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  • Users: Marz
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  1. Marz

    Want to laugh for an hour or two ... shreds +

    I nearly shat myself laughing watching this....:twisted
  2. Marz

    Most Underrated guitar solos of all time

    My all time favourite...
  3. Marz

    What brand of cable are you using for guitar to Axe?

    Yep, exactly what I have been doing since I can remember... I have tried Belden, Canare, Mogami and some no name brands... always used quality Switchcraft or Neutrik connectors... all worked well, the only difference in sound I ever heard was my piss poor guitar playing... Current cable...
  4. Marz

    Axe FX II and V6.0 has caused tourettes

    Must be a ferking echo in the forum...:-P or you got a delay block attached to you reply... post the preset... :lol Amen to that... :D
  5. Marz

    Axe FX II and V6.0 has caused tourettes

    could also be a case of "Too much Alcohol" or "Barley and Grape" if you know what I mean... ;)
  6. Marz

    Axe FX II and V6.0 has caused tourettes

    Upgrade the Axe with version 6 and after every preset.. all I can say is F@%$ing awesome, Holy S#@t, whow Mother f#@$er... Any one else had this F$#@ing problem...:twisted I wounder if medical insurance covers this!
  7. Marz

    Listening to Mob Rules

    Preset any one...?
  8. Marz

    Where do you run your output knob on front of Axe?

    Not meaning to be rude or indignant... but have you read the 15 to be specific... here is an excerpt "The front panel OUTPUT LEVEL1/2 knobs independently control the volumes at these rear panel jacks. Output 1 also adjusts the headphones level. Optimal levels will depend on what...
  9. Marz


    Well, I guess it had to happen sooner later... I just blew up the Virtual Vaccum Tubes on my Ace Fx II.... Any suggestions as to wether I should replace them with virtual EL34, 6L6, or KT88 ? Your opions are appreciated... :lol
  10. Marz

    RIP Ronnie Montrose

    I guess that means no more "Rock Candy" RIP Ronnie :cry
  11. Marz

    Axe Fx Sighting

    Not sure if you have seen this, but have a look at the AXE Fx II front of house in Mr Vai's rig... a beauty to behold for sure.
  12. Marz

    Output Volume.

    I hate it when that happens...
  13. Marz

    Output Volume.

    Sure, No problemo... I use: SOMMER CABLE - SC-CARBOKAB 225 for Balanced XLR to XLR or TRS connections, Neutrik NC3FXX-B or NP3X-BAG connectors SOMMER CABLE - SC-SPIRIT for Guitar, Neutrik NP2X-AU-SILENT Plugs guitar end and NP2X-BAG or NP2RX-BAG amp end SOMMER CABLE - SC-GALILEO 238 PLUS for...
  14. Marz

    Output Volume.

    Thanks, tried that and yes both levels are the same (balanced) in the utility... so the next thing is.. Switched cables and the output volume switched also... damn... its the cable, and now its Sunday so I can't get to make a new one. Tested it and it all contacts are not shorting so it...
  15. Marz

    Output Volume.

    Hi, Got my Axe Fx II yesterday, been playing around and generally getting acquainted with it. However I have noticed one item which I can not figure out. I have output 1 L/R XLR plugged to monitors and the right output volume is not as high as the left. Settings on both monitors...
  16. Marz

    Can someone post a clip displaying FIZZ?

    Not meaning to sound stupid, but isn't "fizz" a product also of harmonic distortion caused by the aliasing qualities of the processors, of which I understand is almost non existent in an Axe Fx (any version, but even less in the II) ? This article may be interesting (required...
  17. Marz

    just some heavy as hell cali legacy stuff

    That is not an Axe FX... You plugged directly into a concrete mixer... :lol
  18. Marz

    Ian Moss - Cold Chisel sound

    Smartarse retort: DAMN good answer! :lol Talent... I don't got... that is why I need the ULTRAS help... Agreed on that one... it sounds as he may be using some reverb/delay... maybe a tube screamer... with just a touch of gain dialled in. I also like his tone in Bow River off "the Barking...
  19. Marz

