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  1. M

    Lush spring reverb

    I use input gain a lot. I think of it as an intensity knob. I more often back it off a great deal
  2. M

    Can't nail AC/DC tone - help is appreciate

    What era? He went from JTM45/50 to plexi to JCM800 and later Wizard
  3. M

    I made Fractal GPT (Update: you can use it too)

    Me: “how do I get amp in the room” ChatGPT: “Get it straight buddy, it’s cab in the room”
  4. M

    I made Fractal GPT (Update: you can use it too)

    Was there programming involved? Or do you just feed it the training data and that’s it?
  5. M

    Fender Tone Master FR10

    We ended up with treble at 11:00, mid/bass 12:00, and cut at 9:00 I believe, the eq is a great way to fix on the fly. We didn’t change the presets eq at all.
  6. M

    Fender Tone Master FR10

    FR10 order placed. We were playing really loud and the 10” speaker more than held its own. It sounded effen killer too!
  7. M

    Clapton Journeyman

    Can you shoot a 10 sec lead part with the chorus bypassed, if you have the time? I don’t hear chorus in the original
  8. M

    Clapton Journeyman

    There’s a bad love preset around somewhere @OP I could be wrong but I think Clapton’s tone is thicker with slightly less high end. It’s the most LP type tone I’ve heard from a Strat. Maybe add saturation?
  9. M

    Input gain controls on reverb and delay

    Thanks everyone
  10. M

    Input gain controls on reverb and delay

    I was asking if there’s a virtual way to route the preamp signal out to time based effects and return to the virtual power amp. Even if there is, it’s moot for me now; I have the subtlety I want now
  11. M

    Input gain controls on reverb and delay

    I don’t do this all the time. Mostly with higher gain models. For U2 type stuff, or blues, or trying to capture a live in concert vibe, I’ll use bigger mix levels Input gain gives me finer control so I just get a couple of faint repeats
  12. M

    Input gain controls on reverb and delay

    @md1234 i just found something similar to that. It wasn’t in the wiki as its own topic, just as part of another discussion It states to set mix at 50%, output at +3db and input gain as your mix. @unixguy I just needed finer control. This lets me get more subtle than mix at say 6%
  13. M

    Input gain controls on reverb and delay

    I have a question about how my routing is affecting the overall mix when it comes to my reverb and delay. I’ve been finding the way I have things set up with a Reverb and delay after the cab that I have to turn, the mix extremely low typically less than 10%. Even then, the intensity of the...
  14. M

    Help needed with routing for Tonex

    I got it working yesterday for playing back existing captures Making my own starts Sunday
  15. M

    I want to use my fM9 as an audio interface

    So before I got this I was able to get the signal through the FM9. I was still getting the raw signal coming through and I think 3) above will address that Thanks!
  16. M

    I want to use my fM9 as an audio interface

    What you should know: Little to no DAW experience Want to use laptop, FM9, and FRFR to audition tones via Amplitube 5 Lost my iRig connector so I can’t go straight into my laptop from the guitar. I read through the USB section of the FM9 manual. I see where it indicates the...
  17. M

    FM9 FM9 Live at the Whiskey A Go Go

    Cuts through like a hot knife through butter
  18. M

    FM9 New Single - Fractal tones

    Nice AIC vibe!! Last band I can say I truly LOVED.
  19. M

    FM9 Finally! got my Super Reverb patch happening

    I've spent a little time recently focusing on refining my blues tone, on the Super Reverb, by setting the treble to where it's bright and snappy but not harsh. I found that I like the high treble off or near off. You can still keep a bright switch on and treble/presence pushed a bit (if you...
  20. M

    FM9 Getting closer to my dream tone

    Is that a Carlton tune? The intro reminded me of Larry, and then you veered into Guthrie Govan. Nice playing and tone.
  21. M

    FM9 gettin' the twang dialed in on the FM9

    My clam bowl is empty dude. Invite me over and not feed me? Bad host, bad host
  22. M

    FM9 unix-guy's random jams

    His title was random jams 🤪
  23. M

    FM9 version 2 A Flock Of Seagulls I Ran preset for the FM9

    I was lucky to be in my 20s in the 80s!
  24. M

    Announcing FM9 Turbo

    It’s rendered differently from a phone. You can only see the FM9 by accessing the pull down menu. That’s why I missed it I can see why everyone was puzzled by my comments… solved.
  25. M

