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  1. mongoose_eyeball

    L6 Powercab 112+ is the real deal

    I just got the Powercab 212+, and I'm really pleased with it, a couple of weeks in. So far, I've only used it with my Axe FX 2 once, in FRFR mode, and it sounded really good, better than my Yamaha DXR-12s, but maybe not quite as nice as my QSC K-10s. But I live near New Orleans, and...
  2. mongoose_eyeball

    Owner of a Lonely Heart?

    I'm guessing there are several of y'all with Axe FX II patches using scenes for the different tones in this tune. I've never made one because I haven't been in a band that would play it. This weekend, I'm subbing on a large Casino gig, and it's in their set. I found a patch for the solo on Axe...
  3. mongoose_eyeball

    Backup Help!

    No need to apologize; you were only trying to help!
  4. mongoose_eyeball

    Backup Help!

    Yes, I get that, but in order to get the MFC data onto my computer, I have to physically push the Edit switch on the unit. But I can't do that. The switch doesn't work. That's why I bought MFC Edit; I was hoping to bypass the issue of the broken switch by using the program.
  5. mongoose_eyeball

    Backup Help!

    ...chair, stand up and step on the brake release..." So any suggestions? Do I need to hunt down a footswitch, or is there a way around this? UPDATE****UPDATE****UPDATE Oops! My bad. I was watching one of Cooper Carter's YouTube tutorials, and I discovered that the Edit switch can be...
  6. mongoose_eyeball

    Crazy, intermittent volume changes

    I'm hoping this is a problem with the cable or the external footswitch (and not the MFC or--god forbid--the unit itself). For the last few months, I've noticed occasional swells or dips in volume while I'm playing. It was so intermittent that I let it slide, but over the last couple of gigs...
  7. mongoose_eyeball

    Quantum 10.01 and Silent Underground Studios

    I just downloaded the Naked Amps set, but I'm too busy today to plug in an play them. Damn!
  8. mongoose_eyeball

    New to the Axe-Fx world

    Where has Axe Exchange gone? Am I just having a brain fart, or is it no longer linked from the Fractal Page?
  9. mongoose_eyeball

    Beatles-Era McCartney bass tone?

    I have a gig coming up as Paul with a Beatles tribute band, and I had a bass amp lined up to borrow, but it fell through (my bass amp died, and I haven't been playing enough gigs on bass to justify buying a whole new rig). So I was thinking I might just run an Axe FX patch through my monitor...
  10. mongoose_eyeball

    Anybody using a dedicated laptop live?

    I've been thinking lately about getting a cheap used/refurbished laptop that I could keep in my rack. It wouldn't cost much, and I'd have all of the advantages of Axe-Edit in a live setting. It's embarrassing to admit, but I can no longer read the Axe-FX II screen (except for the patch number)...
  11. mongoose_eyeball

    Skeuomorphic or not?

    Though I like the skeuomorphic approach in the UA plug-ins, I wouldn't want to see Fractal go the same route. For one thing, specific amp and cab models are just the starting point when I'm making a patch; If I open Neve 1073, Pultec and LA-2A plug-ins at the same time in UA Console, they...
  12. mongoose_eyeball

    "This Program is not compatible with current macOS. . ."

    I just installed the latest OS update on my iMac (High Sierra OS 10.13.4), and when I opened Axe-Edit, I got a "the developer needs to update this program" message telling me the current version of Axe-Edit isn't "compatible" with this OS. So far, though, it seems to be working as normal...
  13. mongoose_eyeball

    AXE-FX III Rush Cover YYZ

    I sometimes play in a trio with a bass player and drummer who learned this together in high school. They’ve been after me to learn it, because we get the occasional Rush request, and the only one we currently do is Tom Sawyer. If you publish the patch, I’ll have to shed the tune...
  14. mongoose_eyeball

