's not super accurate, but you kinda' get a feel for where the wheel is anyway. I usually keep the...
  9. Rane

    Cliff, can you get RJM the Midi spec he needs?

    Don't forget the Liquid Foot! I'm anxious for Jeff over at FAMC to get those midi specs too. :D
  10. Rane

    Post Your Axe-Fx III Rigs Here!

    I just finished reworking my power conditioner/breakout panel in anticipation of the Axe III. I'm also purchasing a 4u SKB Roto rack to go along with it. Here's what I've got so far: I'm hoping the Liquid Foot will get an update soon to handle the III's new sysex features. I emailed FAMC...
  11. Rane

    Light bulbs....

    That's funny, I'm the opposite. The 2700K stuff makes me feel sorta' depressed. I have 5000K bulbs... big bright ones. I like it to feel like 12 noon in the middle of summer no matter what time/season it actually is. lol
  12. Rane

    FRFR: I Admit I Prefer It

    I disagree with the assertion that an open back 1x12 isn't very direction. My primary cab before the Axe II was an open back 1x12. It's the first thing that comes to mind when I think of annoying, directional guitar cabs. That said, I'm not saying that I entirely dislike playing a real guitar...
  13. Rane

    FRFR: I Admit I Prefer It

    I totally agree. There are some really annoying characteristics of a real guitar cab. I particularly hate how much it changes depending on where you stand relative to the cab. Right in front: too shrill. Too far off center: muffled.
  14. Rane

    I wish we could get them in the UK!

    Very interesting. Thanks guys! Couple that with extended international shipping times, and tracking issues. I guess it's easy to see why Fractal uses 3rd party retailers.
  15. Rane

    I wish we could get them in the UK!

    Everyone talks about doing the math, but I've yet to see anyone actually do it. Like, I'm seriously curious to see what the breakdown would be. I'd do it myself, but I got lost Googling the different charges/rates and couldn't figure it out.
  16. Rane

    ok, i know this is crazy...but..

    I have a Furman Power Conditioner that I noticed had a ton of free space inside... It's now a breakout panel/usb hub/midi phantom power/power conditioner. Of course, it was only a $50 unit, and I can always just buy a blank rack panel if I ever decide I want to undo my work. Drilling holes in...
  17. Rane

    Just got my Axe FX II XL+ and it ain't good

    Congrats on your repair! It's always nice when it's not something too complicated. I did get super nervous when I saw those needle-nose pliers, though. I've used those before for that purpose (on a guitar actually). I quickly learned that the proper tool is always worth another trip to the...
  18. Rane

    ok, i know this is crazy...but..

    ...and there's enough space for the other pedal's PCB, you might be able to do it. However, it would be sacrilege and oh so, so ugly. The missing LED's and switches would be bad enough, but a power cable being routed through one of them? *shudder* We won't even bother to mention resale value.
  19. Rane

    What do you use for virtual instruments?

    EZ Drummer is amazing for sequencing beats if you're not super familiar with drums. I also recently got BFD3, which I am really enjoying. I use EZ Drummer for quick ideas, and BFD3 for the final sound/mixing. Superior Drummer would probably play nicer with EZ Drummer, but I really wanted...
  20. Rane

    Holy moly, that was LOUD

    Dang! I have DXR’s as well. I’ve never had my rig turned up that loud. I’m paranoid about volume, though. I have slight tinitus from loud tube amps. I hadn’t been playing very long when the ringing started, so I caught it early and boy am I careful now. I wear IEMs on stage and ear plugs...
  21. Rane

    Finally tried a Nutube amp

    Really interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing how this tech develops.
  22. Rane

    III vs XL+: Please give me your advice.

    Man, the Ax8 sounds like exactly what you need. Get one used and wait for the III to finish it’s initial release. If you feel the need to upgrade, you can sell it for just as much as you bought it.
  23. Rane

    Is FAS prepared for high demand at launch?

