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  1. X

    Windows 11 ARM

    Whilst I'm not condoning it, usually an installer will unpack all the files somewhere either in your user profile or the windows directory. If you can get to a point where the installer has errored but hasn't existed then you might be able to search the drive and locate the inf files.
  2. X

    Steve Morse, what you can’t do with amp modelers. What do you think?

    I use my volume knobs all the time to do this on my axefx units, and love his it works, I owned kempers in the past and I would say that they don't clean up as nicely as the axefx. As with many things in life we have a choice and he prefers Amps.
  3. X

    Wish Scene Toggle Mini-Display Mode A/B Option

    Hi there, I would love it if there was a Mini-Display option that functions the similar to the "Destination Name" option but it shows the name of the scene that's currently selected out of the 2 being toggled. It feels like this should be doable given that the destination name option exists. I...
  4. X

    FM9 Firmware Version 7.00 public beta (1)

    Gigged the beta last night, definitely worthy of the Cygnus X3 badge. I run about 6 amp models in my live preset and there was notable improvements across them all. Better definition in the lows and highs, less mud/harshness but clearer all, more punchy and improved angriness. We recently...
  5. X

    FM9 Firmware Version 7.00 public beta (1)

    I loaded it up last night, I've levelled my amps and tested the limited functionality I make use of and it all seems solid. Got a gig tonight so I'm going to risk it as well.
  6. X

    FM9 Firmware Version 7.00 public beta (1)

    Can't wait!!! I'm so happy with my current sound but I always love an update 😍
  7. X

    My JCM800 Just Blew Up

    If the JCM800 was out.on the bench, does that mean that a new firmware is in the works 😁
  8. X

    Who use always the same IR in every preset?

    I use a single, multi amp, preset with a single IR. I do swap IRs every now and again, it's my replacement for GAS, along with firmware upgrades.
  9. X

    Announcing the FM9 Mark II Turbo

    Looks great team, very jealous 😍
  10. X

    5150 Presence Knob

    I'll get my coat.... 😉
  11. X

    5150 Presence Knob

    Tell me to stfu but could you have it display as the real setting in the main amp page and the ideal in the ideal page? I know..... We've all had a beer.....
  12. X

    5150 Presence Knob

    For me presence is something I tweak towards the end of the dialling in process and it really is a case of using my ears. I find myself fairly sensitive to most amps presence so having it ramp up in a more linear fashion makes sense to me. However it's modelled is fine but I have a slight...
  13. X

    Wishing Well to Frank Steffen Mueller

    Get well soon buddy!
  14. X

    Contest! Let's share and vote your best "talk box" simulation!

    I have used to formant block in the past. That was a while back for a bon Jovi track. I attached it to the envelope controller so it was activated based on pick attack. I worked well enough. I'll keep my eyes on this post though as I'm in the process of creating a man in a box patch. I'll post...
  15. X

    Whats Cliff doing now?

    I'd be well up for an alpha with no commitment of future preset support 😍
  16. X

    Anyone using Red Sound FRFRs?

    MF10 user here as well, very happy with my tones. Weight-wise I think the figures quoted above are for the active/passive pair as mine are nowhere near the weight of my CLRs.
  17. X

    Orville incoming! (Update- Recieved + An Edwards LPC!)

    Lovely, I have an Orville and it's great 😍
  18. X

    Welcome MATT BELLAMY of MUSE to the Fractal Audio Artist Roster

    Insane! Love muse 😍
  19. X

    New Turbo - Can't load OFMG9

    I only really use 1 preset so I use the default scenes layout, I have 7 scenes selectable which covers my needs. I have one switch assigned to my lead boost, with tuner on the long press, and then the last switch toggles scene view and FX view with long press taking me to preset mode. I don't...
  20. X

    New Turbo - Can't load OFMG9

    Never managed to get this to work and still think it could be a bug but it forced me to learn how to create layouts myself and I've actually come up with something that works better for me than OFMG9. I'm still battling a little with muscle memory from omg9 but very happy. The FM9 is an absolute...
  21. X

    New Turbo - Can't load OFMG9

    Yup, that all works if I've understood.
  22. X

    New Turbo - Can't load OFMG9

    Thanks! I'm coming from an omg9 setup which worked really well for me. I ported my present over and just wanted to get OFM9G on so I could take it to rehearsal. I'll have a play around longer term with other layouts. I've seen some nice ideas on here 👍
  23. X

    New Turbo - Can't load OFMG9

    Hi all, Hopefully a quick one but I'm really struggling to load the in built OFM9G layout. I think I'm doing it right ... It's a brand new Turbo with 3.00FW. Thanks
  24. X

    FM9: G66 UK availability & waitlist - UK ONLY!!