    III on the Floor

    I was on the verge of getting an Axe 8, so I could eliminate the rack+MFC thing and make my live setups a little easier. The III looks amazing, but I'm thinking now, I may hold off and wait for a floor version of it. I bought my II just before the XL came out (and kicked myself), then bought the...
  15. mongoose_eyeball

    Considering switching strategies to multiple presets in lieu of one preset and many scenes

    I could almost get away with using one patch, but I don't try, because I don't have to. All of my patches use six scenes (the names are how my MFC-101 is labelled): 1. Mild (cleanest) 2. Medium (in-between) 3. Spicy (crunchiest) 4. Dry Mod (usually the "Mild" amp with chorus or vibe, and short...
  16. mongoose_eyeball

    Best DAW?

    Three years ago, I bought a new iMac, and a UA Apollo Twin interface and decide to dive in. I had to make the same decision you're facing now. I had used both Cubase and its more expensive cousin Nuendo, but unlike a smart person, who might say, "I already know this one; I'll just go with it," I...
  17. mongoose_eyeball

    Bang-for-the-buck Tele neck Pickup?

    A friend has had my MIM Tele for around a year; he installed a Fishman Powerbridge (a Tele bridge with peizos) for me, and he switched out the neck pickup to one of those SD mini-humbuckers, just to see whether I'd like it. I didn't, especially, so he took the Duncan out, but he ended up moving...
  18. mongoose_eyeball

    Piezo do you use it live

    I use peizos at pretty much every gig. My four main guitars all have peizos in the bridge: 1. Carvin SH575 (the most flexible of the four, since the peizos come out of a totally separate output with hi/low/sweepable mid eq); 2. a Frankenstrat (guitar mill body, warmoth neck and a TremKing bridge...
  19. mongoose_eyeball

    the ultimate axe fx headphones

    BTW, one of the reasons I got the Sennheiser HD598 was because there was a Sonarworks profile available for them. Have y'all had any experience with Sonarworks? It's a great idea, if you're doing any home recording. It's a headphone calibration plugin for recording and mixing with a DAW. I have...
  20. mongoose_eyeball

    the ultimate axe fx headphones

    I really like my Sennheiser HD598s, but if you want a really open, balanced soundstage, planar magnetic technology is what you want. Until recently, though, all of the planar headphones have been really high, like the flagship Audeze phones: Recently, though, the price has come down...
  21. mongoose_eyeball

    How many run direct with no onstage cab?

    I go in with the goal of setting up as little stuff as I'll need to still make playing fun. I keep a pair of QSC K8s in the car, and bring them in as needed. I play a lot of Casinos on the Gulf Coast, where they have great systems and competent, pro sound men (most of whom I know), so in those...
  22. mongoose_eyeball

    The Parts of the Dream that Confused the Fetus

    Here's a two-minute instrumental I did prior to the Fetus song--it's not a Room in the Elephant project song, so it doesn't have the same kind of sound. I had just gotten Logic Pro X, and I wanted to record something quick just to get familiar with the DAW.
  23. mongoose_eyeball

    The Parts of the Dream that Confused the Fetus

    Yes, when I get the chance. Just getting my studio back together after the flooding in August. Fortunately, I had left my stage rig (Axe FX II, MFC and a pair of QSC K8s) in my car...
  24. mongoose_eyeball

    The Parts of the Dream that Confused the Fetus

    Thanks! I played nothing but bass for ten or eleven years; now, my gigs are probably 70/30 guitar/bass. Seems like I still buy more basses than guitars--GAS knows no sense of proportion.
  25. mongoose_eyeball

    The Parts of the Dream that Confused the Fetus

    I live in a small-to-medium sized university town (Hammond, Louisiana, and we have big arts festival every fall that's sponsored by SLU. The concerts are really inexpensive, so I go see pretty much everything I have time for. Anyway, around 2002, the Bulgarian Women came and I took my girlfriend...
  26. mongoose_eyeball

    Question about presets.

