Axe-edit doesn't work with brand new unit

Greg F

New Member
First, let me say that I am appalled that a company that sells such sophisticated equipment is too cheap to have a tech support team on staff to support those of us that aren't computer geniuses and might need a little help getting thru some issues by phone, instead of spending countless hours surfing around for answers. Shame on Fractal. I just received my fxii and mfc last week and so far, the experience is a disappointment. I loaded the axe-edit software onto my windows pc and when I try to lauunch the edit program, it tells me that I need to update to firmware version 17, but then, it's supposedly already loaded with that version. And afterall, it IS brand new! Ive exhausted my efforts on-line and there is no one to call. I'm disgusted with this unit and about ready to send it back and look into something I can get 'real" support with .
You call that prompt? I've wasted a day on this so far. A one hour phone call could have had me up and running. Companies like this disgust me
I'm a musician...not a computer genius

Everyone has had an issue or two from time to time - that is natural with a product that is owned by thousands of musicians. Fractal has been FANTASTIC with response time. I even get responses on Sunday. I understand you are upset and sorry for your experience. Take a deep breath and just contact support. they will sort you out right away. You don't need to be a computer geek to e-mail support it is very straightforward. Hope you get this sorted out so that you can continue to use the Axe in its full glory with a working editor.

Case in point: Do you own an iLok? its a key that you need in order to run Pro Tools and other 3rd party plugins... well iLok which there are probably millions of units out there has NO CUSTOMER SERVICE WHATSOEVER!!! when you key breaks you are literally screwed you cannot run Pro Tools. and there is NO ONE to contact. you have to email their tech support and it takes days to get a reply. Fractal is super responsive. give the Fractal team and your unit a chance... you will only lose out by returning your unit bc of a non working editor that is probably not working bc of your computer.
I try to lauunch the edit program, it tells me that I need to update to firmware version 17, but then, it's supposedly already loaded with that version. And afterall, it IS brand new! Ive exhausted my efforts on-line and there is no one to call. I'm disgusted with this unit and about ready to send it back and look into something I can get 'real" support with .
You don't need Axe-edit to use your brand new Axe Fx2 . As a musician , I spent my first day after reciving the Axe playing all the presets , and do some first tweekings. As you know now , firmware 17 went out last week , or you expect that stock brand new units should be loaded with fw17? Nobody open the boxes to upgrade firmware , who makes that? If you don't want to upgrade to fw17 , download an older version of Axe-edit and go with that . Otherwise , get Fractal Bot and upload the Firmware. You don't need to be a computer genius to read the posts on the forum or watch the multiple vids on youtube. You know NOTHING about Fractal's service and support , you made a hell of an entrance here . You don't have a MUSICIAN attitude man !!!!
You call that prompt? I've wasted a day on this so far. A one hour phone call could have had me up and running. Companies like this disgust me
yup... this will definately speed up getting your issue resolved.
Welcome to life. In just the past two months, I've had so many different new-gear issues. I had a Behringer X32 with a dead screen, a replacement X32 with a poorly seated USB card that didn't work initially, a P16 monitor that had to go back because of a hiss issue, an XLR rack panel that showed up with incorrectly spaced holes, a network router with bad ethernet jack, and continued network problems even after replacing it.

Sounds like bad luck, but the reality of life is that utopia doesn't exist. Everyone does the best they can to make things perfect, but anyone who's ever done anything worthwhile should know that sometimes you gotta' put in a little work and few second or tenth attempts before things work out.

Also, try downloading FractalBot, the latest Axe firmware and installing (or reinstalling) firmware 17. :)
Scroll through the presets, get familiar with the front panel until you can get axe edit working, sure it's something simple.
I agree with svl. Please send everything back to the company you are appalled by. I'm sure someone will be more than willing to buy them and enjoy them.

Good luck finding something you can get "real" support with.
To assist you with your troubleshooting, please review these steps first.
First step in troubleshooting
Apparently you have downloaded a new version of Axe-Edit that doesn't support your AFX Firmware version.
Try powering up your AFX and review what version of Firmware you have.
If you review the page Axe-Edit Software, you will find a link to older versions of the software that will work with your firmware version.