    Announcing FM9 Turbo

    See post above
  26. M

    Announcing FM9 Turbo

    My bad. On my phone I don’t see the FM9 from the homepage. On laptop I do. D’oh
  27. M

    Announcing FM9 Turbo

    I was just making an inference from the lack of product information on their website and the continued use of the waitlist that the new turbo model still hasn’t addressed the supply of units. I’m just curious that is all
  28. M

    Announcing FM9 Turbo

    I assumed. It doesn’t show as a product for sale on their website. How would anyone outside the forum know about this product? I don’t run the company, but if I did I would want the product available through the website and normal sales channels, not some spreadsheet If inventory is going to...
  29. M

    Announcing FM9 Turbo

    Am I correct in assuming that the waitlist is no longer being used, and that once it is worked through, the product will be generally available on the Fractal shop?
  30. M

    hats off for the brit800 fw2.02

    The JCM800 is super responsive to guitar volume changes
  31. M

    Satch 'Dream Song' tone

    The tone is killer. It's also by far my favorite release by him since Flying in a Blue Dream. Yeah I read the Fractal thing somewhere ... we all know everything we read is true.
  32. M

    What’s the number one most impactful control in the Fractal family?

    I don’t need brevity! I’m too old Levity will always work :)
  33. M

    What’s the number one most impactful control in the Fractal family?

    Input trim was something I had read about but didn’t find the need to use too much. A little adjustment went a long way. But then I bought a new (high end) guitar that sounded awful with the Axe but sounded great on the tube amp I demoed on at the shop. Trying everything to make this guitar...
  34. M

    What’s the number one most impactful control in the Fractal family?

    Yeah I can see how the title would generate that assumption. I just had a thought about factory presets. Why not set aside 50 presets to have 8 scenes demonstrating input trim use, or gain enhancer, or sag, or amps tweaked to their ideal master volume settings, or impedance curves, etc That’s...
  35. M

    What’s the number one most impactful control in the Fractal family?

    Let me steer this thread back on topic. I started the thread because, although there’s a whole tech notes page devoted to Trim, the vast majority of factory presets leave it at noon (maybe all? I don’t recall seeing any other setting). I find the control extremely important and so does Cliff...
  36. M

    What’s the number one most impactful control in the Fractal family?

    So you want to lock your customers from participating in your forum? Forgive me if I seem overly sensitive but it seems as if you’re bagging on me and my thread
  37. M

    FM3 Dumble Steel String Singer Tone Tutorial!

    So I put that together and it does sound fantastic. I made minor adjustments to fit my guitar's tone, and that's it. I love it when people share this stuff. Mainly because, there's no way in a million years I'd end up getting to that tone using all those deep tweaks
  38. M

    Satch 'Dream Song' tone

    That is a nice tone in that tune. Have you heard his recent release? The single is great and it's all Fractal (I read)
  39. M

    FM9 Firmware Version 2.01 public beta 2

    I’m on the most recent release, and I’m having the issue scenes 1 and 2 both lit on the FS. At least I think it was scenes but may have been presets. No other issues
  40. M

    FM3 Dumble Steel String Singer Tone Tutorial!

    This sounds excellent. I learned unite a bit from watching this thanks to you and Buddy
  41. M

    What’s the number one most impactful control in the Fractal family?

    (Adopts Homer voice) “Veeerrryy funnyyy”
  42. M

    What’s the number one most impactful control in the Fractal family?

    I’m beginning to think that input trim is the most important control in the box (or pedal). It’s really important to get the saturation and high end just right Let’s set IR choice aside, since that’s a no-brainer. What’s your go to secret weapon?
  43. M

    Getting that Marshall Plexi splat?

    I don’t hear the splat sound. But to get those VH double stops to sound just right, a plexi needs to be set kind of lean or they flub out
  44. M

    Just Tried My New QSC K10.2 with the FM9

    I have a CLR to run in stereo with my Headrush. I run it upright to deal with the extra low end. The CLR is supposed to be ultra flat, and if true, the Headrush is lacking high end. But I have to say I love how they sound together.
  45. M

    Whitesnake Bad Boys Tone

    That preset is very unique. Very good string definition. I've gotta pull it apart to see what you were doing in there.
  46. M

    FM9 My first FM9 videos (presets included)

