Post Your Rig!

here's mine..
My desktop (iMac 22" + 22" screen with Pro Tools 9, M-Audio Fast Track Ultra 8R, Axe FX Ultra, Genelec 8020A monitors, beyerdynamics DT 990 Pro headphones).

I still have 3 tube amps for band duty, but I am selling my Mesa Lonestar.

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Post Your Rig Photos Please

I love looking at other peoples rigs, it's so inspiring and tempting too. :lol: so with those words I leave you with my latest gear pics and hope to see lots and lots of cool pictures in this post. Let's Get It On.








iPhone pics for the record.
Here's my jam rig. I run direct live at church three times a week but it's great to have a cab for the buddy jam sessions.

Only other electric not pictured is my strat. I'll get a family shot together before too long.
Not much to look at, but I think that it's funny that I spend $2000 on an Axe-FX and am so cheap that I build my own rack out of some MDF lying around, an old office chair and some PVC. And I use a pedal I bought used 10 years ago for $70.


shasha said:
Not much to look at, but I think that it's funny that I spend $2000 on an Axe-FX and am so cheap that I build my own rack out of some MDF lying around, an old office chair and some PVC. And I use a pedal I bought used 10 years ago for $70.


Can you please tel much about what you are doing with your BCF2K?
Do you edit some Axe's parameter from it? How? And with what results?
Spawn-X said:
Can you please tel much about what you are doing with your BCF2K?
Do you edit some Axe's parameter from it? How? And with what results?
I started on creating some presets that could control parameters in the Axe-FX. After reading up on it I found it easiest to just use BCManager to capture sysex data from Axe-Edit and then edit out the extraneous crap that got mixed in there.

Now it works, but I am no where near complete. My biggest issue is time (isn't it always?). Second issue is that I can't seem to come up with a plan of attack for the layout. Basically I have 8 encoders times 4 per preset or scene. Trying to keep track of which one is reverb, delay, drive, etc, is the issue. It's pretty pointless unless you can keep track of what you are editing. Multiply that by the 32 scenes that are possible and all the parameters that can be adjusted and you'd need a cheatsheet to get around.

The other issue is that any parameter that you adjust defaults back to zero as soon as you touch it. Not the end of the world if you are adjusting the right parameter because most of the time you'll be tweaking it for sound, but if you tweak the wrong one it sets you back a step or more.

I was hoping to be able to figure out how to have the Axe-FX send parameter status back to the BCF2000, but because it's all sysex it's not possible. I suppose I could use Bome's MIDI translator or some other hack to make it work, but that ties me to a PC again. I was hoping for a standalone solution.

If you are really interested I may pick it back up and complete it since it won't just be for me.

I put it on the backburner because I was spending too much time dorking around with stuff and not enough time playing.
Any chance you can post the BCF2000 sysex file (or whatever format it uses).. ??? please... or PM it or something??

I have a BCF2000 that I bought, intending to use it for DAW control, but haven't even started on that. I'd much rather have some realtime Axe-FX control even if its not everything in the box..

Looking for a jump start with it, and it sounds like you have broken the 'code' to making it work.

I just love the Axe, the community, and this forum.

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