Line6 POD HD vs. Axe-Fx metal shootout

First Rectifier: POD - Good sound I was rather impressed... but it lacked depth which is where the axe kicks its ass in this one.

Second Ubershchall: Never played this amp but if were going for how natural it sounds the general youtube consensus is the axe kicks its ass here. My ear tends to want to lean towards the POD, but again it's probably because I Haven't played this amp.

Third Fireball/Powerball: Axe kicks the POD's ass here imo. So much more full sounding and bite.

Funny I posted this exact video about 10 mins ago then saw you did! *Dr. Claw Voice* Next time Ill beat you to the punch Clark... Next time!
Re: Video: Axe FX vs. Line 6 POD HD

Wow, I really wanted to like the HD and I know it isn't meant to compete with the Axe but hearing them side by side is pretty telling. You can really hear the depth and detail that the Axe has over the POD in the first and third clips (not that youtube is the place for sonic comparisons). I had an XT before I got my Ultra and there was no comparison between them, it kind of sounds like the HD is more of an evolution than the revolution they're hyping it to be.
guys i think you are all missing the point... it's not that expensive, but paired with the tyler variax and the new amp (has the different voicings), this would be a gigging guitarist's dream.

I do think it's a step up from the xt stuff... so while trying to keep a specific price point and then trying to milk the most out of the hardware that they can, i think it's great.

i want one, for grab and go to jams with friends or whatever i cant drag my rack and cabs, and huge midi board.
Me too. By the way i can't recognize the powerball.(i have to check how it sounds again, in fact all models do not sound like my Axe)
This isn't my clip. Anyways I just found out that the guy who made this video didn't use the POD HD stock cabs but Guitarhack impulses. ... re=related <--- here we can hear how bad the stock cabs sound. :shock:

I was actually hoping to get an HD300 as a backup rig but those cab sims made me re-think this. This isn't the best Axe-Fx sound sample I've heard. This isn't the best POD HD sample I've heard. Still I think it would be fair to A/B this with stock cabs.
My reactions--grain of salt, 'cos right now I'm fighting a mild ear infection.

First POD clip....kinda sounds like a Rectifier. Axe clip sounds a lot more like a Rectifier.

Second POD clip...wait, did they just take the first one and EQ it. Axe clip sounds like an Uber.

Third POD clip...they did it again! Axe clip sounds mostly like an Engl.
axe fx vs. pod HD (please dont flame me)

Moderators note - this post was merged into this thread because of redundancy

^here's a link and i have to say im very impressed with the great strides they have made to their pods. im going to test one of these out on my next day off. and if its good im gonna buy it, nothing against the axe fx its just that the price is so good compared to the axe fx.
Yeah I did this video just in purpose of see how I could dial up a sound from scratch with both units. Just to give the comparison a fair chance(since I've been owning the Axe for half a year and already made a bunch of really good presets).

It wouldn't be fair to put the Pod up against my polished presets.
Feared said:
Yeah I did this video just in purpose of see how I could dial up a sound from scratch with both units. Just to give the comparison a fair chance(since I've been owning the Axe for half a year and already made a bunch of really good presets).

It wouldn't be fair to put the Pod up against my polished presets.

What is going on with the pumping compression (like a limiter kicking in) in the youtube clips?
There is some real strangeness going on there. It is on the pod clips but most apparent on the first axe-fx clip.
Feared said:
Yeah I did this video just in purpose of see how I could dial up a sound from scratch with both units. Just to give the comparison a fair chance(since I've been owning the Axe for half a year and already made a bunch of really good presets).

It wouldn't be fair to put the Pod up against my polished presets.

+1 hey man im excited, im glad someone did it. im a poor college kid. and if i can get a close sound to a rectifier for 1/3 the price of the axe im down. ultimately it comes down to the player and his wallet. who cares what everyone else thinks.
javajunkie said:
What is going on with the pumping compression (like a limiter kicking in) in the youtube clips?
There is some real strangeness going on there. It is on the pod clips but most apparent on the first axe-fx clip.

Java, I'm with you. I listened multiple times, including not looking at my computer screen and the axefx versions have something weird going on. I can't think of a proper technical term, but all the axefx versions sound "scratchy" and not like a clean, focused high gain metal tone. The Pod HD sounds more digtal, but cleaner. Why is the Axefx having this problem?

Does anybody understand what I taking about here?
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