Axe fx standard with bass

im barely lucky enough to afford a standard and i know it doesnt have the bass sims on it. Has anyone ever used a standard with a bass, if it worked out what amps and cabs did you use to make it sound more like bass?
Also, there's only one "bass" amp in the mix to begin with.

The Brownface and Shiver Clean are two amps I've had marvelous luck with for bass usage. Haven't dived too deeply into others, but when the amps sound this good with so little tweaking...there's motivation to stay put. :mrgreen
Also, there's only one "bass" amp in the mix to begin with.

The Brownface and Shiver Clean are two amps I've had marvelous luck with for bass usage. Haven't dived too deeply into others, but when the amps sound this good with so little tweaking...there's motivation to stay put. :mrgreen

Assuming you're speaking about the Ampeg SVT, there's at least another one: Fender Bassman
And, I haven't tried it, but I guess the tube preamp sim does work well, too.
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