    Mine should be here tomorrow, can't wait, thanks for turning it around so quickly 😍
  25. X

    Slash featuring Myles Kennedy and Conspirators

    100% agree with this, the only thing I can think of is because it was recorded live. I wondered if they mixed Myles lower than usual as he had covid and he didn't sound entirely happy with his vocals from the interviews I saw. But there's a really is midrange thing that kinda distracts from the...
  26. X

    New Setup! FM3 into Red Sound MF10

    This is the setup I'm running and loving also. The Poweramp on the active MF10 has 2 separate inputs and a speakon out to the passive cab. My understanding is that the Poweramp is 2 channel so you get twice the power but 8ve not confirmed this. My presets are pretty low in volume, fm3 output is...
  27. X

    FM3 Firmware Version 5.03

    I'm pretty sure the fm3 got the previous modeling updates before the FM9. Obvs not before the og though.
  28. X

    FM9: G66 availability & waitlist

    Awesome, congrats!
  29. X

    Announcing FM9 Turbo

    I have the axe3 at home with an fc12, fm3 and fc6 on a board for rehearsals and gigs. FM9 will probably replace the fm3 and will keep the rest.... Who knows, I'm a fractal hoarder. Tempted to do FM9 with FC6 for my board.... Too many choices..... Really looking forward to the g66 shipment...
  30. X

    Red Sound Elis8 FRFR Review and MF 10 Comparision

    I have been running my MF10s for some time now and played a few gigs. They feel and sound great, they are light enough that I don't mind taken them to rehearsal every week and they work in both smaller venues and larger. Very happy overall but do get tempted every now and then to look at the...
  31. X

    FM9: G66 availability & waitlist

    Got the g66 email today as well, fingers crossed but still really excited
  32. X

    FM9: G66 availability & waitlist

    FM9 uses higher spec components possibly? Working in IT the high end cpus/gpus are much harder to come by than the low end kit. Could be a similar story here. Also, and I have no data to back this up, but the QC seems to be a more mass produced model which could mean better buying power etc...
  33. X

    First gig in 6 years!

    They were asking if I played the entire set on the one guitar and general nice comments about tone and playing. It's been a while so was nice.
  34. X

    My MF10 stopped working

    I run a stereo pair on 8 all the time and haven't had any issues so far. Hopefully it'll be an easy fix 🤞
  35. X

    Silent Stages Are The Best Thing To Happen To Live Music/Are The Worst Thing To Happen To Live Music??

    I enjoy playing loud, I could do silent stage but don't. I might try in ears at some point but I'm happy where I an right now. That said either hardly the best/worst thing ever. For me at least 4x12 cabs are a dim and distant memory 🥳
  36. X

    First gig in 6 years!

    Played my first gig in 6 years last weekend, new band and new rig etc with the FM3/FM6 combo running v5 at the heart of it. I can't remember ever have as much positive feedback after a show from random punters. It sounded great through my g66 MF10s (which are awesome) and through the PA and...
  37. X

    Question about Matrix power amps

    I used to pop down to the UK factory when Andy was over here. The GT whilst remaining tonally flat, was designed to replicate more of the feel of a guitar amp from a response perspective, i.e. more like valves, less like class d power amps, if that's even a thing. The XT I believe are a better...
  38. X

    FM3 Firmware Version 5.00 beta 4

    Upgraded and left for rehearsal, this the tones tonight we're insane. The bite and crunch on the Marshalls is just so tasty. So glad these changes came down to the fm3.
  39. X

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 19.01 Public Beta

    uploading, nice!
  40. X

    Matrix GT1000FX channel drop out issue.

    Not a good experience for sure, Andy is a legend, I've had a couple of Matrix Amps for years with no issues he will make it right.
  41. X

    AFIII The Party's Over Journey

    Sounds great, and the playing, as always it's epic
  42. X

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 19.00 Beta 1

    It could be just me but I'm getting improved feel when playing, more responsive/dynamic. The upper mids/top end are still bright and crunchy but with less unpleasant frequencies. The distortion overall seems cleaner somehow and there is more glassiness (like when a strat neck pickup hits a...
  43. X

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 19.00 Beta 1

    Say what!!!!!!
  44. X

    FM3 Firmware Version 5.00 beta 1

    Had a rehearsal on the beta last night, OMG9 setup behaved impeccably and sounded amazing. It felt a bit snappier when connected to FM3 edit as well which is cool, no idea if anything's changed on that front.
  45. X