    That lead tone in the first video is amazing
  47. M

    Control Switch for Amp Level

    I use the input boost for a similar effect, but it adds some real punch
  48. M

    FM9 Maiden live performance with FM9s

    sorry didn't catch the date... heading to youtube..
  49. M

    FM9 Maiden live performance with FM9s

    I just clicked the link looks like it's going to replay in a few minutes?
  50. M

    Setting the Master Volume

    I think I recall reading that the JCM800 is particularly sensitive, it shouldn't be set too high or mush results
  51. M

    Waitlist Email

    Any of you Weds orders get your shipping notice yet? I haven’t I suspect they were closed yesterday
  52. M

    Waitlist Email

    Waitlist: August 27, 07:25 PM Eastern Invitation received: 11/10/21 1:55 Eastern Order placed
  53. M

    Waitlist Email

    Got any other data to factor in? I need semiconductor supply in NE USA. I need time space continuum disruptions since 12:00 Eastern in the last 24 hours I need to know how many butterflies have sneezed in the last 24 hours and the chain of events that led to CliffC to slip on an abandoned...
  54. M

    Waitlist Email

    You guys that aren’t updating the spreadsheet are killing me man I think I’m at the top of the list and I’m still a ways off 😀
  55. M

    Waitlist Email

    Well now I’m top of the list
  56. M

    Waitlist Email

    Has the FM9 shown up in the guitar mags?
  57. M

    NOT COMPLETE OR OFFICIAL - FM9 Waitlist Tracker

    Today may be the day, I’m 4 away
  58. M

    FM9 & HX/DA Tone?

    EVs or JBLs on a superbass with moderate gain and serious dBs!
  59. M

    NOT COMPLETE OR OFFICIAL - FM9 Waitlist Tracker

    Oh so close….. and notices stop 🥲
  60. M

    FM9 Steve Vai - Liberty cover (preset attached)

    Daddy’s was a great place. Been to many of them around New England
  61. M

    Waitlist Email

    It’s not a math problem it’s a probability problem with the standard deviation of 30 days
  62. M

    Waitlist Email

    The FM3 had similar launch issues with the USB port
  63. M

    Any “must watch” videos for Fractal Newbie?

    The other thing I’d recommend is to practice patience. There’s literally a boatload of information out there and you cannot absorb it in a week or even two or three depending on how much effort you put in. The basics are fairly simple. Start with the delivered presets and play around with EQ...
  64. M

    Any “must watch” videos for Fractal Newbie?

    One very useful one is to use the Pin that shows up whenever you’re displayed a Block list of options. Press pin and you can freeze the, for example, IRs as an audition just by clicking around. Use this for auditioning cabs effects IRS amps etc This is in the editor software
  65. M

    Any “must watch” videos for Fractal Newbie?

    When you’ve got the basics down, read the Tech Notes section on this forum
  66. M

    Any “must watch” videos for Fractal Newbie?

    Leon Todd has a bunch on YouTube. You can search google for tons of content
  67. M

    Question about the OFM9G layout

    Or OMFG9 a’ight?
  68. M

    Question about the OFM9G layout

    Adopts Valley accent: “Oh my God dude, you don’t, like, break up the OMG!! It’s like banning, like, hanging out at the mall! Totsmagoats!”
  69. M

    Question about the OFM9G layout

    So Oh Floor Model 9 God??
  70. M

    Waitlist Email

    So is someone planning to use this discussion as the topic for their master’s thesis?
  71. M

    Question about the OFM9G layout

    You mean OMGFM9?
  72. M

    Waitlist Email

    You can’t assume a steady trickle. Do your honey-dos now and stop sweating the arrival date. When it arrives your significant other will grant you many hours of gassifaction
  73. M

    Waitlist Email

    If they can’t do -12, they can’t operate an Axe
  74. M

    FM9 Steve Vai - Liberty cover (preset attached)

    New Hampsha rulez! (I’m from Maine but close enough)
  75. M

    FM9 Really challenging solo I saw Rick Beato cover

    I don’t know the original but that’s some slick playing! Well done!
  76. M

    Finally got the new FM9/FM3 Pedal board put together

    Bassman and Budda. Interesting combination. What kind of music do you play?
  77. M

    My FM9 arrived!!!

