FAMC Liquid foot ?

Yes, got mine working yesterday. I believe the new firmware update will help out with the CC#s. I'm still working out the TapTempo.
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For what it's worth, I used a LiquidFoot Pro with my Ultra years back because MFC was delayed. It worked but it challenged my limited MIDI skill set to program it. Can't say about now, but at that time, neither the Liquid Foot company owner or online community was very responsive or helpful.
The online editor helps, but its a little flaky. I used the AXE FX II/XL in the global settings & the learn function in the axe III as some of the CC#s didn't seem to work when I hard coded them. I had constantly review the programming that I sent to the pedal, not everything was updating. I kept it simple, one row of presets and one row of IA=slots. With any luck tonight I will have top row tuner, tap, scene + and -.
I LOVE my Liquid Foot+ 12 (no lcd's). It's the perfect form factor for my needs. I'm really hoping they release a firmware update with III sysex support, but I honestly wouldn't hold my breath for it any time soon (though, Jeff from FMAC has said he'll look into it).

That said, the Liquid Foot is as good or better than anything else available for the Axe III right now. You couldn't ask for a more powerful and configurable general midi controller. It just won't display the tuner, sync preset names, pedal states, etc until a firmware update is released for the III's sysex messages.

For what it's worth, I used a LiquidFoot Pro with my Ultra years back because MFC was delayed. It worked but it challenged my limited MIDI skill set to program it. Can't say about now, but at that time, neither the Liquid Foot company owner or online community was very responsive or helpful.

The newer software is much easier to use than it used to be.

The online editor helps, but its a little flaky. I used the AXE FX II/XL in the global settings & the learn function in the axe III as some of the CC#s didn't seem to work when I hard coded them. I had constantly review the programming that I sent to the pedal, not everything was updating. I kept it simple, one row of presets and one row of IA=slots. With any luck tonight I will have top row tuner, tap, scene + and -.

That's weird. I didn't have any issues with the software when last I updated my Liquid Foot. If all goes well, I'll be adjusting mine to work with the III in another few weeks. Hopefully I don't run into any issues.
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Yeah I never had an issue with any of my liquidfoot stuff, an original Jr, then a Pro, then 12+. The 12+ scribble strips got too hard to read live so I opted to get the RJM with bigger strips and BOLD :)
Cool, thanks for the info//I have JR+ i might sell but then i was thinking i might get a III some day down the line
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