    Is Fractool available for Mac users yet?
  27. mongoose_eyeball

    Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 5.02 Firmware Released

    Nothing wrong with that -- what the audience hears is still the bottom line. My first job as a teenager was working as a busboy at a Chinese restaurant. I remember the brothers who owned it telling me about the cooking academy in China where they learned. I was surprised to find out that...
  28. mongoose_eyeball

    Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 5.02 Firmware Released

    Don't know whether I'm the only one, but when I updated to 5.02, Axe-Edit wouldn't connect until I restarted the whole iMac.
  29. mongoose_eyeball

    Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 5.02 Firmware Released

    I've been interested in trying that, though in some cases, the difference is less in sound than in "feel," as your ear compares what came out of the speakers with the way your brain knows you just hit the strings. I have a friend with a Helix system, and he has some great sounds that--in some...
  30. mongoose_eyeball

    Do Pro Users Record the Axe-Fx through a mic pre?

    I use the XLR outputs into an Apollo Twin interface, using a preset I made in the UA console (a Neve preamp into an LA-2A compressor into a Pultec eq). The Apollo gives you the option of printing the plug-ins you're tracking through. Doing it this way really allows me to fine-tune what's coming...
  31. mongoose_eyeball

    Fractal Audio AMP models: Big Hair

    Not to be troll-like, but in what sense is that ironic? Coincidental, maybe, but it only seems to be ironic in an Alanis Morissette way.
  32. mongoose_eyeball

    Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 2.04 Firmware Release

    Ah, yes, he answered it, but not correctly. The answer is "Maniac" by Michael Sembello, from the movie "Flashdance." I was working in a studio in Los Angeles when Flashdance came out, and I remember the buzz about it.
  33. mongoose_eyeball

    Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 2.04 Firmware Release

    Trivia time: anybody know the first top 40 hit containing a guitar solo played through a Rockman?
  34. mongoose_eyeball

    The Parts of the Dream that Confused the Fetus

    Not sure how to label this, genre-wise. I was going for "post-rock," but I grew up with Todd Rundgren and Steely Dan, so I always have trouble paring things down, harmonically-speaking. All guitars and the bass (an MTD) were recorded analog-style through the Axe into an Apollo Twin's mic...
  35. mongoose_eyeball

    Clockwork Creep (Live at rehearsal)

    How much of it is live, and how much of it is a track you're playing along with? I only ask because I didn't see anyone in the video who seemed to be playing that wobbly, Leslie-chorus single note line that's sort of the hook.
  36. mongoose_eyeball

    Original Dreampop Song

    That's gorgeous! It's hard to tell, though, which sounds were coming from the guitar (not that there's anything wrong with that--it's not a product demo; it's a real song). I use the Axe for a lot of nonstandard sounds, too, and I'm curious: did you print the guitars with the fx, or did you...
  37. mongoose_eyeball

    Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 2.00 Firmware Release

    I guess I'm one of those people. I didn't even know it was there. Usually, the first time I turn on Axe Edit after an update, it has me wait while it learns all of the new block definitions, so this is the first time I've ever felt the motivation to do it. Good to go now, thanks, guys!
  38. mongoose_eyeball

    Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 2.00 Firmware Release

    Yes, I can see them on the front panel, and If I choose one there, I apparently get the correct amp (since I can see the Saturation control), but the amp name shows up as "5f1 Tweed."
  39. mongoose_eyeball

    Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 2.00 Firmware Release

    an iMac, running the newest version of os X.
  40. mongoose_eyeball

    Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 2.00 Firmware Release

    It says "February 5" on the page--that was the version I re-installed. I did it again, just to be sure, but I still don't see the JS amps. I'm thinking the issue might be my Quantum 2.0 update, possibly having something to do with coming from a beta release. I'm considering doing a backup, then...
  41. mongoose_eyeball

    Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 2.00 Firmware Release

    Ha! You're right--I didn't even notice! In any case, I deinstalled it an reinstalled it this morning, and the only change was that the Basic screen came back for the Suhr and Citrus amps.
  42. mongoose_eyeball

    Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 2.00 Firmware Release

    Well, not NO change. At least the Suhr and Citrus amps all have a Basic screen now.
  43. mongoose_eyeball

    Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 2.00 Firmware Release

    Yes, last March. Just now, I deinstalled Axe Edit, downloaded it fresh and reinstalled it. No change.
  44. mongoose_eyeball

    Anyone using the Axe-Fx with an Apollo Interface?