    I was one of those who got one in my cart for a few seconds, but wasn't able to check out fast enough. lol It worked out, though. I got on the wait-list relatively early and my name came up soon enough. Hopefully things work out similarly this time around as well. :)
  24. Rane

    Anybody else getting tempted to sell for an AxeFx2?

    You’re not wrong, but it’s weird to evaluate the cost of a piece of gear based on what you “need” to buy with it. Like, “I’m going to buy a new guitar that costs $4000. The guitar is $2000. After cables and a new amp, it’s $4000.” Confusing. As for me, my current midi pedal should be more...
  25. Rane

    How Long Until III’s Amp Modeling Definitively Surpasses the II?

    I heard the beta testers were having an issue with that one ripping a hole in space-time. Glad to hear Fractal got it sorted.
  26. Rane

    How Long Until III’s Amp Modeling Definitively Surpasses the II?

    Yes, but then one begins to wonder when it will transcendentally surpass the II.
  27. Rane

    Which Rack mount Mixer?

    Another for the X32 here. There’s just nothing that even comes close as far as features in a rack format. It’s really a remarkable unit. I wish they’d make a Midas version.
  28. Rane

    How Long Until III’s Amp Modeling Definitively Surpasses the II?

    From what I’ve read so far, the III will allow the current algorithms to be run more optimally, thus potentially providing an inherent improvement in the amp sims. It also looks like modeling improvements will continue to be ported to the II and AX8. All good news. However, I can’t help but...
  29. Rane

    Why no PayPal?

    I'm surprised that no one is suggesting applying for a Paypal card. I never use my bank card for anything. I can use my Paypal card whether a seller "accepts" Paypal or not.
  30. Rane

    The Honeymoon is Over...

    I sold my Axe-Fx II last week. I never thought I would do that, actually. I was on the wait-list in 2011 only 2 hours after it was posted, and had the amazing privilege of hearing the modeling evolve over the years. Early on, the improvements were dramatic. These days, I can't say I am...
  31. Rane

    Is it me or is the Axe fx 3 aesthetically unpleasing?

    Actually, yeah, my first thought was that I didn't like the look of it all that much. That said, I didn't hesitate a single second in clicking that wait-list button. I think I just prefer the look of a 2u unit, but 3u makes a ton of sense, and I'm already looking forward to the bigger screen...
  32. Rane

    Fixed 48k Sample Rate Impedes Recording Studio Integrations

    Wow, this is the most informed posted I have ever read on the subject. I had wondered if it was a hardware restraint. It makes a lot more sense now why Fractal would be resistant to using multiple sample rates, both because of additional cost and potential compromises in quality. The sample...
  33. Rane

    Nanoscientists Create ‘molecular’ Tube Emulator

    I don't think the circuit itself is the size of a diode, but it does act like a diode clipping stage would in a circuit. He has two form factors; the sim card, and another one that looks like an old metal transistor. From their website: lol :laughing:
  34. Rane

    Nanoscientists Create ‘molecular’ Tube Emulator

    I just got a response back from them. The chip is used just like a diode clipping circuit. Very basic. Honestly, I don't think this is a tube emulation at all, but rather an interesting new clipping method. What was mentioned earlier about the complexity of emulating not just a tube but...
  35. Rane

    Is Fractal Gear Expensive? It's a Matter of Perspective

    I first saw the Axe-Fx back in 2010. I saw a bunch of people raving about it on a forum. Had just sold my junky Link 6 Pod Pro rig and upgraded to a Mesa Rectifier that I really liked. I almost fell out of my chair when I saw the price. Swore I would never buy something that expensive...
  36. Rane

    Nanoscientists Create ‘molecular’ Tube Emulator

    Yeah, I'd really like to hear it, but $400 is a bit steep. Especially since I don't even use pedals. They sold out their stock, so hopefully we'll hear some reviews/opinions in the coming weeks.
  37. Rane

    Nanoscientists Create ‘molecular’ Tube Emulator

    My initial thought was that this was a transistor or op-amp alternative, but after taking a closer look, it seems that it's being used more like a diode clipping stage. I just emailed them. They seem to be open to selling just the "Nanolog" component. Not sure if they'll sell it to just some...
  38. Rane

