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  1. D

    Which gauge strings should I use for B standard?

    Really, your only concern is the low B. For E through the high B string just use whatever guages you're currently using. So far, I've tried a 56,58, and 59 for low B strings. I prefer the 59, and that's on a 26.5" scale. It really depends on what type of music you're playing, though. If you...
  2. D

    Will Output Clipping Damage the Axe?

    I was doing some mixing in my DAW a couple of days ago. Kicked a limiter on the master bus and a few minutes later I looked at the front panel on the Axe and noticed the output 1 clipping like crazy. Can this damage the Axe in any way? I only ask because ever since it happened it seems...
  3. D

    Help - Metallic Ringing in Ibanez JS2400

    I've had the same problem with several guitars- metallic ringing only while palm muting the open D string. Not sure what it is but it's more evident on certain guitars and certain presets which makes me think that how much it stands out depends on EQ. I've also noticed that a heavier string...
  4. D

    Anyone Still Using the "Old" IRs? (Guitarhack, Catharsis, etc.)

    Just curious to see how many are still using some of the "old" IRs that have been around a few years and have been popular for high gain metal tones. I'm talking about Guitarhack, Catharsis, Spherimental, etc. I've tried just about everything I can think of (RW, OH, Producer Packs) but I...
  5. D

    Tone Matching- I Finally Get It! (long post)

    Well, to me it just seems like a lot of the stock cabs and even some of the IRs out there that are available commercially just have too much content in the lows-low mids (150-350 hz) to sound good (to my ears) in a recorded mix. Now, take in mind that I'm talking about a modern high gain type of...
  6. D

    Bogner Fish.. Amazing... Thank You!

    I saw the Basketweave TV mentioned but what are some other cabs that seem to be working well with the Fish? I haven't had a chance to try it out yet.
  7. D

    High-Gain with Low Output Pickups (String Pull)

    I've used all kinds of pickups with varying degrees of output with the Axe for high gain metal tones. For me, I've come the conclusion that output doesn't make much difference. With lower output pickups, I just increase the drive in the amp/drive block. With high output pickups, I've never...
  8. D

    FRFR: How do you position your speaker?

    I don't use FRFR but I've always preferred the sound of my guitar cabs when I'm standing off axis to them.
  9. D

    Did your AFX redefine tone for you?

    It's been the same for me. I've had the Axe for over a year but only recently do I feel like I've "arrived" in terms of understanding tone. What did it for me was tone-matching. At first, I thought my tone-matches and TMs done by others sounded horrible. Then, I started to question my own...
  10. D

    Mixing tips

    It's really hard to speak in general terms when it comes to mixing. What I do in terms of EQ, compression, etc. may not work for you because you may be starting out with completely different tones and may be headed in a totally different direction sonically-speaking. Mixing is a very broad...
  11. D

    Non-gigging players sound off!

    I guess you could call me a casual player, though I do play bass at church. Years ago I used to be in bands and did some gigs at bars/clubs. I wouldn't mind doing it again at some point but with family and work there's just no time. I like being able to go at my own pace, work on the things...
  12. D

    PRIMUS using AxeFx II live!

    Awesome! I was a huge Primus fan back in the 90s. Didn't really care for much they put out after Tales from the Punchbowl. Their first 3 albums are my faves. I'll have to check out their latest. I didn't even know it was out.
  13. D

    Vin30 Ch OH IR's

    I've found that mixing the CH with the ENG gives a really cool tone for modern high gain metal.
  14. D

    Dumb question for Mix IRs

    They aren't necessarily better. Depends on what you're looking for or what you're use for them will be. My understanding is that a "mix" IR was created using 2 or mics at the same time. This gives a more immediate "studio" type tone as most guitar tones tracked in the studio are recorded...
  15. D

    Tone Matching- I Finally Get It! (long post)

    I’ve been an Axe owner for about 14 months now. I experimented a bit with tone matching when I first got it but I was never happy with the results and at the time I didn’t understand why. I also didn’t seem to have much luck with others’ TM presets. So, I basically wrote it off and steered clear...
  16. D


    To use a compressor properly you need to have a specific purpose in mind for using one in the first place. There are many uses for compressors and the way you dial them in differs for each reason. Some typical uses might be: increase sustain, tame peaks, even out dynamics, glue a mix...
  17. D

    tweaking presets for direct recording

    It's really hard to say as it depends on what you're starting from and where you want to go, sonically speaking. I agree with the above posters that's it's best to leave most EQ, compression, etc. until mixing in the DAW. There are exceptions, of course. If you've got a ton of low end flub or...
  18. D

    Any good Tone match presets?