    So once he does the first FM9, he has a template right? So no need to submit the actual device thereafter?
  78. M

    Waitlist Email

    Thinking of getting a GT1000 Core to hold me over...
  79. M

    Waitlist Email

    Duty, Honor, don't take advantage of others hard work. Well done @USMC_Trev
  80. M

    Waitlist Email

    As Schultz used to say “I know nutting!” Just hopeful
  81. M

    Waitlist Email

    You guys are way pessimistic. I bet you’ll be pleasantly surprised
  82. M

    Re-install default Fm3 foot controller layout?

    Rebooting fixed it. I guess it wasn't saved.
  83. M

    Re-install default Fm3 foot controller layout?

    How do I re-install/overlay the default FM3 foot controller with the 9 layouts? I see layouts for OMG9 and OMG15. I couldn't find a 'reset to defaults' option or a download available on fractal downloads page. I've sold the unit, and sure enough I go to give it a fairwell play and I somehow...
  84. M

    Waitlist Email

    8/27 @ 7:25 pm eastern. Coming soon…
  85. M

    Sell me on dual amps

    I haven’t experimented much. I did not care for the sound of a clean amp blended with a driven amp. One thing I’d like to try though, is a boutique version mixed with the real deal. Like a Morgan AC20 mixed with a Top Boost, or a Tweed Deluxe mixed with a Swart
  86. M

    FM9 will bring me back! Best mid gain amps and tricks??

    This all assumes you have the proper IR first
  87. M

    FM9 will bring me back! Best mid gain amps and tricks??

    For those amps, keep turning up the master until you find the sweet spot, it will be noticeable, and the set the level where you need it. also twist the input gain and trim until you find the magic combo. If the gain is too dark, turn up the trim
  88. M

    Announcing the New FM9 Amp Modeler/FX Processor

    I hear ya, it’s just that this goes against the modular concept that the FC6/12 support. Now the market for FM3 +FC6 all goes to the FM9. It seems odd to me. like I said,I don’t care, I’ll be buying one!
  89. M

    Announcing the New FM9 Amp Modeler/FX Processor

    that’s why I speculated that maybe the FM3 sales were slowing down, because as a general rule, you don’t create products that make your existing products nearly pointless. At the FM9 price (great price!), the FM3 market now becomes limited to: FM3 owners who never needed an FC-N to supplement...
  90. M

    Announcing the New FM9 Amp Modeler/FX Processor

    The FC’s are still needed to support the AxeIII. But it sure does seem like the FM9 will cannibalize the FM3. Which tells me the FM3 wasn’t doing well to begin with. I was about to buy an FC6 for my FM3 today, and just recently bought the AB Live Gold set. My timing just sux.
  91. M

    Using the OM9 is there a way when you hit presets and then select a preset that after the selection in turns into scene mode?

    This may help I’ve been thinking about this same thing, gonna give it a whirl
  92. M

    What am I doing wrong?

    The presets are just a starting place. Tweak my friend. To get to those THR tones, It need more sizzle (input trim, high treble or presence) or maybe just an aggressive sounding IR. And cut low end by any number of methods already offered.
  93. M

    FM3 Factory Presets version 4.0 "Cygnus"

    You can’t look at this from a brighter/darker perspective. I dont have the amps to test the model accuracy, but I have faith that each release moves us closer in accuracy. If you don’t want to tweak after a release, go back to the prior release, reload your backed up patches, and that’s that...
  94. M

    FM3 Factory Presets version 4.0 "Cygnus"

    The presets sound bright with one of my guitars only. For that guitar, I might, I dunno, turn the tone knob on my guitar, turn off the bright switch, tweak the amp EQ, make a hi cut in the IR, cut some high end with a graphic EQ...
  95. M

    First week with FM3 - What I hear on Youtube is just not true

    I wish profiling had existed in 1999, when I was in amp whore mode. Not all of that money would’ve been lost. Plus if you’re profiling all your own stuff, the inconsistency wouldn’t be as much of an issue
  96. M

    First week with FM3 - What I hear on Youtube is just not true

    I think I’m done with profiling. Across the board. I like being able to tailor my tone to my needs. Captures are all over the map in quality and consistency. Moving from one profile to another feels so disjointed… However the QC modeling is quite good. So is the FM3.
  97. M

    FM3 New FM3 user. I made a video!

    Nice original playing
  98. M

    FM3 3 Gibson Les Paul comparison

    2,3,1. Actually 2 and 3 were equally good, but 3 sounded sweeter and singier, 2 was a tad brighter and more raucous
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