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  1. T

    Modern clanky bass tone

    Modeled this tone after my favorite audio engineer, Brian Hood of 456 recordings He's recorded bands like ERRA, Gideon, Invent Animate, and Sentinel His youtube tutorial on how to achieve these modern bass tones can be found in the link below: The bass I use live and in the studio is a...
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    Carvin trx2153a or Mackie HD1531 ?

    I cant figure out which of the these two options is going to give me the most bang for my buck, leaning more towards the Carvin, i also think the Carvin will have more headroom in the low end
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    Axe fx + carvin dcm2000 + 8x10 bass cab help

    Hey guys, i've looked all over the forum and googlechrome for that matter and can't seem to find the answer im looking for: Has anyone done or know anyone who has ran their axe fx with a power amp into an 8x10 bass cabinet to play bass live with? im aware of the SVT sim and i know a few of...
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    Axe fx standard + Art X-15 communication help.

    i cannot for the life of me get my axe fx to communicate with my art x-15 controller. in the I/O section i have the midi channel on 1 my program change is off, my mapping is off and i have the display offset to 1 I have my Art x-15 on preset mode on channel one and cannot get the axe fx to...
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    Axe fx standard with bass

    thanks for all your help
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    Axe fx standard with bass

    im barely lucky enough to afford a standard and i know it doesnt have the bass sims on it. Has anyone ever used a standard with a bass, if it worked out what amps and cabs did you use to make it sound more like bass?
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    More Hi-Gain boutique amps!!!

    If you want gain cliff should model a DAR amp they have 3 times the natural gain saturation of any amp. <---the guy demoing the amp blows
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    Bose l1 and l1 compact

    has anyone ever used these with their axe fx. I'm very interested in purchasing a few of these, but i havent seen or heard of anyone using these with an axe fx.
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    First impression of the HD 500

    So what your saying is i should just save for the axe then?
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    Axe Fx stomp(floor unit)

    Wouldn't it be great if cliff could marry the mfc-101 and the axe fx. That would be the ultimate in portability and awesome tone. also possibly make in have a usb port for easier for uploading new software and patches. and most importantly keep in under 2500 dollars? axe fx stomp was just a...
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    Line6 POD HD vs. Axe-Fx metal shootout

    +1 hey man im excited, im glad someone did it. im a poor college kid. and if i can get a close sound to a rectifier for 1/3 the price of the axe im down. ultimately it comes down to the player and his wallet. who cares what everyone else thinks.
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    Line6 POD HD vs. Axe-Fx metal shootout

    axe fx vs. pod HD (please dont flame me) Moderators note - this post was merged into this thread because of redundancy ^here's a link and i have to say im very impressed with the great strides they have made to their pods. im going to test one of...
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    atomic passive cab wattage?

    i emailed atomic amps almost a month ago asking how many watts their passive cabinets could handle at 8 ohms and they still havent answered me back does anyone know?
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    Has anyone used a vader cab with thier axe fx?

    i want to know how the sound is.
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    Post Your Rig!

    i got the hard on for the blackmachine the vader cabs and the axe fx. I think i would sell the engl for a vht 2/90/2
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    Need some power amp help

    imo i would get the art sla2. it handles 200w @8ohms per channel which is enough to power any high end cab and it fits in 1 rack space. you dont have to worry about any harshness or lack of "tube" tone using the axe fx because it's already modeling the tube tone for you. i like using the solid...
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    ive noticed this live...

    Why do bands only mic up one speaker. I dont think i have ever heard a single stereo live show its always stage left guitar mic'ed up comes through only the left side and the same thing for the guy on the right side of the stage. Why dont venues run the bass and both guitars all at the same time...
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    Post Your Rig!

    dear god!!! im gonna say this is the best rig i've ever seen.
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    please recommend a SS poweramp

    i need it to power two of the atomic reactor passive cabinets.
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    powered carvin monitors and unpowered frfr wedges help ... ct=LM12A-2 im not made of money so i would like to know if anyone has any experience with these powered monitors, or if anyone has fun their axe through any carvin Pa's? also if i bought two unpowered frfr wedges from atomic would it sound ok if i ran...
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    Replicate this lead tone

    Fucking tits! well i'm a happy camper.
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    Maxon Od pedal?

    i really feel these OD pedals have alot to offer to me it doesnt matter what kind they are all great.
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    Framus cobra anyone?