    I haven't run any scientific tests or anything, but I've never had an issue with latency at all, tracking analog (Axe FX XLR outputs into the back of the Apollo Twin) into Logic. I haven't tried reamping yet, but, of course, latency is a non-issue there. I will say that they've updated the UA...
  45. mongoose_eyeball

    Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 2.00 Firmware Release

    I turned everything off (even the iMac), had a glass of juice, came back and turned it all back on. Now, the JS amps show up on the front panel of the unit, but still not in Axe Edit. So I selected the Js410 Crunch Or from the front panel, and here's what it says in Axe Edit:
  46. mongoose_eyeball

    Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 2.00 Firmware Release

    None of the JS amps show up on my amp list. I updated to 2.0 (from 2.0 Beta 3), but the list goes from Jr Blues to Matchbox D-30. Also, I went through the entire amp list, and found two more (for a total four) amps that don't have a "Basic" screen in Axe Edit. Here are all four: Suhr Badger...
  47. mongoose_eyeball

    Axe-Fx II "Quantum" 2.00 Public Beta Numero Tres

    It didn't help. I Haven't been through all 234 amps, but so far, only the two Suhr models seem affected. And even on those, the GEQ, Speaker, Dynamics, Power, Tone and Other screens all work, but the Basic screen is blank. I suspect this is karma for something awful I did once to an actual...
  48. mongoose_eyeball

    Axe-Fx II "Quantum" 2.00 Public Beta Numero Tres

    This is odd. Loaded Beta 3 and everything sounds great, but I just noticed that neither Suhr amp has a Basic edit screen anymore. None of the other amps I tried were affected this way.
  49. mongoose_eyeball

    Rick-o-sound stereo input (two amps)

    Yes, you can incorporate either of the back inputs into the patch (though if you're also using the front input, you can't use back input 1 in stereo--the front input is actually "input 1 left"). Most people run both signals into a volume block to split them. I play a Carvin guitar with a piezo...
  50. mongoose_eyeball

    The "other" Benson jazz tone...

    Currently, the JC is the only solid state amp model in the Axe. I wonder whether Cliff has ever considered modeling a Polytone. I know it wouldn't be as much fun to make as a tube amp, but it might be a cool alternative for those of us who use a large batch of clean tones. The closest I've...
  51. mongoose_eyeball

    Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 1.01 Firmware Release

    In that case, I may experiment with switching back to individual patches instead of scenes. Currently using six scenes per patch, one patch per bank on my MFC. Found myself recently wishing I could move more quickly between sounds that are too different to conveniently share a patch.
  52. mongoose_eyeball

    Complete Beginner at EVERYTHING guitar

  53. mongoose_eyeball

    It ain't heavy, it's my Axe fx

    Mine's in a 4-space rack bag, accompanied only by a Fishman power unit. I bring a Yamaha DXR-12 frfr powered cab to use as a monitor (which I'd be bringing anyway, unless I know the soundman; I run my vocals through it). The whole thing is considerably lighter than a medium-to-large rig.
  54. mongoose_eyeball

    Gate/Expander position

    This is a simple question, just something I've noticed but never really looked into. It seems like when I add a Gate/Expander block to cut noise, it works the same, no matter where in the layout I put it. On a real pedal board, for instance, I wouldn't put a noise gate first in the chain, prior...
  55. mongoose_eyeball