    Ian Moss - Cold Chisel sound

    Hi any Oz mates here got a good Ian Moss tone out of the Ultra? any suggestions on where to start.... I just cant get his cleans with his solo growl... close but no cigar. Thanks
  20. Marz

    AxeFX II High Gain Clip VIDEO Mark Day at Tone Merchants

    Hi Mark... cool, tone. When the feed back started to kick in, how much of that was due to the VHT? Would it have been the same through a SS amp? or is it all the AxeFx II? Cheers
  21. Marz


    Just to begin with, Thank you Cliff, I enjoy every minute with the ultra... Hopefully in the not too distant future, the Axe-Fx II may also grace my rack... Sasha: you da man... didn't they make a movie about you....I think it was called ... Jerry Mcguire?
  22. Marz

    Recently purchased an Ultra or Standard?

    Sorry you got that impression Scott... but that is definitely not the case. The Axe was an upgrade from a Digitech GNX4 with MFX Super Models... which I still have. The process took me some time, like alot of people who are not well off had to save for this unit and had to chose carefully. I...
  23. Marz

    Am I alone in keeping the Ultra????

    Yep... keeping mine.
  24. Marz

    The new MATRIX GT800FX. THE amp for THE Axe-Fx

    Hey, now that the Axe-Fx II has been released... does this mean that Matrix will release a GT800FX II...? ;) :twisted
  25. Marz

    My final word on the new Axe II thingy

    I like the way that you think zentman... After all, when you are listening to a Mesa MKIII with a 412 or a Plexi59 and 412... then that is what you should be hearing, and not "which Axe-Fx" you own. Whilst there might be subtle differences, most people will never know. Its about the tone...
  26. Marz

    Recently purchased an Ultra or Standard?

    Thanks bkrumme... but this one may make you reconsider...
  27. Marz


    Hey... what happened to the countdown? I was enjoying the suspense :twisted
  28. Marz

    Recently purchased an Ultra or Standard?

    Yes ... I bought my Ultra two months ago to the day... still stoked with it... but if you look at the very last sentence printed on the very last back page; that would be page 104... it clearly says... (Specifications subject to change without notice) Which FAS have just done. Which part of...
  29. Marz

    Introducing the Axe-Fx II

    Too right GtarLover... if product evolution stopped, then we would all still be using Apple IIe's... or worse still, sinclair 80's... now how ridiculous would that be? not only that, they pay a pittance to their staff who also have to sign suicide clauses so that if have a breakdown... they...
  30. Marz

    saw this pic and had to laugh

    Isn't that a vintage Axe-FX.... :lol
  31. Marz

    R.I.P. Osama Bin Laden

    In your best Munchkin voice... sing "Ding Dong the witch is dead.... the wicked witch is dead"
  32. Marz

    newbie recording interface pc best choices?

    Hi LMO, I just bought an I-ONIX U82s on ebay $300... good deal even if I do say so my self... am I reading you right, you are plugging your Axe-Fx into the two side guitar inputs...? :?: I thought it would be better to use balanced TRS into the rear inputs! Do you use a mixer at all?
  33. Marz

    What's your best guitar joke?

    What"s worse than a dead dog on your piano...? An infected pussy on your organ
  34. Marz

    Axe FX Recording/Bedroom Setup - Need advice

    JBL 2328P Please follow the link. You wont need a sub with these but that's your call. I was considering the Lexicon U42. Bought a Lexicon I-Onix U82 used on ebay for $300. A little bit of overkill but very happy with it. Came recommended by Scott Peterson and LMO. Works on both Mac or...
  35. Marz

    need inexpensive monitors for home use

    Hi TimH I was in the same position as you and after allot of research, I bought these JBL LSR 2383P. I basically read the review titled "Studio Monitors at a reasonable price" by Philanthropic Pundit and took it from there. I considered the Adam A7x which seem to be the most popular... but...
  36. Marz

    My New Ultra came with firmware 11!

