The Scenes of my frustration

Disclaimer: this thread starts out looking like it would be better placed in the MCF-101 Discussion section, but I'm putting it here because I'm ultimately asking for FX II programming suggestions.

It took me awhile after my MCF-101 came in to decide how I wanted to set it up. I started with two banks of presets and no scenes, but I was put off by some of the glitchiness I got switching between presets (sudden loud noises, unpredictably-long between-patch pauses, etc.).

I play in a wide gamut of stylistic situations, so I have to be ready for anything from ultra-clean to 80s high-gain to wacked-out space sounds. Just about the only genre I never need sounds from is modern metal.

So after reading about scenes, I decided to go with zero bank size, using five scenes per patch (so that I'd switch between patches only between songs, or at least in long gaps during songs); that way, the bank up/down became my patch selector, and within each patch, I'd use a consistent, five-scene plan (so that I could use the bottom row on the MCF to switch between them):

Scene 1: cleanest
Scene 2: halfway between cleanest and dirtiest
Scene 3: dirtiest
Scene 4: modulated
Scene 5: lead

And beyond that, the idea was that my first patch would have a totally-clean scene 1, a noticiably-hairy scene 2, a solidly crunchy scene 3, and a totally clean lead sound.

The second would be like the first, but with the gain on every scene ramped up a bit.

The third would be like the second, but with the gain on every scene ramped up a bit.

"Special effect" patches aside, those three patches would give me just about all I'd need, gain-wise, since scene 2 on the first patch would have about the same amount of gain as scene 1 on a fourth patch, were I to make one.

At least three of the modulation/delay/reverb combination patches I need would fit into scene 4 of one of the first three patches, then if I needed more, I could assign the MCF to default to scene 4 (the modulated scene) in any more patches, still following the clean-to-dirty ethos in scenes 1-3 (and basing the starting-point gain on the sort of song for which I'd use the modulated patch)

OK. sorry to make you read so much background; I did it hoping that I'm not the only user who planned to do it this way.

Because when I sat down to build my patches yesterday, I got really, really frustrated. Here's why:

I started with the cleanest patch, #1. I got a great scene 1 (BTW, I kind of "discovered" how good the previously-overlooked CA3+ Clean works in this situation--for me, it trumped both the Vibrato Verb and the Friedman BE, my two previous faves), a great scene 2 and a great scene 3. I didn't notice any problems until around the time I started on scene 4. I already knew from reading that any new blocks I added in would be engaged in every scene until I bypassed them. What I didn't count on was the unpredictable interaction between scenes once I started going back to listen to all of the scenes and trying to even out the output levels between them. I'd change something on an amp in scene 3 and suddenly scenes 1 and 2 would be altered. This is really annoying, if you've found a sound that makes you go, "ah! perfect! lock it in!" only to discover that it's been diminished by a change you made in another scene.

I also wish there were a "save as scene 3" (or scene whatever) feature, since often I'd tweak a scene until it was just right, then go to the next one thinking, "I want the next one just the last one, but with univibe and delay" only to find that all of the tweaking in the previous scene wasn't repeated in the new one.

Has anybody worked out a clever, repeatable process for creating scene-oriented patches like this? I still like the idea of scenes, but it seems more complicated and easy to botch, so I may just go back to a single-bank MCF setup, using my bottom row for patches rather than scenes (but with the same general philosophy).

Thanks in advance for those wise and patient enough to not look up my address and send me a teaspoon of ricin.
I'd change something on an amp in scene 3 and suddenly scenes 1 and 2 would be altered.
I think what you have is perhaps a misunderstanding of what scenes do. Scenes let you change the bypass state of a block, the X/Y state of a block and the output levels of the patch. That's it.

You cannot use a scene to changing anything else.

So if you fiddle with the BASS control on your amp block, the change will be in effect across all the scenes in the patch that use that amp block in that X or Y state.

Has anybody worked out a clever, repeatable process for creating scene-oriented patches like this?
Have you tried using multiple blocks and switching their X/Y states? With a single block type, like AMP, that means you've got 4 unique, single AMP configurations you can call up within your scenes. Combine that with multiple CAB blocks and their X/Y states and you have more combinations than scenes.
as what iaresee indicated, you seem to be expecting scenes to work the same way as presets, therein lies the reason for your frustrations.
if you change any parameter in a block, all other scenes are affected, since you are essentially using that same block in every scene.
you can get around this by what iaresee suggested, i.e. multiple blocks within a scene.
for example, i was using scenes with 4 different amps in parallel some time ago.
amp1x, amp1y, amp2x and amp2y.
scene one will turn amp1x on and the rest off, scene two will turn amp1y on and the rest off, and so on.
Think of scenes as snapshots of on/off states of your pedalboard, not fully tweakable presets. Now, before you say "But then I have to go back to all the presets!" There are some methods you can implement, as mentioned above.

