Whether to get Axe Fx II XL for recording

That's it, I'm getting the Axe Fx - was having my 6505 serviced because of extra hissing in one of the preamp tubes. Just got off the phone with the amp guy and the service cost $198 for what I thought would be a basic job. Can't deal with continually shelving out money for something that I can't even record properly.

Which reminds me, are there any ongoing maintenance costs associated with the Axe Fx? Not having to pay for ongoing servicing would be a huge plus.
Hi again,
No ongoing costs at all...when I got mine, it was firmware 9.... Now it's 15, and somehow cliff continues to add value for zero ongoing cost. One area you'll probably spe nd some money is on cabs though...I have cause I just had to have them haha!

When you get it, you'll wish you'd jumped sooner.


That's it, I'm getting the Axe Fx - was having my 6505 serviced because of extra hissing in one of the preamp tubes. Just got off the phone with the amp guy and the service cost $198 for what I thought would be a basic job. Can't deal with continually shelving out money for something that I can't even record properly.

Which reminds me, are there any ongoing maintenance costs associated with the Axe Fx? Not having to pay for ongoing servicing would be a huge plus.
Hi again,
No ongoing costs at all...when I got mine, it was firmware 9.... Now it's 15, and somehow cliff continues to add value for zero ongoing cost. One area you'll probably spe nd some money is on cabs though...I have cause I just had to have them haha!

When you get it, you'll wish you'd jumped sooner.


Nice! It comes with heaps of cabs though yeah? Are the cabs you're talking about extra ones created by Fractal?
Hi again,

Yep you got it in one. Check out the wiki to see the list of amps and cabs that come with it. In all reality, you don't need to buy cab packs at all... It's just what I do to try and help mask a fundamental shortage of talent! :eek:

I would be very very surprised if you ever thought it was not one of the best acquisitions you could make for your music.


Nice! It comes with heaps of cabs though yeah? Are the cabs you're talking about extra ones created by Fractal?
Was looking to pull the trigger on the Axe Fx 2 XL in the next month or so by selling both of my current amps. Looked today and saw that the price has gone up to $3,349.00 Realised that even if I sell both of my amps I still won't have enough. It's getting a bit beyond the price range of the average musician :(
I use Reaper, Scarlett 2i2, ex drummer 2 and the Axe-II.....Easiest setup I've ever had and axe-II sounds fantastic....also just got cab lab and the 4x12 cab collection big plus there!!

I sold my triaxis boogie rig and missed it for a few years until I got the Axe-II....You won't be sorry
Was looking to pull the trigger on the Axe Fx 2 XL in the next month or so by selling both of my current amps. Looked today and saw that the price has gone up to $3,349.00 Realised that even if I sell both of my amps I still won't have enough. It's getting a bit beyond the price range of the average musician :(

hmmm...List Price: $3,599.95
Direct Price $2,499.95
I'm sure someone's gotta be selling one on eBay or something over there. Hell, you could probably import one used and still save some money...maybe.
Was looking to pull the trigger on the Axe Fx 2 XL in the next month or so by selling both of my current amps. Looked today and saw that the price has gone up to $3,349.00 Realised that even if I sell both of my amps I still won't have enough. It's getting a bit beyond the price range of the average musician :(
Wow, that is pricey. If you can afford it, it's still worth it at that price.
My 2 cents. Save up for it. In the long run what you get is far greater than any thing else. Just add up the cost of a couple of the 180+ different amp models and 150+cabs that you get with the XL that you can tweak in ways that you cant even do with the real world counterpart, not to mention world class effects, 512 "User" cab locations, 768 presets, routing, audio interface, USB, SPDIF, MIDI, amp tone matching, Cab packs, user content from Axechange, forums and on and on and on. Plus, updates out the wazoo that can add new features, amps, cabs, tweaks. I don't regret my choice and neither do any of the people that I have told about the Axe that have saves and purchased it. I also got the MFC 101 mark III because it is pretty much plug and play and don't regret that either. More than worth it.
I've found an Axe Fx II online which is selling in a few days. Current price is $1,800 but I'm sure that will go up when people start bidding closer to the date. The Axe Fx II is selling brand new for $2,869.00 here, so depending on how much the price goes up it may not be worth going second hand.

Out of curiosity, how long do we think there is until the Axe Fx 3 comes out? I'd hate to save up and then be selling the XL in 2 years time to buy the new version. :p
The second hand Axe Fx 2 on ebay sold for $2,550. You can buy a new one for $2,860.. Man people are stupid.
Well... I would personally pony up the extra $300 for the warranty and official support, but $300 isn't "nothing".
It just amazes me that people wouldn't want something brand new and with a warranty for $300 more. Another Axe Fx II was listed today - the starting price is just $100 less than a brand new Axe Fx II. I wouldn't be surprised if it sold as well. Kind of removes the second hand option for anyone that can't afford brand new. Ah well. Back to saving up.
Looks like I'm ready to pull the trigger on the Axe Fx 2 XL!

Should I bother buying a rack case for it? At this point I'm only going to be using it at home and not gigging with it. Is a case necessary? Would be nice to avoid 'rack rash' for as long as possible.

Also, I've read that the Axe Fx has been designed to deal with power spikes/ surges etc, so that a power conditioner is not necessary. (I've also read that in most circumstances power conditioners are not necessary/ do very little anyway). Apparently there was a quote from Cliff somewhere about the lack of need for a power conditioner?

Any advice on these two questions would be much appreciated. Then I'm ready to go ahead! :mrgreen

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