    There's a lot of good ones out there. I'm not sure what kind of tones you're looking for but here are some metal ones I tried out last night that I liked: - Presets Axe-Change - Download Preset - Awake Lead - by AdamCook Axe-Change - Download Preset - YJM100 Lead (TM) - by FractalAudio...
  19. D

    Any good Tone match presets?

    Personally, I've had similar experiences with tone matching. To my ear, most tone match presets I've tried sound like crap played solo. I just recently tried making some short recordings using tone match presets and was pleasantly surprised. When you put them in a recorded mix and especially...
  20. D

    Your top 5 tweak tips to get that killer sound out of the Axe Fx 2

    It really just depends on what my use for the tone will be. I don't play live with the Axe. I just use it for practice at home (usually with headphones, occasionally with monitors or running through the loop of my Peavey 6505 head/212 Boogie Rect cab.) For practice with headphones, it's...
  21. D

    How do you get a long sustain in the drive block

    Make sure to check your gate settings too. On my lead patches I keep it completely off or set at a bare minimum level. Major sustain killer.
  22. D

    six string bass advice for a guitarist

    I wouldn't go for a six-string, at least not for your reasons. If you tune it EADGBE those 2 high strings are going to be really piccolo bass territory and you'll probably have to get piccolo strings to do it. Are you really going to use those strings? I put piccolo strings on a bass...
  23. D

    What does the mix in Drive block do?

    From the Axe Fx II Wiki: "Setting Mix to 0% in a Drive block is not equivalent to "true bypass" / 100% dry signal. Also, the Mix control operates prior to any tone control. This lets you mix some dry in with the distorted signal but still maintain overall tone control."
  24. D

    Is there any point in buying a traditional amp after owning a II.

    I've kept my Peavey 6505 head/Mesa Recto cab just for a backup. I think I've only played it once or twice since I've had the Axe and that's been a year!
  25. D

    Can't get red lights when setting input level

    I wouldn't worry about it. I set my level for my highest output guitar (hot humbuckers). After that, my strat never hits the red. Sounds fine. Input level isn't going to affect tone.
  26. D

    Headphone sound vs live : how to compensate

    I can't help in regards to the M Audio Fast Track, but if you just plug a USB cord from the Axe to the laptop and make sure you have the Axe Fx Driver installed and selected as your device for audio playback I would think you'd be good to go.
  27. D

    Headphone sound vs live : how to compensate

    I wouldn't return them. Your problem is the headphone impedance. DT 880s are very good headphones to use with the Axe, but the impendance (ohms) is relatively high. The simple solution is to either buy a headphone amp (decent ones can be found fairly cheap) or crank the output knob (the black...
  28. D

    Tri Axis Lead 1 Red Mode

    Same here. I had a Triaxis with the TX4 and fat mod. Sounded great to me. I still used the Lead 2 modes more though. Contrary to popular belief, there's actually a lot of people who loved the fat mod. I think there's a lot of confusion and misinformation out there regarding this topic and I...
  29. D

    If there was one guys that you could play like who would it be

    Chris Poland, Andy Timmons, and Mikael Akerfeldt. Chris for his overall sound and amazing legato technique. Andy for his phrasing and overall feel. Mikael isn't a real technical chops type of player but has the ability to create interesting, memorable, melodic leads with a lot of...
  30. D

    Might be moving

    Oh man, I feel for you. The thought of moving from WA to TX just makes me cringe! No offense to any Texans on the board! :) Strictly a matter of personal preference.
  31. D

    Headphone sound vs live : how to compensate

    What do you mean breaking up? Sounds like you either have defective headphones, need to do some serious eq changes, or you're clipping on the output. I used a pair of KNS 6400 headphones for a while with the Axe. Not great, but sounded decent. I've tried the Beyer DT770. Didn't care for the...
  32. D

    brittle highs

    Are you increasing the room level in the cab block when using headphones? If not, DO IT NOW. It's absolutely a must when using headphones. Gives more depth, tames the highs, and gives more of an "amp in the room" sound. Also, check out the frequency response graph for these headphones at the...
  33. D

    Get the sound of 10.x in 11.x?

    Default comp values in the amp block with v11 default to very different values compared to v10. I've found that if I turn the comp down to 0-10% my presets sound very similar to my v10 presets. I actually like the more dynamic tones coming from v11 most of the time but I do have a couple of...
  34. D

    Room Level in Cab Block- Recording?

