Steve Morse, what you can’t do with amp modelers. What do you think?

The FAS modelers do what he says they can’t. He’s talking Kemper but I would think he’s tried them all. Or maybe not.

I am not saying I agree or don’t agree with him, but I guess he is in a position that he must have tried every modeler available. He says ‘with any digital amp’. I am sure he must have tried out Fractal gear also. And he is not the only pro/famous player with that opinion. And there are pro’s with a different opinion also...
I like Steve. He's a thoughtful and intelligent guy... But when you're ignorant of what is possible then you can only comment on what you know.

I've never played a Kemper but I suspect if he tried Fractal he might change his opinion...
I like Steve. He's a thoughtful and intelligent guy... But when you're ignorant of what is possible then you can only comment on what you know.

I've never played a Kemper but I suspect if he tried Fractal he might change his opinion...
You really think a guy with his experience and intelligence is unaware of Fractal, or just hasn't gotten curious enough to check one out?
I think he is an amazing player. One of my favorite guitarists of all time.

But when I heard him live in the late 80's with his trio.. he was playing a peavey bandit through a Marshall 4x12. He is from the solid state camp. And he killed on it.

I am certain the FAS family of products has the most touch sensitivity of any modeler by miles, but I also struggle getting the huge dynamic range of my EF86/EL84 tube rig ..out of my modeling rig.
Seriously, who really cares? What does it really matter if he's ever tried a Fractal? It's as though a lot of guys believe that players would instantly convert if they actually gave Fractal a shot. The guy has his tone, uses what gives him that tone and simply offered his opinion of modeling, no matter how limited his experience has been.

I suppose I'm not a true fanboy. If I like a player's tone and music, I don't care what he uses or what he does or doesn't say about Fractal gear. The fact that a player uses Fractal gear or flat out bashes it will not sway me to like or dislike them. It has absolutely no bearing on the quality of the music or proficiency of the player.
Only Steve, his fenomenal playing ability and ears can answer that question. As far as I’m concerned, FAS is the ultimate amp. Not to mention all the amps, effects, above and beyond’s etc…
Honestly, yes, a good, well known guitar player for many years but I couldn't care less about his opinion of modelers....Just sayin!
Same way I m so tired of some players, well known or not, saying they will never give up their tube amps because? Who cares? I don't!
I do agree with JokerIII that it has no bearing on his talent...........
I like comments made by the late, GREAT, Jeff Golub. One of my early guitar heroes-When asked what amp-fx etc he used when he went to a gig or a recording session or whatever he said, whatever they have there-He did like Twins and a rat pedal though I believe.
With any digital amp, I'm not able to get the interaction between reducing the level of the guitar in the input and having the tone change from distorted to slightly distorted to smoother and to clean, like I can with the ENGL.
He's definitely not tried the AxeFx.
I use the volume pot all the time to go from distortion to clean. And with the AxeFx II this works phenomenally well IMHO.
I use my volume knobs all the time to do this on my axefx units, and love his it works, I owned kempers in the past and I would say that they don't clean up as nicely as the axefx. As with many things in life we have a choice and he prefers Amps.
You really think a guy with his experience and intelligence is unaware of Fractal, or just hasn't gotten curious enough to check one out?

We don’t know for sure but I also think that he must have tried Fractal. I think he wouldn’t base his opinion on just one modeler. He also says ‘any digital amp’. He also says he doesn’t like the tiny artifacts of digital distortion.

There always will be players that don’t like modelers. Maybe they are just too used to what they have been using since ages or maybe they just don’t feel the same dynamics or don’t have a click with it for whatever reason. Doesn’t make him any less and doesn’t mean he is right or wrong. It’s just not his thing and it doesn’t work for him. Not everyone likes pizza. Each his own.
I think there’s too much being read into that very short article. He has his very tried and true setup that works for him. If I had someone to lug my stuff around I can’t say what I would rather use. There’s a good chance he hasn’t really delved into a Fractal. I could see him seeing what a Kemper does and thinking that would be good for what he uses it for and doesn’t realize how far the modeling of Fractal has come, like in regards to volume knob riding and reacting like a real amp.

I met him once and also seeing other interviews and he seems like a very pragmatic guy. Even though he definitely uses FX and modern tech to get the type of sounds I love, I think in the end he lets his music and playing do the talking.
All these "guitar heroes" from the 80s and 90s and their tube amps.. Initially I thought they were either cork sniffers or technophobes or both, but I tend to think, it is mostly being endorsed in hard times for professional musicians - even of their caliber.
Have to take this all with a grain of salt. Some old timers will never change, and are getting paid. That ends up hurting their bottom line if they say yes this is great. Back in the day digital anything but delay was a no no, and rightfully so, solid state amps were horrible. IMHO it all stems from this.
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