But before you do... you will want to upgrade the Firmware.
Get Fractalbot, READ THE DOCUMENTATION, then download Firmware 17 and update the Axe-FX unit.
A brief video review.. Updating your AFX with Fractalbot
Start up Axe-Edit. You should be good to go.
Be sure to review the documentation that Fractal Audio provides as well as unofficial docs provided in the Axe-FX II Wiki.
Most of the time the problem is user error and lack of time spent reading documentation as opposed to actual problems with the unit.
That should help stop a lot of wasted time for all of us.
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Greg! Don't give up, just take it slow and download the fractal bot .. read the very very short and clear instruction on how to update the firmware,
and I am sure everything will solve very easy for you. The level of support given by fractal and the community is second to none!


Go to the homepage, click on support
download the firmware to your unit.

go to the directory you saved it to, and unpack the archive to your desktop (just so it will be easier to find it later)
download fractal bot, install it.

unplug your MFC 101 (if you have one)
start fractal bot,
select your unit from the drop down box
make sure you are on the "send" tab (in the top of the bot)
click on browse :
got to your unpacked directory, select the firmware file you just unpacked for example :(axefx2_17p00.syx)
click on the send button ..
wait a couple of minutes until the display on your unit says it is time to do a power cycle ..
shut down .. wait 5 sec .. restart ..
and bammm!!!


you'll be in business in no time

hope this help

You call that prompt? I've wasted a day on this so far. A one hour phone call could have had me up and running. Companies like this disgust me

I can only see things working out just fine here. :encouragement:
wow....i don't even know how to respond to such a ridiculous reaction. seriously, if you're so disgusted and appalled send the damn thing back and save everyone a lot of trouble, because it's painfully obvious that you are one of those people who will never be happy, no matter what. so just send it back. if your first posts are any indication of your typical attitude and way of doing things it's going to be tough for you to find help anywhere.
Hey Greg,

If you live in today's world and don't have at least some cursory comfort around computers you are in pretty big trouble. The knee jerk reaction that its a computer and therefore I can't figure it out is just not going to cut it. You will spend your life on support calls if you don't at least get comfortable with the first tier stuff. It is not difficult. Learning to plug in a USB cable is just like plugging a power plug into a wall. It is shaped so that it can only go in the right place. Learning to install Fractal updates is also incredibly easy. And if you are going to call them every time they release an update you are going to be very unhappy with the Axe. A huge part of the beauty of this system is the fact that Fractal spends so much time on updating the unit. Learning this very simple process will make you a much happier owner.

Also - getting Axe Edit working is not the end all and be all of Axe ownership. As other people have mentioned, use the unit - play the presets, putz around with the user interface on the green screen of the Axe. This is not a plug and play unit. You need to be able to manage it.

I am sure you made that statement out of frustration, but in my humble opinion, the fault lies with you. They (FAS) have made this process exceptionally easy. Far easier than many things you might do on your cell phone, or on your VCR to record programs. It really is that easy! You need to just try and see what happens. If you get stuck, I have found that a question on this board that is posed reasonably gets you an answer in seconds. This is the real FAS support site - there is almost always an advanced user trolling this board who will help you immediately if you just ask like a normal human.

Good luck. It is a tremendous unit, but you will need to do some work to understand it.

As mentioned above the issue is that you are using the newest Axe Edit and that is ONLY compatible with the newest FW 17 on your unit. Fractal is constantly upgrading and improving the Axe Fx with new FW, this is AMAZING and so very different then most companies that sell you something as is with warts and I would get use to updating the unit. The new unit you received most likely did not have FW17.

Support for me has been more that incredible the few times I've needed them. In fact, I wish more companies would be like Fractal.
Ohh - and one other thing. You are going to find that the presets may not cut it for you. They are kind of metal focused and many of them just don't sound that good. The beauty of the Axe is in its tweaking capability. Things like creating your own set of patches are part of the deal. You will not like this unit if you bought it for the presets. You need to work them to make the unit work for you. Once again - good luck. If you truly don't want to spend the time to get to know this incredible piece of equipment, you really should send it back. It isn't for you. get a Line 6. You will be much happier.

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