    Axe-Fx 2: Stevie Ray Vaughan Guitar Tone Video Tutorial

    Very, very impressive tutorial AND patch. I loaded the patch and IR Sunday morning, then played a gig with it Sunday afternoon. You gave me a great excuse to start with my strat (which I usually don't pull out unless my Carvin SH575 pops a string). We played under a raised restaurant (on the...
  56. mongoose_eyeball

    Praise for Axe Edit update for Quantum 1.0 Official Release

    Which guide? Have you posted the preset? I'm using a fairly simple SVT preset for bass, but I'd love to try it...
  57. mongoose_eyeball

    Axe-FX Rack and Stand Recommendations

    I keep mine in a Gator 4-space rack bag, and I sometimes use one of these, putting the Axe "backwards," so it faces up towards me. On-Stage Stands RS7000 Tiltback Amp Stand |
  58. mongoose_eyeball

    Where do you put your axe live..Floor..Cab..Milk crate?

    And yes, I do worry about wear and tear. Unlike my old FloorPod and Digitech RP200, I don't let it get grody; once the weekend is over, I set it back up in my studio and clean it. Fortunately, Louisiana is going totally smoke-free next month, so that will help. There are gigs I won't bring it...
  59. mongoose_eyeball

    Where do you put your axe live..Floor..Cab..Milk crate?

    Mine's in a 4-space Gator rack bag. I put it on one of these keyboard stands. I've never worried about my old-style (Mark I) MFC cable popping out; it's pretty well secured on the MFC side (where it stays plugged in--it travels in the MFC bag), and since the AC cable coming out of my Axe II is a...
  60. mongoose_eyeball

    Anybody tried the Laney IRT–X?

    It's a FRFR 200-watt powered cab intended for playing guitar through (it's not being marketed as a PA cab). They seem to go for around $500. I read a good review this morning in Sound on Sound magazine's May 2015 issue. Just curious whether anyone's tried one.
  61. mongoose_eyeball

    Axe Fx w/ Apollo users for PT Aggregate

    Do you know whether there's a Logic Pro X equivalent to the Pro Tools Aggregate?
  62. mongoose_eyeball

    Three Cheers for Fungus!

    Hey, how come the Soundcloud thing didn't work? How do you guys do that?
  63. mongoose_eyeball

    Three Cheers for Fungus!

    I finally got my Logic Pro X setup going (I bought an iMac and a UA Apollo Twin Interface), and I wanted to record something to use to help me learn the program. This is what I came up with; it's a short (two-and-a-half-minute) instrumental, kind of in a Bill Frisell/Kurt Rosenwinkle/Scofield...
  64. mongoose_eyeball

    Do I need Scenes?

    I play three or four nights a week with several different cover bands, and do a couple of regular duo and trio gigs, including a Jazz brunch on Sundays at a restaurant. None of the bands rehearse, so I've never had to make custom patches for specific songs (meaning I also never get the chance to...
  65. mongoose_eyeball

    AXE FX II into Apollo Twin I/O Setup

    I'd be interested in a way to do this as well. I've only just started using an Apollo Twin into Logic Pro X, and so far, the only way I've found that works is what indeloon is doing: going in analog, like I would with a pair of microphones. Still sounds great, though.
  66. mongoose_eyeball

    [Fremen] presets V15.02 uploaded

    Dang, fremen, do you really live in Mauritius? You must really have to bend over every time you get something shipped there. No wonder you bought an Axe FX: you got all of your GAS over with at once, so you didn't have to get shipping-raped over and over for an endless parade of amps and pedals!
  67. mongoose_eyeball

    5 Artists that are you

    That's what's cool about this thread; I've never even heard of Massive Attack, but his other four are among my favorites - - now I've got to check them out.
  68. mongoose_eyeball

    quality, affordable mic stands.....any 'real' opinions...