    Nanoscientists Create ‘molecular’ Tube Emulator

    Yeah, I was just thinking that a tube mic with one of these would be awesome. One billionth of a standard-issue scientist, to be exact. Can also refer the education level of the scientist. The later usage is all but nonexistent due to the prevalence of more popular and descriptive words...
  39. Rane

    Nanoscientists Create ‘molecular’ Tube Emulator

    Not sure what to think of this. It sounds like a really cool idea, but I sorta' doubt - especially at this early stage - that it will provide a meaningful emulation of a serious modeling or tube rig. Right now they only have an overdrive and fuzz pedal. It looks like they offer the...
  40. Rane

    Piezo on Les Paul, Acoustic guitar sound

    Maybe try out this acoustic guitar body IR? I have a piezo in my guitar too. Ultimately, no matter what you do, it's probably still gonna' sound like an electric with a piezo (my experience, anyway). It won't fool...
  41. Rane

    Question About Real Cabs

    So I know the most versatile/ideal way to run the Axe is FRFR, but this doesn't quite give the full 3D 'amp in the room experience' for those who really want that. I know we're all kinda' biased here, but how accurately does the Axe through a power amp and real cab mimic a tube amp's sound...
  42. Rane

    DAW with best Included Plugins?

    Yeah, I looked into Studio One 3. I loved the demo I downloaded. Very easy workflow. My favorite feature was the way you could have a track list on one monitor and quickly highlight tracks without having to scroll through stuff. I think Logic just has a little more in terms of included...
  43. Rane

    DAW with best Included Plugins?

    So, I went with Logic X. :) Ableton's a great live/creative tool (I do have the Suite version), but I can't stand the way it requires that you go into session mode in order to do recording takes. There's no way to get it to automatically loop the takes without a work-around, so you're stuck...
  44. Rane

    DAW with best Included Plugins?

    Hey guys! I've got about $300 for a new DAW. I don't have a big collection of plugins, so I want something that has a good compressors, eq, reverb, delay... etc. I've already got Ableton Live Suite, EZ Drummer 2, and Melodyne. I'm thinking Cubase Artist 8, Logic Pro X, or maybe Studio One...
  45. Rane

    IGNORE , ...... priceless

    I like to use it for the occasional troll, which at this point is a grand total of two. You can still see the posts and read them if you wish. If nothing else, it serves as a nice "this post isn't worth reading" tag. You may have a good point when it comes to my Facebook account though. I...
  46. Rane

    You know your amp is too big when...

    You can't do a solo gig because you need help moving the gear. You're 20 and already showing signs of back and knee problems. You quit working out because your amp more than compensates. A truck and trailer are now an integral part of your rig. You find yourself saying "what?" a...
  47. Rane

    Fx Loop Noise

    I've got an early Mark 1 Axe II (I got it on firmware 1.xx, if memory serves), and I have trouble with using the fx loop. Seems like everything I put in there is just a bit noisy. I even jumpered the loop straight across and had the same issue. Not buzz, or hum, just floor noise. I seem to...
  48. Rane

    Web Site Redesign

    Exactly, no point in doing all your SEO just to have something silly like styling impeding your results.
  49. Rane

    Web Site Redesign

    Yeah, unfortunately Google doesn't see it that way. Responsive is different than sites that have a "mobile version," though. They're not actually simplified, they just readjust the menus and navigation as the page gets smaller. Even just resizing your desktop window will change the way the...
  50. Rane

    Web Site Redesign

    I noticed that the new design isn't responsive (not mobile friendly). Google is updating their SEO algorithms on April 21 to account for mobile, so you guys might want to look into that. Not having a mobile friendly design can affect you standing in the searches with the new algorithms...
  51. Rane

    A new era begins: Building a patch panel. Ordering list for parts included!

    How about turning your power condition INTO a breakout panel?
  52. Rane

    Docking Station... Crazy?