    I've noticed that most presets that forum users post have absolutely no room level in them (cab block). I generally play with headphones (where using room level makes a massive difference) or with studio monitors at fairly low volumes (room level helps here too since the volume's not high enough...
  35. D

    ESP with active EMG's

    ...I've done an extensive amount of experimentation with pickups and my guitars. One pickup that can sound great in one guitar can sound like total sh** in another guitar with different woods, construction, etc. I also feel that it's a myth that you absolutely must have very high output...
  36. D

    Headphone sound vs live : how to compensate

    There are no headphones that are perfectly flat and it's almost impossible to find a speaker that is perfectly flat. In other words, what you run the Axe through is going to color the tone (some speakers/headphones color the tone MUCH more than others). What you need to try to understand is...
  37. D

    Stereo IR's

    If the IRs sound fairly similar you can get away with wider panning, which I really like the sound of. If you use 2 IRs that sound really different I don't usually pan more than +/- 10-20. Otherwise, it just sounds really strange.
  38. D

    Anyone using dual amps at once?

    I frequently run a Plexi 100 along with a HBE, Brit Pre, or Solo 99 for my 80s metal tones. The Plexi is set to about half the volume as the other amp. Hard to explain what it adds. More beef to the tone, I suppose.
  39. D

    Euro Uber Flubby?

    I was playing around last night with the Uber and a MBC block at the end of the chain. IMO this is the perfect amp to use a MBC with to control the boomy palm mutes. I set frequency 1 at 175 hz and frequency 2 at 5000. All three levels at 0. Ratio #1 at 2.0. Ratio 2 and 3 at 1.0 (so that...
  40. D

    Pinch harmonics

    I can't say I notice a change in pinch harmonics with v11. They've been practically effortless for me with the last several firmware releases. Of course, pinch harmonics is primarily based on proper technique. Note to new users: Check your gate settings. Setting the gate too hard will make...
  41. D

    Euro Uber Flubby?

    What works for me is: 1. Turn down the bass knob to around 3. 2. Engage the cut switch. 3. Lower the first EQ band (possibly even the 2nd) in the amp GEQ. This may or may not be necessary depending on the cab used.
  42. D

    The scooped 5150 tone

    To anyone that knows: What should be typical settings on the MBC when all you want to do is control boomyness on palm mutes but you're happy with how the mids and highs already sound? I'd like to set up my MBC for that. Seems like anytime I start playing around with MBC settings it screws up...
  43. D

    Combining cabs in Axe

    Here's a few combinations I typically use off the top of my head. These work best for medium-high gain tones. Experiment with different combinations of mics or even no mics. If you're more of a low gain/clean type of player I can't help much. Cycle through the factory presets. They give you a...
  44. D

    Combining cabs in Axe

    I almost always run 2 different cabs or 2 different mics on the same cab. What usually works best for me is mixing something a little on the bright side with something a little on the dark side. Think 57 mic with a R121. I usually find a cab I like and then I'll make up for its extra...
  45. D

    CAB PACK 2 - Now Available - MAD OAK STUDIO

    I can't recommed this cab pack enough. If you happen to think some of the mix cabs that came out with v10 were just a little dark this is your ticket. Mix and match different mics for a huge range of tones. 57 + 121 is usually my favorite. These cabs pair up really nice with some of the new...
  46. D

    Friedman Models

    Sometimes the only key to getting your desired tone is the correct IR. That might not be the case here, maybe just a twist of a knob will do the trick but there have been times where I've fiddled with parameters for hours with no luck. Then you happen upon THE IR and it's just like a magic fix.
  47. D

    About Amp Compression in FW11

    I've noticed that with some of my old presets if I keep the comp down really low (0-10%) they sound very similar to what they sounded like in v10 (that coupled with getting my delay blocks set right). This was good for some of my old presets because I really didn't want a change in tone with...
  48. D

    I don't get it....

    Unfortunately, it's not that simple. Let's say you arrived at your perfect tone in an earlier firmware version. New firmware comes out, you love some of the new features, the fact that you have a working Axe-Edit, etc. and you don't want to revert. But, something's off. Maybe things seem too...
  49. D

    v11 Comp in Amp Block

    Maybe someone can help me understand the change in the comp knob in the amp block with v11. So far, v11 is great (I love the new features), but I'm struggling with some of my presets and I suspect that getting the comp knob set correctly may be a major culprit. I've noticed that with many of...
  50. D


    I had a DD in my PRS SE Akesson (Mahogany body and neck, ebony board, fixed bridge). Sounded great in that guitar for just about all genres of metal. One thing I really liked about that pickup is that it sounded good for both rhythm and lead, which is rare. It also had good dynamics, which is...
  51. D

    Triaxis/Axe Shootout

    I've owned both, though I've only used a 2:90 with the Axe. I wouldn't say either one sounded "neutral", just slightly different. To me, the 2:90 was a little darker and a little smoother than the 50/50. Maybe a bit more midrange. I preferred it. I also think the 2:90 has a better "feel"...
  52. D

    Something I've really come to love about the A2...

