tube power amp vs solid state

i plan on using this rig live for sure, probably alot more than i would for recording.

I want to know what kind of power amps you guys recommend, I want something that has a reasonable amount of headroom.Price isn't really an issue. also i have a mesa rectifier cab with v30's.

I also would like to know if thier is a huge tonal difference from using a tube power amp over using a solid state? If i can get a sound just as good as if i used a tube poweramp i would be enthralled for a few reasons

1)replacing tubes gets old and expensive

2)tubes require alot more attention and are very sensative

3) biasing isnt hard, but most amp designers rarely have the biasing pot in easy access.

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
the general opinion on this board is you don't need a tube amp to get the axe to send it's best, but guys that are using tube amps really like the VHT 2/50/2 or 2/90/2 supposedly because it doesn't color the sound as much as most tube guitar power amps. I use a Carvin 1540L solid state to power (2) 4x12 cabs. I'm thinking of moving up a level because i'm pretty much at it's ceiling of power on some 16ohm cabs.

The thing with solid state is you need a lot more power/headroom to keep the amplification sounding clean, correct and out of clipping. They don't clip nicely like a tube power amp so you need 3-5 times the watts to keep it in the safe zone and still giving you all you need. Like, if you were using a 100watt head you might want 300-500 watt solid state amp to replace it. There are tons of threads on here about it do some digging you'll be knee deep in info.
rsf1977 said:
the general opinion on this board is you don't need a tube amp to get the axe to send it's best, but guys that are using tube amps really like the VHT 2/50/2 or 2/90/2 supposedly because it doesn't color the sound as much as most tube guitar power amps. I use a Carvin 1540L solid state to power (2) 4x12 cabs. I'm thinking of moving up a level because i'm pretty much at it's ceiling of power on some 16ohm cabs.

The thing with solid state is you need a lot more power/headroom to keep the amplification sounding clean, correct and out of clipping. They don't clip nicely like a tube power amp so you need 3-5 times the watts to keep it in the safe zone and still giving you all you need. Like, if you were using a 100watt head you might want 300-500 watt solid state amp to replace it. There are tons of threads on here about it do some digging you'll be knee deep in info.

thanks for the response. im probably gonna use a solid state amp, most likely carvin although i did see a nice behringer power amp that seemed pretty promising, I know alot of people frown on behringer but I actually think some of thier stuff is real nice, especially for the price.

The real deal. im planning on selling my mesa dual rec head with the ata case to help fund my axe fx, im gonna keep my mesa cab i believe its rated at either 240 or 280 watts at 8ohm, So should i get a poweramp that is 300 watt or should i be looking for something like 1000w+ ?
thricegod1288 said:
rsf1977 said:
the general opinion on this board is you don't need a tube amp to get the axe to send it's best, but guys that are using tube amps really like the VHT 2/50/2 or 2/90/2 supposedly because it doesn't color the sound as much as most tube guitar power amps. I use a Carvin 1540L solid state to power (2) 4x12 cabs. I'm thinking of moving up a level because i'm pretty much at it's ceiling of power on some 16ohm cabs.

The thing with solid state is you need a lot more power/headroom to keep the amplification sounding clean, correct and out of clipping. They don't clip nicely like a tube power amp so you need 3-5 times the watts to keep it in the safe zone and still giving you all you need. Like, if you were using a 100watt head you might want 300-500 watt solid state amp to replace it. There are tons of threads on here about it do some digging you'll be knee deep in info.

thanks for the response. im probably gonna use a solid state amp, most likely carvin although i did see a nice behringer power amp that seemed pretty promising, I know alot of people frown on behringer but I actually think some of thier stuff is real nice, especially for the price.

The real deal. im planning on selling my mesa dual rec head with the ata case to help fund my axe fx, im gonna keep my mesa cab i believe its rated at either 240 or 280 watts at 8ohm, So should i get a poweramp that is 300 watt or should i be looking for something like 1000w+ ?

3-500 watts should be enough for your Boogie cab. Plenty of good choices out their in that power range Carvin beeing one of them. I wouldn't rule out ART, the SLA-2 is a formidable powerhouse of an amp and will get the job done.
I have a somewhat similar concern. I just bought the AEU and am running it into an ART SLA 1 into a 2-12 Two Rock Standard cab with two 16ohm spkrs. With the attenuator fully open, it still sounds a bit quiet. Is that because the power amp isn't pushing enough juice to the cab? I'm normally a pedal guy and heard so much great stuff about the AEU, that I had to try it. I'm not used to the "processor" mindset and am trying to fumble my way through getting the best sound I can out of the unit before I decide whether or not to liquidate my huge pedal collection or the AEU. Right now I'm having an issue with getting the unit to sound as good as a lot of the units I hear on YT. Mine just sounds kind of meek and a many of the "gainier" settings, when lead is played, sound thin, cold and similar. I don't know if it's my setup or my setting. Any help anyone can provide is more than appreciated. Thanks.
I tell you I just bought the ART SLA 2 Solid state power amp about 4 days ago and loving it, eventually I will get a tube amp as well, such as a VHT fryette 2 50 2 or 2 90 or even a Mesa Boogie 2 100s , I think it's crucial to have both, because for example the SLA 2 is extremely quit and you can get an amazing sound in the studio with it recording, and the monster tube power amps such as the ones I mentioned are good for live, so get both. :lol:
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