    The issue with this idea is the collective resistance from all the plugs would make it very difficult to force the Axe-Fx into the "dock." It would probably have to have a special all-in-on connector for it to really work. A better solution might be to have a breakout cable with an Elco...
  53. Rane

    BJ Devices TB-12 Review

    What? How did I miss this thread?! Same here. I have a modded FCB1010 Uno, and it always feels just a little bit constraining, however the price of entry for a MFC101 just isn't justifiable for me. This looks like a really nice solution. I might have to start saving my $s. :)
  54. Rane

    JamHub opinions?

    If I'm using the X32 as the main mixer, I just give the FOH a mix left an right (or just a mono) and mix from an iPad. Eventually, I would still like to get a splitter snake, but for most of what I do, it's good enough (or better) to do it that way.
  55. Rane

    JamHub opinions?

    I almost went the JamHub route. What turned me off was some reviews I read about the floor noise being fairly high. I didn't want to put $500 into something that was going to be noisy. I ended up getting a Behringer X32 rack with a 6 channel headphone amp (Rane HC6S). The band members can...
  56. Rane

    Poll: Most recognisable amp sound

    To me the Marshall is the most iconic. I don't even like Marshalls that much, but there's such a distinct image and tone associated with them. The AC30 is second to me. While probably equally distinct in the guitar world, the Marshall's just far more iconic (IMO). I do love Rectifiers (and...
  57. Rane

    The $1.99 silent Axe-FX fan DIY fan mod

    I wonder if those silicone wristbands that kids always wear might work for this purpose?
  58. Rane

    I get feedback when I stop playing on some of my rhythm patches???

    I used to run waaay too much gain. I also used to like way too bright of a tone. Also struggled with stuff squealing nastily. I downloaded an Ola Englund patch once and was shocked by how little gain there was and how dark it sounded. I forced myself to make a new patch but used Ola's gain...
  59. Rane


    This is really cool, but I don't think relevant to any of the digital technologies. I'm sure it'll make it's way into some cool tube preamp pedals and analog synths, but I certainly don't want one in my Axe Fx, nor are you going to see one in a Virus synth.
  60. Rane

    Lincoln Brewster's Miraculum

    I went a Hillsong concert at the LA Forum (Laker's old stadium), they had all the concession stands open, including the bar. It was pretty funny. 17,000 people in the stadium and the bar was a ghost town.
  61. Rane

    Need a tons of advice, I've hit a major plateau!!!!

    Might some of it just be the now unfamiliar pressure of playing in public? I know, for me, if I even think anybody might be listening, I start sucking. Usually it's just new situations that I have to readjust to. I started recording again lately and just hitting the record button on my DAW...
  62. Rane

    Read me if you like In Ears!

    You could plug into the headphone out if all you want to hear is the Axe. If you want to have a full stage mix, however, you'll need some kind of mix send from your FOH mixer to a headphone amp.
  63. Rane

    Axe-edit doesn't work with brand new unit

    Welcome to life. In just the past two months, I've had so many different new-gear issues. I had a Behringer X32 with a dead screen, a replacement X32 with a poorly seated USB card that didn't work initially, a P16 monitor that had to go back because of a hiss issue, an XLR rack panel that...
  64. Rane

    Rocksmith for practicing?

    The 2014 version is the way to go. I had my doubts about it, but after reading the reviews, I had to try it. It recognizes errors very well and is fun to play. By default, it tries to 'teach' you songs by slowly adding notes, but that drives me crazy, and I don't think is an effective method...
  65. Rane

    Question About Making Humbuster Cables

    Cool, thanks guys. I just put a zip-tie on the one end. I'm using the effects loop to use the Axe as an insert effect for vocals. Even with a balanced input and the humbuster out, it still adds a bit of hiss to the signal. I can't seem to get rid of it. Any ideas? I'm using a Mark I Axe II.
  66. Rane

    Question About Making Humbuster Cables

    Am I correct in assuming that putting a jumper between the ring and the sleeve on one end of a stereo cable would be the same as making TRS to TS Humbuster cable? Thanks!
  67. Rane