    I agree. Because of this my GAS has increased massively for pickups and guitars in general. I bet I've bought about 20 different pickups to try in all my guitars since getting the Axe.
  53. D

    Alright 10.06 high gain players - Thunk/Motor Drive - who's using 'em?

    Depends on the IR whether I use motor drive or not. If it's a dark sounding IR, I generally do use some. For brighter IRs, no. Thunk is a very interesting control. I don't end up using it much but I always try it with every new patch I create. Difficult to put into words what it does to the...
  54. D

    Pick-up vs DRIVE vs AMP gain

    Opinions on pickups are very subjective and varied. On one side there seems to be a group that feels that only super high output pickups will result in great tone (speaking about higher gain type genres), high sustain, etc. and I feel that many pickup manufacturers have really exploited that...
  55. D

    Do you have a guitar that you miss?

    I don't think I miss any of the guitars I've sold. There are a few basses I've sold that I wish I still had- a Warwick Streamer Stage II, a Modulus Quantum 5, a USA Peavey Cirrus, and a Spector Euro LX. But, they were sold to fund gear that I ended up using more so there's no regrets. Just...
  56. D

    Interesting gig injury.

    I play bass and guitar and I keep my nails (especially index and middle on right hand) cut down just about as far as they can go. I have to trim them at least once a week. If they grow out I find that the nail occasionally hits the bass strings when I don't want it to. Not good. For some reason...
  57. D

    Seymour Duncan YJM Fury Pickups Review

    I just put a set of these in my 2012 American Standard Strat a couple of weeks ago and I really like them. Thought I’d put a little review of them here in the lounge as it seems there’s not really an abundance of information on them on the net. Maybe someone will get some use out of it. I’m...
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    You Don't Remember, I'll Never Forget (Malmsteen cover)

    Are the rhythm guitar tracks the same patch?
  59. D

    Who else is in debt from their Axe FX II purchase?!?!

    I was ok with the Axe. Sold some stuff to pay for it. However, the Axe ended up increasing my GAS for guitars and pickups so much that I've spent quite a bit since buying the Axe, some of which ended up on the credit card. Luckily, I'm basically GAS-free at the present time. Anyone wanna...
  60. D

    Can anyone learn to play guitar?

    I think anyone could learn to play guitar. However, I think we all have certain innate abilities (or lack of) that will partially determine what level as a player that we have the potential for. Practice is only part of the equation. I have a friend that will freely admit that he is...
  61. D

    New Megadeth

    I haven't heard the new album so I can't comment on it. I would agree that Megadeth's albums since Youthanasia have been better than albums by Metallica, Slayer, etc. during the same time period. They've been "solid" but there really hasn't been anything exceptional about them. Endgame was...
  62. D

    Looking to get into a 7 string

    I wish I could consider a $1500 dollar guitar "budget"! :)
  63. D

    Tobacco free for 2 days

    Good luck! I basically quit smoking several years ago (although I'll admit I still have one every once in a while) with the help of nicotine lozenges. Now I'm addicted to the lozenges! Still, it's better than smoking. They still have the nicotine but none of the harsh chemicals. I find...
  64. D

    Time to step it up!

    "Speed Mechanics for Lead Guitar" by Troy Stetina is a great book that's helped me considerably. Anyone could benefit from it regardless of whether they're looking to play fast or not.
  65. D

    Bareknuckle Holy Diver just not cutting it for me.

    I'm guessing something's wired wrong. You should be able to find wiring diagrams on the net (google it). You don't necessarily need a diagram for that model. You can just look for a generic one with that configuration. Then, open it up and trace all the wires. You'll learn a lot in the process too.
  66. D

    Time to step it up!

    If you really want to be a good lead guitarist here's a few things that are at the top of my list in terms of importance: 1. Learn the fretboard- know all the notes...not just to the point to where you can "figure" out what note it is. You need to be able to instantly know what note you're...
  67. D

    Bareknuckle Holy Diver just not cutting it for me.