    Whatever you do, don't order this one: Flimsy as can be. You could make a sturdier stand out of dried pasta.
  69. mongoose_eyeball

    5 Artists that are you

    Todd Rundgren Frank Zappa Steely Dan Yes tie: Allan Holdsworth & James Taylor
  70. mongoose_eyeball

    Whether to get Axe Fx II XL for recording

    Easily the most expensive gear purchase that I've never regretted.
  71. mongoose_eyeball

    PC and Mac together?

    Interesting perspective, Clive, thanks. Your advice made me think of additional issues involved in the "two computer" idea. For one thing, the logistics of sending audio--digital or otherwise--from the laptop to the iMac would seem to indicate that I'd need a second interface, so I'd have one...
  72. mongoose_eyeball

    who here loves their jobs?

    +1. I taught college (Literature) for 18 years and I liked it a lot, but I didn't love it like I do my software job. Been at it seven years, and I like it more every day. Unlike AlGrenadine, though, I don't work at home; I was offered that option, but I turned it down (my office is about a...
  73. mongoose_eyeball

    PC and Mac together?

    After years of procrastinating, I finally bit the bullet and bought a new 27" iMac to use as the centerpiece for the home studio I always said I was about to put together (had to wait until I'd fully recovered from buying my Axe FX II rig...) I'll probably use either Logic X, Studio One or...
  74. mongoose_eyeball

    Preset Levels and Output clipping

    I'm always conscious of "level inflation" as I'm tweaking a patch. I have to be, because generally, if a change boosts the loudness of a patch, my ear wants to hear it as an improvement. It's kind of like the old Pepsi/Coke taste tests. Pepsi tended to win because it's sweeter, and after one...
  75. mongoose_eyeball

    Axe FX : JAZZ FUSION Free Package

    Great, because I spoke too soon. Checked the YouTube page, but the only links I could find are to ads.
  76. mongoose_eyeball

    Axe FX : JAZZ FUSION Free Package

    Oops--just noticed the "download link in the video description" part. I'll look again when I get home.
  77. mongoose_eyeball

    Axe FX : JAZZ FUSION Free Package

    How do I get it? I looked on Axe Change but couldn't find it.
  78. mongoose_eyeball

    Anybody had this issue before?

    I played a double yesterday with a singer down from Nashville. The first was the 90th birthday party of David Oreck (the vacuum cleaner tycoon), and it went fine. But the second was at this old VFW hall out in the woods near Poplarville, Mississippi. It was ancient. They had one wall outlet...
  79. mongoose_eyeball

    Dear Axe fx II, I must apologize for been such a...

    When you sell your II to buy a Line 6 product, THEN you can apologize...
  80. mongoose_eyeball

    Any advice on relative levels?

    Thanks! Lots of great suggestions. I should have some time tomorrow afternoon to do some fine tuning.
  81. mongoose_eyeball

    Synth options

    So I just bought a Carvin SH575: It has a built-in peizo/hex pickup with a 13-pin out for MIDI control. I'm about to get a synth interface, and wondering how many of you have incorporated synth into your Axe rigs. Because of the size of the MFC, I don't want a GR-55; there's enough going...
  82. mongoose_eyeball

    Any advice on relative levels?

    I've played several gigs now with the MFC and the Axe II, and I've yet to get fully comfortable with it. My biggest problem right now concerns relative levels. I know the fact that the stage is a different environment from the studio isn't news to anyone. I understand the whole notion that a...
  83. mongoose_eyeball

    At Last! A wireless MIDI guitar pickup that outdoes the axon

    This really just replaces the GK-3 pickup, though, right? I just bought a Carvin SH575 (with a 13-pin out), so I don't need the pickup part--I'm looking for the "translate to MIDI" part. As far as I'm aware, the only two games in town for that are still the GR-55 and the Axon. I'd much...
  84. mongoose_eyeball

    Which PA Speakers Are Best?

