The Parts of the Dream that Confused the Fetus

Not sure how to label this, genre-wise. I was going for "post-rock," but I grew up with Todd Rundgren and Steely Dan, so I always have trouble paring things down, harmonically-speaking.

All guitars and the bass (an MTD) were recorded analog-style through the Axe into an Apollo Twin's mic inputs, using the Fractal's stereo effects at the time of performance. Next time, I'll try reamping, because the prominent delay on one of the solos (the one at 4:58) forced me to use a single take, in a place where I otherwise would've comped between the two most interesting takes.

I used a Carvin SH-575, a homemade Strat with Zexcoils, a cheap Cortez electric 12 and--only for the jazzier solo at 6:46--an old Guild X-150 (through the stock "Mr. Benson" preset).

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This piece was a truly inspirational work of art, and a demonstration of unconventional creativity.

In this day and age where, 'in my opinion,'... ‘A vast majority’ of todays musical offerings are redundant and predictable, done by a society of copycats, who have seemingly lost touch with a truly innovative creative license, whose efforts consequently lead to, for lack of a better term, ‘boring’ music!... Clones of Clones so to speak.

In spite of this current prevalent trend however, it’s good to know that there are still some revolutionary pioneers willing to venture into the vast artistic unknown.

I find your composition to be a welcome breath of fresh air!!
Hopefully there will be more forward thinking 'out of the box' sonic delights of this nature from you and those you have inspired in the near future...

Thank you for sharing!
Not sure how to label this, genre-wise. I was going for "post-rock," but I grew up with Todd Rundgren and Steely Dan, so I always have trouble paring things down, harmonically-speaking.

All guitars and the bass (an MTD) were recorded analog-style through the Axe into an Apollo Twin's mic inputs, using the Fractal's stereo effects at the time of performance. Next time, I'll try reamping, because the prominent delay on one of the solos (the one at 4:58) forced me to use a single take, in a place where I otherwise would've comped between the two most interesting takes.

I used a Carvin SH-575, a homemade Strat with Zexcoils, a cheap Cortez electric 12 and--only for the jazzier solo at 6:46--an old Guild X-150 (through the stock "Mr. Benson" preset).

That blew my mind man!!! I absolutely love it!!! The Rundgren/Dan influence is clear, but the complexity of and movement within the harmonies quickly reminded of the The Bulgarian State Television Female Choir's Ritual cd (that's right), which blew me away the first time I heard that too. Do you have more stuff like this to share, please!?
That blew my mind man!!! I absolutely love it!!! The Rundgren/Dan influence is clear, but the complexity of and movement within the harmonies quickly reminded of the The Bulgarian State Television Female Choir's Ritual cd (that's right), which blew me away the first time I heard that too. Do you have more stuff like this to share, please!?

PS. When is the video going to be released? As much fun as it is to conjure in my head, I would love to see one produced!
Dude, this is fantastic. I'd call it straight prog, and not post rock, but who cares... I'm hearing a solid Genesis influence to go with that Steely Dan and Rundgren btw.

So much to like about the mix as well... You managed to get a lot of little things to coalesce together, and you didn't come off as self indulgent like a lot of post rock and prog can. I mean cmon, a gated snare that doesn't come off as cheesy? Grats to you man, keep it up, and I'll be keeping an eye on your project for good stuff to come.
the complexity of and movement within the harmonies quickly reminded of the The Bulgarian State Television Female Choir's Ritual CD

I live in a small-to-medium sized university town (Hammond, Louisiana, and we have big arts festival every fall that's sponsored by SLU. The concerts are really inexpensive, so I go see pretty much everything I have time for. Anyway, around 2002, the Bulgarian Women came and I took my girlfriend to see them. Waiting for the curtain to go up, she said something like, "ok, so now we're missing the Sopranos so we can listen to some singin' gals from Bulgaria? Remind me why I agreed to do this." Then the curtain came up and the whole choir was wearing traditional Baltic outfits, and she rolled her eyes, and then they started to sing.

And her jaw dropped. And my jaw dropped.

It was the most surprisingly sublime concert I'd ever seen, certainly in my top five of all time.

So thanks!!!
That's amazing! I love the bass :D, and the guitar solo!
All the guitar solos! Very cool to get such distinctly different styles of soloing within the same piece of music that all seemed appropriate. :)

The bass seemed to be the glue holding every thing together. I loved it when it got funky-fusiony!
All the guitar solos! Very cool to get such distinctly different styles of soloing within the same piece of music that all seemed appropriate. :)

The bass seemed to be the glue holding every thing together. I loved it when it got funky-fusiony!

Thanks! I played nothing but bass for ten or eleven years; now, my gigs are probably 70/30 guitar/bass. Seems like I still buy more basses than guitars--GAS knows no sense of proportion.
Yes, when I get the chance. Just getting my studio back together after the flooding in August.

Fortunately, I had left my stage rig (Axe FX II, MFC and a pair of QSC K8s) in my car, something I never do ordinarily, but when I got home from a gig the night before we flooded, the water had already risen too high too drive an SUV onto my street. The best I could do was park two blocks away, then slog through then waist-deep (later, it would become forehead-deep in places) water back to my house, holding my guitar over my head like a Marine crossing a river with his M16. The next morning, I swam back to check on my car, and I had to move it even further away.

Anyway, four feet of water doesn't do a home studio any good, and putting it all back together has taken a while; I kept wanting to sing "Like a good neighbor, State Farm is.....somewhere else..."

So between all of the issues with my house, then the holidays, etc., it's taken a long time, but I've got it all pretty much back to normal by now, and I'm just starting to record again, so I'll post something soon.

Thanks for asking!
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Here's a two-minute instrumental I did prior to the Fetus song--it's not a Room in the Elephant project song, so it doesn't have the same kind of sound. I had just gotten Logic Pro X, and I wanted to record something quick just to get familiar with the DAW.

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