    I agree. I used to have the fixed bridge version of the same guitar and it was actually a very bright guitar with the 500k pots. It was actually too bright for me. Harsh on the high end.
  68. D

    Can you recommend some electric strings?

    I'm extremely picky about bass strings and acoustic strings but for electric guitar I usually stick to D'Addario or EB (both nickel). I've found that I actually like Fender Bullets on my strat.
  69. D

    Noise gate for high gainers

    Just experiment with different settings on a patch by patch basis. With a lot of my patches I just stick with the default value. However, I've found that lowering the impedence is a great way to deal with high end harshness when using an amp/cab combination that is prone to it.
  70. D

    dimarzio crunch lab and ej?

    What are you looking for in terms of tone and output? I tried a Crunch Lab in an Ibanez RGA121 Prestige I used to own. I was a little underwhelmed. It was a decent pickup but just had this cold, dry sound to it that I didn't like. It seemed like a balanced pickup in terms of EQ and worked...
  71. D

    Which pickup to choose?

    Agreed. I've got one PRS with a PAF Pro and one with the 36th Anni. Both are stellar pickups, though I slightly prefer the PAF Pro. It's just a touch more modern sounding with more pick attack.
  72. D

    Noise gate for high gainers

    Personally, I try to use a gate as little as possible. I set it just to where it cuts the hiss when I'm not playing. Anything more than that and I find it makes playing "feel" stiffer and more difficult. However, I play mostly lead. For rhythm, it's easier to get away with harder gate settings.
  73. D

    After the first night of fiddling

    A lot of amp models will sound similar if you're using the same cab. That's just the way it is. The cab or IR is the greatest contributing factor in terms of tone that there is. It's funny to see so many guys fussing over "amp" tone on this forum, when in all actuality the cab is most likely the...
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    I prefer Rush by far...though I'm a fan of both. Very, very different bands though. It's an apples to oranges type thing.
  75. D


    Considering that Metallica has mentioned many times that Iron Maiden was a huge influence...hard to not pick Maiden. Both bands have been incredibly influential. Metal music as a whole would be entirely different without these two bands. Still, Maiden have consistently put out good...
  76. D


    I didn't vote because I really only liked the first 3 or 4 albums by each band. After that...meh.
  77. D

    Little offtopic: How do you manage drum programming?

    I use EZ Drummer with the Metal Machine expansion pack. Metal Machine is just an exceptionally good sounding pack that works well for just about all genres, not just metal. Very realistic sounding. Also cheaper and easier to use compared to Superior Drummer or SSD. I use it in conjunction...
  78. D

    Sell me on a PRS custom 24

    I'm a huge PRS fan. It's just my opinion, but I've yet to find another guitar (and believe me, I've tried) that plays as well and is built as well as a PRS. Every PRS I've ever played (brand new and not at Guitar Center) was set up perfectly. Action was low with no buzzing. This also applies...
  79. D

    I dont get what all the complaining is about...

    If it's too much of a burden, then they simply shouldn't upgrade. Firmware gets updated because of improvements. Improvements imply changes. Anyone who doesn't want changes simply should stick with what's working for them rather than complain about how the improvements created a lot of work...
  80. D

    Scenes and amp gain

    Is simply turning down the vol knob on your guitar an option? That's what I typically do. I set up the amp block for the maximum amount of gain that I'll need and then just adjust using my vol knob. This, however, doesn't work so well IMO on guitars without a treble bleed mod because turning the...
  81. D

    "Go-To" parameters for fine tuning top end in hi gain tone

    A couple other things I do: In the global EQ, I keep the 8khz band at around -5. I keep the 16khz band all the way down. I find that by doing this I rarely even need to worry about rolling off highs in the cab block or using a PEQ. Sometimes I'll come across a tone that sounds great but...
  82. D

    Multiband Compressor - tightening the low end in high gain rhythm gtrs

    I like using the MBC on some of my high gain presets, especially if I'm going for a modern metal sound. Usually, I'll set the frequencies to 250hz and 1500hz. Then I'll play with the levels. If I feel there's too much overall effect I'll drop all 3 levels by the same increment. If you lower...
  83. D

    If you could only choose 1...

    It would be a sad day indeed when I had to live with just one amp but I suppose it would have to be the Brit Pre.
  84. D

    "Go-To" parameters for fine tuning top end in hi gain tone

    Play with a different input impedance setting in the input area (press "layout" and go to "input/gate") page. Recently, I had a few high gain patches that were just a tiny bit harsh and changing the impedance made a nice difference. It's fairly subtle, but did exactly what I wanted it to do...
  85. D

    May we please have your input on trim / handle preferences ?