    Noise problem solved: Stay Away From These Guitar Cables

    Amphenol makes nice connectors.
  68. Rane

    Noise problem solved: Stay Away From These Guitar Cables

    Love Redco. I just did fairly large order from them and Mouser for a breakout panel for my X32 Rack. Their metal boot "Redco-FX3" XLR connectors are amazing and only cost $2.50 a piece.
  69. Rane

    Noise problem solved: Stay Away From These Guitar Cables

    I was having some noise issues a while back, so I switched out a cable of unknown origin with a Mogami. Cut the noise in half. It's one thing to hear people say that some cables are better than others, but it certainly is an eye opener when you finally hear the difference for yourself.
  70. Rane

    How loud you play?

    I have very mild tinnitus. Not sure when I got it, but I figure some time after I started playing through tube amps. It's been a good thing actually, as I'm now paranoid about protecting my hearing. I wear ear plugs all the time, and use IEMs when I'm on stage. I love the Axe for it's...
  71. Rane


    Mine looked more like: Axe fx II - $2200 FCB 1010 controller - $150 4u Rack - $85 Yamaha DXR powered speaker - $550 Cables - $100 Total - $3085 It really all comes down to your own need/wants/budget. I think Mastermind makes a controller for $1800, but I get by just fine with my $150...
  72. Rane

    Cliff, please DON'T model this pedal!

    LOL. That's hilarious. Goes to show how culture affects everything.
  73. Rane

    1964 Ears Claims Safer & Louder IEMs

    Has anyone seen the new ADEL stuff 1964 Ears is coming out with? They claim to have eliminated pneumatic pressure so that the earphones can be louder without risking damage. Almost sounds too good to be true to me. Anyone ever heard of technology like this before?
  74. Rane

    does anyone else get ticked off with those players

    Pretty much every guitarist I know is a tube/analog guy. They're always trying to get me to go back to "real" amps (despite admitting that the Axe sounds good). One of them had me play through his Marshall stack once. He's standing there proudly commenting on how good it sounds, meanwhile...
  75. Rane

    Pick Two Factory Cabs to Replace

    +1 I don't care what get's replaced, just as long as it's available elsewhere.
  76. Rane

    Read me if you like In Ears!

    Nice! I was looking for an alternative to the IXM, but I couldn't find a decent belt-clip and housing combination aside from the Behringer P1 (which is a battery powered headphone amp). That Fischer Mini DI-Box looks like a great solution. How did you do the cable? Is it just a two pair...
  77. Rane

    Mackie DL32R 32 input rackmount iPad mixer

    It's almost uncomfortable to think of Behringer as an innovator. They've been the junk knock-off guys for so long.
  78. Rane

    Read me if you like In Ears!

    No mixing goes on inside the belt pack. It's just a junction/breakout box with a passive attenuator for the headphone out. The idea is to consolidate your guitar and headphone cables so you only have to worry about one cable instead of two.
  79. Rane

    Mackie DL32R 32 input rackmount iPad mixer

    One of the X32's biggest advantages is expandability. Devices like the P16 monitors, stage boxes, and even the upcoming X-Touch controller, present an ecosystem of well-integrated options that make the X32 very hard to beat. The Mackie is, unfortunately, already way behind in features, and...
  80. Rane

    Read me if you like In Ears!

    I use this: Jump Audio IXM It's basically a mini snake that caries your guitar and headphone signal together. The body pack just clips on your belt.
  81. Rane

    Cool New Toy For Mixing

    The behringer X-Touch looks like it could be interesting as well (and for a lot less money). Looks like it might also work as an X32 remote. Behringer X-Touch
  82. Rane

    Proposed Axe Rig Trade for my Tube Rig Gear - looking for guidance

    Actually, if you can get a used Axe-Fx II for about $2000, even for the Mark I, that's not too far above the going rate everywhere (probably about on par if it's a Mark II). They go for even more when the Fractal store is out of stock. I never owned an Ultra, but I felt the modeling in the...
  83. Rane

    Proposed Axe Rig Trade for my Tube Rig Gear - looking for guidance

    Your pedalboard is not included in that trade, is it? Do you really want to lose your guitar cab? It sound like the Axe rig needs a cab to go with the GT800 power amp (It's not a FRFR setup?). Also, do you really want an Ultra? There really is a big difference between the modeling in...
  84. Rane

    Mark I value?