    Wish Dynamic Resonance Supressor (soothe2)

    Soothe2 is such a great plugin, it would be an amazing tool in the AxeFX so +1
  46. X

    FM3 Firmware Version 5.00 beta 1

    What an update!
  47. X

    Adobe Sucks

    Not just America, the majority of the world.... That's one of the reasons I love companies like Fractal Audio, support the companies that support their customer. I've been an owner since the original Axefx and amazing product aside, the values of the company are to put customers and their...
  48. X

    Merry Christmas Fractal Team

    Merry Christmas fractal and everyone else!
  49. X

    Anxiously awaiting FM3 firmware 5.0 beta

    I just had rehearsal on 4.01 and there's very little to complain about to be fair. It sounded epic. Not gonna stop me smashing F5.
  50. X

    Anxiously awaiting FM3 firmware 5.0 beta

    Yes, I'm sure it will have a new thread for the release 👍
  51. X

    Anxiously awaiting FM3 firmware 5.0 beta

    The only bad thing about this thread is that every time I come on the forum I see it and think it's the actual release thread 🤣
  52. X

    FM3 Firmware Version 4.01

    There's a post from Matt confirming a new firmware so unless you are saying he's telling porkies then I'm not sure what the point of the post is 👍
  53. X

    Max world champion F1!!!!!!

    I'm a Lewis fan, heart was racing there for sure. Might be nice to alter the title just in case anyone has it recorded to watch later on as you'd have just ruined my Sunday :)
  54. X

    Anxiously awaiting FM3 firmware 5.0 beta

    Love my little FM3, can't wait for this.
  55. X

    Paid presets ... pfff

    I've always struggled with other people's presets, I enjoy learning from them sometimes but with where we are the the current cabs and models it's not really too hard to get a decent tone. I think the transition from Cab in the room or miced cab is the thing that gets most people. Once you get...
  56. X

    Finally got the new FM9/FM3 Pedal board put together

    Wow, that's some serious firepower right there mate!! Hopefully get an FM9 when they hit G66, very much looking forward to that.
  57. X

    AFIII Let's post: AITR clips

    As the others have said, if you use the latest version of AxeEdit, open a cab block, set slot 3 to scratchpad 1 and slot 4 to scratchpad 2, pan them left/right. Then drag the fullres cabs onto each of the slots 3 and 4. Then off you go. We have no way of saving them but it works and only takes...
  58. X

    AFIII Let's post: AITR clips

    MK1 owner here.... Here's a quick clip I did with the JCM800 on 17 beta (didn't want to update as i'd have to reload the FullRes cabs ;) First section is bascially amp into the CAB with YA VH20 cabs loaded. Then the fullres kicks, then the new Maxoff 808, then the fullres is off towards the...
  59. X

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 17.00

    Love the Maxoff 808, sounds great in front of the JCM800.
  60. X

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 17.00 Public Beta 4

    I hadn't realised but I've just uploaded into the scratchpad on my MK1 and they certainly sound like they are FullRes.... I just followed the instructions in the first post selecting scratchpad 1 and 2. No idea on 1.... I'm blending with your VH20 sm57/r121 and it all sounds great.
  61. X


    To add to this, my current axe3 patches try and emulate this very crudely. I have one Cab block for close mics and a second cab block in parallel for room/far field IRs. The room block has a reverb block after with a room verb to try and give this effect. Works ok but this would be ideal.
  62. X


    Another +1 for asking this to mk1 at the expense of user can slots. It's a no brainer for me especially given the advances in axe edit 3. Clips sound amazing.
  63. X

    Wish 8 channels

    I've started using my FM3 more and more and this would be pretty much my only wish, it mainly because I'm a spoilt axefx3 user as well. So +1 from me.
  64. X

    Red Sound Elis8 FRFR Review and MF 10 Comparision

    Got a stereo mf10 bundle last week from g66. Looking forward to trying them at rehearsal but I agree with some other comments that at bedroom level they don't sound very frfr at first I thought that the tweater must have been damaged during shipping but after reading comments here it sounds like...
  65. X

    New Wave of Classic Rock.