    I prefer the white piping (or black if that would be an option). I agree with ^, I'd prefer one embedded handle on the top of the cab in the middle (assuming the cab is fairly lightweight). I like the top of the cab to be completely flat.
  86. D


    I know that the vast majority of income a musician makes comes from playing live and merch and I do try to support my favorite artists in that manner. How much difference is there between buying a CD and buying from iTunes? CDs definately sound better and I assume the artist makes more...
  87. D

    whats your "Go-To" IR for FOH hard rock tones?

    For hard rock, I'm really liking the new Basketweave TV and AX cabs. Sometimes I'll mix one or the other with the H75 (gives a little more of an 80s metal tone). I also like the H75 mixed with the G12T75 for 80s metal/shred. The basketweave 25 and the G12M cabs are great too. For a...
  88. D

    Any good Bass presets made by Bassists?

    For that type of tone, making sure you have a fresh set of stainless strings (fairly light guage) is probably most important. Tone control on the bass should be wide open. The patch would probably be faily simple. Maybe a comp block (studio) first. Use the tube pre in the amp block. No cab...
  89. D

    Is it just me or is the Duncan JB extremely muddy on the low strings ?

    I've had the JB in 2 different guitars. I had no problems with the bass being flubby in either. The first, which I no longer own was an Ibanez RGA121 (mahogany body, VERY thick maple top, maple neck, rosewood board). In this guitar, the JB was decent but just a little harsh in the upper...
  90. D

    WOW! I just found the BEST headphones for the money!

    You can find frequency graphs of various headphones here: Learning Center - Build a Headphone Graph | HeadRoom Audio Senns (at least the upper, pricier models) do tend to be flatter than Grados. In comparison, most Grados do tend to have more of a hyped high end. Some Senn models actually...
  91. D

    Input Impedance

    This is a parameter that I just recently started spending some time with. Probably one of the most overlooked parameters in the Axe. I consider it a great discovery. I can't say that it necessarily changes the feel, but it does change the tone. I've started to drop the impedance a little...
  92. D

    What are the best cheaper headphones for the Axe-FX II?

    Learning Center - Build a Headphone Graph | HeadRoom Audio I've tried the DT770s and really did not like them. See the frequency graph in the above link. They have a dip in the 2k-5k region and bumps in the lows. This results in a scooped sound (lots of lows and highs). They were extremely...
  93. D

    Guitarists and gear obsession

    Very true. I'm quite relieved that I no longer have GAS for amps and effects. The Axe is brutally honest and really lets you hear what you're putting into it like no other piece of gear I've ever owned. Therefore, my GAS has greatly increased for guitars and pickups/electronics. I've...
  94. D

    electric gypsy cover (andy timmons) using wrecker v10

    Insanely good cover! Do you have a coil tap on the neck pickup? Sounds very single coil-esque when you switch to the neck position.
  95. D

    R.I.P. Jeff Hanneman

    What a shame...though I didn't really care for anything Slayer has put out since the 80s. It's too bad. A lot of my early influences and metal heroes are gone...Dio, Hanneman, Peter Steele, Dimebag, Gar Samuelson, Chuck Schuldiner...
  96. D


    Anybody compared the Carvin to a Matrix?
  97. D

    EQ tips

    I used to have a 2/90 and I can tell you that it colors your tone A LOT! More than most power amps. That's not a bad thing necessarily, if that's the tone you're going for. I found that with the 2/90 most of my presets sounded very similar due to the coloring of the 2/90. I'm basically just...
  98. D

    Headphone for the Axe ques...without a headphone amp

    Really tough to say. Depends on your preferences and what you're used to. For example, if you're used to playing through something that exaggerates lows and highs and you get some headphones with a fairly flat frequency response they'll sound like crap to you at first. I recommend something...
  99. D

    New EV ZLX-112P

    I'm interested in these too. I downloaded the manual. It looks like you can control treble and bass in the DSP control menu. I don't like the fact that you don't really know the details behind the controls (what frequency is being adjusted, what type of filter is used, etc.). If it works it...
  100. D

    Playing the Part of a Sound Engineer

    I use the room parameter in the cab block, mainly when I'm using headphones. For headphone use it's a must IMO. It's also useful when playing at low volumes with monitors, etc. I wouldn't use it (or just very little) for playing live or recording. As far as adding mics, it just depends on...
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