    Man... the crochet vest... jacket... very 80's retro.... gotta get me one of those, did your granny knit it? could she do one for me? :lol 8)
  37. Marz

    Is the Avid Pro tools Mbox a good all in one unit for the axe fx?

    Thanks for the clarification, I thought I had missed one of me suer Petersons posts.
  38. Marz

    How to use the Axe-Fx with 5 or more guitars (using a mixer)

    Not sure if this is any help... Jam Hub
  39. Marz

    Eleven Rack expansion $100.00

    What... only one "BJ" a week... man your seriously being RIPPED-OFF....:evil
  40. Marz

    New Line 6 GAMECHANGER!!!

    In the words of a great Monty Python Skit... " your only going to make it worse...." :o
  41. Marz

    Potential buyer...questions...

    and you have 2 grand to drop on an Ultra... I was lucky to buy a pack of strings at 15... :lol I was hesitant to buy the Ultra at first, but now that I have it... I wish I had done it earlier. Absolutely the best tone you will ever get out of a MBB (Magic Black Box)... period. I have...
  42. Marz

    Eleven Rack expansion $100.00

    I might be missing something, but isn't the 11R upgrade a software upgrade, not a firmware one ,so the computer does the work not the 11R, unlike the MBB (Magic Black Box) that is Axe-Fx? Touche and Hoorah...
  43. Marz

    Rack case question (Gator?)

    I use a Gator GR-2S Works very well.
  44. Marz

    Interface consideration?

    Not really sure what you are getting at! :? The two units would plug (daisy chain) directly into the line input or even usb for recording. Then the output from the Eleven rack would go to either a mixer or direct to monitors. Thus enabling recording and monitoring simultaneously of either or...
  45. Marz

    Interface consideration?

    After looking around for a while for an appropriate solution to a recording audio interface, I looked at Mbox, M-Audio, Apogee, Lexicon and many others and for the price it seems that you need to spend in the order of $250 to $500 dollars (with or without software) for a reasonable (read...
  46. Marz

    back up old firmware

    I have 10.04 preloaded on my Axe-fx ultra from the factory... before I do any updates, can that version be saved to HD and then upgrade the firmware to 10.05?
  47. Marz

    Tiny Mixer for rehearsing?

    Hi Hallstein, I use a Behringer Xenyx 802, with no problems at all, especially for headphone playing in the middle of the night. Another option, which has a direct connection (hi-Z) for the guitar is the Mackie 402-VLZ 3. This unit was not available when I was looking but looks promising. As...
  48. Marz

    Can some one recommend a small mixer?

    I use a Behringer Xenyx 802... it's a little expensive though... $65 bucks. Suits my needs and the stereo channels have eq trim. :D
  49. Marz

    Powering ON/OFF

    Thanks Shotgunn... that is the answer I was looking for. Plug in and play... so to speak! :D
  50. Marz

    Powering ON/OFF

    Thanks for the internal photo... I hope you do not mind I circled the the caps in relation to the XLRs 1. and the power supply capacitor 2. I have put an orange dot on the capacitors on the PCB, correct me if I am wrong. :geek
  51. Marz

    Powering ON/OFF

    Wow... I did not know that... if you have to replace the virtual tubes, do they need to be a matched pair and do you have to do a virtual bias on the tubes to make them sweeeeeet... LOL
  52. Marz

    Powering ON/OFF

    Thanks for the replies... Rex, Zman and Yek. I am no electronics engineer, but I do know that the sudden inrush of current and the thermal shock before the electronic components reach their SOA (safe operating area) is the main culprit on failures of electronic devices. Unlike general...
  53. Marz

    Powering ON/OFF

    Hi Ultra users, Just wondering, what the general feeling is about powering up and shutting the unit down. For example, do you turn it on and leave it on once you start using it until you finish up for the night, (in a studio situation when you may work using the unit in the morning and...
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