I use the MFC in 0 bank size. Switches 1-3 are scenes 1-3 (clean, crunch, high gain), then switch 4 is just a delay, and switch 5 is a boost and a delay for leads. I then setup the top row of switches as patch selection. On every scene the wah is auto engage and routes to work for all 3 scene sounds.

How do I get 3 different amp/cab setups in a single patch? This is where x/y comes into play. I looked through my entire repertoire and decided that I generally don't go from clean to crunch or crunch to high gain. Usually, I use the volume knob to clean up the crunch or use the boost for leads. I setup amp1/cab1 X as my clean, amp2/cab/2 X in series as high gain. Amp1/cab1 Y state is my crunch section. My delay, reverb, etc could change with the Crunch scene as well because they too have Y states.

Admin M@ has an amazing suggestion for getting between the x/y without any dropout by using a volume block. This way the sound never actually mutes because one amp is always on. I bet you can search for that post.

I will warn you ahead of time that it took me a couple days to figure out how to get the patch changes on IA's to not stutter and default to a specific scene when going to them, but I have a few posts in the MFC section from when I was programming it explaining how I achieved it.
Think of scenes as snapshots of on/off states of your pedalboard, not fully tweakable presets.

Ahhh! I get it! It's like channels in mute groups on an old-school recording console; they are what they are, and you switch them in and out in whatever combination as needed.

Leave it to me to buy the most complicated tone tool out there, then misunderstand something simple.

Next, could anyone give me any advice about what this switch on the left next to the rack rail labeled "Power" is for? I assume that when it's engaged, it makes what you play come out as power chords, but I can't get it to work that way--I'm still hearing every minor or major third I play. And when I disengage it, the whole unit goes dark and silent. . .
Ahhh! I get it! It's like channels in mute groups on an old-school recording console; they are what they are, and you switch them in and out in whatever combination as needed.
That's a close analogy. Scenes also let you flip the state of a channel between two unique configurations (the X and Y settings on a block) in addition to muting/unmuting the channel.

Next, could anyone give me any advice about what this switch on the left next to the rack rail labeled "Power" is for? I assume that when it's engaged, it makes what you play come out as power chords, but I can't get it to work that way--I'm still hearing every minor or major third I play. And when I disengage it, the whole unit goes dark and silent. . .

Next, could anyone give me any advice about what this switch on the left next to the rack rail labeled "Power" is for? I assume that when it's engaged, it makes what you play come out as power chords, but I can't get it to work that way--I'm still hearing every minor or major third I play. And when I disengage it, the whole unit goes dark and silent. . .

The power switch converts the electrical signal from your guitar cable into sound via unicorn tears, pixie dust, and a series of rubbings from leprechaun gold.
I use the MFC in 0 bank size. Switches 1-3 are scenes 1-3 (clean, crunch, high gain), then switch 4 is just a delay, and switch 5 is a boost and a delay for leads. I then setup the top row of switches as patch selection.

I'm curious why you go with 0 bank size, then dedicate a row of IAs to five patches. What are the advantages of this over a bank size of 5 (which, rather than requiring you to attach the IAs to five specific patches, would give you the five presets in any given bank, and would also allow for setting the Global to BAK, something you can't do with IAs)--is it just that you'd rather use the bottom row for scenes?
What I did was set up my first preset with 5 scenes and got them all leveled the way they sound the best. Once I have a preset perfect then I just copy that preset to the next preset and change the amp used. This way I preserve my effects states and just create a new amp sound to my liking. I'm not sure if this helps you.
I'm curious why you go with 0 bank size, then dedicate a row of IAs to five patches. What are the advantages of this over a bank size of 5 (which, rather than requiring you to attach the IAs to five specific patches, would give you the five presets in any given bank, and would also allow for setting the Global to BAK, something you can't do with IAs)--is it just that you'd rather use the bottom row for scenes?

Yep. I switch scenes WAY more than patches because I have a clean, crunch, and lead in my main patch. With 0 bank size I can put my scenes on the bottom row and still access my patches from the top row, which is used maybe 5 times in a 4 hour set.
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