    I play the axe through a DXR12, and it's awesome. Two of my electrics have the Graph-Tech ghost system, so they do electric, acoustic or MIDI. The three inputs on the DX allow me to use it as a monitor or a backline amp (with separate ins for the peizo pickup, the Axe Fx and the gr-55). I...
  85. mongoose_eyeball

    The Scenes of my frustration

    I'm curious why you go with 0 bank size, then dedicate a row of IAs to five patches. What are the advantages of this over a bank size of 5 (which, rather than requiring you to attach the IAs to five specific patches, would give you the five presets in any given bank, and would also allow for...
  86. mongoose_eyeball

    Axe-FX II + Fender Tele and Strat

    Guys like this make me remember a conversation I had with my dad a few years ago. He argued that there won't be anymore Thomas Edisons or Jonas Salks; that the combination of 21st-century corporate structure and level of current technology makes it impossible for the garage inventor to one-up...
  87. mongoose_eyeball

    Effect Block Ordering

    Trust your ears. All it takes is a few mouse clicks to move any element into any order; which order sounds best through the physical equipment you're using? Anytime I build a preset, I tend to space the Amp and Cab out, with room before and after both: That way, I can move things into...
  88. mongoose_eyeball

    Axe-FX II + Fender Tele and Strat

    I hear good things about Lindy Fralin split-blades. I have an HSH Ibanez with an overly-noisy single coil that I'm thinking of swapping out with one. Has anybody compared the split-blades to the Zexcoils?
  89. mongoose_eyeball

    The Scenes of my frustration

    Ahhh! I get it! It's like channels in mute groups on an old-school recording console; they are what they are, and you switch them in and out in whatever combination as needed. Leave it to me to buy the most complicated tone tool out there, then misunderstand something simple. Next, could...
  90. mongoose_eyeball

    The Scenes of my frustration

    Disclaimer: this thread starts out looking like it would be better placed in the MCF-101 Discussion section, but I'm putting it here because I'm ultimately asking for FX II programming suggestions. It took me awhile after my MCF-101 came in to decide how I wanted to set it up. I started with...
  91. mongoose_eyeball

    Admission of Ignorance

    In a way, I'm glad I had to wait six months after getting the Axe before I got the MCF-101; it would have been even more intimidating to figure out both of them at once. By the time my MCF arrived, I at least had a handle on how to tweak patches the way I like them. In many ways, I've found...
  92. mongoose_eyeball

    Yek's Presets for MkI/MkII (v15.03) and Blog

    Found what seems to be a quick fix: I just turned on "Copy Out1 to Out2" in the I/O Audio menu.
  93. mongoose_eyeball

    Yek's Presets for MkI/MkII (v15.03) and Blog

    Here's a real dumb question: you said, "OUT2: Power Amp and Guitar Cab.The FXL block in each preset feeds a power amp and guitar cab through OUT2. No Cab simulation" My power amp just died, so tonight, I won't be playing output 2 through amp/cab; instead, I'll be going FR from both...
  94. mongoose_eyeball

    Going from Stereo to Mono

    If any of your patches sound thinner in mono, you may have a phase issue happening when Left and Right are summed; that's what "Copy L to R" is for.
  95. mongoose_eyeball

    Warning: Buy a Axe-FX II on ebay today (May 22?)

    Look at his seller information: his entire ebay history is 33 deals. I might buy a $7 iPhone 5 case from somebody with 33 deals, but a $2,000 piece of music gear? Really?
  96. mongoose_eyeball

    Will another Axe-Fx II Firmware be released soon?

    Well, there it is. This is the sad truth that none of us wants to admit, isn't it? Given both the status of the Axe FX II as an "ultimate" guitar tone icon and the expense involved in assembling a complete Axe rig, I think it's safe to say that no one enters this particular club without...
  97. mongoose_eyeball

    Wrecker now a wreck IMHO [solved]

    If none of those things work, you could always roll back to 7 or 8 (whichever was the last one that worked with the old Axe Edit). I know it feels like a big step back, but system 6 had just been released when I bought my Axe, and I remember thinking at the time that nothing could top system 7...
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