    Cool link, always on the lookout for new bands to try and whilst I've heard of a few in the list there are a lot I've not. Nice one!
  66. X

    So Many Things Wrong

    Defo factory reset and load up the factory presets.
  67. X

    Dial It In | Bogner Ecstasy

    Sounds great!
  68. X

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 9 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta #6

    Just had a quick 8am jam through the Plexi100 and Recto1 Red. This update is an absolute joke. The low end clarity is amazing and the distortion texture is on the money.
  69. X

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 4 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta

    Ooohh not tried them, was never a massive fan as they needed dialing in and I'm lazy. Will check them out.
  70. X

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 4 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta

    Any chance of adding an ohm selector setting in the amp block? I realise we probably have all the tools to emulate but it could be a cool feature.
  71. X

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 4 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta

    I never liked the slo model, never played a real one but just didn't get on with it but now it's like a fire breathing dragon!
  72. X

    You Guys/Gals Are in for Another Treat

    As ever, I can't wait!!!
  73. X

    AFIII "Sweet Child O' Mine" Live Cover

    Nice playing and great tones, would love a look at the preset if you're happy to share.
  74. X

    UK market-Is it now best to order AF3 from Fractal in the US going forward?

    A few things, probably worth reigning in political outbursts on here. The fractal products won't touch royal mail, it'll go via ups like it always has done and whilst they will have to clear it through customs for a "small" fee, I doubt it will delay much.
  75. X

    UK market-Is it now best to order AF3 from Fractal in the US going forward?

    My best guess is that fractal will not ship to the UK as it's a pain in the rear end. There's a chance that when ordering from g66 (if they wish to continue to deal with us moving forward....) Would be that you wouldn't pay the local vat/sales tax at the thier end and you would pay any...
  76. X

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 15.00

    4 x 12.... it makes perfect sense!
  77. X

    FM3 Status Update

    Epic products, epic company! Have a great weekend.
  78. X

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 14.00

    I really love this update, real chunk and thud, clean lows and crunchy highs. Mighty fine.
  79. X

    Any Kemper Experts Here?

    From memory it has a low pass filter on it and there's usually a low end hump. I find the more you refine the more it deviates. Probably just user error on my part though .....
  80. X

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 12.08 Public Beta 3

    I hope beta 4 comes out soon............
  81. X

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 12.08 Public Beta Part Deux

    Wow, the new pitch block is amazing
  82. X

    Confined Bad Horsie

    Thai was his best album by far imho. Tender surrender is something else.
  83. X

    Where Has Integrity Gone?

    Greed, end of, it's the sad life we live. That's why I try and surround myself with creators and products that don't choose this route. I've been a loyal fractal customer for ever and this is a big part of the reason (that and uncompromising product quality). I have to swap mobile vendor...
  84. X

    Friedman JJ 100 - options for multi fx unit with relays ?

    Unused to use something similar to this about 10 years ago with my Ultra. No need these days as the modelling is good enough now imho...
  85. X

    It's the little touches...

  86. X

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 12.05

    The TC sounds great, I've not really kept abreast of new amps since owning the Axe but this complements the other selections nicely. Cheers
  87. X

    Software "MIKKO" - Next Gen Cab Sim | Shoot your own IR's [ML Sound Lab]

    I finally tried it the free version today. It was so good that I went on a mad shopping spree and grabbed most of the other cabs for it. I'm only an hour in but damn this thing sounds so good. I've got a bogner mix that's killing me. They cabs seem to work with so many more amps in the Axe...
  88. X

    FM3 Now Shipping

  89. X

    AFT/Chris update

    Always checked out your vids and live streams were cool too. Glad to hear you're on the mend and look forward to any new content you manage to create :)
  90. X

    I'm in X Factor Lithuania

    Really well done mate! That Bjork track was totally insanely amazing.
  91. X

    Anyone using Speaker Compression?

    Not here, go for it
  92. X

    Buying an Axe-Fx 3 ...question...

    I had this a few months back when I sold my engl 4x12 cab to Adam formally of Periphery, was well chuffed!
  93. X

    IRs [ML Sound Lab] Halloween Cab Pack

    Of course man, totally understand
  94. X

    IRs [ML Sound Lab] Halloween Cab Pack

    Damn it, just back from holiday... Looks like I Missed the boat :joycat:
  95. X

    IRs [Tone Addict] - Complete free 3HV & DIZL cab packs.

    Sound tasty, would love to hear it single tracked or just dual tracked.
  96. X

    The Temperance Movement

    Yup, I had missed these lot as well. Great guitar tones and grooving riffs. I like them. Only Friend is a particular standout track for me.
  97. X

    Am I the Only One Not Using High or Low Cuts Anymore?

    Same here, since beta 10 low and high cuts have not been required. More cab IRs seem to play nicer with more amps. For me, dialing tones is now select an amp and cab and off you go. I usually cut out a few DB in the low mids somewhere which opens up the low and high end further.
  98. X

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Version 10.00

    Insane update, cheers guys!!
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