    When they're not in stock, they sell used for about $2200
  85. Rane

    FX8 Update

    A well-designed, low noise device is absolutely a selling point. In layman's terms it's called "no tone-suck." Getting all technical about whether or not there actually is a noise floor is arguing against a point that wasn't made to begin with.
  86. Rane

    My First Home Recording In Years!! PLEASE LISTEN AND COMMENT

    Dang! I like you voice better than the Coldplay guy.
  87. Rane

    Read me if you like In Ears!

    Same here. Loving them so far!
  88. Rane

    Disappointed in the user interface

    Another member's rendering from an old thread: I think physical design limitations would make encoder placement under the screen difficult without some very custom parts. To be used as true amp controls, these would also need LED position indicators, which would further crowd the screen...
  89. Rane

    Disappointed in the user interface

    I love the Axe's interface. I personally found it very intuitive out of the box. I rarely touch Axe-Edit. It would be cool to have a few more physical knobs under the screen, but I think the logic behind not doing that is fairly straight-forward: there's not enough room without sacrificing...
  90. Rane

    Will An Unused Y Split Affect Signal?

    I have a rack mixing rig that's setup with XLR panels to interface with the mixer. On some gigs, I'd like to be able to connect an external snake (instead of using the XLR panels) without having to disconnect anything in the rack. My thinking is that I could mount one of these (an Elco...
  91. Rane

    Sound engineer has issues with AXE--suggestions?

    Do be sure to give us an update on how this gig turns out. I'm curious to see if he ends up liking the Axe, or keeps his bad attitude.
  92. Rane

    Vocal Advice - New Band Wants Me to "Belt it"

    Thanks, everyone, for the advice. I went ahead and bought the CD's Barhrecords recommended. I'm liking them so far. As far as the band goes, they're not gonna' change how they do things anytime soon, so I'm just gonna' keep practicing and roll with it for now.
  93. Rane

    Sound engineer has issues with AXE--suggestions?

    Ask him if he's seen those new phones they have now that don't need wires to work. Also, a man has been to space... and the earth is not flat.
  94. Rane

    Vocal Advice - New Band Wants Me to "Belt it"

    I just started practicing with the band at my church as a backup vocalist. I've never done harmonies before - I'm really trying to expand my skill-set - so this is all new territory for me. My issue is that they don't give me the songs to practice before-hand. They all have about 20-30 years...
  95. Rane

    Why Fractal users are rabid about their AxeFxs...the Tesla analogy

    I love the electric car idea, I really do, but I always kinda' laugh when people suggest that it's a "clean energy" idea. I think someone forgot that we get our electricity from burning coal:
  96. Rane

    What made you pull the trigger on the Axe?

    I first heard about the Ultra on a thread about modelers. I was like "What's an Axe-Fx?" I looked it up and almost fell out of my chair when I saw how expensive it was (Line 6 being my reference for modeler pricing). My thinking at the time was "why would I pay that much for something that...
  97. Rane

    Tap tempo in Axe fx not very accurate?

    Same here. This definitely explains why it seems not to always respond like I think it should.
  98. Rane

    Bedroom rehearsal idea...

    That is -exactly- the rig that I'm wanting to setup. Both the X32 Rack and Presonus HP60 are on my "saving for" list. :)
  99. Rane

    Best DAW to control AxeFX live AND be able to have setlist function

    +1 For Ableton Live 9 You can have as much or as little control over you set as you want. Everything can be automated (scene changes, patch changes, even volume and wah controls). The session mode makes things pretty organized, allowing you to have each song organized in scenes (looks kinda'...
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