Anybody had this issue before?

I played a double yesterday with a singer down from Nashville. The first was the 90th birthday party of David Oreck (the vacuum cleaner tycoon), and it went fine. But the second was at this old VFW hall out in the woods near Poplarville, Mississippi.

It was ancient. They had one wall outlet near the stage for the whole band to share (including PA). We used the hall's PA--which was small--and we didn't play very loud, so, surprisingly, we didn't trip any breakers.

But though the power was uninterrupted, it was also very weak and constantly fluctuating. I sing through a Harmony machine, and it wouldn't stay on.

The worst problem, though, was my MFC, which acted totally screwy. It worked intermittently. The switches would work, and then they wouldn't. It kept switching banks when I'd change a preset, and the BAK command on my lead patch switch wouldn't work. Neither would my expression pedal.

After the first set, I went to the car and grabbed the old Digitech RP 500 I keep as a backup, set the Axe on a basic, clean Vibroverb patch, and finished the gig.

Has anyone experienced weirdness like this in rooms with dodgy power? My Axe seemed to work fine (it didn't shut down or give me a flickering screen or anything).
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