    Why the hell not its really nice and i havent heard to many amps like it?
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    Replicate this lead tone i personally find this to be my dream lead tone
  25. T

    Where to check out an Axe FX in Kansas City, KS or MO?

    check for adds on your local craigslist, if you dont see any, then post an add yourself stating you want to try one of these things out. Most axe fx users are more than happy to show off there patches and let you try it out.
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    Question on the output of the Atomic MB50

    it will be safe for you to plug the MB from the 8ohm output to the 16 mono of the marshall cab, but DO NOT run it from the 8ohm MB to the 4ohm Marshall mono you can overload the impedence and blow the MB, cabinet, or both
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    Axe fx standard and diatonic harmonies

    that would be nice not just for the axe fx but also any effect that has an "intelligent" pitch shifter. ;)
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    Axe fx standard and diatonic harmonies

    Great! do i need to select a key or create any kind of interval mapping? if i do have to select a key can i make custom scales for it or is that only available on the Ultra?
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    Axe fx standard and diatonic harmonies

    can the axe fx standard pitch shift in diatonic thirds or sixes? im sure the ultra can but, i just wanna know if the standard can?
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    powered floor monitors or powered PA speakers

    any one know of any for a reasonable price that sound good. i just cant see my self buying the atomic reactor. so im looking for something else
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    atomic fr tubes

    im not sure what brand of tubes are in this beast, but i just want to know has anyone tried putting different tubes in it? how's the sound?
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    atomic fr @ low volumes

    I know it is tubed powered. I just want to know how it sounds at low volumes we all know tube amps don't sound as good at low volumes as apposed to being cranked a bit please let me know
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    cab vs. no cab

    I'm going to be running my axe fx in stereo through 2 mesa 4x12 rectifier cabs Is it better for a live application to create patches using the simulated cabs then running it through the real cabs or does it sound better if you just use a patch with your amp of choice and effects then run that...
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    can you run the axe direct to monitors?

    thanks guys, i figured they had to be powered, one last question do the monitors have to have xlr inputs becuase some monitors don't have these
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    can you run the axe direct to monitors?

    i want to know if you can run the axe directly to a nice pair of studio monitors, without a mixer and what not? does it sound ok if this is possible?
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    can you run the axe through a home theatre?

    if so, how's the sound? im curious becuase my home setup consists of my hd tv hooked up to my computer tower and xbox. all of these are setup to run through my surround sound. i want to know if ill be able to chill on the couch and play my axe through my surround sound.
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    will this Power amp work ... ct=DCM200L I want know know if i bridge this power amp and run it at 8ohms will it run with enough volume for a live gig with my mesa cab? ... Dsl-LG.htm it says here on mesa's website it can be run in stereo...
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    rate the amps please

    Ya know this isnt the first time i've ever seen this on a forum
  39. T

    Axe with studio headphones

    +1 im trying to do all of this to i wanna be able to run my axe fx into my computer and play along to power tab, itunes, guitarpro, and custom backing track I wanna know how to go about this as well?
  40. T

    rate the amps please

    makes sense to me. i guess the key is listening haha.
  41. T

    rate the amps please

    I just want to know how well you rate the amplifiers on the axe fx especially the high gain heads like the MESA,ENGL,BONGER, and PEAVY obviously 0 being not at all and 10 being your ears wouldnt be able to tell the difference if you had a blind fold on im very interested
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    im stoked!!!!
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    can i run it into the board and from a cab at the same time? that way the audience can hear it in stereo but i can hear it from my cab on stage?
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    mono vs stereo

    total noob question How do i run it in stereo with only one 4x12?
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    Low volumes

    thanks for the fast reply
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    mono vs stereo

    thanks for the fast response :D
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    mono vs stereo

    Im a poor college kid, so I only have one mesa 4 x 12 cab I have no doubt in my mind the stereo sound is miles above mono. But if i run one of these live with only one cab is it still going to drop jaws and sound awesome?
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    Low volumes

    I just want some opinions on how this thing sounds when ran at low volumes? Live with a power amp and from a recording standpoint I know this thing emulates tube behavior and tone, but does it act like a tube amp does when it isnt loud enough and fart out on you?
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    tube power amp vs solid state

    thanks for the response. im probably gonna use a solid state amp, most likely carvin although i did see a nice behringer power amp that seemed pretty promising, I know alot of people frown on behringer but I actually think some of thier stuff is real nice, especially for the price. The real...
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    tube power amp vs solid state

    i plan on using this rig live for sure, probably alot more than i would for recording. I want to know what kind of power amps you guys recommend, I want something that has a reasonable amount of headroom.Price isn't really an issue. also i have a mesa rectifier cab with v30's. I also would...
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    Axe with studio headphones

    in your opinion did it still sound as good or was the tone altered?
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    Axe effects with garage band

    Do i need two channels becuase the axe has the ability to run two amps at once?
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    Axe fx vs ultra

    Besides price what are the notable differences in the two? I saw a video on youtube, i dont know the name of the video but the guy who uploaded it's name was boyinaband or boy in a he did a pretty nice explanation of the two, but i want to know if their is more or something that he may...
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    Axe effects with garage band

    Noob question, but how well does the axe fx work with garage band, the recording sofware that comes with most macs?
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    Axe with studio headphones

    thanks for all the great responses guys. for a second i thought this was gonna be a snob site because of how expesive the axe fx is, you know like ultimate-guitar and jemsite. I just get really tired of getting flamed and trolled, over getting real responses. so far everyone seems really cool...
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    Axe with studio headphones

    I just registered to this forum today. Im sure this thread is out there somewhere. I have a pair of senhesier studio headphones not to expensive they were a little over 30 at guitar center, anyways I wanna know if i can use these headphone for playing on an axe fx without a poweramp and...
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