More Hi-Gain boutique amps!!!


Since the Marsha sims seems to be one of the most poular amp in the Axe, no wonder why, he are some of the great Hi-Gain boutique amps I wish to be inclued in a future firmware:

- FortinAmp, the bones model
- Baron custom amps, any model, they all rocks!!
- Slawn Quikrod
- Wizard amps

You can ear them all on youtube, they all sound awesome!
Lack of space in the firmware and lack of schematics are the 2 main reasons I guess. Cliff had direct access to the Marsha Amp (and schematics I think) so was able to add it. He mentioned not so long ago that space was at a premium within the firmware. I guess future additions are going to be few and far between.

If Cliff wants to use my ADA MP1 3TM (Three tube modded) I'd gladly loan it to him for an extended/indefinite period if it would mean it made its way into the Axe in the future. :)

That would rule.
i think i remember cliff saying there is a bunch of room left for models, just not IR's and other parts of the memory. Yes schematics are one of the things, but there has to be an overwhelming demand, or Cliff wanting it, or not being able to re-create it from what we already have.... I've tried for years now to get the Lab L5 added to no avail. I try to mention it at least once every few months.
I'd like more boutique amps as well, but not high gain ones....more crunchy ones. I think there are WAAAAAY too many metal amps in there, and while I like them, I think that too much gain makes everything sound the same...even in axe-fx. I'd like to see some more boutique amps that have a character all their own, not just another high-gain noise-maker.
I'd like more boutique amps as well, but not high gain ones....more crunchy ones. I think there are WAAAAAY too many metal amps in there, and while I like them, I think that too much gain makes everything sound the same...even in axe-fx. I'd like to see some more boutique amps that have a character all their own, not just another high-gain noise-maker.

I can't help it... The Marsha HBE has stoked an insatiable lust for sounds in the area between crunch and modern high gain. :) I'm still hoping to see an Elmwood Modena in the Axe someday. :)
oh well in that case, yes, I'd like to see some more of those amps that are in between crunch and high gain. Matter of fact, most of my fav sounds are just over what you'd call crunch. There are VERY few amps out there that do that tho....some laneys come to mind...and the mesa lonestars
*edit* and the cornfords......whooooo wheeeee!!! :D :D :D
or... why not talk to some institutions that have rare antique amps. The kind that no one can get anymore because there are only 1 or 2 working models left. Those would be a treasure so we don't lose them from the world forever. Kind of like digital amp archiving. It would be pretty cool to play a digital replica of the first ever electric guitar amp no matter what it actually sounds like. I don't expect this to happen, but it still would be an amazing project.
+1 on all the above amps... but what I would really like is to have all the amps arranged in order of "gain," low to high.
that would be nice also. I have a poll up for editable user groups for this same reason. So you can put all the low gain presets/amps in one group, the metal ones in another etc.
If space is in fact an issue, or comes close to being an issue with adding mew models in, it'd be great to be able to choose what amps we want in there and which ones to leave out via Axe Edit or some kind of app that edits firmware somehow.
Wow after that demo I could just picture Samuel L Jackson in Pulp Fiction saying "Music %#)*($#'er, do you play it?"
FWIW, the other Youtube clips of that Dar amp by other players sound like complete ass, too. After watching a bunch, I'm still GASsing for an Axe Cameron Marshall/CCV or Elmwood Modena model.
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